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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/23 in all areas

  1. Ah ok, thanks. I have one of these already, hoped there might be an adaptor for the odin speedloader. XM177 arrived today.
    3 points
  2. I have these... https://www.shopfittingwarehouse.co.uk/shelving-racking/grid-mesh-shelving very adaptable.
    3 points
  3. If you want to feel that you've maximised reliability in your overpriced fragile toy that will fail in 9 other ways anyway if you actually play with it, use bushings. If you want to feel that you've achieved that last 0.1% of performance in your overpriced fragile toy that you'll never objectively measure, use bearings.
    2 points
  4. Yup, they're all equally meaningless, in so much as they profess to waive your rights to redress for injury due to negligence.
    2 points
  5. I had that suggested by faceache too. You can definitely tell who in the comments is an airsofter
    2 points
  6. If it's snug you can prevent the bucking deforming as it's assembled with a little silicone grease. For Airsoft guns, lithium grease for metal and silicone for rubber and plastic. The loads and temperatures are moderate so a moly grease for example is unnecessary and stickyness is probably more important than lubricity etc.
    2 points
  7. As I posted earlier in the thread doxxing has legal ramifications. Might be worth perusing that if it was recent. Agreed, but tbh I don't think you'll find anyone here would would argue against that Good luck with causing him as much hassle as you can
    2 points
  8. Getting ready for my first ever indoor cqb event on Hogmanay Quite looking forward to it
    2 points
  9. My son and I did the deed today and bought our first guns. My son went for a Specna Arms SA-C19 Core Daniel Defence in Chaos Bronze. I had my heart set on the Specna Arms SA-F02 Flex but after handling my sons choice it didn’t feel right. After trying a few different guns I picked up a G&G Raider mark 1 in long barrel. I know it’s old tech but I understand why they’ve been so popular, it felt really nice and solid. As I was buying two guns, batteries, etc he offered me a discount on the raider and I couldn’t resist… They’ve been wrapped up for Christmas now otherwise I’d post some pictures.
    2 points
  10. That site is just filled with gems - must be because of the spelling, but there are no bargains in that bargian bin, only piss takes.
    1 point
  11. No buddy, going to try The Depot on the 31st Then FWG on the 14th
    1 point
  12. "Only shoots full auto right now but it can be fixed and I dont have the time" Tbh I'm more surprised that a fault described as an easy fix actually was
    1 point
  13. One for £150 that only shoots full auto https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/ics-l85a2_i55437 The same gun that shoots on both semi and auto for £200 https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/ics-l85-with-original-working-semi-auto-trigger_i55438
    1 point
  14. I do wonder that given his earlier (pre "going big") wasnt that bad that maybe its a case of wearing the mask long enough to become it? I remember him having more normal gameplay videos, the stuff where he was showing a lot of uncut footage of him being a hedge and occasionally someone would walk by him or he'd take a pot shot. Whilst it felt genuine, it would have been dreadfully boring to watch to someone who didnt play. Then ofc there's the video that gets picked up by the algorithm, a natural cheater encounter, ad revenue starts becoming a thing that exists in a meaningful way and it's a slow decline into having to seek out, then manufacturer drama to keep the clickbait machine fed. But then: Sounds like an equally plausible origin story.
    1 point
  15. Having seen his spawn camping, experienced his cheating as a marshal, and read his bigoted comments, I am pretty sure that he is just an egregious little shit who has found a way of monetising his behaviour.
    1 point
  16. Anything electrical I swear by 12voltplanet. No association just happy customer. https://www.12voltplanet.co.uk/
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Kinda...yeah. I'd have been as well using a 2 tone, I was a chef attached to the RA, passed my marksmanship, cooking breakfast for the senior NCO's one year. Wood effect paint is crap too.
    1 point
  19. I use these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143048166056?hash=item214e55caa8:g:0hQAAOSwyYRcD-CB Link above is for the exact retailer I used back in 2020 when I ordered them. You'll need a terminal crimping tool to do it 'right' though: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154287918094?hash=item23ec46cc0e:g:ACYAAOSwuLJf~InA&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwP135fNtGdaCFCq6K0kaJ9mp%2F%2Foe%2Fp%2FENLgH2qXrLAXibdzuXe5p8aZohafUzuhecIB7sa2m1M5m60lWxcvpdNKLrt6BCgnTLWTtgcjyXCMulj1hCBfZtAIt%2B%2B4LKvufbQM7xvre2RORgq0aKzBNbpVGHwSO5AnqDEdML4IUrVb%2Faab5CGmjH2Ef8kedpCqAwswmA2k8MRkqU7RzH8QuE%2Fto000cukd%2BCZD3KwrAF0A95%2B0hlkQxJAN%2FMPOP3VkPGw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7T_lM6VYw
    1 point
  20. At the Fort? I'll be busy selling steak pies & stew.
    1 point
  21. Merry Christmas to me. I'm now part of the GBBR club. (my GBB pdw's & pistols don't count)
    1 point
  22. <but-why.gif> It's amazing how responsive companies become once you initiate a chargeback via PayPal /your bank / card issuer.
    1 point
  23. I think that's right altho i am just starting my 5th night shift. Remember these are not forces of the gears pushing against each other, they dont as they at times not in contact with each other. The forces are created when the gear teeth mesh at an angle and push at an angle creating forces in 2 or 3 directions. The down arrow for the Middle gear i wrong, it should be up.
    1 point
  24. The heschen female connectors 2.8mm from amazon are good quality compared to some of the rubbish out there. They feel right too. 3.79 for a bag of 100.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Bit late to the party but I remember those days of first AEG, back in 2015 raiders were the choice then as well, I did however go for an ICS UK1R, still use it today, but played once since 2019 😂🤦‍♂️ My 14 yr old has played a game, due to age restrictions, couldn’t go sooner, and loved it, luckily though I’ve amassed a small armoury and wardrobe collection he is almost set but I feel your pain of duplicating most equipment 🙁, I’ve kind of all gone M4 base with the AEGs, even the G36 (ICS G33), takes M4 mags so atleast he can use my hi-caps 😂 just make sure he enjoys it, one thing I would recommend is radios for you both, my worst fear was the ‘cease fire’ call and man down!, I was the only one moving looking for him with that parent fear something had happened to him….found him with another youngster and loads of big kids preparing to storm a building having the time of him life 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ hence radios…!
    1 point
  27. C-Diddy

    GBBR thoughts...

    I use a TM XL speedloader with the built-in pistol adapter, with works a treat with MWS mags. I also use an Odin for AEG M4 mags. I do have the AirTac MWS adapter for the Odin, but still favour the TM loader. I imagine it'd work with VFC mags too, using the pistol adapter.
    1 point
  28. I would ideally like the krytacs ones since they are the only mid caps that have 200 rounds with the stop fire function when emptying. But I have just found a deal on 4 MAG 170 round mid caps that I might pick up instead
    1 point
  29. I did prefer the Dark Chocolate Bounty, never see them any more, must have been discontinued I got a patch today in the post as well
    1 point
  30. Needed a gas block to replace my front iron sights, got this from airsoft world.net and they gave me a free patch and a bounty! Thankfully I don't mind a bounty, controversial topic 😂
    1 point
  31. This has just popped up on my fb feed https://fb.watch/pbK4KFTZMZ/ There's plenty of comments saying what hes really like. Im sure some of you guys have already commented on it! Lol
    1 point
  32. Thanks very much both, if no issues with using it then. I'll give it a light coat of silicone oil to avoid damaging it when putting back together. Cheers
    1 point
  33. Why do you keep boosting something that is never going to sell? The best thing that you could do with this utterly broken toy would be to strip it down, salvage anything that is worth keeping and then cut the body up and put it in the bin.
    1 point
  34. A light coat of silicone will help with sliding the bucking into the hop unit if it's a tight fit. Stops the bucking distorting or tearing.
    1 point
  35. You used a 2 tone in the TA?😁
    1 point
  36. I just spotted it got a few seconds of screen time in USAirsofts latest video Shown near the end, just before the no1 spot Im well chuffed 😂😂
    1 point
  37. Harry Fox

    Kel Tec RDB

    The gun looks like the victim of a three year old armed with crayons and ADHD. I'm not sure you've checked the average price of one of these but £220 is what these guns struggle go for when they're in much better condition. I would suggest putting some research into second hand market value before you try and sell one picture of a somehow worse than two tone gun without a magazine. I don't mean to come off as confrontational but really, it's like it's been dragged through a Friday night in Essex and dunked in the 02:00 technicolour puddle. I would strongly recommend tempering your expectations.
    1 point
  38. Galvatron

    Cheap mp5k in original box

    "I've been as honest as i can, its a fun little full auto side arm/primary at the right site looking for a quick sale or swap, just no longer needed." Have you been as honest as you can or as honest as you are willing to be? The right site for this gun is one that wouldn't allow it in the safe zone if marshals caught wind of its condition. Without a functional safe mode, the gun is a liability in any designated safe zones, just one accidental or careless trigger pull from a stern warning or ban for the owner. It's not a support gun that marshals will look out for to see that you've disconnected the battery before entering the safe zone, regardess of the fact that you remove the mag first. Nobody is "talking for the sake of talking" as you put it, nor are they "worse than tyre kickers". They're talking for the sake of looking out for novices and those otherwise unaware of what to look out for or the value of used airsoft kit, especially when they're guns that have structural and fucntional faults. If somebody else was selling this, would you not think you are being charged a premium to take on a liability that will cost a lot to fix properly? This is why damaged/faulty cars or heavily indebted businesses sell for very little compared to whether those cars were in better working/cosmetic order or if the company wasn't in heavy debt.
    1 point
  39. Not that i'm taking his side, but one wonders if calling out his real name (assuming this to be information he hasn't willingly put out himself) isn't doxxing, or at least doxxing adjacent? As for the rest of his antics, well for me it boils down to this; Because wether he's as big an asshole as he plays on camera, or a saint playing the devil, is irrelevant when the issue is that the persona that gets presented to the world outside our hobby casts it in such a negative light. The last damn thing we need is pr like that because the absolute best case scenario is we get a flood of people joining in with the preconceived notion of that being an acceptable way to act. The worst is one can only imagine the fodder his videos would provide for those who can't stand guns (or gun adjacent activities) and would see them out of the hands of anyone who isn't an actor or a video game sprite.
    1 point

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    Make: Galaxy Gun/Model: G.5K Accessories: stick battery iffy, small battery that sticks to side, high cap mag Condition: used, FPS: site legal, i will chrono when i get a chance if needed Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: maybe, offer away but after cash ideally Price/Payment: £80 all in Pictures: yup Here is my ex's mp5k, she was too short to use a AR comfortably so got her this but now shes gone, this can be too. The trigger contacts died so the site tech replaced them with a micro switch, thus meaning it is only fully auto on all 3 firing selections, when the tech dismantled it to fit the micro switch, the bolt behind the magwell broke, theres enough of it for the ghn to work fine, but obviously needs mentioning, if stripping you can just push it through. I stuck some velcro to the side to attache a battery, as the stick battery is a tight fit and doesnt last long at all, but i will include. She fell over while playing at one point and the front end (front sight block) snapped off, damaging the cocking lever, this has been simewhat repair and you can still HK slap it if desired but its abit finicky. The front has been glued by on with gorilla glue with a bit of black duct tape to cover and add abit of support but not really needed tbh. I think thats about everything. I've been as honest as i can, its a fun little full auto side arm/primary at the right site looking for a quick sale or swap, just no longer needed. There has been deliberation about the price of these new and my asking price. These are out of stock world wide, you cant get one brand new for any amount, am sick of people telling me they are £85 brand new these was £170 when i got it thats a true representation of its value.


    - GB

    1 point
  41. Very nice indeed.
    1 point
  42. 55DACE8D-1840-4B61-B366-CB5203F1A2F6.MOV
    1 point
  43. I know this is an old thread just thought to put my input. I have two 7.24 lipos that have been in storage mode for the past 2-3 years from when I played last using the skyrc charger. Plugged them in recently and still reading 3.81v per cell on both batteries, charged and discharged fine ready for airsoft next year. My understanding storage mode puts the cells to 3.85v No bulging in them either, just stayed within a lipo safe bag.
    1 point
  44. wrapping up my sons gun for Santa I found this in the box. Looks like we are good to go!
    1 point
  45. LMT MWS GBB guccid I guess
    1 point
  46. Just taken delivery of the BAR, and it was so worth the 6 years wait to find one and have the money for it 😂 Sadly the stock mounting screws seem to have shitted themselves in transport so it's holding on for dear life but that seems to be common anyway. Can't wait to use it next month. * And in typical fashion, I buy an LMG and then find something else I've been after. Found the only ICS M1 Garand in stock in the UK (I believe), one left... Not any more. My bank account is going to hate me 😭
    1 point
  47. Fire-Support have had loads of money out of me over the years (probably tipping into the several thousands now) and I've not had any problems. They are one of the oldest airsoft retailers in UK.
    1 point
  48. It's not a license 🤯
    1 point
  49. couldn’t resist adding one of these to the GBBR collection
    1 point
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