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  1. 7 points
  2. matter been resolved. they sent me my p2 acro plus few more things with free shipping I've requested. very friendly people just bit unorganised I think . wasn't that bad experience I will try them again if needed.
    2 points
  3. Reckon a Warq helmet would be ideal here. I've used one for a couple of years now and wouldn't go back to the eyepro/facepro/hat modular approach. The only downside is getting down on the sights as the helmet projects out too far to get a cheek weld. The work around is to use a 45 degree riser, looks a bit odd but works perfectly. Probably of more use for cqb where the likelyhood of a close range headshot is greater. Unfortunately the prices have gone through the roof in recent years.
    2 points
  4. Forgive me for I have sinned. I watched one of his videos recently. I'm sorry. Only because it had a gas blowback FAL in it and I had a weak moment. He was, however in Germany. Maybe he might stay there.....
    2 points
  5. Afraid I dont know anyone with a laser engraver though in future I may be picking one up for the workshop. Thats a long way off though. Right now Im working on a home made tag grenade launcher based on the msbs grot grenade launcher so Ive not worked on the bren at all. Also very easily distracted >_>
    2 points
  6. My new snake is 3.13 feet long. It's a pi-thon...
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Relatable... except for the the first 4 lines.
    2 points
  9. If a girl looked at me when I was in my twenties it was because I was up with all the fashions. If a girl looked at me when I was in my thirties it was because I was toned and muscular. If a girl looked at me when I was in my forties it was because I was experienced and debonair. If a girl looked at me when I was in my fifties it was because I looked distinguished and worldly wise. Now I'm in my late sixties and a girl looks at me, I look down to check that I have remembered to put my trousers on. ☹️
    2 points
  10. I prob paid over the odds for this unicorn but it was on my bucket list & I regret nothing... p.s. assume I'm left handed & not that I turned the hook the wrong way.
    2 points
  11. Lozart

    Sling Lenght...?

    I think the point that everyone is missing here is that the sling techniques that apply to firearms don't really apply to airsoft. Putting tension on the sling is usually to help with stability and recoil control. Airsoft guns really don't have that problem. Set up the sling however is comfortable for YOU. If you want more tension on it, have more tension on it. If you want room to maneuvre the gun about have less tension on it. If you want both, get an adjustable sling.
    2 points
  12. C-Diddy

    Sling Lenght...?

    I've done that dance thanks 😂
    1 point
  13. After purchasing such frivolities, I think you should resell that Elcan to offset the drop in funds. *cough*
    1 point
  14. Duff Beer

    Sling Lenght...?

    I’ve used pretty much all of the different sling types around, and easily the best across every size of gun I have is the adjustable two point sling. Back in the day I used to like a three point, but the flexibility it gives has been matched by the adjustable sling without any of the faff. For those who like the flexibility of a single point sling an adjustable sling can be loosened to let the gun move around a lot in awkward or tight environments, but if dropped doesn’t turn into the Nut Puncher 3000 like a single point does. Equally, if you want to tighten it up for more stability (or being restrained uncomfortably is your vibe) you can do really easily and quickly. I use the Ferro Concepts slingster, but anything that gets close to the design is a good shout.
    1 point
  15. Which moves the point of trust to UKARA, which is... a corporate entity? A limited company? A sole trader? A very small shell script? 🤷‍♂️ I expect almost all sites do have PLI, but if a site is openly flaunting what I understand is a common clause - prevent deliberate face shots - by hosting Licking Mustard, it does get me wondering. Ah, it seems so. What got me wondering was pondering what would happen if a marshal got blinded or fell down a hole. They claim against the site's public liability insurance, the insurer says "Oh, you were providing services in return for payment, or payment-in-kind? Then you're an employee, not our problem." It'll never happen, until it happens, of course.
    1 point
  16. Some real police setups that spring to mind; I've never persued such a setup for my airsoft kit so I've no idea how to make it happen but anything is possible with glue and/or 3d printers. HOWEVER, that's a lot of faff and just not having a stock/only using a folded stock in the folded position is quite possibly a much better option, particularly since our gats have no recoil, huge magazines and every shot is an instant tracer.
    1 point
  17. Nick G

    WE XM177 Only Dry Fires

    The RA Tech parts can be hit and miss. A mate has steel bolt in his and it's fine. My steel bolt is in the spares draw and I'm using the WE one as mine just doesn't cycle right with the RA Tech. The trigger parts can also be iffy, I've had ones that work first time and ones I've had to fettle. Wouldn't bother with the nozzle, stick to a WE one with either an NPAS or restrictor disk fitted. TBH the only parts I've had to replace are on the mate's L119 A2 and the failures were down to user error rather than the WE parts ( someone charged it when it was in safe) Both my L119's are still all WE internals with the exception of the trigger parts in my A1 which I fitted because I had them rather than any issues. My 119's are my go to guns and both get alot of year round use with gas to suit the temperature , and I've not had any failures. Maple leaf rubber and Omega nubs fitted to them and a Crazy jet barrel is worth looking at.
    1 point
  18. Adolf Hamster

    Sling Lenght...?

    3 point slings can sometimes work on certain guns, the sa80 or f2000 for example. But for a regular ar or ak? Quick adjust 2 point all day
    1 point
  19. What do you call an artist with a brown finger? Picasshole
    1 point
  20. BigStew

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    possibly the nicest AEG i have ever held.
    1 point
  21. Warq are out of the business of selling to us mere peasant airsofters - moving to LE/Military contracts for force-on-force training exclusively: And good luck getting spare lenses etc... doesn't sound like they are particularly helpful with supplying them.
    1 point
  22. I would prefer the kit to go to somebody who will use it as well... I know it's mental gear as well for Airsoft and whilst I'm not fussed losing a bit on it... When it gets to +£3k that's a lot of money isn't it. There's bits like the Revision Caiman Bump Mandible that's super rare. I got it at launch ordering two for myself and a active serviceman....... I'll dig it out this weekend and post some more indepth pics and prices.
    1 point
  23. Yes. I thought so too, I didn't even try to haggle. *inserts Family Guy Credit Card clip* No chance, it's one of the few shotties I wanted in my collection. You're welcome to try tho, I'll be at POW on the 19th lol.
    1 point
  24. Yup I've used accu for a few hard to find fasteners 👍
    1 point
  25. I did some serious low balling! I can easily believe £9-12k for everything listed. If you're not in need of the money fast, definitely sell off individually or smaller sensible chunks where possible. You'll end up with more cash, the items will be to people who will actually use them (and some aren't easy to find), much better than giving a chunk to a middle man. Personally, I have never dealt with kit pest (he's just about the only person I know of who might be able to take on so much high end kit for flipping), he seems nice enough on a WhatsApp group I'm in and his prices don't seem terrible, but no idea what he pays for kit, could be pence on the pound.
    1 point
  26. This is why adjustable slings are king. You can leave it loose for unimpeded movement, then tighten it down if you want to switch to a pistol, or (more realistically) stand around having a chinwag with your mates 😁
    1 point
  27. Rogerborg

    Sling Lenght...?

    Well, if we're going to veer back on topic, I do prefer to run a bit on the bondage rather than the floppy side as I find it helps with holding up our super-heavy plastic toys over the course of a day. C-clamping is mostly pretendy for our purposes, but, well, that's what we're all doing, right? 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  28. I run a set up you might find interesting/useful. It's a modern ops core helmet, the carbon so it has vents in it for ventilation. I then connect my mesh face mask to the top of the chin strap from the helmet, around where my temples are using the s binder type carabineers. This means it's effectively free floating in front of my face. I then use the strap that is meant to go around the head hold it on so that it goes round the back of neck, pulling it close into my face. Means there is minimal contact with my face, mouth and nose coverage and with a higher mount, can still see down my red dot (use a clone of the scalar 1.93, though the clones of the unity style are even higher).
    1 point
  29. If you're going down the visor route you might want to double check the site is ok with it. Many have a large gap at the bottom so they may insist you wear glasses too, especially if the visor can be rsised
    1 point
  30. I'd avoid buying any PPE that's second hand. You don't know the history of it and could be buying something that'll fail when hit due to previous use, even if it looks ok
    1 point
  31. Lozart

    Baofeng ar-152

    That is now the official accepted term.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. That boy is clearly on pharmaceutical grade bolivian marching powder
    1 point
  34. Absolutely right. To me, airsoft is about a bunch of (mostly) grown-ups playing dress-up and running around like toddlers on tartrazine, shooting each other and having a bloody good laugh at ourselves. I like seeing new players at site get bitten by the bug, learning off the experienced heads, showing off guns and gear, and generally being huge nerds. I don't see us as any different to model railway enthusiasts, stamp collectors or any other hobby that has a passionate, niche following. Boasting about hurting people, especially "noobs," generating drama where there is none or generally just being an obnoxious tit does nothing to take the hobby forward.
    1 point
  35. Tommo92

    WTB lipo charger

    I got one off ebay for 30 quid new dude 👍
    1 point
  36. X4 IKEA pegboard and a shelf to create my armoruy display. Happy either how it turned out
    1 point
  37. Lozart

    Sling Lenght...?

    Peasant weirdo.
    0 points
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