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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/23 in all areas

  1. Unexpectedly good news to report! Well firstly, no plastic involved... CNC'd aluminium upper receiver, and so 'monolithic' in its length that there was nothing else on the gun to paint. Secondly. It only bloomin' blinkin' well worked perfectly. The blue just washed off in the soapy water! I 'encouraged' it a bit with the toothbrush in some of the harder to reach bits, but it basically wiped off, leaving the underlying black paintwork in as-new condition. A good blast from the garden hose to really clean it out, and job done! Perhaps this was a special case, as the paintwork seems to be a very nice quality, but I'm definitely going to try the brake fluid again, if I buy another two-tone gun. "Can you tell what it is yet?" I'll post on the What Have You Just Bought thread later, but have to rush off to footy now
    5 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Rogerborg

    Useful Legal Info

    Thanks, and credit to him for covering it, even as a sales pitch[*]. Nothing wrong there, he's essentially reading out the same statues and regulations as we have in the legal section here. However, not mentioning S19 (simple public possession of a RIF or IF, requiring the active defence of a reasonable excuse) is a whopping big omission. And I'd really have liked to heard some case law - that's what we're lacking. Still, if it brings a few more pedants into the hobby, I'll welcome them. [*] Hearing that "his mate was in the SBS" doesn't alter my impression that this chap's self image may be a few rungs above strict mundane reality.
    3 points
  4. I just painted over mine. Halfords OD camo paint worked a treat.
    2 points
  5. 1st time at the new Depot in Glasgow on Saturday. Have to say brilliant day. Blues seemed to have home team advantage (I got lost a lot), but brilliant play all round, Marshalls did a great job. I foolishly took off a top layer and my chest is covered welts. Remembered why I love airsoft.
    2 points
  6. Worth a punt - I would try to fill with JB weld or similar and then re-drill the hole. Not sure how long it would last as a fix though - whilst it doesn't rotate more than 45 degress, the ARL is under (shear?) load which is probably why the hole distorted in the first place. Replacement shells can be found here: https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gg-version-2-gearbox-case-blow-back-version The G&G Blowback Gearboxes are notoriously poor for longevity. Whacking a higher power spring into one is a recipe for trouble - there's a good chance of cracking the entire front off, or at least cracking around air transfer hole to the pneumatic piston. I would be sticking with M95/100 springs and looking into other guns if higher performance is required.
    2 points
  7. Yup spotted this a couple of days ago and was going to post it myself. But I watched it yesterday and wasn't so sure about it. I presume there's going to be a part 2 to this because it was all really preamble, no real meat to it, and actually just acted as a lead-up to the advert for the combat training. I like the black belt lawyer videos so expect he will get to the useful stuff eventually... I'm hoping he'll cover the grey area that is shooting in your own garden, for instance, where we aren't covered by 3rd party insurance, and might attract the wrong sort of attention from the neighbours. (I might add a comment to the video to that effect)
    2 points
  8. Just having a beer after a good day's play at Combat Airsoft Thetford which was really busy. Nice big play fields meant that it didn't feel too congested. My first time using my own rifle so that felt good, she's a big heavy lump though. Gives the old wrists a workout I guess. My new gloves had to come off because I couldn't wind the magazines with them and I need to figure out shoulder transitions with the sling but I worked around it in the tighter areas OK. Highlights; a hilarious "assault" on our position to retrieve the objective. We're dug in, probably fifteen of us. Smoke goes in from the enemy and only three dudes attack and get absolutely hosed with bb's. Poor souls Tried out being a bit sneakier and working with one of our teams bolt action guys to hold down a flank to great success. Normally i charge about a lot more so it was interesting to see how tense the sniping type game is Trying to be a bit steadier in general instead of just racing about was good too, I think helped by the extra range and accuracy. Still had a couple of suicide charges though, including one where I got the last defender but he got me too so I couldn't claim the objective! Gonna go back in a few weeks for their battle-sim event and try being out all day non-stop, sounds a bit intimidating but if you don't try you never know eh!
    2 points
  9. Gask99

    Gun picture thread

    Retro rifles 👌
    2 points
  10. I've never taken an ugly woman to bed. I've woken up with a few mind....
    1 point
  11. Why was Darth Vader referred to as Lord Vader? Because calling him Master Vader made all the stormtroopers giggle
    1 point
  12. A man walks into a chemist and asks “Have you got something for severe laryngitis?” The chemist looks at him and says “Good morning sir. Can I help you?"
    1 point
  13. Is that similar to 2 weeks?
    1 point
  14. Just bought a WE M14EBR, spent half a month searching for it and finally got it.
    1 point
  15. Just what the market needs, another tarted up 1911...
    1 point
  16. It could be a bit late ….. but if parts are still in a bath of chemicals keep a good eye on it all Back in the mists of time I was planning to repaint model soldiers which had been drowned in paint by someone else I dutifully tested some and all was good, paint softened and could be brushed off with no effect on the figures Then I put them into a bath of thinner (in the garden to be wise about fumes() and stepped away …. After a couple of hours the thinner was looking like soup, I reached in and lifted out sagging moulten figures ……
    1 point
  17. It was, until a certain trading block made us remove dichloromethane / methylene chloride from domestic paint strippers in 2016. You could then buy the stuff neat on eBay, but that's been nixxed now too. Some industrial sellers are still flogging it, but only in bulk, or with postage that far exceeds the cost of the product. If the brake fluid doesn't get it all, then acetone or isopropanol might work, depending on what's in the paint. I'd do an isopropanol clean before re-painting anyway.
    1 point
  18. I mean...paint stripper is made to strip paint so.... Brake fluid will do the job but probably not quite as well as something designed for the task. Scrubbing/rubbing/agitating (call it what you will) will help but make sure you wear decent gloves. Make sure you properly wash the brake fluid off too, otherwise you'll have problems with paint adhesion when you respray it.
    1 point
  19. Wrong section this needs to go in the sales sub forum
    1 point
  20. JinxDuh

    brands to avoid

    Agreed. I bought their spitfire mk1 for a GROM kit and it’s bloody lovely. Well worth the money tbh, just wish their pouches was in stock more often. 😂
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Sadly we all know that if this wasn't an april fools it'd still end up being a Raven 1911 with some wonky trades sold for a ridiculous price in a really nice box.
    1 point
  23. So I posted that I work with a bunch of massive cunts and Facebook got the wrong idea
    1 point
  24. I just spent £20- on a belt that doesn't fit. What a huge waist!
    1 point
  25. I suspect that you meant to post this on Facebook and Reddit.
    1 point
  26. RAF Luton's Twitter account is a personal favourite of mine.
    1 point
  27. That's quite a specific kink and a perfect example of rule 34
    1 point
  28. Good day on Saturday at Special Ops Allegedly around 60 people in the morning, I think it was a little less than that, but better fewer than too many... I took my DE and my sniper rifle, and also my old TM AK47S and my TM AUG HC for a change. I soon realised I didn't have enough sniper ammo and Carlos didn't sell any, so ditched that idea. In the morning I took the AUG out to play. With the new hop rubber it was shooting nicely on 0.25s, but it was windy day. Luckily the high-ish rate of fire can make up for a bit of wind drift The only problem I found with it was it's such good fun I was burning through the ammo too fast. I swapped over to the DE once I'd used up most of 0.25s, as I'd only got 0.32s with me and I didn't think the TM would have enough oomph to lift those. The DE as usual was great, though it was windy enough that even the 0.28s were moving around a bit A few complaints about bullet-proof players ... it seems there were a bunch of Spanish who turned up and didn't seem to understand what 'one BB' means. Maybe they were thinking about 'Juan Beeby' (baddum-tish) Oh well, I didn't have any problem with them personally, and they left at lunchtime. Carlos fed us cheeseburgers AND hot dogs for lunch. A special mention as to how appreciated the 'free' (i.e. built-in to the upfront fee) tea / coffee, lunchtime food, and unlimited bottles of water (which are out on the game area for easy access) are. Compare that to my previous trip to RIFT where all that stuff was extra. In the afternoon the AK got a run out. I've only got a couple of old TM hi caps for that, and they may be showing their age - a lot of winding to get not many pews. Maybe I'm just too used to flash mags now. The gun shot well but on a 7.4v Lipo pushing the old motor it's a little chuggy. So after a while (and once I'd exhausted the 0.25s in the two mags, and the few left over from the AUG), back to the DE. Burned through the remaining 0.28s in that, and then tried the fresh bottle of 0.32s - wow, they hit nice and hard, and fly straight 👍 The player count was much lower (I think down to 12-a-side at the end), and this led to some great opportunities to do some 'hero runs'. I ran out of battery in my DE at one point (Dan - it seems my 4 round burst fire is as draining as binary), switched to pistol-only and managed a couple of good kills with that. Great fun. Decent weather (it had rained the night before but the mud was laughably minimal compared to RIFT), good people, looking forward to the next one!
    1 point
  29. Just because……. 😻
    1 point
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