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  1. You have two pieces of negative feedback. One from @DaktariT who has made a perfectly reasonable comment here, so I doubt you're referring to him. The other is from @Tommo92who joined in August and who has had zero interaction with this forum other than with your advert, and is vanishingly unlikely to be reading this. Perhaps having a generalised rant about this whole forum based on one person who is only tenuously a member might not be the best way to win friends and influence people.
    5 points
  2. Dude, please, I'm asking nicely: Shut the fuck up. I don't want a VFC FAL 😭 I don't I don't I don't! Stop making me want one!
    2 points
  3. Again, outsider view, but all I'm seeing is someone with bad feedback having a rant about how bad this forum is. It casts you in a VERY bad light.
    2 points
  4. Oooooooooh I'm so happyyyyyyyy. The foliage has finally receded at Worthing Airsoft and the sight lines are back to being long. There's enough foliage for cover and concealment, but it's no longer the woodland CQB of the summer months. I didn't manage to play nearly as much as I wanted to because it's amazing what difference 5 degree celcius makes. The 1.1J m700 just wasn't having it today; if it's much higher than 1.1J, it sends .48s into the sky, but if it's too much lower it doesn't get enough traction to hop the BB effectively, and in today's 10 degree celcius temperatures it was around 0.7J, which wasn't enough. Spent the rest of the day tweaking the 2J m700 (which I was very very very happy with), but next weekend I'm bringing the HPA VSR back out as my mags for the m700 were absolutely freezing cold all day. With the sight lines opened up, it's time to bring out all the 2.3J builds! Also, haven't used the mp7 in about 9 months and it still floats BBs out to 45m. It may be an AEP, it may only be about 0.6J, it may be totally stock, but TM hop up never disappoints! Having a full auto electric SMG in a holster as a secondary during the winter months is so useful.
    2 points
  5. My warranty is I know his address 😂
    2 points
  6. A spooky ghost?
    2 points
  7. I asked my mate Bo what it's like living in North Korea. He said he can't complain.
    2 points
  8. Emergencychimps


    This and this again. Airsofters love chatting about guns, gear etc and their choices. Be warned though, getting them to shut up can be a challenge.
    2 points
  9. Another day at NTAC. Complete opposite to the last visit despite the cold combined with drizzle/light rain. First time with new bucking, nub and barrel in my LVOA. First game was attacking and defending a hill with trenches. We defended well but failed on the attack. Got a fair few kills and surprised by some of the longer ranged kills I managed to get however my BBs appear to be hooking right so I may need to double check the fitment of my nub in case it's sitting slightly uneven or off to one side. Might even try a Prometheus flat hop nub. Ate shit when I stepped back and fell into fucking trench, luckily only a marshall and one other saw my pride smash into smithereens. Second game was 'capture the flags' with 7 flags in the CQB area. Had good fun throwing about pyro and some good kills on the attack and defence, especially getting shot to shit against one guy holed up in a tiny single entrance room that contained the last flag. The level of gameplay was one of the highest i've had minus one guy and another rental blind firing. The rental I can forgive however the other guy appeared to be a one off after I swore loudly enough for the marshall to turn his head. Other than a couple of kids generally playing like they were going to be hit real bullets, the day was great. Only real negative about the day was that it ended at lunch due to players leaving. The couple of rentals left (can only assume they were half day) and the a lot of others left too. Again, assuming they had stuff they needed to do being the time of year. It left around 10 players. We decided to bail as 5v5 wasn't going to be our thing. On a somewhat related note; the site have since posted an update saying they'll no longer accept bookings without payment due to 10+ players not confirming for the next (or both) day(s) and confirmed player numbers were so low, it'd be pointless and they had to cancel. They're now talking about going back to one weekend per month during the winter which I totally understand but it is a shame. They did however talk about using some weekends to rebuild some areas for lower player number days which would be great because it's definately the type of game I prefer. I just wish they'd have some areas that are more than ground floor and build another storey to their CQB area but that requires a lot more work.
    1 point
  10. VFC G3 GBBR with 4 mags. Bloke never fielded it, box covered in dust. Absolutely brand spanking.
    1 point
  11. LOL, well its ok, there are none available bar 2 left at JD Airsoft at £750 (though you do get a spare mag an NPAS pre fitted). I imported mine from HK, worth every penny. And certainly no mags to be found.....its fucking brilliant though.
    1 point
  12. Actually went to a skirmish for once at Free Fire Zone near Bourne, only 30 players but the small teams made it a fun day. Rocked my MWS in the morning and got some ridiculous shots with it before switching to the new VFC FAL in the afternoon. OMFG that thing is brilliant. Absolute tack driver out to 60m+. Consistently outranged every AEG on the field. Who said you can't use gas guns in winter?
    1 point
  13. Bloody marvelous day at Red Alert Newbury. K/D was very respectable, the right way round. My first time out with the SSG-10 and I bloody love it. Tired and happy. Happy I use a cover on my Hawke!
    1 point
  14. My first re-usable pyro.
    1 point
  15. @Shamal I had seen that one and very nearly got it but hesitated then when I had that one in my hands in the shop I just gave in 😂 I'm surprised it's still for sale. Though realistically I would only pay up to 110 for a used one no matter its apparent history. As tackle said... no warranty.
    1 point
  16. Freight shipping costs from China are indeed back to where they were before Covid or even below. Shipping companies (as in the people who run the ships rather than shipping agents) are reducing the number of voyages in an attempt to prevent their income collapsing completely by. With many factories in China closed because of the constant lockdowns and a slump in demand, there is more shipping capacity than is needed. However, with Winnie the Pooh now secure in his third term in office, it seems that the lockdown policy in China is easing, so more product might be available soon.
    1 point
  17. For anybody who doesn't know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator,the alligator is the one next to the crocodile 👍
    1 point
  18. GAMBLE


    Hi, ALL! 👋 Day 2, Scavs sharing loot and making plans! 🤪 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  19. Wot, you mean like "MY" G14 you nabbed 😢 You snooze you lose mate 😜🤣
    1 point
  20. My battle buddy picked one up at the nae in August for £75. I was very impressed with it. Wish I had seen it first 😡 Enjoy it when you get some co2 👍 Regards
    1 point
  21. Well if you use the same formula as me your order was around the £900 mark 😂😂
    1 point
  22. It's optional, so disable it? https://airsoft-forums.uk/settings/account-security
    1 point
  23. I have done hundreds of purchases and sales on various airsoft forums and Facebook. Not once has it ever turned to threats or abusive messages and that includes times where I've taken too long to post items due to life getting in the way, it happens. Airsoft seems to attract scammers, they are rife, especially from people who have little or no feedback. They are not cheap items that are in that sort of grey area while not being serious cash (thousands) that could attract proper police attention. Buyers and sellers should be aware of this, they should therefore act accordingly, the minimum of which is reasonable comms and reasonable posting times. Buyers should do some sort of due diligence and sellers need to demonstrate they aren't scammers. If you've received threatening or abusive messages from more than one person I'd suggest you're the issue. As has been mentioned if you have the time to list an item, take people's cash and then not have the time to either post it relatively promptly or respond to messages asking where their item is (or even better, manage their expectations regarding postage, "I'm away with work for the next x amount of days, it'll be posted on...." ) etc then maybe you shouldn't be listing them?! What might be a low value item of little consequence to you could represent a lot of hard work and saving for that person and you being too busy with other things you deem more important than pewing despite taking their cash or communicating isn't really on. Life does happen, accidents and emergencies happen, people can be numpties but with smart phones, emails and the forum are available 24/7 from pretty much anywhere and a quick message doesn't take long. Whatever is going on, I hope it improves for You, threats to you and your family arent acceptable and you probably have a point that people should have a bit of slack/understanding for other humans.
    1 point
  24. A minute out of your time to saying you are busy and won't be able to post out wouldn't go a miss.
    1 point
  25. Tackle

    More to life than pewing !

    Not entirely sure how your kit sales have escalated to threats against you & your family (which obviously isn't acceptable) but then I don't know who you've been dealing with, nor the tone of of messages between you & your buyers. I will also agree that yes, life is more important & does get in the way of airsoft...... BUT If you've got time to put sales threads up, give out your payment details & take the money, then you need to get the gear sent out in a prompt manner. Edit: i should add that if "life", or more to the point, emergencies, do prevent you from getting stuff posted, you need to be 100% transparent about this & keep buyers in the loop. This place is full of members with loads of great feedback, & for good reason😏
    1 point
  26. Sorry to hear its been tough, and certainly when it comes to sales a little bit of patience on both sides goes a long way. But given the circumstances it sounds like you've got enough on your plate that dealing with the expectations of buyers is too much. Perhaps stepping back and just pulling any sales ads is the way forward. I've been out of the hobby for pretty much a year now and i still havent got around to flogging the last bits of kit because as you put it, life outside of airsoft is taking enough of my energy right now. Unless you really need to sell gear to balance the books then there's no harm in letting it sit a while.
    1 point
  27. Outsider view point: You say you've sold and bought a lot but you have only two pieces of feedback. Randomly calling someone a nonce on your profile is not a good look. Pretty serious claims about the threats. Why not escalate that issue, appropriately?
    1 point
  28. Little update for you guys. Charger turned up earlier this week and I thought I’d give it a quick spin tonight. Really happy with it for the money! Great little charger that is more or less plug and play. Once you’ve set the charge voltage and charge current, literally plug in the battery, charger assesses the load and starts charging. Shows you all the information you need, and once it’s done it automatically stops charging. Last used settings are saved too so, next time (provided you’re charging the same or similar battery) just plug it in and away it goes. Recommended for anyone looking for a cheap little charger.
    1 point
  29. Was it filmed in Sandford? ”…farmers, farmers mum’s…” (I am not mentioning the greater good)
    1 point
  30. “I’m a lead farmer mutha’ fooka” “Well, l’m just a Melon farmer”
    1 point
  31. Rogerborg


    Ahoy and welcome. Mmm, airsoft can look like it's over-burdened with overweight, overgrown kids, but... no, wait, I'll think myself out of this hole somehow. 🤔 Don't take it too seriously and it can be great fun, and I include gear and toy gun choices in that. At the end of the day, everything is a 6mm BB blowgun and you can be competitive with even the cheapest CYMAs until you're sure that you're going to stick with it.
    1 point
  32. Pollynator_bravo2


    Welcome. I’ve found that anyone who tries this sport is instantly hooked. Our team grew from 2 to 14 members in less than a year. It is great for the body and mind and for getting nice little red dots when your getting hit haha. good luck playing and finding your desired kit
    1 point
  33. Cannonfodder


    Welcome to the madness. We're a friendly bunch here and won't bite (well, not unless you ask nicely) so if there's anything you're unsure about just ask and I'm sure someone will be able to help. I recommend getting your site membership (it's not a license) sorted before buying anything gun shaped as it'll help you decide what suits your needs best, eg I prefer carbines or smgs over longer rifles. Plus you won't have to buy a two tone. Also if you see anyone using something you like the look of dont be afraid to ask them about it as airsofters love to show of their kit and they'll probably let you fire off a few shots too
    1 point
  34. Will bear this in mind for my new G3 I just bought today
    1 point
  35. Personally, I’d have used the Mk1 human mouth via telephone (do you remember them 😂) A quick chat with a store member might have sorted that out The human touch goes long way in this faceless virtual “click to cart” world that the instagram / TikTok generation are growing up in
    1 point
  36. I strongly recommend Revision Sawfly glasses with their own prescription inserts. I have used them for a few years now, along with either Cat Crap or Absolutely Clear anti fog, although the Revision wipes are good as well. If you go for the Sawflys, use the MAX lenses to give your eyes extra flank protection. They will stop a shotgun blast, so at least your eyes will survive as the rest of your head disintegrates!
    1 point
  37. Had an great day of getting shot at, thoroughly enjoyed charging around the woods today. 100% confident I got pewed more than I pewed anyone else but not gonna worry about that Only slight issue was my glasses fogged up pretty badly and kinda ruined one game. I might see about getting the shooting glasses style with the prescription inserts, does anyone have any help on that eye protection for glasses wearers front please?
    1 point
  38. Just got home from a great private game at UCAP tunnels in Portsmouth. I took my 1.1J spring VSR with me, much to basically everyone's confusion as the tunnels are very CQB, as well as the mp9 and the mk23, one on each hip, as the ammo weight limit was .28s at most and they are some of my guns that can use .28s and not overhop as I typically play woodland and build for .32s. We were encouraged to bring LARP weapons, as only LARP weapons could kill the juggernauts that would be coming out, plus it's a bit of silly fun swatting each other with foam hammers and the like, so I packed my rubber knife too. Through the morning I made my presence very known and just held corridors. I would find a nice pitch black spot and just hold down the corridor in front of me, preventing the other team advancing down the tunnel I was watching. Was it the most practical gun? Hell no, but I was doing it as a partial joke as everyone knows me at Worthing Airsoft as a sniper and it did have it's uses; it wasn't entirely useless as some of those corridors are very long and having a gun built for range, accuracy and silence turned out to be quite the boon to our team. We were getting hammered in the morning, but I was at least holding down one of a potential 5 or so avenues of attack for them which was all I wanted to do and the best way for me to contribute. I don't really do CQB and I'm a 6'5 weight lifter; those tunnels are not built for me 😂 However, after lunch I had to change tactics. The other team had a juggernaut and constantly used him to push into our base to steal an objective we managed to recover nice and early, so I couldn't use the bolt action to hold corridors because the juggernaut was just coming down with a minigun and enemy players using him as cover. We held them off for a long time though, considering they were being escorted by a juggernaut and managed to hold onto the objective for an hour or so. I managed to learn by being a sneaky sniper eavesdropping from the shadows that only one person on their team could move the objective, so I started targeting her, waiting for the juggernaut to pass as I hid away and then ambushing the players who could be shot. The mk23 and mp9 really showed their worth, taking shots from concealment with the mk23, but pulling the mp9 as soon as I needed a bit of a snappier gun. Even managed to get a melee kill on the juggernaut (the only way to kill them), hiding in a dark room as he came down the corridor and quietly stabbing with the rubber knife as he walked past. We managed to pull out a win at the end of the day when my friend decided to go out with only a melee weapon. He crept around the entire enemy team and cleared them out with melee kills, allowing the rest of our team to push up and detonate the bomb. In the meantime, another team made not one, but two raids on the enemy base and stole all their objectives. After receiving a bit of a hiding for most of the day, we managed to pull out a sizeable win in the final moments which was nice My main gripe was the ammo limit, but otherwise the rules were great and made the game super fun. The ammo limit was 600 BBs per life, which in the tunnels basically just meant a lot of trigger spam down corridors; I probably would've done 300 (which was what we had at the last private game we played there) just so it wasn't quite so spammy. All in all I had a really good day, even though it was very much not my type of game. Helped that this time our respawn was the other side of the site to where my team spawned in the last private game we ran there, so I got to experience the other side. Just going to say, and any of the UCAP bunker regulars will know what I mean, but the toilet block is such a great place to ambush from! I was moving through there with the mk23 causing absolute havoc on the enemy team as they tried pushing into our base. Next time, I'll bring something a little more practical. I'll bring my SR-25 or my m21 instead so I at least have semi-auto instead of a bolt action
    1 point
  39. Oh god I've made that mistake before. I charged the batteries, put them in my gun bag, then changed my mind and put my guns in a hard case and left the batteries in the bag.
    1 point
  40. Deva

    Forum Rules

    Anyone not cohering with these rules will face a suspension, ban or deletion of their account, this includes all posts and topics. The Guidelines • Search There is a search feature on this forum that will help you to find information that may have already been posted up. Often people experience very similar problems so the chances are that your question has already been answered is highly likely. Regulars to the forums will usually be aware if your question has already been answered several times before, so some may become annoyed you didn't use the search feature. There is a three character minimum length for searching, i.e. MP5, hpa, fps. Try using different search terms to get more results. • Giving advice Give solid advice only if you are sure what you are talking about. Don't mislead people as at best you are risking their money, and at worst, you are risking their safety. It's much better to say your only guessing and let others add to your answer than to lead the person into doing something wrong, and coming back and pointing the finger at you. • Post in the appropriate sub-forums If you want to chat about the latest Airsoft releases, do it in "Latest News". If you are new to the forums and want to ask a question, it might be best in the "Advice & Technical Help" forum. If you want to sell something, the "Classifieds" forums are the place to announce it. Basically, have a look at all the categories and post where you think your topic will be best suited. • Use descriptive titles for new topics Posting a topic with the title "Look here!", or "Please help", will not attract the attention of the users. If you use titles like "JG G36C gearbox problem", or "New gun from ICS!", more people will view your post and will know what they are about look at. Do not post titles in ALL CAPS, do not post misleading titles ("clickbait"). • Use good English and check your spelling! "1337-Speak" should also not be used on these boards. Nor should "text speak", use your word processing software to check for basic spelling and grammar errors, we aren't looking for the best English, but it is a lot easier to read a checked post, than another like, "hi, wel i av a prob wiv me gun u c nd i dnt no wot 2 do". Adding punctuation, full stops and commas make it easier to read. • Use Personal Mail (PM) Instead of posting in a Sales / Swaps topic which will cause it to 'bump' that topic just use your PM to communicate asking and answering questions. Sellers should be aware that any post, for whatever reason (especially answering questions or making a comment), that are before the 7 days is considered a bump. If you cannot receive PM then try deleting some old ones to free up space. • Caps lock Do not post in all Caps lock as it looks like you are shouting at somebody and is also very annoying to read. Topic and advert titles are to be in normal sentence case, not in all CAPITALS. • Don't post duplicate topics Multiple topics started about the same thing may be deleted, merged or moved at the moderators' or my discretion. If you intend on using the Classifieds forum you must read and follow the rules • Use "Smileys" effectively "Smileys" can be used in your forum posts. If you are joking about something, use them to help indicate that your statement was made humorously. They can be used to indicate your mood and show that something was not meant to be taken seriously. If you don't use them, people will assume you are being serious. 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Retailers / shops are not to place any adverts in the Classifieds. A shop can create one topic in the Places to Buy section, using the shop name as a title, with a link to your website. • Duplicate Accounts Each user is only allowed one account. Duplicate accounts take up valuable system resources and annoy other forum users. It is very easy to spot duplicate accounts created or used by the same person, and any duplicate accounts found will be removed. Breaking the following rules will result in an immediate IP ban, deletion of account and removal of all posts and topics. • Absolutely NO References glorifying or inciting drug-misuse References glorifying or inciting criminal behaviour or violence Images or videos of graphic violence Images or videos of an adult or graphically sexual nature Images or videos that show drug misuse • Racial, Sexual and Religious Equality This site makes no discrimination between people of different race, gender or religion. Airsoft is a sport for all, and these forums reflect that. We welcome everyone except those who demonstrate intolerance toward others. • Illegal/Banned Subjects You cannot discuss anything that will help someone break the law in his or her locale. This means talking about: How to evade paying tax on imported goods How to make a semi-automatic replica shoot fully-automatic in a country that does not allow this feature How to make your own or modify pyrotechnics How to get restricted items past customs How to get restricted items if you are under-age Any other illegal activities If you intend on using the Classifieds forum you must read the and follow the rules The link is very accessible from within the Classifieds forum if you wish to read the rules at a later date. Thank you for reading!
    1 point
  41. Deva

    Classifieds Rules

    The Law Your sale must be in compliance with Great British law, especially relevant; the VCRA, which has laid down various restrictions on the trade of Imitation Firearms (IF) and Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIF). Remember, the seller is responsible for checking and verifying the legality of a sale. Please see the UK Law section of the forums if you need any guidance on this and open a topic if you're unsure. None of the below is legal advice. In short: As a seller you are liable for who you're selling to. No airsoft gun can be sold to someone under the age of 18 irrespective of whether it's 2-tone or a RIF (i.e. black/realistically coloured) As a seller you must take precautions to satisfy yourself that who you're selling to has a valid defence against prosecution for owning an airsoft gun - for the majority of cases this means the person you're selling to should be an airsoft skirmisher. Some things you can check are: Skirmishing site membership UKARA database membership Photographic proof that a member is a skirmisher (i.e. pictures of them playing) In the interests of protecting the right to play airsoft in the UK, please be diligent when coordinating your sale, ensuring you adhere to the points above. Be responsible and reasonable in your requests for information on another player - do not ask for more information than you require or would be happy to give yourself, but do satisfy yourself that who you're selling to is a legitimate player. Forum Specific Rules (action will be taken against your account for disregarding these) Failure to comply with the rules will result in you receiving a ‘Forum Warning’. Warnings start with the verbal kind and steadily increase in respect of seriousness/repeat offences right through to a ban and deletion of all posts and topics along with your user account. Find out more about ‘Forum Warnings’. All sales / trades must take place between two adults (i.e. over 18 years of age). All sales and swaps must use the sales template. Add additional information to let buyers know your trade preferences or location for collection. This will help sell your gun or gear as listing without pictures rarely sell. All sales must have an asking price. The price must be in UK Sterling £. All sales and swaps topics must have a picture, all pictures must be taken by the seller (adding a piece of paper with your forum name and date helps, but is not a rule). Do not use a retailers pictures - take your own. You must have access to the item that you're selling. You cannot be selling items that you do not own, are not able to post immediately or being sold on the behalf of someone else. You must include a picture of every item that you are selling. It is not acceptable to just show a box or use a stock images. Pictures must be visible in the listing (whilst we do allow links to other forums, simply placing a link instead of a picture is not permitted). Do not list the same item twice simultaneously. I.e. don't 'double list' an item. You cannot have an advert in both Sales and Swaps section for the same item, just select "For sale or swap" for advert type. Once your item(s) is/are definitely sold/you've found the item you're looking for (even if the sale happened elsewhere), please mark the advertisement as 'complete' by visiting the listing and clicking 'Set as Complete'. Second hand airsoft-relevant items only. No selling/swapping of any other items, this includes offering items such as consoles for trade. There are no exceptions to this rule. No sales of knives, real guns, airguns, or any item of any description that readily fires metal munitions, metal munitions themselves, or any other weapon of any type, aside from IFs and RIFs within the legal limits. The following limits are on all sales with no exceptions: <370ft/s for full auto systems with a .20g BB (1.3J is the legal maximum) <520ft/s for semi auto systems .20g BB (2.5J is the legal maximum) <520ft/s for single fire systems .20g BB (2.5J is the legal maximum) The Classifieds are not for retailers / shops. Any advert that appears to be from a retailer will be removed. You must communicate with your buyer/seller once a transaction is initiated (i.e. ignoring their PMs or topics asking what's going on with a sale/purchase). If you complete a trade/sale of any kind via the forums, please leave feedback for the seller/buyer, this allows us to see who we can trust or who we need to keep an eye on. You may leave feedback by going here. Any suspicions about the item(s) or seller should be sent via PM to a Moderator. Use the "Report this advert" link at the bottom of the listing and include a message (this will flag an issue for Moderators to look at). Transaction Advice (action will not be taken against your account for disregarding these) When buying or trading, we recommend that you take down the following details of the other party: full name, address, telephone number, email, alternate telephone number (work or mobile). It is wise to check the address is legitimate and that the telephone number is answered by the person you are dealing with. We also recommend that you request a photo of the items with a piece of paper next to it with the sellers username and contact details written on. We recommend PayPal for online transactions due to their excellent buyer and seller protection. Bear in mind that methods such as cheque, postal order, bank transfer or other may not be protected and as a result of using them you may not be able to retrieve your losses should anything go wrong. If you are paying for goods via PayPal, please make sure your payment is labelled for goods/services. Sellers may ask you to label your payment as a gift to avoid PayPal fees. However, this will prevent you from being able to access any of the PayPal buyer protection services (i.e. if something goes wrong, your money cannot be refunded). Should sellers ask you to do this, it may be better to offer to pay the fees out of your own pocket instead. Parcelforce 48 will post RIFs if you declare the contents as an airsoft gun. We recommend them as a courier. Disputes Given the nature of trades on these forums, it's impossible for a Moderator to mediate a trade effectively without reading your personal messages (something they cannot do and will never be able to), but if you build up a reputation for being an unscrupulous buyer/seller and are non-communicative you may receive actions against your account. Legal Disclaimer Whilst we do moderate the forums, it is not down to us to verify whether someone is legitimate or not, and whilst we will make every endeavour to ensure all our users are keeping within the law, you use these forums at your own risk and we accept no responsibility for any loss or other damages that should transpire as a direct or indirect result of your continued use of our forums. By participating in our Classifieds section in any way shape or form, you accept that you are doing so at your own risk and hereby indemnify http://www.airsoft-forums.uk (also known as Airsoft Forums UK/AF-UK/AFUK), its moderators, admin and any and all associated parties from any and all responsibility or liability that may transpire due to your continued use of these forums, to the full extent of your right to do so by law. Help If you find any of the above rules unclear or would like to ask us a question please PM a Moderator. We would much rather you contacted us than just went ahead and did something. Thank you. These rules were last updated 11/05/18 Old classifieds rules (for reference - will be deleted end of 2018)
    1 point
  42. That was £75 used mind but still good condition. I am tempted to get one though. @avenger63has one in classifieds priced at £130 which he says is £30 off new price. And he only lives down road from me so no postage 😉 Regards
    0 points
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