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  1. Just spotted this, heard rumours, but this will be a nice leftfield addition The Ghk version is supposed to be quite decent, I wonder how this will compare?
    2 points
  2. Pretty sure your wrong, & even if your not, the last bit definitely fails the "attitude test", which as everyone knows, the plod will always win in the long run, if there isn't a precise law to combat an airsoft related "offence", a loosely fitting one will be made to fit lol. Plus when it comes to Airsoft, we need people on our side, especially the police & other figures of authority, otherwise every negative police report is another nail in the coffin for Airsoft in its current form, not something I want to see change.
    2 points
  3. Honestly... Cyma AKs are really good for the price. They do a few metal / wood versions for around the £200 - £250 mark and require minimal modification to be truly amazing; typically just a hop rubber, nub and maybe a barrel change is all that's needed. Cyma have really upped their game in the last 15 years and their AKs, m14s and mp5s are all absolutely solid pieces of kit, and I also have an SR-25 from them that puts out some nasty shots. Plus, it's all very standard, so upgrade parts are very easy to come across. For more premium AKs, you're looking at E&L or LCT, with the former coming out of the same factory as real AKs and are largely compatible with real parts. I have no experience with either though so now idea how good they are. Real Sword were pretty good too, but I'm pretty sure they're out of business as they don't seem to be making any more and my friend was (well, is still) waiting for a replacement gearbox for his SVD from them after over 2 years. And for GBB, the new TM AKM is phenomenal and I can speak about that from personal experience. The only not-so-phenomenal thing about them is that you're not getting any extra mags any time soon, and a single 35rd magazine isn't going to cut it. Not wood, but there is a wood kit around for it that I plan on getting for mine when budget allows.
    2 points
  4. I am relatively local (currently near Ely, was near Bury St Edmunds). Locally you have Combat Action Games, which is near Norwich and is a woodland site, has a great reputation and I keep meaning to go there, however I my local site has recently (about a year ago) changed managers and has come out of a funk. It's getting pretty good again so it's hard to justify the extra commue. Battle Stations at Snetterton is very CQB (or it was when I went) and videos of the new layout suggest it still is. it's a nice change and players seemed friendly, but it's not a sit I would want to go back to again and again, every 18 months or so as a quirk. I am sure some will disagree but for me it's all very close and it's not my style. Combat Airsoft Games in Thetford (not to be confused with Combat Action Games) is a paintball site that does airsoft, I think they do more and more airsoft and team green run events there. Team Green do events at Gunman tuddenham as well on occassion (less so now they have access to the thetford site). I didn't enjoy it, lots do but for me it was run like a paintball day, they are similar, but different. Team Green do more LARP type stuff so could be worth checking out. Gunman Tuddenham, I think they're the best skirmish site I have been to, pretty much ever and I have done a fair few (The mall, sandpit (closed), snetterton, Combat Action Games, Mad dog, The goal, Eversley, Ace Airsoft, (another one down South), splatoon, loads of stirling games, awa herts, ravens nest (closed), urban assault (closed),). Players are generally great, marshalling is effective and low key and the site has a nice mix of buildings and woodland. They have a nice variety to the structure and offerings for their days (filmsim, skirmish, themed etc). The Goal, probably similar travel time for you and a great site, again not something I'd do on a regular basis (mainly due to the travel) but it was well organised and pretty different, they seem to care about the experience customers get and hold a good set of values (they remind people every week when it's the last day you can cancel etc). As for the cost of hire vs a 2 tone over 3 games you're talking about £25 a pop, so £75 all in. You won't get a semi decent 2 tone for that, you're probably looking £150 plus ancillaries. personally I'd say rent, ask around on site to see peoples guns (they love chatting about them), have a feel etc and learn about some of the more modern stuff. Then take the plunge and buy a good one that should last you a while once you know you're hooked again, after 1-2 games you can feel hooked, after 4 games you'll know for sure.
    2 points
  5. All too often the opening line of stories about why shit went wrong. As others have posted the only way to get a definite answer is to ask the site
    2 points
  6. In the absence of a well attended airsoft forum in my country, I thought I'd give it a try in the UK. I am certainly not a beginner in the game (more than 2 years in the game) but due to a lot of setbacks in the field of replica technique I have not had much time to play in those more than two years. First, many repairs were done by shops, but after several unimaginable bad experiences I started working on the replicas myself, without any knowledge of the matter at the time but I've learned a lot. Now I'm able to do everything myself. In the meantime I am finishing the repairs on my MTW, (what my first question is about that i will post), also there is a Glock 17 waiting to be put together with upgrades and then the replicas will have to be tested before I go back into the woods in good spirits! Playing style is mainly DMR, outdoor of course, think of the lone wolf that circles around the heat and makes his own plan. Hope to learn more here at AFUK.
    2 points
  7. https://instagram.com/tacbelts_uk?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Decent & honest guy who has done a lot of work for me in the past , can’t guarantee it but he may be able to help you
    2 points
  8. “Finished” with the Troy now thanks to @BADGERF1STfor the KAG! Secret squirrel rattler or LMT specwar next on the list, basic bitch M4 is also tempting.
    2 points
  9. I started airsoft when I was about 14, and played most weekends at Predator Combat Games in N.Ire. I stopped playing airsoft shortly after the VCR act was put in place, this was beause alot of my guns were broken and I moved away to Uni so didn't have as much time or money to participate in the hobby / get my kit in working order. Since then i've done a bit of actual target shooting, however, with all the regulations and costs surrounding firearms licensing i've put this on a back burner until i'm more settled somewhere! In the mean time I do still have a .22 air-rifle and a couple of .177 pistols which i occasionally take to my local rage, but it's just not the same as Skirmishing!. I'm hoping to find somewhere around Norwich to restart the hobby and get registered with UKARA. I'm not a fan of the whole two-tone situaltion as i feel it takes away from some of the immersiveness of the game, so i'll be patient and get registered before i start buying my own kit i think.. Good to be here, and I look forward to seeing some of you in the field at some point! If anybody can suggest some decent sites around Norwich / East Anglia which aren't too expensive for rentals please let me know!
    1 point
  10. An “airsoft gun” is not to be regarded as a firearm for the purposes of [the Firearms] Act. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/57A Any common sense interpretation would mean that they shouldn't be regarded as firearms for the Highways Act. But if the law operated on common sense, lawyers wouldn't drive Range Rovers.
    1 point
  11. I asked my site and they confirmed that it was all good to wear that, I wanted to confirm as i dont play outdoors right now, i play cqb. thanks
    1 point
  12. We had random drug testing at work today. I liked the LSD best.
    1 point
  13. Welcome back 😁 Yeah, the performance of our toys has gone up with the prices going down over the years. Unfortunately stock in UK is very low at the moment and the European sources are now cut 🙄 Have a look HERE for sites near you. Well done for being patient. It will give you more time to decide what shape BB slinger to get 😉
    1 point
  14. Seconded. May not be exactly what you need but any kit ive requested to be made has been top notch and quick turn around
    1 point
  15. ÎI use one of the arm things Rogerborg posted about. The only negative I've found is that occasionally when gong prone shells can be slowly pushed out if you're not careful. My 870 doesn't have slung mounts so I ended up tieing a piece of bungee cord from the trigger guard to the muzzle, using the front sight post to hold it in place. Alternatively if you have a longer barrel model you can buy molle or sling mounts which clamp onto the outer barrel
    1 point
  16. Hey, I'm just starting but Battle Stations at Snetterton seemed pretty good and was really busy last Saturday, all the regulars said they love it. It's a CQB site, my own rental wasn't exactly awesome but some of that might be operator error I spoke with a few people and they had good things to say about Combat Airsoft near Thetford which I'm going to try out on Sunday (i'll post to say how it goes) and one guy said they really liked the woodland site at Swaffham but I don't know much at all about it beyond that. Pretty sure there are events at Tuddenham (near Mildenhall) too but i got nothing there beyond they exist!
    1 point
  17. Red Alert has a safe zone (quite a decent one actually). You don't HAVE to work out of your car but a few of us have got into the habit of doing so since COVID. Personally I usually work out of my car anyway purely because I'm too lazy to schlep my gear into the safe zone!
    1 point
  18. Deuce gear parts breakdown: Y-harness. The clips to attach to the waist belt are notorious for being uncomfortable. For me pad works fine. Very commonly replaced with paracord. On copy y-harnesses the clips tend to be pretty weak, definitely worth changing. Cravat bandage in dressing pouch. The lenstatic compass fits these to but they are a bit chunky. Most of these pouches attach with a single Alice clip. There is a two slot version though. Strobe pouches are sometimes fitted to the shoulder but the pouches themselves are rare. Fulton stupid lights can be worn on the shoulder too. By the eighties small maglights is similar were often Secured with LBE bands (elastic loops). Radio handsets were often hung here as well. At the front the harness is designed to clip to the mag pouches but it can be run straight on to the belt. Go Airforce! The older H-harness was often still sort out. Partly for comfort and likely kudos by some. Blackhawk and others made H-gear to fit Alice, sometimes incorporating hydration sleeves. Not uncommon to see a mixture of suspenders on operational pictures.
    1 point
  19. kizzle

    WE XM177 GBBR

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Used a bit, but not loads. Bit of paint damage on the lower, but I will include a new lower incase you want to change it out. Lost the original 20 rounder mag, so it will come with a larger one. I can include extra mags for £20 each, for up to 5 of them. I will happily provide more pictures and video via whatsapp if needed. Price includes paypal fees and shipping. Open to negotiation.


    1 point
  20. Welcome back to the hobby! As someone who also started when I was 14 and am a similar age (31 here, so it was 17 years ago for me), I can tell you that the hobby has changed from what it used to be and that has both good and bad parts. You'll see a lot more players at a skirmish weekend now; back in the day a busy day might have been 25 - 30 players at my local site, but now a busy day is knocking on 90 players (and that's only because they limit spaces as otherwise the site becomes overcrowded and gameplay suffers). You'll also see a major difference in how well the guns shoot. Now, a cheapo Cyma AK out of the box will hit 45m consistently and without any real issue which back in the day would've been unheard of even for upgraded AEGs. Also, two-tone is an okay thing and you can probably get something two-tone that will cost a comparable amount to renting 3x and can serve as a backup for when you finally get your UKARA and something not two-tone. A plastic bodied Cyma AK goes for £100ish and they're actually pretty damn good! Hope you enjoy your return to the hobby as much as I did!
    1 point
  21. Looking good buddy, glad it arrived ok!
    1 point
  22. Instead of the above (less than half the price too) Two of these, stuck together by attaching the two adhesive Velcro strips back to back, then Velcro the loops on so as it looks the same I run two of these , and a shell speed loader when (I can be arsed) to run my shotty 😁 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/192754121958?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uUkTVYfdTBe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=-koyolnatnq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
    1 point
  23. Ah, that wonderful German precision and efficiency!
    1 point
  24. GiantKiwi

    Knee Replacement ?

    I had combined reconstructive ACL and PCL surgery back in January 2020, I was back to walking unaided by about June (Physio over a zoom call was truly bizarre) and was back to open water swimming (leisurely, mind) by October. I've yet to even attempt coming back to Airsoft as it was probably the cause of it in the first place (A certain incident at Sandpit AI500 on the Sunday where some tit fell over on gravel and popped out both the knee and hip on one leg, and relocated it all in the same fall 😅). Persevere with the physio no matter how shit or pointless it seems and it'll be all sorted in no time at all.
    1 point
  25. EDcase

    What am bestest M4?

    Welcome back 😉 QC = Quick Change. Allows you to more easily access the spring so it can be changed without dismantling the whole gun and gearbox. Definitely a plus Rotary hop has the wheel around the whole part rather than a small cog on the side like the older versions. It allows for smoother changes and does not drift once set. I personally like the Specna Arms range but if you get one, definitely test it thoroughly to make sure it works well. (Advice for any new purchase really) Also clean the barrel before testing. Happily since the early years prices have come down with performance going up so there are several manufacturers to choose from that won't touch your budget limit. (Unfortunately stock is very low at the moment) CYMA are well respected and have quite a few metal offerings. JG (Jing Gong) are good value for performance with some very cheap polymer items but they also do metal versions. As mentioned, Specna Arms EDGE 2 are very good value with good performance. There have been reports of breaks and failures which may have been a bad batch so test within the return period. Double Eagle have some fans so worth looking to see what they offer. G&G are a good brand but seem to be over-pricing themselves for what you get. I also prefer metal toys 😁
    1 point
  26. To be honest mate a £200 or less Cyma will be a far better gun. Price is not a good guide neither is all metal. CHeap pot metal which they are made of will way a ton a break far easier than a strong polymer gun tht weighs half as much. AT the end of a day or weekends play lugging it and mags a plate carrier and othe rgear around you'll be glad of the lighter weight.
    1 point
  27. The Specna Arms Edge 2.0 range is metal and has a decent GATE-ASTER fire control system. They keep dicking around with the branding, and the QC isn't what it ought to be, but - if you can find them in stock - they offer reasonable value for money. G&G sat on their laurels for too long, I wouldn't buy anything now without a QC spring and rotary hop. Of course...
    1 point
  28. @RogerborgI think that @Hazzamight need to ask the site about their rules …. @hazza As a combination of the fact that I’m a paintballer, being familiar with the medical history of an American who goes by the name of ‘One eye’, and having both witnessed and heard many tales of Marshall’s getting BBs either wedged into the side of their glasses type eye protection, or getting inside the eye area and also having seen the result of ‘high jinks’ of dry firing with co2 blasting dust into the eye …….. I’m always going to recommend full face goggles. As an alternative in airsoft I’ll then recommend a second option of ski goggle type eye protection, provided it meets impact standards and also seals around the eye area. As you want to wear a helmet look at low profile goggles such as Dyes, which are designed for small profiles (But as with all goggles depends on your head size & shape - youngsters may have small heads which render the Dye family as ‘standard’ rather than small But ultimately - ask the site that you intend to play at, as everyone’s rules vary
    1 point
  29. It does puzzle me when people sign up for weekenders and don’t at least have some plan for poor weather. It’s not that hard to put a fleece and jacket in the car. Even a basic old school smock would keep the wind off and you’re good to go. 🙄
    1 point
  30. As a change from fact hunts in UBACS. Here’s one in ECWCS.
    1 point
  31. High pressure Airsoft have a few now
    1 point
  32. Took the FAL out first time today to Cold War Filmsim, where I was playing a 'Cuban' advisor to East German forces. It was awesome, performed flawlessly and was flinging plastic death out to well beyond 60m, really accurate too. Very very very pleased with the purchase.
    1 point
  33. If any DE M900 owners are interested I bought a couple of these as I was off work last week relaxing at home... https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts/xt-high-torque-motor-22tpa-long-fan ... and wanted to see how they'd effect things (one for me to play around with and another for my son's upgraded G&G Firehawk that has as stock an M130 spring). DE have said to me that the stock Chaoli motor they use is 19,000 RPM, but not at what voltage of battery and what its TPA is, so I put one into my M904E which is currently running an M105 spring. Just turning the stock Chaoli and XT motors pinions with your fingers there's a massive difference, with the Chaoli turning very easily and the XT requiring substantially more force with its strong magnets. RPS only slightly improved, I wasn't really interested in that though, but the trigger response on semi is substantially better with all that torque available (and I run a Maxx Model Advanced Trigger so have set a very short trigger pull as well). I play most of the time at a semi only site so will definitely be getting my first shot off quicker and will be able to merrily spam the trigger if I'm in that sort of mood. For a while I was tempted by a 27,000 RPM Warhead Base motor, but with the trigger response now so good I'm not sure if it's worth it (plus I'd be worried about PME and I don't want to play around with gear ratios to be honest). For only £33.50 it's a cracking upgrade
    1 point
  34. So an update. The British collection so far. Law 66 L115A1 (Aw338) L100A1 (G3A4) L85A2/L123A2 l85A2 TES L128A1 (M1014 shotgun) L74A1 (870 shotgun) L91A1 (MP5 SD) L7A2 GPMG L108A1 (MK1 Minimi) L1A1 SLR Colt model 715 (C7) L119A1 SFW L119A1 CQB L92A1 (MP5 A3 embassy seige) L131A1 (Glock 17 gen 4) L105A2 (P226R) L9A1 (Browning HI Power) L85A2 (3 Para 2008) Colt model 725 (C8) L105A1 (P226 non railed) L22A2 L86A2
    1 point
  35. PopRocket123

    Gun picture thread

    I wasn't going to turn this into a huge build I swear. It's not even finished yet. I'm still waiting for a sun shade for the scope and I haven't installed the new outer barrel. I'm also thinking it needs a suppressor sleeve and maybe some scrim net. The suppressor and weighted piston with air break piston head should make it whisper quiet. Edit. Just installed the fluted outer barrel. Looks badass
    1 point
  36. Pretty sure you're allowed to use toys (RIF's are toys if they're under a certain power?) within 50ft of a road.... the only time i've heard that law apply is when people are shooting shotgun or rifle on private land?? If the police come round to tell you off for plinking in your backgarden, file a complaint against them for wasting police time lol
    0 points
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