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  1. Took my mws out for the 3rd time yesterday.....I'm in love. I can see why people don't want to use aegs ever. Internally mines completely stock, outrageously effective and good fun. A whole new way of playing Airsoft. If you're reading this and debating whether you should get one ....yes you should.
    3 points
  2. https://prefired.co.uk/ads/tm-devgru/ Wow! - Just wow, just shy of £3K for a TM
    2 points
  3. Thank's everyone fot your replies. I have managed to get them all sorted now. And yes the mags were g&g 308 g2h mags. But all is good. It was the mag release acting up, but I've fixed it now. Thanks for the feedback Tobias
    2 points
  4. Skara

    New rigs?

    As per title, I'm looking for two chest rigs, this because I have just sold my TMR. Nothing wrong with the rig, it's very good and I will always recommend it to people, it's just that I've shifted my priorities and want to explore different options. Now, the thing is, I need two to accommodate different platforms (AK and MP5/Glock mags), to be used in conjunction with my FRV belt so I was thinking: - For the AK rig, to buy a molle panel of some sort (probably 6x3 or 8x3) and use 3 Taco style pouches (I like Templar's Gear pouches a lot). A bit old school. - MP5/PDW/PCC rig I was considering a placard style rig like a spiritus mk5 or a First Spear A1 ammo hub from our friend @TheFull9, with a kydex insert of some sort. not the most economical of routes, but it'll get me three chest rigs in total, which should cover all my needs. + I need to buy pouches for the hsgi belt anyway. Suggestions? Am I doing it right?
    1 point
  5. Worth a look just for the photography...
    1 point
  6. Yes lad! How did he get on? My lad is a recent convert (he's 12) and has the bug big time now. We went out last weekend and he was a monster. Must say I enjoy having him alongside me and hearing him shouting out to other players "Mate, your 2 o'clock moving right to left!" is hilarious. No idea where he gets it from!
    1 point
  7. Technically it isnt fixed hop, even though they do advertise it as fixed. If you push the metal hop arm towards the front of the gun, it increases hop, push to the rear and it decreases it. You can also bend it to increase hop. Mine us currently easily overhopping 0.3g bbs with the hop set to around 70% of its travel.
    1 point
  8. I'm sorry to hear it, but not surprised. We know that Border Force got a bunch of recruitment and training prior to the changes at the start of 2022, and the imposition of duty on all EU and global imports, regardless of declared value. I FOI'd Border Force a few years back to ask how many UKARA checks they made, and they claimed not to hold that information as each agent keeps their own records. Could be thousands, could be none at all. And the thing is, UKARA is a scheme paid for by UK retailers, and I've never understood why it's used to assist imports. I'm in two minds about whether having a UKARA number on the packaging is actually a net negative now - it might just make it easier for Border Force to spot the firearm-shaped-toys.
    1 point
  9. Thank you, I'm sure they are four pin, I'll check and get a measurement at the same time.
    1 point
  10. Sucks it got caught but it happens. Who was the courier? From my own experience having the UKARA number displayed does f**k all since they seem to be doing random selection checks where the item is sent away to their testing/holding depot. I had a whole box of chrono's take 4 month stuck in customs where they said there were no instructions for these electrical items since they were being resold. When they finally arrived after 20 or so emails back and forth sure enough the instructions were in the box.
    1 point
  11. I wear glasses, but my eyesight is ‘good enough’ to play - my target may be a bit blurred and I could have to lead in my shots or get closer, so I have tried playing with glasses & inserts but rarely bother I don’t fancy poking my eyes about so have never tried contact lenses Common choices I’ve seen are: Glasses - Dye I4s seem popular in airsoft but personally I’d recommend the VForce Grills/Grillz …. Which have been popular sellers for many years and only recently had a v2 come out. (I have not had hands on to the v2, but it’s effectively a 2022 ‘upgrade’ to the v1) Grills have a slit in either side of the foam to accommodate glasses Depending on the goggle/glasses combination it can take a bit of practice of comfortably put them on / off (especially the taking off) without going into a tangle Depending on your glasses it may be worth getting a small framed playing set. Take your goggles to the opticians or use an online ‘try before you buy’ optician such as glasses direct (order 4 sample frames, try them with goggles at home, pick the most comfortable combination) Prescription inserts work, there are a couple of brands that market themselves to paintball & airsoft but exactly the same thing is widely available for skiing. Look online, pick a recommended insert style for your goggle type and send in your prescription Local opticians will most likely be able to do them I have a set, which are fine. But I have a lot of goggles which means my prescription insert is in the goggles that I chose for a particular game, and have only been played in once or twice. They don’t change the situation for me enough to swap to whichever goggles I choose at any one game Contact lenses From the users that I know, disposable ‘daily’ lenses are the way to go now rather than messing with cleaning and storing. If you wear them occasionally then a months box will obviously last longer
    1 point
  12. Mine was made out of necessity with plumbing putty and a hacksaw; Airtac has both a proper, retail quality drum mag on the way for the G5 which should fit. This just has to not fail until I can get the Airtac…
    1 point
  13. I rescued a kitten this morning while a man dressed head to toe in pancakes stood by and did nothing. Not all heroes wear crepes.
    1 point
  14. killshot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thanks for the reply. I only changed the return spring. I lubed the cup seal, and it moves smoothly, it's just like the spring doesn't have tension until it's stretched far out, and it's not snappy return like I see in everyone's videos. I don't think it sticking in the bucking is the issue, as when the bolts removed it's sluggish there. Also gas efficiency on a 10 second charge is like 25 shots max. I'm going to take it apart later today again and just doouble check everything. but I'm not sure what to look for now.
    1 point
  15. (Sorry about steering off-topic into airsoft site design in general) The 2021 International Building Code (which is used in America and some other countries) have had updated to include "Puzzle rooms (escape rooms) are now defined and regulated as special amusement areas, requiring compliance with Section 411 and special means of egress requirements". (Which includes indoor airsoft sites) This would affect affect (new) indoor airsoft sites (outside UK) because it deals with fire escape routes markings and distances and so on (so cannot be an absolute maze or you have to be clever about it) and sprinklers are mandatory in indoor sites bigger than 1000 square feet, and voice alarm PA systems, and fire rated interior finishes, etc. Which I imagine would make it a little more expensive to start an indoor CQB site and you have to be more thoughtful about it, and in terms of gameplay it may have some implications on the complexity of layout you can design because now it should be simple and obvious enough to escape from in any emergency. Unless you come up with some clever contraptions to collapse certain areas to show an escape routes from the game area or something. So while our castle and church in Glasgow is in sort of a grey area (they are "buildings" but not really), I would assume building regs do still apply (as they needed planning application) and this aspect was probably covered by the builder/contractor themselves who are self-certified on the Competent Person Scheme. And by the looks of it it seems to be built at least semi-professionally judging by craftsmanship etc. So at the end of day I suppose as long as they are structurally ok, and safe in a fire (easy to escape / extinguishers etc) and safe to use (slip resistant chicken wires is questionable even though it is used elsewhere) etc it should be covered in terms of liability. They also can say the structures are only entered when there is real time monitoring by marshals standing at an observable distance so that by itself is a big plus. I suppose you guys need to sign a waiver to play as well? And I just thought of there are people airsofting in abandoned buildings that are clearly dangerous, so this Glasgow site is far from being dangerous all things considered. And arguably the uneven terrain surrounding the structures is more dangerous than the structures themselves.
    1 point
  16. Take a look around the safe zone. That’s who you can have sex with
    1 point
  17. Last one I sold went for £40-ish, no wonder I'm always poor lol (edit: i should probably admit that I usually sell stuff for close to what I paid - /+, cos that's the kinda nice guy (aka mug😭) that I am)
    1 point
  18. Fun day at the Ridge on 18th with my son.
    1 point
  19. Welcome back etc.. Most of this was covered in a recent thread but in summary: Pro's Better choice (although that's irrelevant if what you're after is available in The UK). Marginal cost savings. Con's Possibility of getting stung for various tax and handling charges. Possibility of Border Force seizing and destroying the item. Possibility of Border Force asking your local constabulary to come and have a chat with you at the delivery address (could be especially awkward if that's your place of work). Possibility of wrong items being sent or the good arrving damaged. Exchanges of which will be far more difficult. ...and yes I have personally experienced all of the listed cons, some multiple times.
    1 point
  20. Hudson

    Sniper grade bio bb 040+

    Geoff's do bio ammo in heavier weights.
    1 point
  21. even though it has an orange tip and my UKARA displayed on the outside packaging in multiple places. Took over 2 months for them to release the RIF. I had to send my defence which was just the same player number they had for them to release. I feel this was poorly handled by them and there was no need to hold the package. So be warned if you are buying from Asia in particular.
    0 points
  22. We'll miss the NHS here too before too long. It's neither been truly national nor a service focused purely on health since 2012, and the latest health and social care act has completely torpedoed any pretence.
    0 points
  23. Such a shame, HK was the go to place. So many bargains, so many online stores and as someone said $2 to £1 - it's now $1.09 to £1 and shipping has pretty much doubled. There's some gloomy times ahead for the airsoft industry, most new stock coming into the country is going to be hit hard. Lot of panicking Chinese suppliers have been messaging me in the past couple of weeks, almost desperate to make sales but yet unable to reduce their prices. Pegging their own currency to the USD maybe great in some circumstances but now it's causing it's own issue. Dang it.
    0 points
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