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1 minute ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

let's re-open the airsoft sites before AFUK implodes.


here here


i already have my social distancing system in place- if i can poke you with a bayonet on the dragonuv you're too damn close!

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2 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

I think the narrative that you can just buy a gun in the US is completely false. They do a comprehensive background check on anyone that buys a gun. Convicted criminals can’t buy guns and with the right checks and balances it shouldn’t be a problem. Criminals will always break laws and obviously I wouldn’t advocate skirmishes with live weapons. 

Bollox they do , in one or two states they may but most there’s absolutely no system of checks made on private sales , store bought yes but private ? nada , last time I was over the pond I went to two gun fairs  to see what kit I could pick up one in Nevada and one in Arizona and at both of them I could have bought anything I wanted (even with a dodgy Welsh accent And NO American ID of any sort) Just as long as I had cold hard cash in my hand , in most American states face to face private sales require no background checks all you need (and this is only if it’s required) is some kind of proof you have a firearms licence , AND in Nevada for instance you don’t even need that , all you need is a postal address ! Out of curiosity I showed interest in buying a revolver , gave my hotel’s address(circus circus on the Las Vegas strip) And the seller was more than happy with that FFS . 

So no thank you I for one never ever want a 2nd of any sort in this country , and I actually lost two pistols after Dunblane so I know what it’s like to own then loose real firearms . 

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15 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Bollox they do , in one or two states they may but most there’s absolutely no system of checks made on private sales , store bought yes but private ? nada , last time I was over the pond I went to two gun fairs  to see what kit I could pick up one in Nevada and one in Arizona and at both of them I could have bought anything I wanted (even with a dodgy Welsh accent And NO American ID of any sort) Just as long as I had cold hard cash in my hand , in most American states face to face private sales require no background checks all you need (and this is only if it’s required) is some kind of proof you have a firearms licence , AND in Nevada for instance you don’t even need that , all you need is a postal address ! Out of curiosity I showed interest in buying a revolver , gave my hotel’s address(circus circus on the Las Vegas strip) And the seller was more than happy with that FFS . 

So no thank you I for one never ever want a 2nd of any sort in this country , and I actually lost two pistols after Dunblane so I know what it’s like to own then loose real firearms . 

Thanks for sharing, that’s really interesting to hear in terms of private sales and Quite a scary loophole really. However I still believe everyone have the right to bear arms as long they have legal checks and balances. Being. Perhaps I’m looking at from a personal perspective of know that I enjoy shooting as sport and take safety extremely seriously. 

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4 hours ago, Tackle said:

While I can't comment on druids playing style etc, personally I only generally use single shot, especially gratifying with my M14 & fal, & hopefully my new G3, & all my guns are sub 1j, all running between 300-335 FPS (but well sit up hops) & do well in a sneaky dmr stylee, if a knackered old fartknocker like me can get by with less than 1j, then surely it won't hold back fitter livelier players.

The point  I, & I suspect druid was making, was that in these anti gun times, if the sport was threatened in any way, a 1j ruling would be one possible way to placate those who lobby against us ?


Joking aside you are spot on my friend .

as to the whole gun crime V knife crime the arguments the gun lobby Always throw forth are puerile to say the least they always troop out the “legally owned guns blah blah blah” “gang members with knives blah blah blah” “criminals will get them “Etc etc as the point was made look how low the death rate is in relation to terrorist attacks in this country where they couldn’t access firearms compared to the numbers in the states where a legally owned gun was used by Mr all American who flipped out one day ? plus as to uk knife crime most of these incidents the aggressor uses your cheapest crap quality kitchen knife he’s picked up in Poundland or stolen from his grannies kitchen , it’s never a £800 Damascus folder he got from Heinnie Haines is it ? 

as an example this picture is of a wks worth of knives taken During arrests by SW police in Cardiff , there’s 32 blades and only 7 are none cheap kitchen knives . 


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52 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

seen some of these zombie knives they carry, they should be banned. 

i belive they already have been...  back in 2018 IIRC



46 minutes ago, Druid799 said:



to quote a famous android...  "hook, line, sinker, rod AND copy of Angling Times, sir"   

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5 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

Bloody hell that escalated quickly. Never heard of this KM guy has only recently got back into Airsoft but after looking at that Facebook group. Seems like I have found the dark side of the sport. Jesus

Welcome to the dark side , we have cookies ! 

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1 minute ago, Druid799 said:

Welcome to the dark side , we have cookies ! 

Ahh you've gone an tempted me there with the cookies. But Jesus what's up that Facebook groups arse. Just don't play with the guy if you think he's a bellend. looks like the sites ban him so fine let them. 

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11 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

Bloody hell that escalated quickly. Never heard of this KM guy has only recently got back into Airsoft but after looking at that Facebook group. Seems like I have found the dark side of the sport. Jesus


this is what happens when we can't shoot each other.


stuck at home, watching random stuff on youtube and all the hate and anger that's normally spread amongst all the knobs out there doing one thing or another has become focused onto one guy who happens to be a well published example of many of said practices.



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1 minute ago, Adolf Hamster said:


this is what happens when we can't shoot each other.


stuck at home, watching random stuff on youtube and all the hate and anger that's normally spread amongst all the knobs out there doing one thing or another has become focused onto one guy who happens to be a well published example of many of said practices.



Specking of not being able to shoot each other. Has anyones UKARA run out. Technically with lockdowns it's impossible for me to get one. makes buying RIFs trickier so I am aware of some of the other defences but nothing seems as legit as UKARA

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5 minutes ago, kasaran said:


i wasnt trying to say thats what you were suggesting, just merely taking your logic and twisting it slightly.  let me do it a different way using your first sentance quoted above:


In the UK you need a licence to own a 'wild animal' https://www.gov.uk/licence-wild-animal (this covers big cats, wolves etc).  now the news never seems to report about 'lunatics' getting hold of a puma and going on a rampage.  but you hear about a dangerous dog attacks all the time.  surely we should open up ownership of large predatory mammals because clearly the checks are working to keep them out of the wrong hands?


as an argument it makes no sence, a smaller crime number/reported news is not grounds for opening up possession to people that dont need a gun, or in this case a puma.  the act of limiting ownership is always going to reduce its prevalence.  knives sadly are needed for DIY work and to cook or eat with, you cannot really control that beyond the age restriction to buy them.  but an 18 year old wanna be gangster is still going to be able to buy one, and i dare say under 18s would also find a way (kitchen drawers are a good place to look).


The UK's vetting of gun ownership is clearly working to a degree.  that doesnt mean we should open that up to everyone in the country in some pseudo american way resulting from paranoia of a british invasion (we cant invade ourselves).  i dont know about the others here feel, but i like knowing or at least assuming that the only firearms i get in close proximity to on the street are in the hands of law enforcement.  there are plenty of people i do know that would jump at getting a gun that i am so glad cant. 


If things open up, the first wave of people, which i think you would count under, go through the process of getting a gun for the sole reason of 'i want one'.  Then a chain reaction akin to an arms race happens as other people would want one just because you have one.  permeating the populace to a point where the likelyhood of a disgruntled employee or bullyed teen that isnt quite suicidal takes said legally owned gun and uses it illegally.


what we have now works because the number of legally owned guns in public hands is quite small compared to the population in general.  They also need to justify why they need to own such a weapon and the weapon needs to be suited to the intended job (H&S at work act anyone?).  So here its hunting, sports or pest control (when they cant be arsed to 'walk the beagles') using small claibre rifles and shotguns generally, and most are owned by those who work as pest controllers and game keepers.  as a general rule, farmers, to quote Hot Fuzz.   there is no need for anyone to be rocking military style firearms in this country, i know badgers have a nasty bite,  but it is still no bear.


as for zombie knives and all those weird stylised things. i agree, they should be controlled and certainly not be supplied with a live blade.  but we all know angle grinders would solve that for anyone who really wanted to sharpen it...

Great points I think I could split hairs with you but that’s pointless. I think we can agree that licensing is a good things and that there aren’t mass shootings in the UK show it is working as well. To say I want a gun just for the sake of wanting one isn’t exactly true but I do see your point. I think we will have to agree to disagree but I believe in the right to bear arms and I’m not going to change me mind but I realise as well that in the UK we will never have a law or society that for the most part will think that same as me and I can live with that. Bad people will always find a way of doing bad things. 

im not going to harp on anymore about this to the relief of all but just add that more regulation means less freedom.

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7 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

Specking of not being able to shoot each other. Has anyones UKARA run out. Technically with lockdowns it's impossible for me to get one. makes buying RIFs trickier so I am aware of some of the other defences but nothing seems as legit as UKARA

shit..  that reminds me..  mine expires next month...

i think if you are on the database, they will still honour an expired UKARA given current circumstances making it impossible to get to sites....   but i dont know about people without UKARA...

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3 minutes ago, Spartan09 said:

shit..  that reminds me..  mine expires next month...

i think if you are on the database, they will still honour an expired UKARA given current circumstances making it impossible to get to sites....   but i dont know about people without UKARA...

Yeah I have had to resort to Just Cos and some other national shooting membership. Works ok for UK orders but about to order international and biting my fingers its gonna get seized.

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14 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

Yeah I have had to resort to Just Cos and some other national shooting membership. Works ok for UK orders but about to order international and biting my fingers its gonna get seized.


I'm aware this is very easy to say and much harder to do when you have money seemingly burning a hole in your pocket and buying new things momentarily cures the brain numbing boredom... but why not just wait? It's not like we can do much with our gnus at the moment.

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4 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:


I'm aware this is very easy to say and much harder to do when you have money seemingly burning a hole in your pocket and buying new things momentarily cures the brain numbing boredom... but why not just wait? It's not like we can do much with our gnus at the moment.

Excellent point and I have no good response other than I wanna give a HK slap 🤣

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11 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:

Spent 5 minutes looking at the FB group. Wow...just...wow.


I'm not a fan of KM, but to join a FB group just to shit on him? That's mental. Then you've got an egotistical Admin who thinks he's the savior of UK Airsoft by imposing more restrictions?


This 'Siggi Langnasen' character can, quite frankly, get fucked.


Hes a well known tool in the WW2 scene almost as equal as KM.  Once was in prison for armed robbery in Japan.  Yes, seriously.

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8 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

Great points I think I could split hairs with you but that’s pointless. I think we can agree that licensing is a good things and that there aren’t mass shootings in the UK show it is working as well. To say I want a gun just for the sake of wanting one isn’t exactly true but I do see your point. I think we will have to agree to disagree but I believe in the right to bear arms and I’m not going to change me mind but I realise as well that in the UK we will never have a law or society that for the most part will think that same as me and I can live with that. Bad people will always find a way of doing bad things. 

im not going to harp on anymore about this to the relief of all but just add that more regulation means less freedom.

When the time comes,as it will,the government and the forces of law want the least resistance from the masses. It's far easier to control an unhappy populace armed only with sticks and stones. Ultimately the forces that be do not want us armed in any way.

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9 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

HERETIC ! Burn him ! Burn him with fire ! 😱

next thing he’ll be coming out with “use a bit of self control” when buying more crap ! As if !!!!🤯
Bro , do you even S’oft ???? 


Hahaha, we've reached a terrifying time with this hobby buying shit has become the actual hobby in lieu of being able to play (I imagine this is nothing new for some). Suffice to say I have bought copious amounts of crap I have no use for at this point in time, but my UKARA is good till June. The advice to wait was based purely on the fact he's not convinced his defence sees his items arriving with him. The last person on Earth to take financial advice from is an airsofter... swiftly followed by someone that plays tabletop miniatures games.


But yeah, buy whatever the hell you want if it makes you momentarily happy and you can afford to do so. Any additional risk you take for being impatient... well that's on you. Much like folks that moan about hang overs, you've done it to yourself bud, I have zero sympathy.

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Stop buying until sites re-open and we can keep playing. Achieve enlightenment and temper an iron will!


Honestly, I can see the point and it has made it a lot easier for me to stop buying, though I'm a bit more extreme as I feel I've spent too much in the past few months so I'm going to take the time to just enjoy what I have for now and won't buy anything new until summer. Yes, I want a Polarstar engine for one of my m14s. Yes, I want a cyma mp5 with a folding stock. Yes, I want a TM HK45 Tactical, but there's no point if I can't even use them :P

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8 minutes ago, Impulse said:

Stop buying until sites re-open and we can keep playing. Achieve enlightenment and temper an iron will!


Honestly, I can see the point and it has made it a lot easier for me to stop buying, though I'm a bit more extreme as I feel I've spent too much in the past few months so I'm going to take the time to just enjoy what I have for now and won't buy anything new until summer. Yes, I want a Polarstar engine for one of my m14s. Yes, I want a cyma mp5 with a folding stock. Yes, I want a TM HK45 Tactical, but there's no point if I can't even use them :P



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18 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

I think the narrative that you can just buy a gun in the US is completely false. They do a comprehensive background check on anyone that buys a gun. Convicted criminals can’t buy guns and with the right checks and balances it shouldn’t be a problem. Criminals will always break laws and obviously I wouldn’t advocate skirmishes with live weapons. 

Read up on the Private Sale Exemption, sometimes called the Gunshow Loophole.

For private sales, any person may sell a firearm to an unlicensed resident of the same state as long as they do not know or do not have reasonable cause to believe the purchaser is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under federal law.

What you think and the facts are two entirely different things.


You cannot stop the lunatics; what you can do is make it more difficult for them to kill people; preventing then owning a gun does that pretty effectively.

Edited by colinjallen
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