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Afuk Meet up 3.0

Robert James

This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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33 members have voted

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@Robert JamesI  will be unable to attend because I need to remain socially distanced. As much as this would be fun, just like xmas, it is too much risk to the welfare of others before vaccination. 

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Right so, Saturday evening it is. Obviously. 


We can have ANY Saturday in Feb or March. So we now need to decide on a date. Which might be difficult as Feb and March got roughly the same amount of votes. 


If you could, regardless of your vote, please put in the SATURDAY(s) you're available in both Feb and March. The fairest way I can do this, is to pick the most suggested Saturday, sorry if that means you cannot come, but hopefully with this much notice you can? Also, please put in how many people including yourself that you intend to bring. 




@heroshark @Barny @Albiscuit @Asomodai @Steveocee @GAMBLE @Tackle @leadly @MiK @Shamal @Spartan09 @Jaylordofwaargh @L3wisD

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I am counting for just myself though I will probably getting a lift with Albiscuit and I am not sure how many he is bringing. 


I am available


Feb: Sat the 6th and Sat 27th


I am available all of the Saturdays in March. 

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February will be best for me as my wife's maternity leave finishes in March so I'll either be at work or wrestling children.


I'll not offer up any dates as me and my mates all work shifts so what will work for 1 won't work for all.


So you guys sort a date and I'll see if I can make it and if I'll be bringing anyone.

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Happy to drive @Asomodaiwill likely have 2 others in the car with me.

I will be able to do any Saturday with notice as I will change any plans for this.

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Damn, randomly think to check the forum and theres another meetup possibly.


Would be fun but Newbury is even further away than Reading was for me. Once a date is set I shall look into it, would prefer March however as hopefully thing are more back to normal by then. I haven't played airsoft in over a year now :(


Fucking pandemic xD

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Is there a limit to how new a member? I'd love to get to know a few of you and I'm only 10 miles or so from Newbury. I've been looking for an excuse to get my arse over there and it would be a good way destress after a house move.

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1 hour ago, Alimcd said:

Is there a limit to how new a member? I'd love to get to know a few of you and I'm only 10 miles or so from Newbury. I've been looking for an excuse to get my arse over there and it would be a good way destress after a house move.

Yes 700 posts minimum 😅

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18 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Yes 700 posts minimum

Yes, I went and checked your content count.

It appears I have some thread spamming to do

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24 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Yes 700 posts minimum 😅


Blimey, maybe the next one then ;) 


Stupid question time, I haven't been to the Zed site yet. Semi only? Pistols? What are you lot taking?

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15 minutes ago, Alimcd said:


Blimey, maybe the next one then ;) 


Stupid question time, I haven't been to the Zed site yet. Semi only? Pistols? What are you lot taking?

Semi only. Bring whatever you want bar a sniper rifle. 350fps. Everything gets chronod 

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3 hours ago, Robert James said:

Semi only. Bring whatever you want bar a sniper rifle. 350fps. Everything gets chronod 

I'm going to have to hurry up and get a decent lacquer coat on the carbon fibre furniture on my Tommy before then!

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  • Mostly Retired Moderators
5 hours ago, Alimcd said:

I haven't been to the Zed site yet. Semi only? Pistols?


Semi only, yeah.

It's a pistol paradise, I play with a TM USP with four mags and get on brilliantly.

4 hours ago, heroshark said:

Do they have bb weight limits? No bangs either is it.


.32g is the maximum allowed. And no bangs at the moment.

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24 minutes ago, L3wisD said:


Semi only, yeah.

It's a pistol paradise, I play with a TM USP with four mags and get on brilliantly.


.32g is the maximum allowed. And no bangs at the moment.


Gas shotguns with mag adapters? 😄 I think they weren't allowed at the Mall.

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Same as above! ⬆️
Gives me more time to sort out a possible Loadout for CQB! 🤞🤪👍


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Only actual date posted by people was Feb 27th. I know someone said March but not the date. So as stated above, ill have to go with Feb 27th. 


I'll email ZED tonight unless there are any changes and then you can all start booking as I still don't know the numbers as half the people who responded haven't responded again nor said how many people. All good though.  

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10 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Only actual date posted by people was Feb 27th. I know someone said March but not the date. So as stated above, ill have to go with Feb 27th. 


I'll email ZED tonight unless there are any changes and then you can all start booking as I still don't know the numbers as half the people who responded haven't responded again nor said how many people. All good though.  

Hi. @Shamal here. You can cross me off Unfortunately cause its a night game and god knows I need my beauty  sleep. Lol

Thanks anyway👍


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15 hours ago, Keldon said:

You can count me in for this as well, was a blast at the last one. @Asomodaiif room becomes a  bit tight in @Albiscuitcar I will happily pick you up on the way past. 

That might be a good shout, potentially going to have 5 in the car otherwise :D  
work it out when we have a date etc

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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