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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. it could be, it's hard to tell these things from vids sadly the problem with aftermarket shells is they can have their own issues, for example with the mounting of the motor cage or general fitment of the shell into the gun. you could try manually countersinking or finding a smaller pinion, although if there's a tooth profile mismatch that can be its own problem.
  2. ahh, that makes more sense. what gearset/pinion is it?
  3. 0.5mm is a thick shim? normally i'd start with 0.1mm under a gear then add from there.
  4. hmmmmmm, the one gun that might tempt me back into pewing again...... i mean if it shoots anything like the s&t mosin does out of the box.
  5. yep. especially when different colours are involved. sounds like people are complaining about being outplayed...... yeah i'm not a fan of it either, i usually ask them to stick it somewhere out of the way, under the sight block of an ak is a handy spot for such stickers.
  6. not personally (discounting the pilfering of kit by squadmates done in the name of humour and always returned), however i have heard of stuff getting pinched, including a double barreled 1911..... its surprising to me it doesn't happen more often given people just leaving their kit strewn out across the safe sone, rifles, pistols etc. personally if it's not on me it stays locked in the boot of the car. i do recall one day stumbling across a gas vector mag just lying inside a building, normally i would ignore such things but in that instance i figured "if i pick it up at least i know a theiving bugger hasn't", you've never seen such a look of relief when it was re-united with its owner.
  7. Indeed, but that doesnt mean shooting for the head when you have a full silhouette presented isnt a dick move.
  8. Not gonna lie i was wondering if it was me or borg having the "woosh" moment until i saw the second page But yeah, thats sadly not an unheard of level of ignorance. I mean by that logic nobody should ever die in a car accident because cars only go like 100fps on the road......
  9. Yep, as you described it so well: "safety theatre" Ofc i dont know what the answer is, every approach and method has its flaws, not sure its possible without either having more staff than players or finding a cure for human dishonesty.
  10. In fairness the piss discussion was interesting. Now theres a sentence i didnt think i'd be saying today, or, well, ever......
  11. yep, some folk are just too persistent. ok sure if it's something weird enough that you're talking a very small market then ok you might expect it'd take a while to shift but run of the mill kit? think the longest thing i had listed was the f2000, and granted it ended up going for less than i'd have liked. but dont think i bumped it more than a couple of times without also dropping the price.
  12. that mean i can bomb down the motorway at 100mph and if the cops pull me over just say "i was aiming for 70"? the limit is the limit, any variance is between [actual empirical velocity of bb according to physics] and [what chrono says bb velocity is] which we generally take to be an acceptable error for a working chrono (although as is the topic here how does one be sure if it isn't properly calibrated) this is indeed true, and part of why being a few fps under the limit isn't the worst idea given how if said battered and tatty chrono is out by 1fps site will the see the reading and say "begone foul cheater most depraved and despicable of creatures, may you be forever banished from this place and a curse laid upon your house unto the 7th generation" meanwhile next in line, jerry joule creep sails on through..... they might not understand it but come hell or high water they're gonna enforce the shit out of the bit they do understand....... god that sounded bitter
  13. forum was only down a few days, surely we're not all bored enough to resort to talking about..... politics......
  14. shots fired! don't worry, he's got a gbbr he's almost out of ammo already.......
  15. you mean the frv type belts? https://frvtailoring.co.uk/products/frv-tailoring-black-shooters-belt other manufacturers i'm sure are available frv's just the one i can remember. don't know if there's a specific term for that type or not.
  16. true, but if 2 chrono's are giving different readings (eg you chrono your gun at home then the site chrono is wildly different) the question is which of the 2 do you trust least? ideally you'd want a third, so at least you can throw out whichever one is the oddball.
  17. used to run mine in the crumbs bag (the big bag at the back) of the smersh, worked ok. line doesn't catch that much unless you're really wading through foliage (where your sling, webbing, arms etc will also all be catching). or switching shoulders. some regs have support for multiple lines, however it might be tricky if the pressure for the primary is different to the secondary.


    level up :P

  19. not giving you alerts when folk reply to stuff? could be your autofollow settings? mine seems to be working just fine atm.
  20. lemme guess, you were showing the marshall at chrono that it was a thing you could do? whilst it's true almost everyone site or individual doesn't bother calibrating their chrono's, a personal chrono stored in a dry house that sees a few dozen rounds a month tops is a different story to one kept in a damp shed and getting plastered with hundreds sometimes thousands of rounds every week (assuming most folks are firing 3-6 shots per pew) and all the tubestriking and schrapnel that entails. not if their understanding of the term "joule creep" is "320fps on 0.2g is not the same as 320fps on 0.3g" rather than the actual phenomenon when it comes to changing weights in gas fed systems.
  21. yay, forum not broken no more!

    1. Shamal


      It was just resting 🙂

  22. not necessarily, being plastic in and of itself isn't an issue. often the stock unit itself isn't too bad, and you'd need to get the rest of the gun to a pretty high standard first before it becomes something that's a factor.
  23. Q: What length barrel is that? A: yes
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