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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i won a thing, apparently i've been here for a year! still newbie rank though, this software knows me too well edit: top tier typo's
  2. yeah. it's one of those things is a pain to try and diagnose remotely, wish i could be more helpful than that
  3. i'd join the pun game but i feel a mental block coming on, i'd better lego of the idea of punmanship for today because the idea of making a fool out of myself has me bricking it.
  4. and a status update before that. hell my own mother messaged me about it this morning
  5. haven't they already folded to lego's lawyers? the vrca seems to be more about "looks like a gun" than anything else, and that's to average joe public rather than anyone who's enough of a gun nerd to go "well akshually......". there's already precedent for real guns that would (in an airsoft version) qualify as vrca exempt (basically everything 3-gun) and likewise airsoft pews that would convince joe public (eg the aps uar) this is neither the first nor last bad pun to come out of america anyway.
  6. oh not the kick, that's the fun part, it's the change in fps from cooldown. plus getting it to seal good on a ml rubber is tricky, really wish there was an aftermarket hop unit for it.
  7. oh when they work they're fantastic, but getting them to run long term is the problem.
  8. oh indeed, but range isn't it's problem the problem is the precision is just never going to be the same as a well dialled in aeg or hpa. but that's just my standards of accuracy are the problem not strictly speaking the gun.
  9. same, it should be kicked up by the col, pulled back by the spring, then when you release the trigger it should drop down again and be caught next time you pull.
  10. for gg mags keep them gassed, all of the time, maintenance gas if you're feeling fancy/are going for longer term storage. barrel cleaning- same routine as the rest of the collection a good swab before every game day. general cleaning, dirt/grit in the mechanism is not good. how much to clean (ie just pulling the slide or a full teardown) will depend on how dirty it is. lubrication, bit of silicone on anywhere with seals, no need to drown it just a light spray. you want to avoid using anything heavy like thick oils or grease as if it doesn't gunk up the mechanism on its own it will once some dirt gets in.
  11. no, because gbb's are more fun for the rare occasion the majority of them make it out of their holsters on the field. co2 is great in principle, but the venn diagram of people who claim on internet forums that they're reliable, and people who i've seen on the field with reliable co2 pistols, does not overlap. perhaps they're just not using the right type of bulb/storing it with/without the bulbs in (delete as appropriate i've heard of and tried both), are using too much/too little silicone etc etc. or perhaps 800+psi & airsoft *ahem* "quality" isn't a mix that works out well. nbb has its place, certainly it's a much cheaper option than hpa if mouse-fart levels of quiet are a priority for you. personally not my cup of tea.
  12. that would depend entirely on what you want. do you want a dmr that's based off something realistic looking/feeling, or will anything that lobs bb's with dmr energy? do you want silence, do you want noise, do you care about "recoil" (insofar as recoil applies to anything airsoft), what's your expected round count, budget, tolerance for precision, teching skills etc etc. however given it seems this thread is primarily a conversation peice then the WE svd, because it's cool.
  13. if memory serves it should just be a standard v2 tappet, mine ate a couple in the short while it was an aeg. for the same reason it eats pistons- the split box design. means your aoe (and tappet engagement) is literally based on how your holding it at the time. if you wanna keep it as an aeg i'd suggest going for a standard piston head and doing whatever you can to prevent the wiggle between the gearbox halves when assembled. i just gave up and went down the hpa route. although that doesn't fix the terrible mag mechanism (maybe the g&g fits, didn't go down that road myself) or, as the fellow i sold mine to described it "the spaghetti reciever"
  14. yeah, although not sure by the time you factor in mag prices if it's cheaper than putting a daytona into an aeg body.
  15. can kinda beleive that. they'd be dropping either liquid or gas into the gun depending on orientation, a more conventional gun generally will only feed the gas unless the mag is overfilled. i know it has the whole u-bend thing going on but can see how that wouldn't be enough. i suppose at least the u bend makes hpa tapping easier as you can swap mags without having to unplug every time.
  16. why not try and sell it as a unit? hpa'd ar derivatives are about as easy shifted as hpa kit ever can be.
  17. not sure what the policy on dox'ing is here but maybe better to blurr out addresses and such? if you contact one of the mod team i'm sure with that pile of evidence you have the banhammer shall swiftly be swung.
  18. https://www.taiwangun.com/submachine-gun-aeg/cm-041-blue-edition-cyma?from=listing&campaign-id=19 am i missing something here?
  19. yeah, also heard they're pretty good at eating bearings thanks to the side thrust you get on them. however it is my current mission- i've got the response down nice, just want to eliminate all the gear noise.
  20. i tend to have just the one bottle in the field, then drink plenty inbetween games from a stash in the car. although the sites i play are generally the kind where you can go back to the car between games.
  21. having just finished replaying mafia 3 i was kinda wanting to turn it into a "paint it black" pun, but my pun game was insufficiently strong
  22. interesting review, if you are in the mood for pulling apart then some pics would be lovely, although granted the whole point of a gun like that is to not have to pull it apart. it's a fair point you make on the price, it always seems easier to stomach the bills when they come in smaller chunks rather than dropping it all at once on a pew, even if it ends up the same once you're done.
  23. i feel like there's a ww2 joke in here somewhere. ohh, football again, sorry for that i'll get my coat......
  24. wait, that's supposed to be custom? looks like something a clumsy decorator would be wearing right after finishing a job for tim burton.......
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