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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. ^ Anyone can wear a ghillie if they want, having a bolty is not mandatory. Like arma 3 in the only playable difficulty level. Seriously, that game has only derp mode, and supermegaelite180noscopeyouat300000mwithanironsightedakmshocktrooper mode
  2. i felt there was insufficient emphasis on this sentence.
  3. my retinas!

    1. proffrink
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah but not indoors, when i'm not airsofting.....

    3. Rogerborg
  4. yep. you can be wearing jeans and a t-shirt and still be hidden if you're able to be where the other guy isn't looking. likewise you can be a perfect rendition of a hedge but walking around the middle of the field attracting every shot going. never worn a ghillie primarily because it's hot, sweaty, keeps getting caught on everything and is just generally annoying.
  5. sounds about right, you hear all the stories of do xyz but most of them don't work. part of me thinks i should get another pair and try again to break them in proper, they're that solidly built probably last me rest of me life
  6. remember once on a push-type game (only part of the field open to push through) as a defender i managed to quite literally sit in one spot and get 20+ consecutive kills simply because the attacking team kept coming back to the same piece of cover that i had the angle on. statistically i had to have shot the same person at least twice (more than likely 3-4 people half a dozen times each) which is why i couldn't understand how they weren't at least looking to see if i was still there and/or sending a few prospecting rounds my direction (which due to the cover i had would likely have worked) eventually the site owner decided to change the rules mid-game (without telling us) opening up a flanking route resulting in me getting shot in the ass then getting rather annoyed because i thought they were oob.
  7. apart from the hop chamber doesn't seem like the worst combo. although even with good parts things can still get messed up in the assembly. however it might not be the assembly, misfeeding can equally be caused by mags/ammo (bad ammo can jam up and the mag spring might not be strong enough to overcome it, for midcaps at least) the other possibility is the hop setting, you can get some weird things with the hop either fully on or fully off, so you generally want to be testing with the hop set (turn it off then on a little if it's not already dialled in for the ammo)
  8. you mean the old solid ones that are like 1/4" solid leather? had a pair years ago but never managed to acheive the mythical "breaking in" point where they became comfortable enough to wear.
  9. yeah, very thin looking soles to them. not a lot of grip on mud either i'd wager.
  10. could just be ambient temperature is pushing it over the edge? never had a mosfet overheat (that wasn't the result of generalised stupidity ie an asg 40k on 11.1v) but then anything double digits is considered decent weather here.
  11. isn't he trying to flog those as merch now? not just himself he's screwing over in that case. i must admit those do look like they'd be uncomfortable on rough ground.
  12. how hot did it get in the afternoon? we managed 26° yesterday which was blistering by our standards
  13. can confirm, exact same bug here. although the replies are getting through ok so it's not the end of the world to refresh the page and check.
  14. never took a video, but we're talking the same, if not even more dramatic, as the mk23. for example a few years back i lent one of my guns to a co-worker for a game (e&l aksu with polarstar f2 and a massive dtk4 suppressor with foamy bits) at one point i happened to glance over and see him, maybe 5m away open sight lines (ie nothing to block the sound between us) and the only way i knew he was firing was i could see his finger pulling the trigger.
  15. it depends on the action. for aeg's and gbbr's they're pretty much pointless as the action noise is by far the largest element. for hpa's and nbb's where there's minimal action noise then they absolutely help with the "pop" you get from the barrel and can bring it down to a level of silence that if you're standing a few feet away the sound of the bb landing makes more noise than the gun does. for aeg's yes, however it's still largely pointless given the gearbox noise, piston slap etc. you can do quiet aeg builds (mostly by filling the gun with more foam than is good for it), but you have to really really not want to just carry a mk23 as a secondary for when silence is required.
  16. i did experiment with cutting baffle shapes in the rings, wrapping a cut up mousemat around the inside of the chamber (to dampen any noise that hits the can wall), stuff like that. dont think it did all that much, a decent sized can and an action that's quite enough for suppression to make a difference is pretty much all the way there. besides, anyone you shoot silent or no will be coming right back for you after he's respawned (assuming he didn't scream hit at the top of his lungs then whisper "he's over there" to his buddies as he walks off)
  17. e&l's own or real steel will fit (usual ak fettling notwithstanding). careful with aftermarket/other brand handguards as they may well be too short. really shoulda tried the lct handguards for fit while i had it, not sure if they're the short pattern or not. not much you can do for the stock, if you were going tactical then the newer designs (pt5, pt3 etc) would be fine.
  18. yeah it's pretty common, normally 3 rings wrapped around a spring. ofc having a bit of space for gas isn't the worst thing in the world.










    made it to rookie :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rogerborg


      I honour your service.


      Hmm, maybe the badges should be medals, the better to represent our heroism.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      you're only saying that cos you've made it to explorer already 😛

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      although i've just made it to apprentice, i'm catching up ;)

  20. the question is not can the question is should and those questions have different answers.....
  21. if he ever wants to sell it (which i doubt) then point him my direction plz. i realise that's almost certainly never going to happen, but hope springs eternal
  22. some nice peices there. as much as i appreciate revolvers in general, the ones that i'd be specifically interested in for airsoft (cap&ball era colts and the nagant) seem to either be not that good or suffer from a fundamental existence issue that's beyond my tech skills to fix.
  23. yeah but it's a tm, tm's are incapable of firing beyond 1j no matter how much internal work you do to them. this is a known and established fact.
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