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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i'm sure like the mk23 there'll be an aftermarket solution to make it adjustable. personally my view is it's a shotgun, i wouldn't even bother trying to use it beyond cqb ranges. which is probably why i've never really been bothered with shotguns, but this does intrigue me.
  2. i think for me i'm used to sites being bad for the opposite end of the scale- not enough marshalling either due to marshalls who are too lazy, too young, or too ignorant of some basic principles (like how fps=/=joules) to manage games properly or at all. places where pretty much any and all forms of cheating go either undetected or unpunished (even when caught). so i'm surprised to see that the opposite could end up being just as bad.
  3. worth checking the fps consistency on the chrono, as above no point whacking a stronger spring in there until you're sure that extra energy isn't just going to get lost in a leak somewhere.
  4. qc is an ever present possibility, i can't see anything intrinsically wrong with any of those parts, but it's always the way with airsoft that even good parts might not work quite right for a given gun. do you have a tappet plate delayer chip? if not worth installing one, it'll give the mag that little bit extra time to get a bb into the chamber before the nozzle closes. what kind of issue? might be the rubber, as above sometimes an otherwise decent part can be weird if it ain't quite the right one for the gun.
  5. that all that incompetence managed to happen at once. especially the bit where they have the cheek to blame you for it.
  6. I think i'm actually out of words..... I do not have enough vernacular to comment properly......
  7. 20 minutes for £20?!?? Please tell me you're joking because i'm not entirely sure i beleive what i'm reading. Fucking hell that is not remotely acceptable, how the hell did you even just walk away from that!? I'm not normally one to call for this sort of thing but naming and shaming seems to be the order of business here. save some fellow forumites the same misfortune. Edit: seriously, tell me i'm being trolled right now, i would genuinely preferr being made the fool than beleive there's that level of incompetence in the world.
  8. Ahh, well that answers that question then. At the risk of going in circles is it intermittently feeding on any mode or is it happening (/happening worse) in auto? Might be a speed/delay issue?
  9. The link was supposed to be an image but hasnt pasted right?
  10. new one for the list courtesy of @strykerles the TT33 i should love it, but i just dont.
  11. hmm, whilst i'm normally hesitant to suggest messing with things like hop chambers if it's unneeded, but i can't help but wonder what a ZCI rotary would be doing in that position?
  12. 1 airsoft metre is roughly 0.587 metric metres, so 65 real metres is ~110 airsoft meters.
  13. personally i prefer the ewdfojspoijqierntjkidfnhg0owoirfjnholjqagji0wshaufipqaOKL4ETJHNJWHIAERPGF9AO[KQanreofgpihjgijwahbnpreiuhg myself but i'm very much a traditionalist when it comes to these things.
  14. oh fuck no if they can't find out who it is then they're not gonna find out by making everyone sit around for the whole game. it's nice they're trying to take stuff seriously but that is a fucking stupid way of going about it. i'd be getting my money back and walking.
  15. hmmm. normally they do protrude a little, like ~0.5mm ish but you're saying it sounds like much more than that. can't recall if i've mentioned it before but if not it's worth checking the mag/ammo, a weak mag or some ammo brands can cause the stack to bind up causing jams that a better brand of ammo/mag would solve. that's mainly if you're using mid caps, hicaps tend to not be quite so susceptable as they're single stack and much shorter column.
  16. there is but one god, our lord and savior Mikhail who sent his only begotten son unto us so that we may have moar dakka.
  17. the answer is why would you even ask that you filthy heretic!
  18. might not even be QC, might just be the specna cut for the barrels is slightly different to the cut for PDI barrels. maybe worth chucking the original barrel back in see if that's the case.
  19. that diagram looks different to the f226 i had. in the one i had there was a much larger bulged section at the base of the grip frame, it had a pin at the rear making a slot that the tail end of the stirrup (S61) would ride in, the spring itself was just pressed against the top of this block. you can kind of see it in this image: of course they might have tweaked the design since, wouldn't be the first time i've seen 2 of WE's models with the odd redesigned part to them.
  20. Sounds about right. When you get 2 of them nattering on about how such and such is being offered the megabucks to join some other team but they think such and such is past it cos he's too old and so and so would be a better pick but its not transfer season yet and the 5th league wickets are stacked against the team that everyone normally thinks should win because they've kicked more home runs than anyone else in the past 5 years but that was all due to such and such who's practically a demigod of the ball handling but not any more apparently. And then the building burned to the ground......
  21. I feel both elated and depressed by how much that resonates with me it's true though, all it takes is 2 football fans in an open office.......
  22. you just described my relationship with lct ak's unless it's an lct ak although yes this is a valid point, unless you're already experienced enough with a certain make/model to know what deficiencies it'll have then you're always better off playing with it first. at the very least it'll give you info to feed back to the community when asking for suggestions, details like chrono readings, how the shots are going etc can help diagnose what's up.
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