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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/24 in all areas

  1. After quite the hiatus, I stopped making excuses and got out there again to die for the Emperor at Area 66 yesterday, with my freshly painted and sanctified XR-5 doing lasgun duties. Looks great, shoots like an under-hopped, under-powered, over-weight piece of junk that required wild bursts of fire to hit anything. So, a pretty good facsimile then. Fun was had in the heat, but it was strictly a walking day. I binned off the costume and junk-gun at lunch and went out TAC-41 sniping in the afternoon with much more success. The out-of-the-box-plus-a-spring performance of those things is great, but I'd make a rubbish sniper - far too much chuckling and "Git rekt, scrub!" from the bushes. It was a decent day despite a big stag-do party being there, they were split up and generally played OK. Not enough marshals, but fortunately not much need for them. One interesting thing they did was to tag guns with a cable-tie, but not trim it until walk-on for the first game, which is a commendable attempt to catch chrono-dodgers and make pre-game chrono a bit more meaningful.
    6 points
  2. A bunch of fulcrum bangs for the team to use from the back of my rig Should probably pre-warn the wife next time I test them too 😂 20240512_112150.mp4
    5 points
  3. What a complete shitcunt. Sorry man.
    3 points
  4. On a bright, sunny morning, I set off for Splatoon. The site was busy, but not as packed as I have seen it. On arriving, my first task was to test the green furnitured LCT AK74 that I have been working on after buying it with a locked up gearbox. It ran very nicely, shooting past the end of the 50m range with good accuracy at 0.96J. It will soon be making an appearance in the Classifieds. After getting everything ready and having a chat with some of the other players, it was time for the first game. This was a simple domination, using the container village field and the middle field. In each field is a spinner; at the end of the game, the team with their colour pointing up won that field. I decided to join the group that were going into the middle field as I prefer that to the container village. We quickly reached the spinner, set it with blue pointing up and settled in to defend it. The yellow team made several strong pushes to try to reach it, but their attacks withered away each time as we made the best use of our defensive positions and communicated well with each other. When the game came to an end, we set off back to the safe zone, meeting up with our colleagues who had been in the container village; they had also secured the spinner after a rather harder fought battle. Huzzah! Victory! After reloading up and taking on fluids, we set off for a fallback game; the defenders had one life in each of four zones and, as the attackers, we had infinite regens on a marshal who followed 10m behind our rearmost player. Possibly due to the heat, our initial attack was sluggish, but we eventually cleared the first zone before regrouping to attack the second zone; this went rather more quickly and, in the third phase, we found ourselves facing the usual problem of breaking into the first half of the container village, which involves running across the front of the defenders to get into the somewhat dubious cover of a black helicopter, which then acts as a base to push forward. After initially struggling to get to the helicopter, we eventually succeeded and started to push forward, clearing the first phase of the village after a fairly intense fight. Once the defenders had reset in the second section of the container village, we again pushed forward, coming up against a spirited defence that was gradually worn down until one of our players was able to make a run for the grey helicopter and get a hand on it, signalling the end of the game. Luncheon was then taken. After we had dined and hydrated, we set off for another domination game, this time across all three fields. Each team had one riot shield, which could take five hits before having to go back to regen; this didn't seem to have much impact on play. Again, I found myself in the middle field, where we repeated our earlier performance and had the spinner on blue all through the game. Unfortunately, our colleagues in the other two fields did not fare so well and we lost 2-1. Following yet more essential hydration, we embarked on the reverse of the earlier fallback game, with us now being the defenders. In the first two zones, I took up favourite positions on the right flank, holding up the enemy who were trying to push down that side. In the third phase in the first half of the container village, I had great fun potting enemy players who were trying to run to the black helicopter until a BB skimmed my trouser leg. Falling back to set up a position for the final phase, I dug myself into some bushes on the edge of the field (players were only allowed 1m into the bordering wood) and took out a lot of attackers as they moved across my front until a sniper got me. The enemy's time to reach the helicopter was four minutes quicker than ours. When we got back to the safe zone, a quick head count was taken and it became obvious that we had been seriously outnumbered, with the enemy team being 70% larger than ours as more of our players than theirs had succumbed to the heat and called it a day. After the teams were rebalanced, we went out for a last game. The Yellow team had to transport a rather large cuddly toy zebra from their start point in the woods behind the container village to the safe zone entrance. They had infinite regens on a marshal and we had one life in each field. Only their nominated player could carry the zebra, which was nearly as big as him. Our defence in the container village collapsed rather rapidly as we did not have enough players to cover the frontage; after holding off their attack in the centre, I was hit by an attacker who had taken out the chap to my right and sneaked onto my flank. A marshal commiserated with me on my misfortune. Falling back to the middle field, we came under great pressure from the attackers, but held them off for longer than expected, with the HK53 dealing out hits at surprisingly long ranges. However, I was eventually hit and headed back to the lower field, where we put up a stalwart defence, picking off the attackers as they moved down the slope in the general direction of the safe zone entrance. It became clear that they were trying to work round our left, so I moved that way and took up a new position. Unfortunately, an incident then occurred which has brought shame and dishonour on me. Just as I was about to take a shot at one of the attackers, one of my colleagues popped up and I shot him in the back of the head. Being a gentleman, I apologised profusely for shooting him, took the hit and left him to fight on. At least a little bit of honour is restored, but I shall probably have to travel to the colonies and live under an assumed name for the rest of my days and farm kangaroos or something. Fortunately, the enemy failed to get the zebra to its destination before the 16:00 whistle went, signalling the end of the game and of a very good day of airsoft. Weapons used: Classic Army HK33 Classic Army HK53 ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    3 points
  5. Sounds like a 1980s haircut and/or band. What's the mechanism in those? Me, not so much made as slightly tarted. From this gopping abomination... ... to this gopping abomination. Needs more greeblies, weathering and maybe a chonky barrel - although I actually quite like the stubby look, and every gram saved on these is welcome.
    3 points
  6. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop WW2 1911 pistols gbb COLT, ITHACA, US&S, SINGER, REMINGTON RAND
    3 points
  7. What an utter cunt.
    2 points
  8. How was my day? REALLY FUCKING HOT. But good.
    2 points
  9. A strange sequence of events lead me to play sniper after a looooong time.. I was meant to use my PDW and decided to bring the vsr as well to have some fun in the car park and test a few things.. Well, I forgot the drum mag at home so I was left with the vsr, one mag, no pistols nor spare AEGs... Well fuck me I had some fun Basically played defense all morning, circling around attackers and plinking at them from the side/rear, sometimes people would walk past me (wearing RG trousers, RG short sleeve shirt and grey backpack) without noticing.. Also people complimented the gun, apparently it's inaudible at 10 metres and very, very hard to pinpoint within 5. All I have to do is sort the hop consistency (power is bang on, less than 1 m/s deviation)...
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. ak2m4

    Changing default spring

    Springs are all different types of lengths, have different types of coils etc. have a read of some of spring threads here, lot of good info there.
    2 points
  12. JinxDuh

    Bunch of stuff for sale

    Prices need to be shown per listing rules 🤙🏻
    2 points
  13. Went to Bespoke today as I was working half an hour away and had underlings to do work whilst I looked important. So I pulled rank and ducked out for a bit with my faulty from new AA G36 GBBR. If you remember the other thread, it is firing a shot at 500 ish fps, then everything subsequent to that just rolls out of the barrel. I bought it from them at the end of last summer, then had trouble getting in touch, and then work/travel commitments made getting to their then Slough based store tricky. Talking to them today, I am willing to grant them the communication issues were down to them preparing for the move. New shop is looking pretty damn impressive. They have a fairly big unit on a small trading estate. I assume a warehouse downstairs, then a large open office upstairs with a new shop area that is going to be quite big too. They answered the buzzer and let me in unannounced. An incredibly polite staff (I think the owner) took my pew, which is now well over 6 months from purchase, listened to the description of the fault and said he'd take it down to his tech whilst I had a look around. I was then given a tour of the new office, shop, firing range, pistol showroom and Air gun showroom. There was not much in stock at the moment as they're still bringing things up from the Slough premises. But they had, amongst other things, the Walther WA2000 along with some very nice looking pistols that I had to fight very hard to resist. I wish I had £780 to spend on a wall hanger. Had a good 30 or so minutes left to my own devices whilst the nice lady behind the counter helped some dude pick out a pew for his daughter, then the guy came back to say that they could see the problem I was having, and would keep the pew for a few days to fix it as they didn't have another in stock, implying to me, that he would have been happy to give me a replacement - so top marks there. They also confirmed that once they're finished setting up, they will be doing all kinds of repairs, upgrades, and customisations in house as well as sales. This should take them another week or two, but i have two or three non essential pews that need attention that no one else seems to be interested in (or that I'd trust), so they'll be heading there once the G36 is proven. Sooo.... If one were to take everything at face value, and assuming they fix my RIF, then I am a happy bunny and they deserve all the success after what must be an eye wateringly expensive investment. Can't blame the shop for a faulty RIF out of the box, but unlike Only Airsoft in Stevenage, where there seems to be an attitude of "warranty is up to them" once you leave the shop, Bespoke seem to just want to keep you happy. Although to be fair to Only Airsoft, they have honoured the warranty when required - it's just the perception that they give off that is unnecessary. Certainly can't fault Bespoke for care and attention so far! Standby for updates.
    1 point
  14. Hoping this will help locals give this site consideration for a visit, sorry for the wall of text. Armageddon Airsoft: The Woodland - £20 walk on. First time at this site depsite being on my doorstep and I have nothing negative to say about anything within the sites control. The site had a raffle for a CYMA Deagle AEP on the day at £2.50 per ticket. Staff were super friendly and chatted with all players all day (incuding the owner) even getting involved in the games later on. No issues with hit taking or similar. Everyone attending was there to have fun. Three dogs mooching around the safe area at all times is always appreciated. Longer break between game modes due to the warmer weather we've been having. We started out with a 'capture the objective' game mode where teams had to activate/de-activate lights on an objective box between the two team spawns. Our team were second to the objective but handily dispatched the other team and defended thee objective as the enemy team declined to use the better sight lines afforded from their side of the field. Great comms across all players. Second game was an attack/defend scenario further back in the site. Defenders with 3 lives, attackers with unlimited. The defenders who last the longest win. We attacked first getting bogged down (quite literally) in some places due to stubborn defenders who were eventually relieved. Again, no issues with hit taking or similar. Switching sides meant we were defending and we had elected to not reload our mags leading to a overly long delay into the attack as the attackers filled up. We outlasted the attackers despite some minor confusion over how much of the site was playable (given it's literally a block of woodland). Regardless, we held out and won. By lunchtime, it was 2-0. Sadly, players left during lunch but that can't be helped. Teams shuffled randomly to assist balance. After lunch was capture the flag. The flag was in a very exposed middle area between the two spawns. I'm pretty sure the bolt action players could reach each other spawn. The field was super wide but narrow if that makes sense. Mostly my focus was on the right flank as it had some heavy shrubs/bracken offering concealment and limited structures for cover. After fumbing a pyro throw and being killed by a likewise reply I went left from spawn and moved through the pyramid style barricades and log walls that had been constructed. After 4 or 5 clean semi-auto kills the action on my flank died down and game end was called with the enemy team getting the win. 2-1. It was during this game that half my charging handle decided to drop off. Amazing. The final game I played was 'duo kill confirmed' where everyone had one armband which was your 'life'. If you got hit, you counted to 10. If, within that 10 seconds, anyone came to claim your armband (and you were left without one) you were out. If you counted to 10 and no one claimed it, you were back in. The spicy rule to this game; if you killed someone and took their band, it's a extra life. In theory, you could have as many lives as players on the field if you killed them all and took their bands. If the enemy you killed had multiple bands, you can only take one while they count down from 10. For this game mode, myself and the player I was teamed with purposely backed ourselves into the corner of the play area so that we only had two angles to watch. We were engaged in a lengthy trade off with another duo resulting in nothing but wasting ammo and the enemy duo retreating as well as discovering strange hop issues arising from both our rifles. Fuck. After a few minutes of fuckery, we managed to get our rifles settled in time for TWO separate teams joining forces against us, pushing from both sides. This was our Alamo and my excuse to break out all of the pyro I had brought. One of the enemy split away and pushed to our left who I 'killed' several times but was never close enough for me risking running to take his band. My partner was in a slightly elevated tower watching the mid and right, delaying the other three enemies as much as physically possible. Eventually the enemy on my left got close enough I could just throw pyro at him to get the kill and delay his attack but still not close enough to take his band. Then it happened so quick, my partner was hit, I killed his killer, I was killed, partner was back in - killing my killer allowing me back in, rinse and repeat. The enemy pushed closer all the time this was going on and eventually ended with myself and my partner being out and we watched the final two teams constantly trade fire two feet away from each other while laughing before calling it a draw realising it was fruitless. Negative: In small areas it was boggy, almost lost a boot at one point Also, nettles suck which I knelt in a few times plus thorns. Nothing new to woodlands players. Positive: What a great day, will definitely be going back here. Owners, site, level of play, game modes and players were fantastic. Can't recommend enough.
    1 point
  15. Definitely worth a try. It's a compact site, like a woodland CQB, with loads of buildwork and you're rarely more than a few steps from cover. Good access road, parking and safe zone. Actual real toilets and a shop with a bell and all sorts.
    1 point
  16. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Another 1 for the British Forces Collection. A colt model 603. Pictured here in use during SAS jungle training. Also made a second upper for my Colt 715. Making it a colt model 701. (Export M16A2, with full auto function, not 3rd burst like usgi A2s). Pictured here during OP BARRAS.
    1 point
  17. ok, the UV leds i was looking at were I think, 3.5 fV so 4 of those, even 3 would be under or around battery voltage in series. Looks like yours are parallel tho so you'd need the current limiters. LED drivers are cheap, so that's another possibility.
    1 point
  18. I really should try out Area66, only 30 mins from me.
    1 point
  19. I can’t recall offhand but I did the calcs and the resistors are needed, I tried a few variations and blew lots of leds in the testing
    1 point
  20. Not my pew. Not even sure what it is. But I did a quick and dirty paint job for a friend.
    1 point
  21. JinxDuh

    Ssg10 A1 for sale

    1 point
  22. Salamanca

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have cured MWS bolt-bounce with an Angry gun heavy buffer and a heavier spring. It seems a problem that some rifles suffer and some do not, as I have had this problem with just one of my rifles. You may be able to cure it with one of those buffer weights fitted with small weights inside, which I recall is what Ollie used.
    1 point
  23. I want a TM Hi-Capa 3.8".
    1 point
  24. That's a lucky scoop right there, a few firearm related shops here used to sell them but afaik every single one dried up years ago. Now that they're 'the thing you can't get' they're all the rage for collectors and aficionados state side. Seen many many comments on Magpul's social media posts asking for them.
    1 point
  25. Surely all of these are trumped by the guy who's been trying to sell a collection of RE pistols on here, for what's got to be more than four years now?
    1 point
  26. @Jez Armstrong your looking at the wrong ones mate, M32H are the fast helmet ones which are 80£-90£ on PB, decent price considering the condition and boxed. You're talking about the headset m32's which are Mod3s that are 69.99£. I'd get my facts straight before commenting lol!🤣
    1 point
  27. navyvet86

    E&C Glock 45

    Brilliant brilliant replicas ! L-type hammer roller, action is smoother than pistols twice its cost. really great replica ! anyone considering it, should buy it immediately !
    1 point
  28. Just started an engraving course. First lesson, we barely scratched the surface...
    1 point

    • For sale
    • As new

    Very reluctant sale , only open to offers as have no clue what to ask for price wise In brilliant condition , not been skirmished as it’s shooting to hot for my local cqb site as it’s running on a C02 mag but it’s a green gas pistol so mags are available on the market as green gas will lower fps to site limit Upgrade list…. P320 Xcarry £249.99 Agency Arms Magwell £23 C&C Tac Silencer.Co Threaded Barrel £38 C&C Tac Legion Style Flat Trigger £24 Unicorn Hop Bucking £11.50 Top Shooter CNC Hop unit £34 Top Shooter CNC Slide Cover £9 Gunday High Rise Sights & RMR Plate £22 Pro Arms 130% recoil Springs £22 1x M17 CO2 £27 Total spend £460.49 Original hop unit Original springs Original hop bucking FLASHLIGHT IS NOT INCLUDED!!!!!! Couple scratches on the internals due to testing etc like the top of the outer barrel.. any questions please message my other half on 07985220163 as he deals with the sales I just list them


    1 point
  30. Last weekend at Fireball Squadron. Great photo by Airsoft Project
    1 point
  31. That is correct. It pulls the spring guide into place, stabilising the spring.
    1 point
  32. https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/tokyo-marui-hicapa-51-gbb-pistol
    1 point
  33. Cannonfodder

    Taring Carving

    Never heard of them but a quick Google search shows quite a lot of negative reviews, not just for the time taken but for the quality of their work and customer service too. All in all I'd go elsewhere
    1 point
  34. Impulse

    Taring Carving

    One of my friends had them make him a Lee Enfield stock for a VSR receiver a few years ago and it was a year turnaround on that. I'd be hesitant to go with them on their response times as well, as I'd be unsure whether they're actually going to do it and I wouldn't be able to chase them up for updates if I got worried about the radio silence.
    1 point
  35. Tackle

    Taring Carving

    I'd be reluctant using them based on just the email response times alone, is it another "one man band" operation ?
    1 point
  36. I suspect he's legit, just a bit optimistic. But swaps are always super-duper sketchy, so best avoided unless you like sending off real items in return for nothing more than a promise from a stranger with nothing to back it up.
    1 point
  37. Love the fact he says he needs to get rid of his as "it takes up much needed space"...........but you want to swap it for something else that will also fill your "much needed space" Is it half term again already ffs🤪
    1 point
  38. Good to bump into @Asomodaiat Driver Wood on Saturday. Being on opposite teams, meant we each traded a few eliminations - including a memorable pistol duel between us due to being inside our our MEDs (I lost that one!). Cracking morning in the good weather, and an opportunity to try out the HPA SR15 pieced together from various parts - which was performing pleasingly. Ended up running it on 80PSI (its' got a mancraft PDIK inside it) in order to get it below the DMR limits of 1.88J - which didn't seem to make the engine struggle at all, despite the Mancraft website stating that minimum PSI for their engines was 100....
    1 point
  39. Saturday we had a full day private party booking, a video gaming community that has grown up around a youtube review channel, and get together to play airsoft once a year. They are online acquaintances, some of whom had never met in real life before. Some had their own kit some rented. I have to say, they were brilliant to marshal for. The mood all day was fantastic, there was not one single complaint about hit calling, in fact quite the opposite: In the last minute of one game a player grabbed the objective and made an heroic sprint. Afterwards i overheard an opfor player say: "I'm pretty sure I saw my shots bouncing off you" And I thought, uh oh, here we go. But he followed up with: "But sometimes when you're running like that you just don't feel it". Why aren't all airsofters like him these days? Sunday I managed to play, instead of marshaling for a change. One of my closest friends has been out of the game for months, and came back yesterday, so I was glad to be out there with him, and we had a great time. Ran my TM MWS for a few games, and my Secutor (well, the exterior is) DMR for a few. We got absolutely SPANKED by the red team, but had fun in the process. A couple of the MWS mags were gassing out on the first round, so I'll need to sort that out, but overall a great day. Photo title: "Oooh, shoots you sir!"
    1 point
  40. I'd talk to whomever is in charge. Site owner or manager, whatever. A couple of bad marshals can really ruin a whole site and if a long term customer isn't happy playing there any more I'd want to know why.
    1 point
  41. Have your kit come in on a rubber dinghy from France. That seems to be a successful import method these days!
    1 point
  42. Haha, fair. My brain always seems to attach 'something to mess around with' as 'something to tinker on while we can't play'. TLDR - Performance wise the MTW is the best RIF I've ever used, maintaince is very easy, but the tank and line will be an issue for some... alongside the price of both getting a HPA setup and the cost of the RIFs themselves. I'll breakdown the engines first: Inferno Gen 2 - Controlled by an FCU so needs a battery, programmable in terms of dwell, rate of fire. Operating pressure is 60-140 PSI. Reaper Gen 2 - Being honest, I have no idea about the details of this engine. I personally see it as a choice between the Reaper M and the Inferno Gen 2 so have never looked into what the Reaper Gen 2 actually offers. Reaper M - Mechanical so no battery needed, semi only. Operating pressure of 80-140 PSI. They have 3 versions available: 'Cheapest' The 'Billet series' which is the OG one, upper receiver is pretty much naked on the right hand side so no forward assist or dust cover. Comes with an M-lok rail (7", 10 and 13/14" options available), can be fitted with a variety of the engines and runs on the Spartan board (you adjust your FCU settings using the trigger). Comes with the original plastic black hop unit, engine retention clip and feed tube. 'Middle Ground' The 'Milspec series' new release toward the tail end of last year. Conventional AR receivers so has the forward assist and dust cover (worth noting the dust cover doesn't close without modification). Comes with a quad rail (10" only I believe) and the Reaper M engine. Comes with the fancy Phoenix hop unit and an updated engine retention clip/feedtube (tldr, people kept breaking the old design of feedtube so they changed it on the new models, the Billet still uses the old one). 'Big Bucks' The 'Forged series' new release toward the end of last year. Conventional AR receivers so has the forward assist and dust cover (worth noting the dust cover doesn't close without modification). Comes with an M-lok rail (10" and 14" versions available) and the Inferno Gen 2 engine, runs on the Premium FCU board so a separate board with it's own buttons rather than having to program the FCU with the trigger. Comes with the fancy Phoenix hop unit and an updated engine retention clip/feedtube. I've only used the Inferno Gen 2 personally, largely due to operating pressures and the fact I run mine at the standard limits rather than as a DMR (turns out I hate minimum engagement distances). On the various groups surrounding the platform I see far more issues with the Reaper engines than the Inferno ones, how much of that is user error and lack of research versus issues with the engines themselves I have no idea. I'll leave a chart below regard AEG/real steel parts compatibility. All this is very much a brief overview. Worth noting that a variety of hop units can be installed on it, but require some modification to fit and hinder the ability to strip the RIF quickly. Entirely not worth it in my eyes, the stock plastic unit is fantastic. I haven't been able to test the Phoenix but reports seem to be that it's very good once you've taken the time to tune it properly. I've tried to be as concise as I can, but realistically you're best off doing some research of your own because trying to cover entire product lines via a forum post is... challenging haha.
    1 point
  43. No sorry required mate. People just disappoint me still. Like how’d you not notice you’ve done this
    0 points
  44. Fuming mate you know when you’re you definitely heard that crunch and you’ve just gone fuck it getting out of here. Joke of it is. Not even my car. Rental. So now I’m looking at a costly excess.
    0 points
  45. My day brilliant. Came back to my car at Ambush airsoft and some cretin reversed into my passenger wheel arch. Dented it and just left. I hope your lipos swell and your gas mags leak.
    0 points
  46. Reece could you please contact me. You have sold me the Ak and I have recieved it. But it was advertised as an LCT but it is not, its a cyma. There is also 2 magazines missing and a silencer. Now you will not answer my calls and have blocked me.
    0 points
  47. It seems he is a bit of a cunt as well; this is from his FB page.
    0 points
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