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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/24 in all areas

  1. Having recovered from the band's 25th Birthday gig last weekend, I set off to Airsoft Plantation for a day of airsoft. Around 140 players were present. We started with a rarity for AP, a capture the flag game. In the first iteration, the defenders (blue) were protecting a flag that they had positioned in the mortar pits, while we (red) had to get a hand onto it. The defenders had two lives while we had infinite regens by moving 30m back. This was a fast paced game with us working as a team to break down the defence, which we did very efficiently and effectively. The SR47, despite being a little low on power, was reaching out and touching heads that appeared over the berms. After we had achieved the objective, the game was turned around; again, our teamwork and communication paid off and we put up a coordinated defence, which the attackers struggled to break down, taking 50% longer to achieve the objective. After a return to the safe zone to mag up, we set off for a two stage game in which we were the defenders. The blue team, who started at the border, had to get into the village, find a case containing a smoke grenade and then transport it to the DEA base, where they had to get it inside the plane and set the smoke grenade off. They had infinite regens on a buddy 30m behind them, while we had two lives in the village and two anywhere the other side of the firebreak. The fight in the village was epic; I started near the pond and, again, was part of a coordinated and communicative team that held the enemy up for a long time until we were eventually overrun. Pulling back to the other side of the village, I engaged in another fight against the attackers before being hit again, whereupon I headed for the DEA base and concealed myself in a favourite bush from where I got a lot of hits, including a fabulous one on a chap who was just about to throw a grenade and promptly dropped it at his own feet, taking out a couple of his colleagues :). However, after shooting one lad, I heard him telling those near him where I was as he walked back to find someone to regen on; I was then quite quickly taken out after a short firefight with a couple of attackers, although one of them also had to go back and regen. I fell back to join my few remaining colleagues who, having been pushed back from the plane, were trying to prevent the enemy reaching it. Despite rapidly diminishing numbers, we held them off for a considerable time until they managed to achieve their objective in a time of 52 minutes. After lunch, the two stage game was reversed. Working well as a team, we stormed into the village, taking out the defenders fairly rapidly despite them putting up a hard fight. After locating the smoke grenade in its case, we launched what developed into a three pronged attack on the DEA base, with the strongest group, of which I was part, taking the case and its smoke grenade by the longest route via Swaziland. Pushing rapidly towards the DEA base, whose defenders had already been whittled down by those who had taken more direct routes, a small group made a sprint for the plane and set off the smoke grenade inside it. Our time was considerably shorter than that of the blue team. After another return to the safe zone to mag up, we set off for another flag based game. We started at the border and had to both defend a flag located in the casino and get a hand on another in the DEA base. The blue team, who started at Swaziland, had to defend the flag in the DEA base and get a hand on the one in the casino. Each side had five medics, who were the only people who could regen casualties. We decided to split the team into two groups; approximately two thirds of the team, including three medics, would set off for the DEA base, while the rest of us defended the casino. A group of us positioned ourselves in the village so that the enemy could not move through it. However, they never came anywhere near it so, eventually becoming aware of some fighting to our left rear, we moved towards that, intercepting some of the blue team as they attacked the casino. Just as we fought them off, our attacking group penetrated the DEA base and a player got a hand on the flag. It was a really good day of well organised and well played airsoft. Despite losing every game, the blue team players played really well; however, we played as a team, which made the difference. Weapons used: Hurricane/G&P SR47 DBoys AKMS ASG Commander XP18 (CO2)
    4 points
  2. Went to Fireball Squadron yesterday unfortunately could only stay for the morning. I only have really positive things to say. Arrived early and was warmly welcomed by the members. The safe area is large with plenty of room to set up and they have a well stocked club house. Cash and card payments accepted which is always good and all paper work was done efficiently and easily. It’s a woodland site so with the rain it was quite boggy in places which was too be expected and the obvious comedy falls ensured. Game layout was good and really enjoyable, not the usual team on team, skirmish turns into a free for all. The Marshalls were great and let the game flow. The owners and members have clearly spent a lot of time and effort on the site, I loved the western village. Overall it’s a real credit and you can see the members are enthusiastic about Airsoft. For a morning of pewing I had a really good time, was made to feel welcome and was disappointed I had to leave early. Overall great site, honest players, good marshalling and would recommend anyone to visit.
    4 points
  3. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    4 engineers get into a car . The car wont start. mechanical engineer says : its a broken starter Electrical engineer says : dead battery chemical engineer says : impurities in the gasoline IT engineer says : hey guys i have an idea, how about we all get out of the car, and then get in again.
    4 points
  4. Of all the places I could've got them, Hong Kong was not a place I was expecting to find trousers in my size. Picked up the last pair they had on WGCShop anywhere near my size (only had Large-Long, didn't have any larger sizes in Long length unfortunately), but they're a bit tight around my fat waist at the moment. Good thing is they fit around my unreasonably sized legs and they're long enough, so all I have to do is lose weight and they'll be great. Finding desert marpat stuff is a nightmare already without me being 6'5 and chonky, so I'm glad I picked these up.
    3 points
  5. Agreed, and it can go heavy on the film and light on the sim. I really enjoyed a Narcos themed filmsim that I did a few years back. You had a camo-and-ARs Federales side for Sergeant Serious, and a Hawaiian-shirts-and-AKs Cartel side for LARPing larks. But it was a well run two-day event with defined objectives and a scoring system (for those who cared) that added a lot more depth than a regular skirmish. Well worth a try.
    3 points
  6. A gun that only shoots certain people 😄
    2 points
  7. Polycarbonate lens protector
    2 points
  8. I'm going to have to be critical today, or I'd feel like a fraud, so it's a bit of a spicy one today; I will always be impartial and call it like I see it, even if I'm friends with a lot of the staff at a site. I went to Worthing Airsoft today and the weather was fantastic; very little wind and it was about 14ish celcius, so almost optimal conditions for gas gun sniping. I said I would use my mk12 MWS, set up as a DMR, until I ran out of .4s and then I'd switch over to my m700. Took a while to get the power where I wanted it, but between 1.8 - 1.83J was where I got it, so right up near the limit and pretty consistent. I wanted to play all day today as it's been a while since I have for a variety of reasons, so I gassed and filled my mags and headed up for the safety brief. First point of criticism here as I got split up from my friend again. We like pairing up and linking in with another pair and usually try and be on the other side to the rest of the regular players to make sure there's a bit of balance, but then we got split up again and I'm getting really pissed off with it. The other, large group of regulars who tend to stick together basically never get split up; it's always the four of us who get split up instead. The morning game was a mess. They put the spawns far too close to each other and then gave different messages to each team. Our team was told that a part of the site was off limits, because if we pushed into there from spawn we'd end up on top of the enemy spawn, but the enemy team was told no such thing so they pushed through that part of the site. Then our team started doing it as well and it was a messy spawn camp that my friend said went on for ages. They did eventually break out, but by this point we had largely done all the objectives. We had found the mad scientist, (a guy dressed in like a fancy dress hazmat suit), captured him, escorted him all the way around the site and brought him to the tower where he had to "heal" one of the marshalls. By the end, the blues had just given up on trying to push out and a lot went for an early lunch. The only two deaths I had were from people going out of bounds, one sneaking through the area that the yellows were told was out of bounds, and one guy was waaaaaaaaay out of bounds when I was on the other side of the site. The marshalling in the morning game was essentially non-existent and it never should've gone the way it did. Furthermore, one of the marshalls decided to have a go at me after I set up to defend the tower area after I got shot from out of bounds on the other side of the site. On my way to respawn I saw our team bringing the scientist to the tower, so when I respawned back in I took up a defensive position that I like. The marshall had a go at me, saying I'm always there and how ghillies ruin airsoft and how he's going to run games where no ghillies are allowed because I was ruining the game. First, I had only just got there as I spent the rest of the game to that point taking an overwatch position on the area around where the mad scientist was, then sneaking around the other side of the site and shooting blues in the back. Second I had actually done very little all morning because of how the blues were being spawncamped relentlessly, and not by ghillies as we were all out trying to find stuff to do and having an uneventful morning because we didn't want to spawn camp; especially with how overcast it was today it's very easy to remain concealed even wearing regular DPM. And thirdly, with how the site is set up, combined with how much it bushes up, there are large swathes of the site that are quite simply unplayable with a 30m MED, so I'm limited on where I can go as it is. Anyway, after the relative shitshow that was the morning, the afternoon games were a bit simpler and worked better. The spawns were put far away from each other, though the blue team spawn was very close to three of the five bases that had to be captured in the first five base domination game. Somehow we managed to capture the base that was just down the hill from their spawn, which the marshalls were surprised at and said we shouldn't have taken that, but they had 3 of the other bases, so they won the game. There were some great firefights and I managed to get some great long distance shots with the m700, as I swapped over at lunch time. The next game was an old school attack and defend on the tower area and we were attacking. I crawled on my belly behind a bunch of knee-high foliage to a spot I knew would have a good angle into the tower itself, covering both one of the main doors and also a crawl-space style half-door a bit further back. From there I got a LOT of hits and nobody had any idea I was there; I've missed using the m700 with how quiet it is! Anyway, the next game we swapped over... both sides and teams. Me and a friend got balanced onto blues, because at this point quite a few blues had gone home, so we had round #2 of attacking. I did exactly the same thing I did to the blue team to the yellow team and it worked just as well. It was a lovely, filthy little spot and I love attacking the tower area from that side because I can get to it undetected as long as I low crawl for about 80m though or behind some foliage. So that was me for the day. Played all day for once, so that was nice, and very much enjoyed the afternoon. Didn't enjoy the morning game like I usually do and didn't enjoy getting moaned at by a marshall for literally no reason, but at least the afternoon was good fun. I think I'll be using the m700 for a while as I don't want to get .43s for the MWS yet because I recently upgraded my PC's video card and that wasn't cheap; I've still got a bag of .45s and then an unopened 1kg bag of .48s, so sniping is going to be the way I play for a while, especially since the warmer weather makes the m700 so much better. Hoping next game day is a bit better than today and hoping the weather holds up now that we are in May, but I think the site is really getting difficult now to play with an MED as it's bushing up a lot with how wet it has been and now how sunny it has been the past few weeks at least. I will keep using guns with an MED because I like the challenge, I like excuses to use my pistol more and I like the long distance shots, but it's going to get very challenging for the next few months.
    2 points
  9. Have you got his username? I can check it out (still have moderator powers innit haha). Or PM me with them if you'd rather keep it off the books.
    2 points
  10. i finally managed to make it to RIFTs newest site this weekend, The Battery. as i knew it was going to be a CQB site, i decided my primary weapons for the day were going to be my new KWA Beretta M93r, my KWA GBB Skorpion and my John Wick hicappa and TM Lycoris Recoil pistols as my backups (alternating between primary and secondary throughout the day) but i took a couple of long guns such as my Tippmann in case they were needed, but ended up sticking with the short guns all day. i had purchased a bunch of mags for the m93 through RIFTs own shop, White Sphere Tactical, and arranged to pick them up on site... so once signed in it was off to collect the mags, bring kit into the indoor safezone. standard fare for chrono, but due to the CQB, ammo weight was limited to .28g. first game was team balancer and found that blue team was overly powerful, so as a lone wolf i got swapped onto red team with a handful of other players to balance the teams a little more. game modes through the day were all 30 min games with quick breaks in between for reloading, which wasnt an issue due to the relatively small size of the site. game modes included capturing ammo cans to HQ, moving a gas cylinder "bomb" to three capture points and capturing flag points around the site. TBH, not knowing the site, i was more focussed on just getting kills for the first half of the day, but i did help out with the objectives later in the day once i got more familiar with the site and my new guns. one thing i really need to look into is how to mount tracer units on the skorpion and M93, as these would DEFINATELY have helped in the indoor sections. i did have a bit of an oopsie moment (which i managed to turn to a win)... at one point a blue player was hiding behind some corrugated steel barricades at the bottom end of one of the yards, so i decided to charge the location, laying down fire with the m93 to keep the enemys head down as i crossed the open spaces. as i moved, the m93 gassed out (i think i reloaded the mag, but forgot to gas it.. oops..) so i quickly took the m93 in my left hand and drew my JW hicappa as i reached the barricade... where i hit a patch of mud, slipped over, fell into the barricade and as i slid past the edge of the barricade, managed to snap 2 shots off at the blue player, taking him out... after getting helped up, quickly checking my gear and fist bumping the blue player, i decided to call myself out to go and check my injuries and thoroughly inspect the guns and fortunately found the barrels were clear, so i was soon back out. and i was running a gopro on my helmet for the first time, so i might have caught my little fall on tape... in the process of downloading the footage as i type this message, so i should know in a few minutes.... EDIT i did indeed capture the incident on tape... https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u1nsfc6n375ex1rm5ynb2/oopsie.mp4?rlkey=2rwbhjnlc7tm7ecp69fuvh75f&st=1sdak9fk&dl=0
    2 points
  11. Asomodai


    1 point
  12. Even if you had been single-handedly ruining the enemy team, there would no excuse for him to behave that way. Far too many sites are run or marshalled by people who should never be doing so. Maybe it is time to find another site?
    1 point
  13. I would've understood it more if I was like... singlehandedly ruining the enemy team, but the reality was I had spent the entire morning doing bugger-all because other people on my team decided to spawn camp, which then wasn't dealt with. Also combine the fact that me and my friends have been singled out and split up for months now I'm just starting to feel like they actively don't want me there. And of course, as you said, it's a woodland site that allows people to use ghillies with bolt actions or DMRs, which is what I was using so I'm not breaking any rules nor going against the spirit of the game.
    1 point
  14. Trapping body heat. There are several options again with advantages and disadvantages. Some outdoor companies sell “sleeping systems” that use the R-rating for insulation although it is far more common to see season ratings for guidance. Generally a three season is sufficient for most used in the UK. A) Insulated clothing. Pros: You probably already have some, as you are wearing it you can just get up and go. Cons: Less efficient, takes time to change in and out of as it will need to be fairly thick to be of much valve and then too warm to run about in. B) Poncho liner or quilt. Pros: Can be inexpensive, quick to get out of. Some ultralight camping quilts can very warm for weight but are often pricey. Cons: Can take some setting up (see ranger roll above).* *My take on the ranger roll in Grunt’s video is that it is not warm enough used like that on it’s own. Secondly the layers should not all open on the same side. “Your mileage may vary”. 😁 C) Sleeping bags. Huge variability in quality and functionality. I am going to subdivide these a little. Pros: easy to set up and stow, can be cheap. Cons: can be expensive, winter bags can be very bulky, some designs may be difficult to get out of in a hurry. i) Natural Down filling. I suggest avoiding this for skirmishing events. Down comes in fill powers and quality, generally the more expensive the better. Down is possibly the best for warmth but requires proper care and game conditions will probably lead to it getting damaged. ii) Synthetic filling. Higher quality gets close to the level of down. Synthetic bags are more robust than Down so more suitable for wet and muddy conditions. Three season military bags are probably all you need with two season bags being useful in the summer. Sleeping bags verses quilts. If you are lying flat in a sleeping bag the material beneath you is compressed. This provides next to no insulation as a result. Therefore a quilt of the same weight can be warmer when paired with a decent pad or mat. However, a sleeping bag can be used more easily when sitting up or resting in different positions.
    1 point
  15. No mags either? I’d expect a reach around for that sort of money.
    1 point
  16. Nice but I'm 6'4" & Yorkie Chonky.
    1 point
  17. Rogerborg

    Vorsk VMP-1X

    You can say it all you like, and we can call you a chancer all we like.
    1 point
  18. Tackle

    2 gas powered airsoft pistols

    Make an effort please, name the brands & models, & confirm their condition, fps etc.
    1 point
  19. Jez_Armstrong

    Case layout

    Yep pretty much
    1 point
  20. DJsnipe

    Case layout

    Nice looking case, very similar to a large Plano case I use (and love). It looks like the latches may be better on the Nuprol. Good luck.
    1 point
  21. It could be genuine but always go with your gut instinct.
    1 point
  22. Asomodai

    1911 issue?

    1911's have terrible gas capacity. TMs are the best 1911 because of the low weight plastic slide, but even TMs struggle to fire more than a single loads worth of bb's. It's likely you will need to lube the slide as TMs can be quite dry out of the box. A dry slide will also increase gas usage to persuade a dry slide to move. Also if you are constantly firing it in a short amount of time, the mags and gas get very cold, which means it gets far weaker and prevent the slide from locking back. The warmer the mags, the higher power the gas inside is. TMs do not have silent fill valves so gas does escape when filling. This is perfectly normal. ------------ Lube the slide with silicon oil, don't constantly use 1911 gas pistols with rapid fire and I am sure it will lock back on empty every time. Readjust your expectations, 1911s are cool, but the small gas capacity has always been a problem and you will need to regas for every load of bb's you fire.
    1 point
  23. Whoring myself to PTS/Magpul continues, courtesy of Land Warrior this time (one of the better places for RS bits I'm finding). Not bought, but a buddy that worked at Spiritus for a few years in their earlier days was moving house and having a clear out; sent me these prototypes of what ended up as the LV-119 (oldest on the left, newest on the right).
    1 point
  24. So, what are the main giveaways? I'm probably just completely blind but 🤷‍♂️😂
    1 point
  25. Tackle

    Vorsk VMP-1X

    Ignore the chancer, new price for your package from PB is around £340, s/h guesstimate would be around 70% of new, equals £238, making yours a pretty fair price.
    1 point
  26. I'd be better off using a 40yr old sleeping mat, I'd end up on the deck anyway.
    1 point
  27. gavinkempsell

    Case layout

    I know... as I typed it I looked at my pews and thought I don't need this big a collection either, the difference in my mind is... I can look at & enjoy my pews but a gun case is really a thing to carry them 10 feet from my front door to the boot of my car, I'll end up getting one eventually but it's low on my list of airsoft priorities (for now). One of these would be nice...
    1 point
  28. I should probably add that I've never used one for a milsim, just camping, but the first time it did use it I probably had the best night sleep I'd had when camping ever. The trick is to lay on it diagonally so you get a horizontal sleeping position
    1 point
  29. DanBow

    Case layout

    I don't see the reasoning behind your logic! What's need got to do with it? This is Airsoft, it's ALL about want!
    1 point
  30. JimFromHorsham

    Case layout

    Haven’t done any for airsoft , stuff changes way too quick in my hands 😂 couple of my keeper air rifles I have though 😎
    1 point
  31. Skullchewer

    Case layout

    Oh, we doing cases? Love shadowfoam, but as you can see from the bottom picture, if you sell the gun you need new foam 🤦🏼‍♂️ I do with mine.
    1 point
  32. Jez_Armstrong

    Case layout

    1 point
  33. yeah sure, good luck with the sale
    1 point
  34. Tell me you don't understand basic physics without saying you don't understand basic physics, 1.14 joules is 1.14 joules, no matter if the bb is propelled by a motor driven piston, gas or farting down a straw. If you don't like hpa then just say so instead of making shit up
    1 point
  35. Mattjd1986



    • For sale
    • Used

    Mk23 with spare mag- under rail-cammo wrap material RMR upgraded with all hadron bits and flamingo bucking £110 posted sadly no PayPal please look at feedback trusted seller


    1 point
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