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  1. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    Guarder kit arrived for the V-10 , another successful drop in with zero fettling required
    10 points
  2. Milsims are too serious for my taste. Too many walts and weekend warriors preening over their authenticity and immersion, while playing toy soldiers in the woods. I play for fun, not to have orders barked at me by a guy who suddenly got a small amount of power.
    6 points
  3. My loadout from Sundays game, that @Skullcheweralready posted about in "how did your airsoft day go?". It's subtle, but you might be able to make out my favourite outfit colour. Not shown: 2 radios on my back as I was squadleader. Also not shown: me getting a headache from having to decypher what two different channels are trying to tell me at the same time. šŸ˜‚
    4 points
  4. My dad and I have a few between us
    3 points
  5. Please excuse me if I'm wrong but this gat already comes with a reinforced Orion gearbox and a Gate X-asr MOSFET and a 6.03 tight bore barrel although not Prometheus. The asg spring guide is no great shakes. And I don't think five springs add to the value very much. Just saying is all. Bear in mind that the base gun is Ā£219 from pb.šŸ‘
    3 points
  6. Tackle


    3 points
  7. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004873647284.html? in a L/XL with Team Wendy pad (or rips offs) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005610582754.html? (sorry for the shit images but should give you some idea)
    3 points
  8. Daytona AK105 with a TWI Kolchevnik Kit
    3 points
  9. You posted this just before I was about to put an update on XD. So originally I was trying to use the original mag and hide it inside the box mag which would have lead to a much larger box mag than reel steel. I was also considering chopping the mag in half and splicing it smaller until @The_Lord_Poncho Made a suggestion that had somehow entirely slipped my mind "3d print one" And so I have designed and printed a new bottom part using the top half of the original we magazine, no modification needed. To be clear this will be sent off to be machined or printed in metal before I use it but I have tested it by pumping it up very slightly with my hpa pump (while wearing safety glasses) and it does infact cycle the gun just fine though it leaks around the bolts even with o rings which a metal version will hopefully fix. Did also have to remove the paddle mag release to get the connector in a good spot. having it this short also opens up an interesting possibility. I think I am going to add onto the bottom of it a dovetail or something similar and while I will make a box mag to use I am also considering a magazine adapter for vietnam style short m4 mags. With the belt feed mechanism and a short length of dummy 7.62 the mag would be barely noticeable and id be able to run the gun without the need for a box mag. Obviously Id need to get myself a supply of vn midcaps which are hard as hell to come across right now but I think this could be a great way to use it. If anyone has any suggestion's for some other 100 or so round midcaps that would be small enough to not be noticeable Id appreciate any ideas. Also 3d printed a guide to mark out the holes on the handguard and started drilling and cutting them into some 40mm aluminum pipe. The raised ridges on the handguard will be 3d printed additions and all of the small holes are threaded for m5 bolts so I can swap the ridges out for rail sections and the offset foregrip when I get around to modeling and printing it.
    3 points
  10. AM I DOING AN AIRSOFT RIGHT? KTW Flintlock pistol and musket.
    3 points
  11. Friend of mine went to a milsim and his CO refused to talk to him because his kit wasn't completely right. Get to fuck.
    2 points
  12. Jamsandwich


    I don't really drink much myself, but I've always got a bottle of Mount Gay and some cans of coke in the back of a cupboard for those hot summer days. If you really want to push the boat out though, give 'Stroh' a go! It'll put hairs on your hairs.
    2 points
  13. Leather Trousers - Models' Own
    2 points
  14. Just got back from an evening game at Top Secret (link here), a spacious indoor CQB site in Oldham, Manchester. It was a good 90 odd minute drive for eldest daughter ( @sofieb ) and I but it was well worth it. The site occupies the whole top floor of a former spinning mill that was first opened in 1862. As such, the fabric of the building is starting to show its age. In the game zone there was a central area made of a circle of 6, or maybe 8, big green surplus tents and plenty of wooden structures taking up the rest of the large floor area. There's a maze, of sorts, and lots of walls and doorways. There are a couple of spacious open areas too with lots of cover to get dug in. Over all, it looks like some money has been spent on the initial build and subsequent upkeep. It wasn't shabby or rundown, looks like someone really keeps on top of it. The safe area is big with plenty of table top space and a reasonably well stocked shop too. Shame it's on the top floor as there's far too many stairs when you are carrying equipment. There is a lift but its very old and it's not recommended that you use it! The staff were all friendly and the safety briefing was adequate. As a site, they don't allow BBs over .28g though, which I found strange but thems their rules! First game was a team death match. Apparently if you've played Call of Duty, you'll know what it all about but I'm old and have never been a gamer! Luckily one one of the youths, and by youth I just mean someone younger than me, told me that you go and shoot as many people as you can with constant respawns. In each spawn point there was an electronic counter that you hit every time you get shot and the team with the lowest number win after a 20 minute game. First game my team won and I've no idea who won the second when we swopped ends. The 3rd game involved a VIP who could shoot back and you had to get him somewhere but I let the others take care of the objective and I provided support fire from various flanking positions. Even got a kill with my P226. That made me very happy. Unfortunately, after the 3rd game my leg got the better of me and I tapped out. It was aching a lot before wee even got there so I think I did really well, moving with purpose and even managed a couple of half hearted runs. My G&G rifle was lovely but the G&G branded midcaps were bloody useless! Just wouldn't feed. The M series high cap that it came with was fine, so I'll get another one or two of those. I only used one tonight as after each round it got refilled in the safe zone as it was so close. I spent a few minutes in the game area before playing commenced to try zero in my acog but there's something not right. When you watch the BB leave the barrel it has a reasonably flat trajectory but watching it through the acog it just seems to fly up, as if the sight is pointing downward. I'll swap it for a red dot as the lens does have a crack in it, so maybe there's more damage inside. So, overall, it was a really good night at a well run site that we will definitely go back to.
    2 points
  15. A 50 year old man found dead in a local park has been named by police. Bloody shame it took 50 years for someone to name him!
    2 points
  16. ak2m4

    Parts in the uk

    I don't sadly. I do get asked about these every now and then. Just hard to source along with loads of other small plastic parts. I'm working with a friend at the moment to get our own injection molding setup up and running, will take a while but once it is then small parts like this should be readily available.
    2 points
  17. I believe you played with my boys, the Outcasts, if I'm not mistaken. They were well impressed with your playing. Keelhaul this mutineer.
    2 points
  18. Well, yesterday at Red Alert was our 4th, and final, Battlesim in the Vukodlak war story line. The past three years Vukodlak forces have been victorious. Having played for Vukodlak in previous years, this year I decided to marshal which, as with many battlesims, meant playing as a civilian/quest giver. I spiced it up by playing as a pirate. I was giving out quests to find my lost parrot. There were 3 inflatable parrots hidden about the site, but I had drawn an eye patch on one, and in my quest spiel I mentioned that Polly only had one eye. If they brought back the parrot with the eye patch they got a reward. I also had a bottle of grog, which got hidden, and there was a reward if they brought me "alcohol". The main objective of the day was to find all the items needed to arm a rocket, and then launch it. The rocket is something I've been building recently, but kept off of social media so it would be a surprise for the players on the day. There were two nose cones, one for each team, a round one and a pointy one (pointy is scary). Other civilians had other quests. The drug dealers were selling bags of stuff, for in game currency. This could be handed in to the sheriffs for a reward, or bartered with other npcs. There was the Hobo wandering the site with his wheelbarrow full of junk, but underneath the junk was a laptop that contained the launch codes. Driving around in his pickup was the arms dealer. He would sell you weapons that you could plant on any unarmed civilians you may have shot, and thereby avoid a war crime. šŸ˜‰ The Camels wanted water, mostly... Some civilians were mercs, that would fight for a team for short time, if paid well. At the end of the day Vukodlak were victorious AGAIN, despite some excellent play from the Calladian forces. It was a bloody marvellous day, that ended with both teams wearing massive grins and swapping stories over a beer. So roll on 2025, for a whole new story for our next battlesim! Unfortunately a lot of people had already gone home before we took the last photo after debrief.
    2 points
  19. Lozart


    Inspired by our resident pirate, who else here likes rum? What's your tipple of choice? Personally I'm a big fan of the Bajan rums so I love me some Doorly's (12yr old is my fave) but I'm also fond of a drop of El Dorado and Pussers!
    1 point
  20. Yeah Ive seen that one though since im basically modifying a rifle its closer to their colt lmg or hbar builds
    1 point
  21. DanBow

    Case layout

    1 point
  22. I like them all šŸ˜ You've been quiet for a while, all good ?
    1 point
  23. I went to a 'battlesim' or whatever at Imperium on Sunday. I enjoyed the more mission based stuff as well as slightly tighter rules but I was equally happy that was about where it ended. There was a guy attempting to take charge but his ideas were a bit too 'over the top and walk very slowly towards the enemy' for my liking.
    1 point
  24. DanBow

    Case layout

    I've already swapped the acog for a red dot that is roughly the same width as the pew. The bottom foam comes in layers so I I can make it fit, underneath, quite snug and the top wave foam will compress against it.
    1 point
  25. The slide is fine but the hop adjustment is incredibly basic and annoying to adjust. (Not a deal breaker as at least it stays when set) The biggest problem with the current WE version is the valve knocker design that will snap VERY easily when a magazine is inserted (Uncocked). Most pistols have a hinged knocker that folds up when a mag is inserted. Make sure to rack the slide to cock the hammer (and striker) BEFORE you insert a mag!
    1 point
  26. Agreed. At least on a regular skirmish I can ignore the gobby idiot if their idea is clearly bollocks. Also I get the impression many milsims are pay to win or are more like larping to a set story line.
    1 point
  27. My WE hi-power is supposed to be awful according to everyone. It has the smoothest slide to frame interface of any pistol I have used. Never missed a beat. I am obviously lucky and get whatever the opposite of a Friday afternoon special is... Monday miracle?
    1 point
  28. Dan Robinson


    To be fair half my Airsoft trinkets are part of assorted Team Building Exercises. I might start photoshopping the faces of my underlings onto various game day pictures as well šŸ™ˆ
    1 point
  29. Lozart


    100% try some of the less adulterated rums. Unfortunately there has been very little regulation about what you can and can't call Rum so there's a lot that have a lot of sugar added (Diplomatico is one of the worst offenders). Also - GEN X FOR THE WIN!!!!!
    1 point
  30. Tackle


    I'll be honest & admit I'm a bit of a lightweight, but I occasionally have a rum & diet coke, bit of morgans spiced or kraken usually hits the spot. I'd like to try others, but I'm fearful of liking it too much, there's a strong genetic trait for addiction on me mums side of the family, & as I've previously been at deaths door with pancreatitis, I wouldn't last 5 minutes if I become one of the thirsty people šŸ«£
    1 point
  31. Update re Thompson: I got a call from the tech this morning I asking me to pop down, and heā€™s got it all working as should be minus from the semi/auto like we discussed. So overall, I have a ā€œworkingā€ Thompson but think Iā€™ll look at getting a king arms to replace it eventually.
    1 point
  32. The G&G mid caps are notorious for not feeding in their own guns. I'd suggest either PTS EPM mags (not the EPM1s) or - hear me out - Nuprol mags.
    1 point
  33. I would love me a Spanish Cetme. Here's one in the Estonian Weapons museum I visited in March (Tallinn)
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Tackle

    Chest rig help

    There'll be a knot in the elastic somewhere at the rear of the pouch usually, sometimes hidden within a pocket sealed by velcro, usually just a matter of tieing it tighter. Something contentious now, if your running an expensive top of the line gbbr, with equally expensive mags, why are you using one of the cheapest rigs available, it's a false economy if it starts costing you mags etc. Just a thought.šŸ¤”
    1 point
  36. To quote the fat electrician It's never a war crime the first time
    1 point
  37. Same game as the Captain, pics by Daniel Wiltshire, going back to my og team's camo. Had a great day with great team mates. And those accusations of war crimes are ludicrous.
    1 point
  38. The Mafioso AMT Hardballer (aka the Terminator Pistol) with full stainless internals. Another wall hanger
    1 point
  39. Skullchewer

    What have you made?

    Had to keep this under wraps, until after the battlesim. New game objective, find all the components required to launch the rocket, including the nose cone.
    1 point
  40. I used a dmr for the first time ever yesterday and I must admit, I caught myself a few times flinging more BB's than I should have at the start of the first game. It took a bit of mental work to make sure I only sent one bb down range at a time, however personally I found once I had got into a routine of the timing it soon became almost muscle memory! The play style was rather fun too, it was nice to change up the pace from normal running and gunning.
    1 point
  41. Fortunately the number of players who use DMRs tends to be fairly low; at least at my site, I'm one of the only players who uses one. So if I were marshalling, I'd make a mental note of the players running DMRs when chronoing and I'd keep an eye on them through the game day and make sure they weren't spamming. And I don't think so. All the non-programmable mosfets that I know, things like the gate nano aab, also don't lock them to semi-auto.
    1 point
  42. Picked up some AttackSense yesterday Now I have to get an Android device to run the drills coz Iā€™m an Apple fanboi šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
    1 point
  43. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    This USMC CDJ 180s MARPAT Desert Combat Jacket is an authentic piece of militaria from the United States Marine Corp. It is made of high-quality materials and designed for use in the Afghan Desert War. The camouflage pattern is Desert MARPAT and the size is Small. Excellent clean condition with minor wear to L/H lower sleeve (see photo). kept as a collector item only and not worn. Contains Gore-tex X- static silver material. (Ā£6.00 postage)


    - GB

    1 point
  44. Nick G

    WE Open Bolt SCAR H

    My go to for barrels are the Maple leaf crazy jets, used them in several GBBR's and most of my pistols. Also use M/L rubber along with their Omega nub .
    1 point
  45. Don't hold your breath, my next skirmish won't be till mid May.
    1 point
  46. Skullchewer

    What have you made?

    We're doing a lot of maintenance right now. More bridges to come, some structures to be torn down and replaced, some repaired, some new ones. Woodland with a few knackered barricades just doesn't cut it. The decking will be gritted and painted, for extra grip. Think skateboard grip tape, on a larger scale. We've had 6 of us jumping down on this one. My welds hold šŸ˜‰ 20240425_150829.mp4 Oh, and I added this today. YARRR!
    1 point
  47. gavinkempsell

    Gbb guns

    Don't do it... you obviously don't know what type/style of pew you like, try as many aeg's as you can first or you'll be spending a fortune to only regret the purchase & we'll/I'll end up offering you 60-70% what you paid when it ends up in the classifieds. If that's not the answer you want to hear go onto youtube and watch as many gbbr video's as you can. If you do buy a GBBR, get a Calico, CZ Scorpion, L85A2 or a G3 etc coz I don't have one of these yet.
    1 point
  48. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Swap only
    • As new

    A new custom build This is the harder to find full dust cover (frame goes to the end of the slide) version of the EMG licensed by Staccato Has a Dawson Precision magwell, upgraded "master" grips, spike face flat race trigger, ACRO custom mount and many more extras I've spent a lot building this, and I love it, but I already have my Staccato C2 so would consider a trade for a nice full custom G17/G45/G19X Must be a custom build SAI/FI/ZEV etc Please send a picture in your message with the Glock you are wanting to trade Thank you


    1 point
  49. Ha I used to make so many weird guns, mainly just to wind up my mate Gaz (first one has 5 different guns in it) What about this I made šŸ˜‚
    1 point
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