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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/24 in all areas

  1. "Hang on, wait a second: I'll get my camera, then I'll need you to do it again."
    5 points
  2. My son and I have bought our first sniper rifle, a TM VSR10 G. It was a choice between a pistol each or the rifle. The pistols will have to wait… We bought a couple of mil-dot scopes second hand and have been told they are ok although haven’t tried using them yet. The scopes are 3-9x40 and a 3-9x50 which has red/green illumination. The 50 is a bit of a monster so I’m going to try the 40 first. TBH we are in new territory with sniper stuff so any advice would be greatly received. I do have a few questions which I will research on here like, what weight BB’s to use, how to set up a scope.
    3 points
  3. Exactly. It's pointless making a big song and dance about having body cameras if they're not used as you can't predict when or where they'll be needed
    3 points
  4. I went into an explosives shop yesterday and tried to buy a grenade with my debit card. It all went wrong when the cashier asked for my pin.
    3 points
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Hello chaps I hav3 my Kar 98k for sales, this took me bloody ages to get weathered and restained... I went to the imperial War museum and wanted to get a RIF that looked like it could be on display. I have never skirmished this rifle and only test fired in the garden Very accurate !! It's 350fps so can be used up close £10 for delivery via PayPal


    2 points
  6. thinking about getting a rail extension for my Scar so I printed a 3D version to see if I like the look.
    2 points
  7. Shit like that is precisely why (well along with his school being little more than a daycare) I moved the boy abroad; and his school wasn't as tough as that one sounds. Shame the little sod doesn't appreciate it though. Fingers crossed her last year isn't too bad.
    2 points
  8. I know perception is a bugger - I've spent ages looking for tools that I was already holding in my hand. I would argue though that his change of direction appeared very intended, as with the stop on the RIF. Adding things together and I feel it not unreasonable to surmise that he was being a cnut in a number of different possible perceptions of the incident. We know he did it. So it comes down to intent, or not. I find it very very hard to accept he did not realise he did it (by mistake), so the cnut charge stands because he didn't come forward for reasons above (the ground and roots just don't feel the same as a RIF no matter how you cut it) and say "sorry dude I didn't see it on the floor - is it OK?". I find the way he changed direction, moved, stopped and moved on to be very deliberate - and that's before we take into account the fact that that gun looked nothing like its surroundings - which were more or less bare earth and a few small, light grey/brown twigs. A socking great big, green, M14 and scope would be pretty obvious. However - the silly sausage that owned it shouldn't have left it like that.... I had a bit a WTF moment when I saw how he left it in the building at the start of the video... Initially I thought that was the incident in question until i saw the timestamp. Just my view on a three year old incident... Now as the other poster said in that thread - can we get back to talking about how fricking awesome I am?
    2 points
  9. The main benefit for body worn type cameras is so that you get an impartial view of events. Ppl are awful for providing evidence, of anything. Let's have them everywhere I say
    2 points
  10. Fuck me that was a rabbit hole.... to save reviving that thread - it was a blatant stepping on the RIF. You would notice the different feel to the ground, and attached tree roots don't move like that - and if they were loose you would look down naturally to check your footing if only to protect your own pew from "death by fat fuck falling on it". That's ignoring the laugh at the end and definite pause in step and obvious change in direction of his walk.
    2 points
  11. * 6) So what the fuck is a soft shackle? I am glad you asked…. 😉 A bunch of different lengths. A better explanation than mine from Blackie Thomas: I am Commander Shepard and that is my favourite soft shackle on the Citadel.
    2 points
  12. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I told my doctor, “the older I get, the more I spread gossip." My doctor replied "Sounds like you've got rumourtism."
    2 points
  13. Had a very long but enjoyable day at Special Ops' new CQB site. Day started off a bit pooh though with me arriving without my battery bag. So had to rag it home in the car to get back in time for the briefing. I lost track of the number of games we played, but numbers started off with around 20 players. This dropped off significantly at lunch time; then again at 4pm there was only 9, then at 5 ish there were only 4 of us. Game of the day fro me was the VIP games where teams took it in turns to get the drunk VIP from the pub to the car at the opposite end of the building. Lots of close calls and last minute reprieves for both sides to be had. Then we had various rolling retreats, TDMs and "Get to the Choppa" games. Once the numbers were down to single figures we had the pyramid game where each player on a team was given a number; which resulted in said numbers being the rotation of the players in the game. At the start player 1s would be 1v1, then when that player died, they'd get player two for their side and so on. 5th kill was the end. This was a great game as the sides were very evenly balanced with a speedy boi softer on each side, a youngling/first timer, an experienced slower player and someone in the middle. The twist was that the game was played 4 times and they rotated the numbers around so every player got a chance to be 1v1. When it was just the 4 of us left; I was the more experienced, and physically much bigger player. There was a 14 year kid who was tiny, but turned out to be a deadly shot with his Glock which he was using for most of the day. There was an American teenager on his first time and an older teenager who is a regular at the outdoor site. This American dude got a tooth shot out in the morning in a freak incident with his full face mask, but he got back in the game and seemed to enjoy himself. We had a blast of "winner stays on", 2v2, and a fun game where I was a guard patrolling the centre of the game area on a fixed path whilst the remaining younglings had to sneaky sneaky around to get to the bank to retrieve the gold. Little buggers were lucky that when they made a dash for it, one of the marshalls was in the way LOL. Get to the Choppa was an unmitigated disaster for our team as the opposition had Thomas - the notorious Special Ops runner - and twice in a row they won the game in less than a minute with barely a shot fired. In my defence, I nearly got them on their approach, but my pistol mag had decided (unbeknownst to me) vent itself and pulling the trigger resulted in sweet feck all. Due to my size I tended to stick out past walls and couldn't always duck low enough for cover. As a result, I was domed more times than I can remember. I also managed to get a BB up my nose. Which I didn't notice until talking to a player at respawn and it rolled out mid sentence, much to his humour and my surprise. Comedy moment of the day also fell to me as I snuck up behind someone in the Bank and stood there with my pistol pointed at him for a good 20 seconds deciding where to shoot him - which in the end was the back of his helmet. The overseeing marshall and I exchanged a knowing glance. 😎 Its a great venue. I think 30 players is the practical limit before overcrowding and bottlenecking becomes an issue. Ironically as the numbers dwindled the day got more fun. Not because of the players, but Carlos and the marshals adapted the games to match the players. I have never run pistols as much as I had today. The Specna is still having troubles, so I needed up with my Double Eagle as rifle of choice, one of my WE glocks isn't cycling properly; but fortunately I had a spare (of course) and the Boy's TM Glock also served me very well. I managed to get all my mags leak free so was well stocked with 6. Also the Double Eagle was throwing out .2s bang on 349FPS, and won me a few lovely kills, one of which was the 14 year old whose eye level was the same as the partially opened window of the delivery van - I got him from the far end of the building under the tail of the Choppa. The day was certainly better than I expected - as a Woodland player mainly - and getting game play from 10am to 6pm (including a lunch break) was great. Now i am resisting the urge to buy a better pistol and a tracer unit. My face and legs however look like a dot to dot picture, and the guy behind the counter of my local shop wondered what had happened. Hopefully they will go down before the big family Easter Dinner tomorrow LOL.
    2 points
  14. Yeah it's quite bad there. It falls under education in deprived areas. Haha he will realise in years to come when his education is earning him a fortune.
    1 point
  15. Another is that people tend to drop the Billy big balls act when they realise they're on camera Along with giving staff the right to refuse treatment to anyone acting like a cunt
    1 point
  16. Whilst your eyes might see it, what you percieve is something else. Even looking for something in particular you brain may decide to ignore it...mine does when I'm looking for my keys for example I'm with you there, my feeling is that people working somewhere should have that where it enhances Thier safety.
    1 point
  17. I'd like to see them in all the hospitals, but that's a whole new rant thread I think😡
    1 point
  18. About 11 minutes in
    1 point
  19. I remember the discussion and have been trying to use this site's pretty useless search function to track it down, with no joy.
    1 point
  20. I've been chewing this over and scratching my skull.....😉😂
    1 point
  21. Only person I remember arguing with everyone was "Duff" but unsure if it was him arguing. Exactly my thoughts
    1 point
  22. I remember the incident with the' accidental stomping' probably couple of years ago now but can't remember who was involved.🤔
    1 point
  23. You need to narrow it down...
    1 point
  24. I think we've got our answer then, clearly it was for social media to push the "look at us, we're a professional site with our marshalls with cameras" agenda, which is clearly a crock of shit. Wasn't this the same site where someone left a rifle (with guncam fitted) on the floor & someone else walked all over it accidentally on purpose ?. & then a now defunct member here, a usually particularly argumentative twat, tried to defend what happened ?. It was around that time I crossed that site off my list of places to try.
    1 point
  25. Tarps vs NV & Thermal Great work by Bushcraft Buddy In summary: 1) Use one of the thicker quality higher tarps. 2) Don’t expect to hide a heat source like a flame. 3) Don’t “print” through the tarp by touching it.
    1 point
  26. For those of you that liked my Heat esque suit load out, heres a pic of me in game. It was far too warm for the jacket, plus being fat and running around like a dickhead who thinks he's still 17 tends to work up a sweat!
    1 point
  27. Madhouse

    Fitting npas in mws bolt

    I remember watching a YT vid before I did mine but can’t find it right now. It was all pretty straight forward though, what took the most time was adjusting it to get the joule output that I wanted.
    1 point
  28. This morning, the lad and I set out for Splatoon in Essex. On this occasion, we were accompanied by the lad's girlfriend, Charlie, whose first taste of airsoft this was to be, although she has been shooting real guns since the age of eight. The safe zone was a little less busy than usual, probably due to people having family commitments, with probably around 70 players in attendance. After getting everything ready and showing Charlie how airsoft guns work, which involved her shooting the lad a few times, we set off for the first game, with me using the Ares VZ58. This involved each team collecting as many as possible of a number of bombs that were spread across the site and transporting them to their helicopter; we had the grey helicopter and the yellow team had the black helicopter. Teams could also raid their opponents' helicopter and steal their bombs. Everyone had infinite regens on their start point. Setting off into the middle field, I very quickly found a bomb, which I transported to the helicopter. Returning to the middle field, I found another, while a visit to the lower field yielded yet another bomb! Round about this time, I encountered the lad and Charlie, who were heading back to the safe zone as the goggles he had bought for her were steaming up. I offered my spare Bolle Tracker goggles, which proved to be much better, with even the prescription inserts being ok for her. At this point, we had quite a few bombs, so I decided to join my colleagues in the container village between the two helicopters, who were attempting to both prevent the enemy stealing our bombs while, at the same time, attempting to steal theirs. This turned into a really good fight between and in the buildings, with us eventually pushing the yellow players back to their helicopter, although a stout defence prevented us stealing any of their bombs. When the whistle went, we had eleven bombs and the yellow team had a mighty...two. After bombing up, we started a fallback game, in which we were the attackers, with rolling regens on a marshal, while the defenders had a single life in each of the four zones that we were playing through. We cleared the first zone rather handily, but lost a bit of time checking for concealed yellow players (each defending player in the zone after the attackers calls it clear adds a 30 second time penalty). The same thing happened in the second zone and we then pushed into the first half of the container village field, which is usually very hard to break into. It proved to be so again, but a determined rush and some good suppressive fire saw us reach the black helicopter and begin to push into the structures. We reached the mid point fairly quickly and called it clear, only for an opponent to pop up from the middle of a stack of tractor tyres. Breaking through the final section proved to be rather tricky, until one of the UK Airsoft Ladies made a daring run for the grey helicopter, which she reached, ending the game. At some point in this zone, I was shot in the back by my own team. After taking luncheon (cold pizza; yum!) this game was reversed. In the first zone, now using the Umarex/S&T ARX160, I took up an advanced defensive position on the right, from where I amassed a number of kills before again being shot in the back by one of my teammates. Falling back to the second zone, I took up a slightly less advanced position in the hope that would prevent me being team killed again; it worked! After taking out a number of enemy players, I was shot by an attacker who I am certain I hit as well; however, he did not seem to agree. The final two zones were hard fought and my final position on the edge of the woods was lost when a grenade aimed at my colleagues behind the blue car went off within 5m of me. The yellow team reached the grey helicopter in a time that was about two minutes faster than our attempt. Boo! After bombing up, we played a game where the attackers (the yellow team) attacking from the far end of the site, initially had to get a bomb to one of the helicopters; they had infinite regens on a marshal. As the defenders, we could deploy in the two zones of the container village and had three lives. Once they had achieved this, the game reset, with everyone having one life and the attackers needing to transport the bomb to the other helicopter. It has to be said that our defence was awesome! We held the attackers away from both helicopters for the duration of the game, although they made several bold incursions into the container village, almost splitting our team apart a couple of times. I went through five and a half magazines in this game, which is very unusual for me, and was dropping back to the regen to load up when the game timed out. A fair number of yellow players left after this game, so the sides were rebalanced and we took our turn as the attackers. It is very difficult to break into the container village from the middle field but, after what seemed like a rather long time, we managed to do so, whittling down the enemy and seizing the black helicopter. However, our bomb carrier was nowhere to be found! After about five minutes, we finally tracked him down and got the bomb to the black helicopter. Unfortunately, only 14 seconds were left on the clock, so the game ended at that point as a win for us. Overall, it was a very good day, with some excellent play by both sides and well designed games. Charlie loved it and wants to get a pair of Revision Sawflys with prescription inserts so that she can play again; she has become an airsofter! Weapons used: Me: Ares VZ58 (No! It isn't an AK!) Umarex/S&T ARX160 ASG Commander XP18 (CO2) The lad: E&L AK74MN CYMA AKS74U ASG Commander XP18 (CO2) Dynatex grenade (x2) Charlie: G&G GR4 G26 (Well, it used to be, but it has transitioned into something else)
    1 point
  29. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So been working today on L115A3. Doing it based on ones seen in Afghanistan theatre. Now all sprayed up and weathered. Given a light dusting. and carboned up the flash hider. Just need to find/make the correct style suppressor.
    1 point
  30. Boom! https://prefired.co.uk/ads/g36-2/
    1 point
  31. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    I do like myself an EBR kit. It's one of those guns I don't think ever seems to go out of fashion. Some modern British 7.62 sexyness.....
    1 point
  32. Too much boom in that, you've cracked the concrete...
    1 point
  33. My dad always said "when one door shuts, another one opens" He never could sell that bloody car.
    1 point
  34. But they have such good ideas
    1 point
  35. IIRC I got my folding stock from octagon… good look if you want an optic mount, taking a pic of Bigfoot would be easier, than finding one (took me years)
    1 point
  36. Ooh, my favourite sidearm in Battlefield 4. That's lovely 😻
    1 point
  37. hitmanNo2

    Well PPK-20 GBBR

    It seems forever ago that Hephaestus teased a GBB PP-19 Vityaz with no further evidence it would actually get released. Well has decided to pick up an alternative Russian SMG and is releasing a PPK-20 in AEG and GBBR which is pretty cool. I'm not too sure how Well will be able to pull off a GBB like this but maybe their Well "Pro" line is up to it. - ambi safety - 40 rd mags - claims to be MWS gas system Also some more mad minguns including a Nemesis style one, AK-12 AEG https://youtu.be/-phQTg5f7QA?si=sAxqKhEJe32KLos7
    1 point
  38. I use originals for reenactment, no doubt they'd be fine for airsoft too but obviously they're quite expensive and also depending on shoe size, rare. I would suggest looking at the German issue ones, as they're ALMOST the same. They absolutely pass the distance rule, made to last, and are a lot cheaper than real ones. They're what I use for airsoft, just to save the originals as best as I can.
    1 point
  39. crack head pricing
    1 point
  40. I would say get a VFC mp7 as in my opinion it’s the best mp7 there is , mine is fully stock with no upgrades and I’ve never had 1 problem with it what so ever and it’s a year old , also my opinion I think there perfect , I heard there are full auto problems and stuff but other than that like I said mine works flawlessly with not 1 problem at all , it is a bit of a hit and miss you may get one that might have problems then you can also get one like mine with none
    1 point
  41. Ah sorry to hear that mate, good luck with all that stuff going on. When things are reopened again definitely give Imperium a go if you get a chance, theyve got 2 armoured vehicles now as well which makes things quite interesting
    1 point
  42. That's not what I asked. I get that you're trying to be an "ok m8 wuteva" edgelord, but you know that response isn't right. The site being popular is exactly why they can and should smack that bitch up.
    1 point
  43. Mrs Shamal is a teacher and I was saying that they should have body worns. I. to back the staff up 2. To show how foul mouthed and aggressive the little shits are. 3. Evidence as to what really happened cause some of the feckers are very good at playing the victim! The police were on the phone to her last Thursday for a witness statement due to an incident that she witnessed whereby a young nqt had two large handfuls of hair ripped out by an eight year old who claimed she pushed him and who grabbed her hair to stop him falling. All lies. Another teacher at same school had her finger chopped off at the second knuckle due to a lad forcefully kicking a door shut while her hand was on the door jamb. Every night she is doing half a dozen cpoms regarding bad behaviour. I'm glad she only has another year to go.
    0 points
  44. No Rob, you were the voice of reason, not the argumentative wanker. Honest😜
    0 points
  45. I did take my delta mike but The Look got the better of common sense. I did take a hit right in the middle of my top lip but, luckily, it was from a distance.
    0 points
  46. I’ve played Driver Wood today and no marshal was wearing cameras. So might only be used when needed.
    0 points
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