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  1. As someone who has just started this journey I'll add my 2 cents. It was my son who suggested we try airsoft. He's only 12 but having played with Nerf guns (myself aswell) for a few years he wanted to try airsoft. After he got over the initial shock of being hit he really enjoyed playing. Personally I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! Cost - I think its comparable to other hobbies, fishing, paddle boarding, and cheaper than many, cycling, golf, sailing. Heath - I don't think this is mentioned enough, outdoors (mostly) and as physical as you want it to be, I know I come home knackered... Social - Team building, meeting new people, sharing experiences Mental - Keeping your brain active with marksmanship, strategy, problem solving. Most of all its fun and a good way to forget your day to day troubles. I'm not playing airsoft with my son to train him to be a killer, we are spending time together, he's getting more confident and learning to be responsible. I think its a great outdoor activity and good value for money. You can tell i work in Marketing LOL....
    6 points
  2. Hellfish

    Gun picture thread

    We F226 with Full Trades. It's chunky and delicious!
    6 points
  3. But I like shooting puddles.
    5 points
  4. Can I scare you by shouting "right turn Clyde" 😜
    4 points
  5. I was hoping it would make my son realise that in the army you only get shot once.....compared to how many respawns he had to do on a typical skirmish day. Don't mind him signing up to learn a skill/trade and serving that way. I don't want him being Cannon fodder for whatever cnut has managed to persuade an alarmingly small proportion of the population to put them in power....when was the last truly justifiable armed conflict we were involved in (outside of local peacekeeping)? The Falklands.... maybe the first Gulf War (the first part liberating Kuwait). No criticism of those serving....it's the ones hiding behind their power I despise for taking advantages.
    3 points
  6. I could have written that! My son was two years older but he as well came from Nerf guns and found Airsoft videos on YouTube. I was surprised by how much I liked it. It reminded me of the fun part of my army days without the cluster f&@k from who ever could shout the loudest and had more stripes than you. Playing Airsoft with my son has improved our relationship immensely. Before that we didn’t really have any thing to talk about. I tried to get him into Golf (my other expensive hobby) but he didn’t like it. So he got me into his hobby instead. My wife doesn’t know who is more nuts about Airsoft now, my son or myself. I do more research while he does more larping. Last month my son managed to recruit 6 other boy soldiers from his year group. Let’s see how many will join us for the next skirmish.
    3 points
  7. AndyHoff

    Hi New to the Forum!

    Hi here is my Snow Wolf AEG Weyland Yutani Commando M41A Pulse Rifle, the upgrades are mostly cosmetic to represent the Alien 3 screen used prop, the Thompson and dummy grenade launcher will both be converted to full GBB in the near future! My next project is to convert my Snow Wolf Colonial Marines to full GBB and I will hopefully start a build and upgrade thread if someone please can tell me in which section I should start the thread??
    3 points
  8. Yeah agree. My fav is seeing how many shots to knock a complete leaf off. The amount of times I've been hit while distracted by playing'You're dead leaf' 😂
    3 points
  9. Not the way I do it 😉
    3 points
  10. Awe, MANNNNN! You've just ruined airsoft for me now, no one said it was exercise.
    3 points
  11. District 23 in Billingham has started running it's junior squad evenings twice a month for players aged 12-16 which I reckon is a great idea for getting younger players into the hobby. Personally I think it's got to be better for younger players to be playing against others of the same age group and not shouty middle aged blokes taking it way too seriously.
    3 points
  12. I did literally this at Warfighters way back for my best mates stag do. Everyone had an adapted rifle with the same system that the army use for not actually shooting each other on exercise (headband with IR sensors etc). Everyone had a speaker box that made pew noises and if you got "killed" it made a death groan and your gun stopped working. They also had round counting on the mags so you got 20 shots or so then had to physically change mag to start firing again. It was....different.
    3 points
  13. Spot on Ed, funnily you mention your biker friend who plays (you a biker too ?), as a biker myself I've experienced similar in that you get talking to people who've never ridden, some can be quite enthusiastic about it, but others act like your the lunatic spawn of Satan for riding motorcycles & your probably a criminal who shouldn't be on the roads. Obviously as a biker who also has a gun fetish, I must be an absolute thundercnut. 🤣
    3 points
  14. When I played in Spain I found them to be very similar to how we played over here in the UK. As a caveat, this was in 2008 - 2010ish, which was a time when airsoft was incredibly niche to the point that there were no "sites", it was just a bunch of us on a forum who showed up to an abandoned urbanisation to play BB wars. No marshalls, no briefing, and often no chrono were the main differences, though I'm pretty sure it's not like that any more. However there were very few instances of cheating as the community was self-regulating; if you were known to be a cheater or a dickhead, nobody would invite you to play. The main changes to get used to were simply language-based ("muerto" instead of "hit", for example). Apart from the language, the gameplay was basically identical to the UK. One hit and you're out, bolt action snipers and DMRs had MEDs etc. It was just a good few years behind the UK in terms of development, but the underlying culture was the same.
    3 points
  15. That's got to be a record for necroposting
    3 points
  16. Impulse

    THE TM MWS thread

    CQBR? Good choice. CQBRs don't have to be tacticool modern either Also, adding a carry handle is a LOT easier. Changing outer barrels on the MWS is a faff
    3 points
  17. it's just an added bonus that will reap the rewards when civilisation falls.
    2 points
  18. Still counts as a kill
    2 points
  19. XT one uses UH grade magnet as well, my guess is they all do and it's nothing to get hung up on. I like the toggle switch of CH though, less for the customer to fuck up!
    2 points
  20. You'd best check for 'cad' too. Most bounders tend to be cads from what I hear
    2 points
  21. So, I’ve been playing a few years now Definitely, spent more time on the field Marshalling than I have played And you start to notice different playing styles, from players who attend from different countries. What I have noticed, is that players from the Far East (Hong Kong in particular) Like to maybe “ignore” the first couple of hits just to test if it was a ricochet 🙄 Then will eventually accept the next 6 if the shots bounce off their dome! Having had to chat to a few of them, I asked why they find it so difficult to accept the playing style here in the UK - you get hit, you stick your hand up. Simples I believe it stems from the way the gaming is run in HK which is predominantly small indoor sites, small because rents for commercial properties are MASSIVE , combined with the fact that games are very quick and short. For the site to make a viable business, they have to run lots of fast paced games with several groups all at the same time (woodland/outdoor sites can be hours away) You could be sat out a long time after you are eliminated before the next game starts as the indoor sites run several groups during your session, so when your game finishes, you need to wait until say the next 4 groups have been through. So if you are shot out in the first few seconds of the game, you have a long wait until your next game….. So why not just ignore that shot that hit you and play on. I’ve witnessed many a player who has started their Airsoft hobby in HK indoor sites play this way in woodland games, and they seem to find it an acceptable “tactic” and are quite obviously perturbed when you give them a tug for trying it on. One lad ignored 4 test shots I’d issued just to see if he would take them! This isnt a rant or a dig at our brethren from abroad, as an education with them and some training eventually gets them playing in a sportsmanlike manner I played last weekend, and had a delay between a couple of games, caused by marshals eventually giving up on the polite suggestions of how to play and accepting the rules, and asking 5 players to leave the site due to their rule bending and non hit taking.. Has anyone else experienced a similar play style or something different from players who started Airsoft abroad?
    2 points
  22. It's OK, we won't hold it against you! Thing is that while we know we're just playing toy soldiers with better sticks, there's a huge swathe of the general populace that think it's silly and unfortunately there's more of them than there is of us. I mean, there's way more violence and injury connected with kickyball than there is with airsoft and yet it's the most popular sport in the country.
    2 points
  23. Yeah, I imagine it would feel quite different and not necessarily better. I was just saying that its the only way to make it a more legitimate 'sport'
    2 points
  24. Yeah, I go to Rykas in Dorking most Sundays. We gun nut bikers are definitely the worst 😜
    2 points
  25. I've just played cqb laser tag in a works night out. Great fun and everything in a short dose, but trying to get the darned things to register hits, even at 6 ft away was often a bit ridiculous And there's always some one backed into a corner with their arms crossed over the front sensor, who is pinging people as they go past with total impunity. I played a full range version at the Milton Keynes karting track a couple? few? years ago, where the sensors were on mock plate carriers and helmets. That worked ok-ish but I think most of the guns shoot way off from the sights and it was very hard (ok, impossible) to tell how far to aim off when you're in combat. I was good at that and got voted MVP in both sessions, but it still wasn't a patch on Airsoft
    2 points
  26. ... acorns...
    2 points
  27. Lozart

    Wild West Theme Park

    So almost as long ago as the last person to comment on this thread!
    2 points
  28. Bit some Spas are more equal than others 😉
    2 points
  29. We P226 with full trades from the Classifieds on here.
    2 points
  30. Yeah, spreading the word is hard. Some might hear about it if they've played paintball. Others randomly find airsoft gameplay on YT (that doesn't put them off) Talking to friends about it can be awkward. One of my biker friends plays but the others give me funny looks when I explain that its a bunch of wannabe soldier blokes shooting each other with toy guns in the woods 😁 And gets even worse when I explain that its an honour game where there can be cheating... 🙄 We really are a rare breed 😜
    2 points
  31. That would certainly be in the spirit of the Olympic Games 😉 But it would also be a block buster on TV. Just imagine the USA playing Russia!
    2 points
  32. Wavey_Gravey

    THE TM MWS thread

    MK16 will be the same profile, so you should be good to go 🤙🏻
    1 point
  33. Dan Robinson

    Hi New to the Forum!

    Would love to make a Colonial Marine load out..... watched Aliens the other day for the gazillionth time. LETS ROCK!
    1 point
  34. DanBow

    Hi New to the Forum!

    'tis a thing of sheer beauty
    1 point
  35. The other thread on attracting players ties into this as well. Particularly of note are the mentions of exercise / health benefits The Olympics have been mentioned, which is of course a topic that comes up among many activities every 4 years when someone makes a post such as “How come breakdance/gymnastics/latest demonstration is in the Olympics and x isn’t? They aren’t a sport and my thing is” The answer is that people involved in those put in the effort to participate, establish national bodies, collaborate internationally and go through the national and international recognition processes. Airsoft does not have to discard types of airsoft to make itself politically correct, it would in fact fracture itself and make backward steps. It should not be pursued as a route to the Olympics but as a route to a number of benefits within each nation - healthy activities, benefiting society Numbers are required - but that’s not the be all an end all Delta Force (those who market themselves in shopping centres selling ‘discount’ tickets - which turn out to be paying the pitch and staff cost to obtain a booking phone number) have jumped on the bandwagon a few times claiming to be the representative body and trying to convince Sport England that everyone who has ever signed a rental disclaimer with them is a paintballer (to qualify them as representing all paintballers in the UK) They were laughed out The UKPSF is the recognised representative body by the Home Office since before it was the UK (it was a European body run by one man in the UK until others took on the mainland Europe elements) They represent the industry and players The process for sports has been going on for a number of years. Paintball still has not achieved sports recognition but is recognised as on its path, during Covid the UKPSF were treated by Sport England as if they were a formally recognised sports representative body and opening for UKPSF member sites in accordance with the UKPSF policies submitted was approved (Non UKPSF sites may also have opened including Delta Force - and did so in breach of the reopening regulations) (shooting each other of no concern as far as Sport England are concerned) International tournaments take place already, even with different laws & rules in different countries - the national & international leagues set rules appropriately (Even an attempt for one international organisation set a ‘standardised international rule book’ consisting of world rules and US rules, let alone competing leagues in the US and each country) Note that tournaments do cover the obvious speedball format, but there are also woods/scenario leagues - airsoft can have both recreational & competitive skirmishing plus speedsoft etc as a range of activities - these also can be shown in recognition submissions as inclusive pathways from grassroots to varying destinations and crossovers from the ‘professionals’ putting in support to local sites and groups On a numbers basis Sport England requires a minimum of 1600 paid up player members. The UKPSF did run a free basic membership promotion for a few years - no good for qualifying numbers, but a step along the way and have moved those on to annual / 5 year memberships (On a quick check - I’m due for renewal this year) They commissioned a study with Leeds Becket University, some parts of which I’ve seen, but I’ll avoid mentioning what as I do get involved with other members of the industry and could be discussing public and non public parts of the study. It covers numerous factors to establish benefits covering health/exercise, social benefits etc Every now and then they publish a point from the study but are using the data in their bids with Sport England, lottery funding, information to member cohorts etc so are cagey about what fully goes public from a pricey study and also because they are pushing elements to improve One quote published is about social anxiety, confidence etc https://www.facebook.com/UKPSF/photos/a.290380091078069/3752634168185960/?type=3&mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v Sites are a factor - contributing to the economy and providing facilities - though commercial they can be supported by community initiatives for grants etc if they build a case for how investment aids them to provide leisure to the community With the VCRA / UKARA airsoft must be able to establish evidence of a good level of paid up membership, and as a shooting activity could follow the same pathway as the UKPSF ….. it’s not essential to have one body covering sites/retail/trade/players/teams
    1 point
  36. I have seen people sent home for shooting out of bounds after clear warnings about not doing so, deliberately taking out a hot gun, letting off a round in the safe zone (that was an interesting one), smoking weed in the lunch break, and repeated non hit taking despite warnings.
    1 point
  37. I'd say airsoft is way more accessible than in the past and far more mainstream than ever. With the rise of social media companies are able to reach a far greater audience including those who might not have heard of airsoft. The same applies to youtubers. Compare this to 20 years ago when the only online places for airsofters was a couple of forums similar to here. Costs are comparably lower as there were no clone companies so your choices of manufacturers was pretty much TM, Classic Army or ICS and magazines were £25 - £30 each
    1 point
  38. Madhouse

    Hi New to the Forum!

    Hello & welcome. Never converted anything but I bet if you started a thread detailing what you're up to it'd be followed with interest.
    1 point
  39. Lozart

    AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors

    Just for reference, my SCAR is the old G&G SCAR L, and it has a PTS MIAD grip on it.
    1 point
  40. Lozart

    AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors

    I've got an Aster in the gun I am running the brushless motor in. AB is all the way off and to be honest, even on a 7.4v LiPo I'm not seeing any reason to bother with precocking.
    1 point
  41. It definitely depends on where you’re at in the USA. I live in Texas in the South and acceptance is WAY higher than other places. I’m spending a lot of time in Wyoming in the north and people get freaked out when I mime clearing rooms with a finger pistol…
    1 point
  42. EDcase

    Hi New to the Forum!

    I hope someone can help and look forward to seeing the final results
    1 point
  43. Kassi Valazza has a haunting sound.
    1 point
  44. I hear Alec Baldwin is acting in another film. Shooting begins soon.
    1 point
  45. ak2m4

    AK2M4 / XT Brushless Motors

    thanks for the feedback on the grip base plate, I'll add that to the description. I have more motors but for now I'm holding them back and waiting on more feedback, just in case.
    1 point
  46. We have shooting sports in Olympics, we have team sports in Olympics, there is really no reason why a gunfighting team sport cannot exist in Olympics, if it can be done safely, and fairly
    1 point
  47. How about we talk about inventing a ruleset for new airsoft sport (Neosoft?): 1. A presentable version of airsoft that highlights sportsmanship and benefits of being the safest gun sport available 2. Long term goal to becoming an international sport federation recognised by IOC so we can have gunfighting Olympics
    1 point
  48. Spot on! I vote we nominate someone on the forum to act as spokesperson for the Airsofters' Alliance and ask them to put out authoritative press statements until they're accepted as a lazily sourced supplier of info for time pressed journos. We'll read through the UK Law threads and select Rogerborg someone.
    1 point
  49. Anymore room at the TM MWS table? Cause I’m joining you.
    1 point
  50. ak2m4


    Awe thanks. The factory did a cock up so I'm always more than happy to pass on those products at a super knockdown price. Even offering no questions asked return, just want to give people the option of trying a super tight bore for peanuts. Next week I'm hopefully going to test out some MRs with 5.5mm long nubs which I think will maximise the bucking. I had all the intentions of upgrading the website but soon realised was going to probably take me 4-6 weeks instead 😀 migrating all the data was a huge pita. Hopefully soon going to be offering £1.50 shipping again on large letter products under £12.50, I'll be trialling it for 6 weeks.
    1 point
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