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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/02/24 in all areas

  1. My thought was that maybe he promised his wife that he'd sell it all, but didn't really want to let it go. "Honestly love, I've been trying to sell it for weeks, but no-one want to buy it"
    6 points
  2. Not a new pew but it was away getting sorted by our local tech for a while, got it back a few weeks ago (shoots like a dream now), thot I'd try an LLm01 on it purely for the looks.
    3 points
  3. I would agree. Also back of napkin maths, i would say the RIFs only come to a generous £1,500. Lets be more generous and put all the other stuff down for £1,000. That's only £2,500 so still coming up short on the total.
    3 points
  4. Unless you're willing to sit on this whole bundle for months if not years for a sale, you're definitely dreaming if you think someone newly UKARA-registered will want to drop £3,500 on everything in this listing. What are the chances that anyone would want even 80% of everything listed without wanting to resell the remainder? Surely breaking this listing down into smaller gun + case/bag + mag pouch + battery, eye/facepro, tactical, grenade and accessory bundles will see it sell more quickly? I get the seller has sunk a massive cost into something he hasn't got much time on the field for but bloody hell, I don't think dropping the inflexible atttiude and the expectation of timewasters would hurt.
    3 points
  5. Don't quibble or he'll demand to be paid in Golden coins.
    2 points
  6. Not just any shotgun, a desert eagle shotgun.😂
    2 points
  7. Wow, that's a cracker. Here's how I read it: 1 pistol, 1 shotgun, 1 AEG, 1 SMG set up as a DMR (wut)? Plus stuff. "Currently set up as a D.M.R 420 -450 fps with .2s this can be changed using the titan gate advanced mosfet, plug into the laptop." WUT? Feel free to view at his house...
    2 points
  8. Good price, but I think that's a South African vest rather than a Rhodie.
    2 points
  9. Does anyone know how long it takes to fix a hearing aid? I dropped mine off two weeks ago and I've heard nothing since!
    2 points
  10. Well done M8, I lost 10kg last year but put most of that back on over the chocolate season, my DPM's were a tad tight on their last outing.
    1 point
  11. Got snapped last game day (which was a narrative storyline event), which is a rarity! I'm really liking the kit setup at the moment, the belt kit has enough space for me to carry 4 spare rifle mags, 4 spare pistol mags, spare gas and BBs too, and I way prefer cape ghillies to these over-engineered bush suits. It was not a good day to run the gas m700 on green gas and I'll have co2 mags for next winter for sure! Seeing these makes me remember I still have a lot of weight to lose (though I'm about 8kg down so far this year!). Photos by M. Matthews Photography Also, our resident youtuber was playing the role of press at the event and said he was looking for me to interview during the game and couldn't find me. He pointed the camera straight at me while interviewing another lad and had no idea, even though I move my leg during the shot. Full video is here and I recommend checking it out as it's a good laugh from a great event
    1 point
  12. I have to post the video of sunday, recorded by our local youtuber Stingray Airsoft. I was one of three PMC's and it was very fun dipping into some roleplay and messing with both sides. It's a long one but it's excellent. Well worth a watch.
    1 point
  13. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    What? you mean the DPD guy never delivered them? he must have got peckish. What's the correct process, do I submit the claim or you?
    1 point
  14. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    That's definitely a hot gun...marshalllll..😂
    1 point
  15. I'll run a few mags & canisters through it next week to see if it makes a difference. Yeah, it's non blow back too so all the gas is pushing the bb.
    1 point
  16. This times a million. I don't know of any other industry where manufacturers can make a product which doesn't work or will break within 6 months and get away with it. Imagine buying a brand new car knowing you'll have to strip and rebuild the engine the moment you get it home from the dealership
    1 point
  17. OK, so having searched on this forum and found countless threads that havent been completed or had some sort of closure on it, i'll end this with my conclusions... They are not as scary as you make them out to be in your head. The Hype is real but at the end of the day, its just a badass motor. Get the proper thread lock. download the manual from the website as the BASE motor doesn't come with any. Fit it carefully and like everyone says, "if it just goes click, disconnect it and check it". I left the heatshrink on the motor terminals as I'm a Muppet and i didn't want to reverse polarity kill it. adjust. enjoy. Can honestly say, its a hoot. not the cheapest mod you can do but for pure perverse enjoyment of those small balls travelling, its worth it. Spent all day skirmishing with the Aug and not once did i regret it. If you're on the fence. DO IT. This has been an AUG public service announcement.
    1 point
  18. I have nothing against tilting barrels per se. I just don't like steel tilting barrels under aluminium slides.
    1 point
  19. Why don't you like tilting barrels?
    1 point
  20. Egon_247


    I appear to have spent more money at ak2m4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  21. Colin Allen

    Boneyard or parts

    Another vote for Parts.
    1 point
  22. Daveoc33

    Boneyard or parts

    Parts 👍
    1 point
  23. Sewdhull

    The gutless wonder...

    Again back in the day we added spacers to precompress the springs...
    1 point
  24. In my co2 mags for a we big bird there is a fine mesh which serves to reduce pressure. You may be able to fill the mesh to reduce the area that lets gas through. However it's the rocket or flute valve in the bbu that determines how much gas goes down the barrel. Reducing the spring tension or putting a spacer in to reduce its travel will serve to close the valve quicker. It seems the knocker, which presses the valve on the mag stays in place until the slide reciprocates and it's the flute valve that when it's pushed shut allows the pressure to operate the slide. https://youtu.be/IeQWC3-5YTo?si=0Dv3r9OlPbaiLQUG
    1 point
  25. My lads first pistol was a G&G 1911 CO2. It was putting out 420 fps. He'd used it at a site that didn't bother chroneing pistols a couple of times before we discovered. This was right at the start that we began playing. I was told not to bother putting it through my chrono at home by the on site bods. Lesson learned, but a painful one for anyone he plugged at close range.
    1 point
  26. 209s are brisant. No way on earth I'd carry them banging around together. Note too that they are all sized slightly differently and have different brisant ratings. Any primer will cause permanent damage if it goes off in your hand or in a pocket with other primers. No way I'd use a Tic Tac box etc. Why not cut the plastic tray that they come in onto strips and cover with electrical tape? Peel the tape as needed, and always use when wearing your eye pro.
    1 point
  27. While I'm no expert, from memory I seem to recall that some of the early co2 pistols used to run hot, so much so that initially most sites had a blanket ban on co2. The later stuff seemed to be more regulated for power output, which forced most sites to reconsider their earlier ban, although I think they still like co2 to go through the chrono. It sounds like yours is a "gen 1" model ?
    1 point
  28. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    "It's been proven that 9 out of 10 women who sit at home and have conversations with their cats are really odd." My dog's full of useful information like that.
    1 point
  29. I'd agree with the general consensus on here. Do some basic tests yourself and see what's working well. Get enough to see you through a game day or 2. If you haven't, I'd suggest picking up a new rif and offloading anything you don't absolutely love. Having a tech do proper checks will cost a fortune. All the rifs etc are just extra weight on the mind and a distraction from actually playing (which I think is the good bit) get stuff you love and can use. Keep anything you love and move anything you don't love on to pay for the new bits and free up head space. I always think a high quality item is better than 3 cheap ones. Unless teching is a side of Airsoft you love (and by the fact you even asked this question, I guess you don't) the whole tech side can be a slog that takes away from the pure joy of our sport and I've seen people get so wrapped up in it they forget the objective is to have fun playing army soldiers.
    1 point
  30. Be warned whilst it works the Airsoftpro has no built in barrel to hop unit alignment so it's 100% on the user to make everything align (i.e centre the hop rubber so it hops straight) I've got one and it works well once it's set correctly but avoid touching it unless needed or you can test again before gameday. I find drawing a line continuing the hop rubber alignment grove up the barrel helps line it up with the mag catch screw mount to ensure it's all lined up well.
    1 point
  31. Welcome back to the madhouse. I can't really help recommending a tech, but if the aegs have only been sat for a year or two it might be worth just plugging in a new battery to see if they're ok. No point wasting money on repairs if they aren't necessary.
    1 point
  32. Was back at Worthing for a cold one this weekend. We had to leave very early because the guy who gives us a lift was asked to help sort the car park, which is usually pandemonium, as it was going to be a very busy, very fully booked day today. He says it's the last time as they really need to get a marshall to sort it out, as he used to do it when he was a marshall, but stepped away from it a year or so ago so that he can play more as he's getting older. Anyway, I wasn't sure if he was bringing his grandson along, but knew he was bringing the wet weather kit, so I only took one rifle bag today (well, two, but one was going to a tech), as I didn't want to take up too much space in the car. This meant that the m700 came along, as it's my favourite gun and I was still riding off the high of last weekend when the weather was nice. This was potentially a mistake, but I'm undecided on it. Also, the reason it was fully booked was because it was one of the ongoing narrative game days, which is a bit like a blend of skirmish and filmsim. There were two teams, traditional cartel and another not-cartel who work with the government, but there was also a third element out today which was a press crew; two guys in press gear with two guys and a ghillie sniper as protection. They only fired if fired upon, or if the marshalls told them to shoot at one team that was doing too well, and when hit they would go down to a knee for 30 seconds before getting back in the game. After standing around the safe zone for a long time because we arrived at 7:30am (left my house at 6:45am, and the other two were closer to 6:30am), we went out into the game. The first issue of the day was here, as with this game everyone who was wearing a loud, Hawaiian style shirt were put on the cartel team. The issue here is that a LOT of the regulars came in costume and so the teams weren't very well balanced. Me and my friend were on the not-cartel team and it was going decently for about 30 mins. Our team pushed forward and were doing well. However, then when people got hit and respawned back in, they stopped pushing up. I very quickly found myself as the front line, which with a bolt action sniper rifle wasn't the best. Manged to stay hidden and pick people off, including the leader of the enemy cartel, but eventually I had to fall back because the pressure was getting high and I was starting to get surrounded. Moved back to another position and dug in, but again I quickly found myself being the front line again. One guy on the other team ran up and killed off about 6 of my team who were just huddled behind a building doing nothing and while I took him and another who pushed up out with my mk23, I was eventually overrun by more players as I was alone again. It felt a bit like I was pushing a stone up a hill as none of my team seemed to be doing much. Headed back to respawn and even though by this point there was only a few mins left, I went back to try and cause some havoc. Crawled up behind a low layer of foliage, using it to screen my advance along a flank and taking out the enemy player watching that flank (I love how quiet the m700 is...) and managed to get into a position where I managed to take three more players out with the mk23. However, at this point the morning was over and it was lunch time. Our team had zero objectives and the enemy team had crushed just about all of their ones. The game continued after lunch, but I can't comment too much on that as I decided to not play the afternoon. The forecast was wet and running a gas m700 in this temperature is already enough of a challenge, so I packed up. Was definitely the correct choice to get my wet kit off and put my warm kit and waterproof jacket on, as the wind picked up and it started to rain, getting heavier over time. Definitely did not want to play in that today. I heard that the not-cartel team continued to get their asses kicked through the afternoon. However, that was generally my only criticism with how the game was run; the team balance was horribly off. Outside of this, the game was well thought out and was fun to play and while frustrating at times, I still had fun. The multi-objective, full-site gameplay was good and I way prefer these sorts of games to the simple attack and defend type games that are prevalent at skirmish days across the country. Hit calling, from what I saw, was generally pretty good and I only had one instance of a guy very obviously not taking his hits, because I hit him in the face (that was all that was showing!) and watched him recoil back from the shot, but then he just retreated back behind cover. Every other player I shot took their hits and I didn't observe anyone near me not taking theirs, so the sportsmanship was top notch! The issue with players not playing and sitting about 90m away from the other team and trying to shoot at them is just an inevitable part of airsoft, but they were almost all on one team today and that team got royally thrashed The other issue was my gun. When the weather is this cold, the gas bolt actions just... drop in power. With every shot. Which throws your hop up setting off. It was a pain in the backside trying to adjust for it and was one of the contributing factors why I didn't play in the afternoon; I just couldn't be bothered to deal with it any longer. I love my gas m700, but for it to be consistent it needs about 15 celcius. 10 - 12 celcius is okay, but 6 - 7 celcius like today is too low. If it's cold next game day I'm just going to take my SR-25 and run that. Anyway, I'll leave it there. Amazing day that was only marred by poor team balance. Everything else was great!
    1 point
  33. Buying a boltie only puts you at about a 1 on the km scale of cuntery so you're ok yet ! You need to start deliberatly headshotting, shooting from out of bounds, spawn camping , keeping your weapon loaded in the safe zone, screaming at random players about hit taking when your BB was never near them, not taking your hits and posting videos about how you are an airsoft 'celebrity' to make it all the way to 'Full Cumstain' which is level 10 on the km scale of cuntery 😁
    1 point
  34. DanBow

    (Not quite a) UKAPU win

    This popped up on my faceache feed, thought I'd share. 𝗨𝗞𝗔𝗣𝗨 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘁 𝗧𝗮𝘅 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗥𝗜𝗙𝘀 UKAPU has recently supported one of our members with regards to an import of airsoft replicas into the UK that turned out to be a rather difficult case, which shockingly spanned nearly two years from the date of seizure to resolution. Our member approached us almost a year after the consignment was seized by Border Force, after they had experienced difficulties attempting to prove to Border Force that our member had good reason to import realistic imitation replicas into the UK. Whilst we supported our member by means of comprehensive written submissions both to Border Force and the First-tier Tribunal (Tax), ultimately the Tribunal Judge decided the case in favour of our member due to procedural issues unconnected with our written submissions. We were left in no doubt however that our written submissions had a positive outcome on these proceedings and possible future proceedings. Sadly due to the considerable time delay between the seizure and when the cause was concluded, Border Force had destroyed our member’s consignment however Border Force swiftly and fully compensated them for their financial losses. We at UKAPU would like to commend our member, for their resilience with dealing this matter. If you have any issues with importing replicas into the UK, then UKAPU is here to help. In their own words, they didn't win the case but it's good to see some positive involvement.
    1 point
  35. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    I'm calling this a collectors piece as not only is it stunning and adorned with full Beretta Trademarks, but it's neither been skirmished nor had many rounds through it. It started life as a brand new Gen2 WE M92. Being a Gen2 this has better build quality, working decocker, adjustable hop (with "VSR style bucking) and full-auto capabilities. I then had the trademarks engraved and picked up a lovely set of Altamont "vintage" real wood grips. As per the photo, the original WE grips will come with this, a long with the WE box. Beauty aside, this would make a serviceable sidearm for skirmishing, if you're so inclined. Price includes PayPal fees and tracked postage. Please PM any questions, as I don't get notifications for anything asked on the listing.


    1 point
  36. People talk but rarely see the positives in his impact on Airsoft. Just think of all those "like new" two tone bolt action rifles that fill the classifieds of many spaces. Most wouldn't be able to make it to Mack's without him 🤫
    1 point
  37. Had to leave voluntarily, the brainless chicken group appear to be using it as a platform for itchy buttdrains relaunch into the world. My boss sent me a video the other day of "some awesome guy airsofting in some foreign land, looked amazing" 30 seconds in and it's the Muppet. Had to educate my boss. 🤣
    1 point
  38. Spent rather too much on this WE M14 but its a beauty (Top image is darker as it shows the 'before' process of weathering) I have modded the trigger group with JB Weld to make it stronger
    1 point
  39. That stupid cunt is probably best described as a pizza cutter. He's all edge and no point
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Price Drop - knocked 30 quid off. Tokyo Marui MP7 AEP which has been upgraded with a slightly stronger spring and tight bore inner barrel bringing the FPS up to 310-315 using 0.2g BB's I've modded the AEP to take a Lipo battery (included) which uses a Mini Deans connector. This is reversable if needed. The other advantage of the mod is that the AEP can be powered from a PEQ battery box as an alternative to the internal Lipo. It comes with 8 mags in total, 1 x standard TM mid/low cap, 3 x Well midcaps (100bb's I think), 3 x TM hicaps (190) and 1 Well hicap (190). really nice little AEP to be honest but 2 x TM MP7 GBB's and my VFC MP7 AEG means this is better off with someone else who might actually use it. Price is £230 posted. No swaps.


    1 point
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