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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/11/23 in all areas

  1. Still need to cut the Manta to length But love the way it looks, I mean that’s all we’re interest in, right?
    5 points
  2. My wife is fed up of my wordplay jokes, so I asked her, "What can I do to stop?" "Whatever means necessary," she replied. "No it doesn't," I said.
    3 points
  3. Sewdhull

    About batteries

    Motors don't work in C, it's dimensionless, they work in Amps and that would be a much better way. Like quoting TPA for example instead of RPM. And quote motor torque not high low etc. All this sort of thing muddies the water if you want to compare things. Most of Titans blurb is meaningless, some is just wrong. Even the bits that are in fact true are also true comparing lipos.
    2 points
  4. Colin Allen

    Hi All

    Welcome to the site. Please do give your local site a try; I am 60 and still play at least twice a month and know a couple of even more ancient players. It is a great hobby. As you are probably aware, in order for a seller to sell you a RIF (ie: a gun that is not two-toned) you need to demonstrate to them that you are going to use it for a legitimate purpose; the most common way of doing this is by getting a UKARA registration. You can do this by playing a minimum of three times in no less than 56 days at the same site; they can then put you on the UKARA database and might charge you a "membership fee" for the privilege.
    2 points
  5. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I’ve bought a beehive, 5 chickens and a cockerel..... That way I can get my honey for nothing and my chicks for free.
    2 points
  6. This looks like an interesting potential addition to my GBBR wishlist... I particularly liked the very nice rate of fire in full-auto which bodes well for semi-auto spam/ CQB / cold weather performance... (though of course maybe that's partly down to it firing at 400fps so it's using a more powerful gas than we'd typically use? Might require an NPAS or very low power gas to keep it in UK limits) Anyone bought one of these yet? I can't find any UK sellers, but you are a resourceful lot so maybe one of you has grabbed one already. They seem to be priced at $400-450 so at the affordable end of the scale.
    1 point
  7. Looks like it’s on its way!!! The reviewer used to do an English version, maybe he’ll edit and dub Though does have subtitles if you use YouTube
    1 point
  8. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Familial spastic paraplegia apparently, but to be honest my Googlefu is pretty damn weak, so I might be wrong😏
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. A functioning Lawgiver from Dredd 2012
    1 point
  11. I have two OD Condor Ronin chest rigs because they're split rigs that I can unclip the front, allowing me to push it aside when crawling so I can crawl with nothing on my front. One is set up for AR-15 and AK mags, one is set up for .308 and has the hydro harness to carry my HPA tank and thread my line through the arm strap where the hydration would go whenever I'm using my HPA m21. I really like them because most of my replicas are sniper rifle style guns and I tend to play with a lightweight ghillie cape or cobra hood and therefore I crawl along the ground a lot. If I'm crawling around on my belly, being able to unclip the front and push it aside is incredibly useful for me, as crawling around with mags on my front is a good way to get them covered in mud, not to mention it's uncomfortable. I also have a Warrior Assault Systems chest rig if I want something a bit heavier with a bit more molle space, but it's an older model that isn't available now (pretty sure it's basically the same as their current one though). It has lasted me now for... 15 years and it's still going strong. Amazing purchase. And for plate carrier I have a Warrior Assault Systems RPC with Trident Gear heavyweight training plates. I use this whenever I play CQB or urban and I have three different front panels so I can very quickly change between .308, assault rifle and SMG setups. It's the only plate carrier I own and probably the only one I will own. It's so good! Then for Vietnam airsoft I have a chicom. They're like... £10 or so, are period accurate and can hold AK mags, m14 mags and m700 mags, which covers all the guns I use for 'Namsoft. That said, I also have a US m16 short magazine bandolier which fits a few m14/m700 mags (but not in all of the pouches) for if I want to go super lightweight VC sniper, but most of the time I just use a belt kit for 'Namsoft. The chicom is mostly for if I'm running my AKM.
    1 point
  12. Sylithics

    TM MWS CQB Upgraded

    Not hating.. but where’s the 950 coming from?
    1 point
  13. Three days and no replies? Have a nice new Gen 3 on the way to me with a few extra mags so I guess that I will be answering my own questions at the weekend. Jim
    1 point
  14. jim4244

    Hi All

    I've been lurking around reading the threads on the forum with interest. I'm pushing retirement these days but in a previous life carried and shot many different types of real weapon systems/firearms and now am thinking of using RIF's as wall hangers in my study. Deacts are expensive these days and the legislation grows tighter by the year. I like the GBB pistols and rifles that are available as you can actually shoot a few targets in the back garden without upsetting too many people and have a bit of in the shoulder recoil. The ability to go full auto is a nice feature too.... Looking to pick up a M4 to begin with and may (if my knees, ankles, back and shoulders allow) nip down to my local skirmish site. Jim
    1 point
  15. Then extract BB from japseye
    1 point
  16. Instructions unclear, dick stuck in suppressor cover.
    1 point
  17. OP is thinking in Euros, he should presumably be OK (or at least know his local laws).
    1 point
  18. I'd recommend Cyma AKs however I'd say if you can, go for a VFC clone as opposed to the TM ones, purely down to "newer tech" in the way the VFC ones are built. Note that Cyma AKs do tend to fire "hot" from new- I had one at 370fps on .2s. So you may need to change the spring to suit your sites limits. Or buy 2nd hand that is at the correct FPS. If you got a 028 AK second hand you don't want to be paying more than £80/90 for the RIF and a mag or two. Cyma AKs are quite common in the classifieds and are usually sensibly priced - but the higher end Cyma's run into 2nd hand prices for E&L and LCT aks. Which have superior externals but sometimes lackluster internals. Not used MP5s so can't comment. Tri Shotguns are supposedly underwhelming with usually 1in3 barrels only hopping a BB correctly, the other 2 dribble out. I do have a spring AGM MP003 single barrel Shotgun which is OK as an emergency back up/garden plinker- it cost me £18 from Extreme Airsoft. Finally, as above don't bother with an AEP pistol. They're similar money to a Gas non-blowback pistol like the clone MK23s (ASG/STTI) - which I'd say is a better option and they're upgradeable. All the best, enjoy the money pit that is Airsoft.
    1 point
  19. Part of Samoon order arrived Why pack things separately 🤷🏼‍♂️ (Yes, the Postie probably thought it was a Fleshlight he was delivering)
    1 point
  20. Had an ssx23 for about 4 years, now I have a TM. Ssx23 is just eye candy, metal slide does nothing but increase weight, outer barrel is most likely off spec (threads are crooked and bbs will muzzle strike whatever suppressor you slap on it), all the "upgrades" need upgrading because they don't really work. Plus the cost of gun + suppressor is almost the same as a TM. Speaking of the suppressor, it's nowhere near as quiet as the TM despite being longer and wider (huh), shortening will only make things worse. The TM, while being overall the most expensive of the bunch, delivers performance as promised. I did the bare minimum of upgrades to mine (hadron tdc, plate, ML hop rubber) and it sends 0.3s to 60+ metres with ease, if I swap to 0.4s they go even further but at that point the travel time is much longer which is not ideal for running targets past 40 metres. In its stock form you can feed it 0.25/0.28g bbs and have solid range/consistency too. Mags can be iffy, that is true, but feed them the right gas (1.0 in summer, 2.0/gg in winter) and they won't leak. TL;DR Go TM, you won't regret it. Just remember that it's a sidearm and while its range and consistency is stupid, it's still a sidearm and should be used as such.
    1 point
  21. Lozart

    About batteries

    Unfortunately most airsofters wouldn't know a Newton-metre if it stole all their apples. While motors don't work in C they do respond differently when the supply current is governing their performance; if a battery can't supply enough current quickly enough then performance will suffer in an AEG because that initial spin up is where the motor will spend a lot of its time. It's less relevant in things like drones or RC planes because once you get the rotor spinning and you've overcome that moment of inertia then the motor can settle into a fairly consistent running current. Once you reach that "steady" state then the capacity calculations etc make more sense because your load behaves more like the graphs that battery manufacturers like to throw around. Even when you run an AEG in constant full auto, the load is never stable. Every cycle the gears have to compress the spring and then it releases so the load comes off the motor. The current draw is never smooth and the battery's ability to deliver a lot of current quickly becomes more important than the mAh rating as long as it is sufficiently high.
    1 point
  22. Fair point. I intend to run the g26 and 19 versions of this as my regular pistols for now to see how they hold up particularly with a red dot mounted to them as im using brass threaded inserts melted into the plastic. going to be interesting to see how they hold up
    1 point
  23. Or as 'Billy' said... copper wire was invented by two Scotsmen fighting over a penny.
    1 point
  24. Well I don't know if it's true but I heard that a Scotsman ended up in hospital after dropping a pound coin off the top of the Blackpool tower. Apparently he ran down the stairs to the bottom and it hit him on the head! 🤔😉
    1 point
  25. Way to reinforce the stereotype... 😄
    1 point
  26. I've recently encountered a situation where I really want a replacement set of plastic frame and slide for a different TM platform, so I do wish such things were available and made from a plastic that's at least as good as TM's stuff. But end of the day all I'd recommend is testing these out as much as you can, iterate to make them as tough as possible, worry about the random weird features that internet strangers will ask for much further down the line.
    1 point
  27. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop NOVESKE N4 WE gbb airsoft deep marking custom Bolt Carrier Group cerakote
    1 point
  28. EDcase

    Hi All

    Welcome 🖐 Yeah, they are more fun than deacts for sure. You can play at the pace that suits you so its not all rushing around.
    1 point
  29. I owned and upgraded the TM variant A chum did the same to the ASG version so as we could compare back to back The TM does feel nicer in the hand and the trigger does feel much smoother as @Impulse mentioned above. My TM did shoot marginally further (like 5m) but for some reason with better accuracy. The TM mags are a pain in the ass to fix when they start to leak, which ultimately was the reason I got rid of mine I had 4 mags, of which I could only keep 2 running properly. But the other reason I got the TM was for the Lam and it’s nice little case Plus the fact that when I was inevitably going to sell it on, I knew it would hold its value better and return me a higher % of my outlay costs than the ASG version would Every penny is a prisoner to a tight Scotsman 😉
    1 point
  30. I've had a few ASG/STTI MK23s and also a few Marui ones over the years and tbh by now I'd never buy a clone again, as they always end up just not being worth it. The clones triggers are just rubbish, the feed lips on the clone mags end up either broken, misfeeding or both, and when they do work they never seem to be as efficient or as powerful as when I use TM mags, whether it's in a marui or clone MK23.
    1 point
  31. I recommend asking the same question over on AirsoftSniperForum. The guys there have a lot of experience using and modding Mk23s and clones.
    1 point
  32. I have a TM mk23 and an STTI mk23 (basically the same as the ASG) and I do prefer my TM. The trigger pull is already crap, but at least the TM's trigger is a smooth pull, where the clone mk23 trigger isn't and you really notice it when you handle both. However, the TM is £150 new where the clone ones are about £60 or so. My STTI mk23 was a pre-brexit Taiwangun purchase for £35. With all the upgrades I jammed in it, it probably ended up costing me about £100 all in and it's easily hopping .32s out to 50m accurately, 60m it'll reach but it's hit or miss. Would hop heavier, but I don't want to put heavyweight BBs into a pistol. If you can afford the extra £100, get the TM because it's better. However, the clone ones are better value for sure and will end up performing to a similar level after you upgrade them both. Oh, but the clone mags are better. TM mags are crap. Get ASG magazines and replace the feed lips with TM ones or Hadron ones. Stock feed lips tend to make the trigger stick.
    1 point
  33. I've got the ASG version and while the TM is certainly better quality the ASG isn't a bad gun, especially at that price. Between the 2 I'd say get the TM if you can, but the ASG is good alternative if you can't, or if you plan on doing "upgrades". I've never handled a SSX-23 so I can't comment on them
    1 point
  34. DerDer

    Northeast Famas Gbbr

    Near eight hundred and fifty euro is a fair chunk of change. Still it's the first GBBR Famas. Also Cybergun needs to get their cut. Nice to see one of the original airsoft offerings available in a more contemporary offering. Northeast between their various SMGs and now this, looking forward to seeing what they come up with in the future.
    1 point
  35. You could have broken that to me a bit easier 🐷
    1 point
  36. Whats an “FSP” ?
    0 points
  37. Dont have an m9 or 93r on hand unfortunately
    0 points
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