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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/23 in all areas

  1. If in doubt, take it. I once played at a site in the Midlands and we all had a tag (a price of hard plastic with a number written on it, attached to a string) around our necks that symbolised a "life" and the enemy team had to kill you and take it from you before your 2 minute bleed out. Which ever team at the end of the match with the most lives left won. I came out of respawn, started running and got hit instantly, centre mass. I stood bewildered, wondering where the shot come from. 2 mins pass, no enemy comes to take my tag, so I take the 5 steps back to respawn and come out again. I slowly start creeping cautiously forward and can't see or hear anyone. I start jogging....I hear the slap of a round on my plate carrier again. I called hit, look around for who shot me, wait 2 mins, bleed out and go 10 steps back to respawn. I decide I'm running full pelt out of redpawn to try and avoid this mystery sniper. I run out of the respawn, 2 steps, slap. Centre mass AGAIN. At this point I'm getting a bit annoyed at being spawn camped. I respawn and creep slowly forward. Because I'm looking for a hidden sniper, I don't look where I'm going and I stumble slightly. I look down to see my tag fly up on the chain, then slam down....onto my plate carrier....making the same bloody sound as a bb hitting my chest plate! The movement of me running was making the tag jump up and down, slapping on my plate carrier. I'd been calling a hit for no reason. Needless to say, the Marshall watching was quite amused! He did however commend my honesty about hit taking!
    6 points
  2. My sincere apologies here. In fact, your suspicion is quite right. I was wrong Because I didn't ask my friend how it worked, he said he was designing two different energy systems: electricity and Sparkler, and the video he sent me used the latter as a power source, which I mistook for an electrical system. And I apologize to everyone here for that. I'll send a video when the power system comes out in a while. I'm sorry There will be factory standard procedures by the time it goes into production, which will be much safer.
    4 points
  3. Upper / lower / handguard etc this is where to me it’s shining , it’s really nicely finished , trademarks are crisp , the rifle while light is solid and very robust feeling ( apart from those sights and stock wobble ) barrel to receiver fit is good with no movement , handguard is again rock solid as you’d expect .anodising throughout is clean and in my opinion high quality , a nice satin sheen . I would say in this regard the overall feel of it is on par or better than a TM rifle .all screws , pins , mag release , fire selector , castle nut are steel . Tbc Standard WE 2.0 yields an average 290 fps with .30g BB , overall so far I like it , it’s what I’d call a petite rifle , the super slim handguard really makes it feel different , minimalist and light . so if you are looking for something different to a MK18 or URGI then this could be just the ticket for an out of the box platform it’s pissing hard here at the mo so still no proper range test but semi and auto are very good , running from beginning to end of the mag with no noticeable cool down , firing cycle is pretty sharp and trigger feels good compared to my WE rifles . some fancy pics will report back once I get a proper chance to shoot it 👍🏼
    4 points
  4. I took a hit at a Gunman game only to be told on my walk back to respawn that the game hadn't started yet. Must have been something falling from a tree that I felt. Of course no one found it amusing...
    4 points
  5. The suppressor already exists by another company. check here: https://topboosttoys.com/products/smoke-wolf-silencer unless this is you? anyway, cool idea and I might or might not have ordered one
    2 points
  6. No worries Either way you have captured the imagination of the members here Pyro editions have the other safety standards to apply Powered ones also have safety standards - but an explosion isn’t one (unless of course there’s major battery damage etc)
    2 points
  7. Ok , I’ll keep It brief for now and a “first impressions” rather than a full strip down . It’s worth me noting that I do not have a TM MWS here next to me for a direct comparison but I have had a bit of time with them here and there , WE M4 platform GBBR is my main go to for my collection purely for ease of parts and selection . And Tokyo Marui for pistols .However I’m hoping to have an MWS on loan so I can perhaps do a few side by sides but no idea when then might be , likely end of the month . The box - standard issue , cardboard and foam , silica packs . Nothing about this is TM , think King Arms . It’s a box to get the gun from A-B. Although nicely printed. inside you’ll find the rifle , magazine , iron sights ( we shall get to those later ) , speed loader adapter and a baggie of words . magazine looks pretty decent , not as nice as the guns modify and I suspect these are Ace-1 arms ? RS Ranger plates do not fit , however looking around they can be had for £35-£40 ish from HK so if they hold gas and feed fine could be a cheaper way of boosting that load out . feed lips and router look pretty good , speed loader adaptor is a perfect fit to a TM loader and loads the magazines beautifully Tbc. Stock is a Magpul clone , a little wobbly on the tube nothing that couldn’t be shimmed so standard airsoft really , RS MOE-SLK fits very well and the rattle is reduced by at least 50% .(pics later ) grip is a Magpul K clone , nicely made , no branding and I will test fit a genuine one later . iron sights …. Ugh , horrible cheap plastic , wobbly , grim . A real let down . Fitted for the pictures but they will go in the bin tbh . steel flash hider is nice quick break down , upper to lower fit is excellent , no play whatsoever and the pins are lovely and snug needing a pin pusher to release Bolt and buffer assembly all seem pretty decent , a magnet over the trigger group shows alot of steel parts bolt is nice , all seems well fitted together ,although it was very dry so gave a quick wipe over with a light oil , spring is fairly soft , cocking the rifle the return is what I’d describe as lazy but this may be because it was dry and not run in . tbc.
    2 points
  8. If in doubt...give a shout👍 So you may have to take a walk to your respawn or dead zone or even take yourself out of play for 5mins. It's not the end of the world. But consider that the sniper who hit you from a distance saw the hit even if it had the impact of a tap on the shoulder. Don't be the one that the marshalls have a quiet word with. 🙂 Regards
    2 points
  9. I’m still not convinced there isn’t something pyrotechnic in there @Miêu Anh-Nguyễn The vapour effects as noted by @Chev Chelioswould show a flame like effect as the vapour cloud ‘flows’ But screen grabbing from the slow motion appears to show sparks and a smoke like grey cloud as well as flames It looks like their is a pyrotechnic element plus LED lights that still glow after the bang
    2 points
  10. As someone who's sold a lot on here, it's like an episode of Wheelers Dealers sometimes. If this one was listed for £80, they'd still get chancers messaging saying "Can you do £50 all incl'!?"
    2 points
  11. This dropped into my inbox today, an ad for the EC-202 https://www.taiwangun.com/sniper-rifle-aeg/ec-202-7-62mm-marksman-rifle-ec It's a bit pricey at £418, but I do like the looks and spec of it... the usual 416/417 aesthetics, the drum rear sight, the A5 style stock, the longer barrel and the 7.62 mag all add up to a very good looking gat.
    1 point
  12. I doubt it is. I've used loads of different brands of mags through my Specna Arms hop unit and nozzle when I was doing testing. S-mags, battleaxe, nuprol, nuprol hex mags, valken, PTS and then again after i'd rebuilt the gearbox with new parts. Never had a feed issue. Disagree. I'm still using that hop rubber & nub combo in my build with the stock blue plastic hop unit and i've never had a feed issue. I would first suggest making sure the hop rubber itself has no oil/grease/lubrication on the outside or inside. This could be a potential cause. I'd also suggest checking how much play the hop arm has and turn it all the way off/on and check if there's excess play (and it's actually working). Look down the barrel with the hop fully on and make sure it's protruding into the barrel a good amount. I would have suggested cleaning the barrel in case there's anything in there causing inconsistency with the BBs but you say it's doing it on the stock barrel too. When I install hop rubbers I like to press down on the hop window (on the barrel) and make sure the contact patch is fully visible. I do this again once i've rebuilt the hop unit to make sure nothings moved.
    1 point
  13. Now i did just buy a Webley a week ago but saw this at my airsoft field and just had to get it… might have an issue idk plus ignore the dirty ass floor please
    1 point
  14. First of all I am ‘not the guy who doesn’t call his hits’. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked the question in the first place. I was trying to understand whether you can reliable feel whether something is a direct hit or not. It seems the answer is no you can’t. I think it would be better to drop the ‘bounce rule’ altogether as it just opens up a grey zone.
    1 point
  15. This is my friend's DIY work, It is similar to the smoke from e-cigarettes and model tanks. It has a buzzer and an orange LED light that can be reused (but I think it could be damaged by throwing it hard). This video about he test it in his house, apparently, it doesn't hurt the wood floor.(LED and smoke generator) The effect is actually quite striking, at least for me. He gave me a DIY flame suppresser with smoke function, similar in principle and parts.To be honest, my English is not very good, so if I say something wrong, please point it out to me f3271f5d360a835786de1c6cef75e601.mp4 6fdf667c083a033e5a927749985a7e3b.mp4 a5590dad115b7d9a2fc39930b4cec4a2.mp4 aaa996ac75f34a98b74b11172d23b3e5.mp4
    1 point
  16. I think (don't quote me on this) the gearbox uses their microswitch'd ETU which uses a magnet on the sector gear hmmmmm. Not sure if that's the way forward, not seen anything about the long-term reliability. Nice externals of course, but as you say pricey.
    1 point
  17. Christmas day today! (Though a rather shit Xmas, where the gifts are only stocking fillers) VFC Retention pin - yay! finally arrived from Taipan, so got my VFC HK416A5 re-assembled. So I'll be back to using that on Saturday (for part of the game day, at least) British Army surplus duty belt - because my trousers kept falling down last skirmish (I am officially slightly less fat than I used to be, so quite pleased to have that problem) British Army surplus UBACS olive / m-cam shirt - because sweaty blokes need a change of clothes - and it was only £6 from Action Hobbies' boneyard Suppressor (plain black, 13.5cm) - it was only £5 from Action Hobbies and so it can be painted to match the Double Eagle when I have time to spray paint that. Loctite Threadlock 222 (low strength) - because the stock nuts on two of my gats are deciding to undo mid-game, and it's distracting as hell. 14mm x 1.25)mm die to cut thread on my JG SG-552. Damn it, I misclicked when ordering and got the wrong thread pitch. It'll have to go back for the 1mm version. Die stock handle Very pleased to have them all, but I'm seriously suffering for not being able to buy another gun recently. It's been aaaaaaaaages!
    1 point
  18. Excellent mate. As per our convo, exploring this with great interest! Nice one 👌
    1 point
  19. UKSF had the KS1 well over a year ago before the Ranger trials were even complete
    1 point
  20. Great set of pics, thanks Jim! Looks like this is pushing itself up the (very long) Xmas list 🤗
    1 point
  21. Even better when they shout "freindly fire" and play on, needless to say continuing to fire on them rarely ends amicably.
    1 point
  22. Leo Greer

    G36 Hop Unit

    Is there an issue with the current hop unit? Broken?
    1 point
  23. One of the most frustrating things is seeing players you have flanked not take hits because they assume they are ricochets. Best to take the hit if you aren't sure.
    1 point
  24. As said if in doubt take the hit. Only call a ricochet if you are absolutely sure it is. I am pretty damn sure i have taken water drops as hits, as unless your 100% you didn't get hit take the hit.
    1 point
  25. 170 new… yeah. That’s why I said, 120-130 is in the reasonable category in that case, agreeing with your comment on it? I just find it wild that I could get a brand new gun with warranty and a mag for 139, or a used gun +2 mags for 130. Not trying to be disingenuous, but whatever
    1 point
  26. Unless you see the bounce or ricochet then call it.
    1 point
  27. I’d argue the second half of this is pretty disingenuous, the value of what he’s selling is in the £170 range excluding postage. So £40-£50 additional to get it new, not an extra £10. It’s very easy to tailor how you deliver information to make it match your narrative, but that doesn’t necessarily make it accurate.
    1 point
  28. Generally speaking items priced at about 2/3of retail will sell and those that appear on Mack's will move slower. Of course there are the traditional 'market forces' in action here, if you really want it and is the only one of that pew to be posted in a while you may consider paying more. If the seller is willing to over look the details of your defence it may be priced higher. If it's a we Glock I'd expect it to sell for around 40/50% of new as they are so common
    1 point
  29. Can someone explained used airsoft gun pricing to a relative noob? I saw this ad went up and I'm in the market for a HK45 so I was interested... But 130 seems mental for second hand. A 5 second google search showed I can get it brand new in box from Wolf armouries for literally less than 10 quid more. Anyone care to explain?
    1 point
  30. No problem mate, & I'll apologise if I came across as reactive, not my intent & I should have known better, I've seen enough of your posts to know how level headed you are, my bad. In relation to the thread, i served & have hundreds, if not thousands of hours on the weapons platforms we used, most of which are now available in airsoft variants, but I'll be honest & say if I came across said variants onsite, unless differences between them & their real steel brethren were glaringly obvious it's unlikely I'd spot them, so I think it's safe to say within reason the same could be said of other platforms. Maybe it's just me lol, I've seen some great looking gats, kitted out with nice looking sights & other extras, then you read the "small print" & realise its a nuprol.......... 🤮
    1 point
  31. No mate, not aimed at you specifically, just an observation from over the years. As I said, I’m a firearms enthusiast who has a particular interest in the GWOT and SF weapons and kit in general. I often find people chipping in to discussions, both on forums and in person, trying to make out that either me or others are in some way trying to pass ourselves off as special forces operators, when that’s nowhere near the case. I just have an appreciation for what they do and the kit they use. Sorry if I came across as having a pop, that wasn’t the intent. Time to draw a line under this aspect of the conversation and allow the thread to get back on track😉
    1 point
  32. Managed to get hold of one , will try for play time & update later today
    1 point
  33. But the TM is bit vanilla. If they started doing Gucci versions, then yeah. Or just do a 416a5 MWS and then buy an island with the profits.
    1 point
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