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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/23 in all areas

  1. Well I'll be honest, turning up at Spec Ops today with more guns than I could actually count (probably nine) was a stupid, stupid, STUPID idea. Best intentions and all that, but I didn't even get to shoot a couple of them at the range! And carrying all those gun cases gave me most of the back pain I suffered when I got home 😋 Anyway, usual good news / bad news scenario.... Good news: Usual super friendly welcome from Carlos, Will, Nathan and Jet, and of course @Dan Robinson and his son and friends Bad news: The. ICS Scarab has a crazy nice rate of fire, but it seems that's due to a fecked spring, it was only hitting 200fps on 0.28's New spring should sort that out. I think it has a quick change system so should be fine. My beloved VFC HK416 has not been improved by the new hop rubber. It's become... Naughty... Sometimes it does well, sometimes it drops BBs at my feet. I suspect it's the wrong size and not sealing well. I started the first game with it, but swapped out to Old Reliable, Mr Eagle Good news / Bad news: The SIG was excellent on the range, and at lunchtime when I stayed on the game site to do some long range testing it could hit out to the same range as the DE, though a little more dispersion. Bad news was when push came to shove I still picked up the DE BAD NEWS: Messing with my guns at lunch made me miss the burgers and jerk chicken. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😥 Good news: I played with my Rossi sniper rifle for quite a while. Racked up a bunch of kills from the sniper tower and really enjoyed myself with what is quite a basic rifle. Appetite whetted for a better one! @Rogerborg's Tac-41 might find itself on my shopping list! Smallish player numbers today, again that was quite good news in terms of allowing a team to make a successful break through. Very enjoyable day!
    4 points
  2. Would you fecking believe it..... I sit at my kitchen breakfast bar to do most things including working on my pews. I don't watch TV, but have a tablet on said counter to watch my plex server or YouTube etc..... This is charged through a quick detach magnetic charging cable. Guess what managed to catch, mid flight, the tiny spring? Yep.... My tablet's charging magnet. I was wondering why the battery was draining 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
    4 points
  3. Also sums up our day. Good news: 3rd game in the bag so UKARA registered now, perhaps bad news for my credit card though. Got to meet @RostokMcSpoons briefly, nice to put a face to an avatar. My cheap boots have bedded in so no more shredded feet. Despite (or perhaps because of) the small turn-out the games flowed well, with a couple of new game types I've not played before. Highlights were a tense battle for our team to make it through a choke point heavily defended by the enemy. Rushing to a cover point, stopping to catch breath and then hearing a 'Hello?' from the other side of the tarp that made up the cover. 'Hello...' I replied. 'This is awkward, shall we talk instead of fighting?' asked the disembodied voice. 'Erm, what do you want to talk about?' I asked, stalling for time as my team moved up. '....Erm...' came the the reply. Not to see this verbal stalemate continue, one of my team had taken advantage of this thrilling discourse to cook a grenade and tossed it casually over the top of the tarp. Bad news: Both mine and the boy's Revision Bullet Ants steamed up constantly, despite using antifog (more on this to come). His eventually fell apart and are pretty much bin fodder at this point. I'm not convinced mine will last much longer. Really unimpressed by these. Lowlight was the boy uncharacteristically started flagging in the last hour and by then end was complaining of drowsiness and being dizzy, so I decided to end our day early and get him home. He's super fit (compared to me at any rate) and can easily do a full day football tournament, so this was not right for him. He said that he'd started feeling odd since applying the antifog so suspect he had some kind of reaction to it. Seems fine now having slept for much of the day, lesson learnt on that one. Things to look forward to: Carlos hinted that his CQB site will be opening soon so rather looking forward to this.
    3 points
  4. Your bed looks like the inventory screen in an old school RPG. I’ll keep an eye out for the guy pushing a wheelbarrow to the range tomorrow. 😉
    3 points
  5. A couple of Tanakas that have been engraved by some Japanese guy who normally does swords.
    3 points
  6. I’m writing down a list of all the things I want to do, it’s my oughtobiography. Which then got me thinking, do florists do the same and have a bouquet list?
    2 points
  7. Today I didn't play, I marshalled at Red Alert, as I was FAAARRR too hungover to play. Fun day, with 120 players. The new Attack Sense range proved to be very popular. My second time through with a 1911 I just picked up second hand, I'd not put a single round through it yet and then discovered it's a 14 round mag... in a 15 target range 🤣 20230702_171946_001.mp4
    2 points
  8. Hell yeah, throw it in there it'll love it. The Aster mosfet will keep everything safe and working nicely.
    2 points
  9. So another weekend, another skirmish day at Worthing and... it went pretty well all in all! I planned on running my SR-25 today instead of my bolt action for two reasons. Firstly, I was planning on pairing up with my friend and we are starting to practice as a sniper/spotter team, plus we're not running ghillies to make sure we're keeping our camo and concealment skills honed. He wanted to use his m700, so I decided I'd run the SR-25 and be the spotter today (I'm the more experienced sniper so it also makes sense!). Secondly, the Cyma Platinum mosfet in it will eventually burn itself out because it's awful, so I want to run it a bunch until it finally gives up, then I'll put a perun and maybe a full cylinder and maybe a warhead motor, but we'll cross that bridge when the stock mosfet kills itself. Anyway, went up to chrono and was at 1.02J while my friend was at 2.25J, so we were good to go. We got our blue armbands at the briefing and headed out. First game we played an attack and defend around a base called Tower, which is a tower (funnily enough), but they have built some extra structures around it and it looks like they're trying to turn it into a village of sorts. However, I noticed a few potential places to set up to make life difficult in the new structures so when the game started me and my friend set off at a jog to get there in good time. I set up in the front with a line onto the back of the structures and the windows inside, while my friend set up just behind and worked the other angles while I made sure nobody could get close. Working as a sniper/spotter team works really, really well as we managed to lock down the area, however it soon became clear that actually taking the space was very difficult from our side and our team was unable to push in. In the end the yellow team managed to hold the tower and so we swapped ends. Upon swapping ends, I took a position near the fence by the new structures and bullied people trying to come down the path, while my friend once again set up behind me and worked an angle to our left. Between the two of us we completely locked the part of the site down again, with me taking the nearby fights and the fights along the front, while he had a great sight line along the front of the tower, meaning the only way they could push was the other side, and we had plenty of people watching over that. As expected, we managed to win the 2nd game. Next we went to a simple 2-flag CTF game before lunch. We had a jerry can in our base, the yellows had a jerry can in their base. We had to steal theirs and bring it back to our base while also holding onto our own. Having a scoped rifle, I set up on a fallen tree on defense. It was a very bushy fallen tree and while I was simply sitting on top of it, I was very well concealed, though my sight lines were limited. However, I didn't get shot at by the enemy team once, while I managed to rack up a really nice number of kills from the position, even as the players around me all fell. Even though it's an AEG, the SR-25 is a quiet AEG and people had no idea where I was, not even the guys who were about 4m away from me when I shot, then shot them as they started creeping up and came into my sight line. Unfortunately by this point my friend's m700 was being weird, so he simply ran around medicing people and shooting with his mk23. This meant I was left alone and while the enemy didn't shoot at me, my team decided I needed to be shot at twice, despite me having my back to them and shooting in the other direction. Fortunately the foliage was thick enough and/or they were poor enough shots to miss me completely, so I managed to get them to stop shooting at me by waving my armband up and gesturing to where I kept hearing enemy players creeping through the nettles behind my position. It was one hell of an adrenaline rush sitting on the tree having to watch one way with the SR-25 and making sure I had my pistol at the ready for if they walked out behind me and I managed to survive the entire game in this position while once again stacking up kills. AEGs are so much easier than bolt actions... 😂 After lunch we went back to the village area with the objective being a bomb inside the church building (shack) that had to be armed. We started on the favoured side and our brigade of speedy players managed to get to the church before the enemy, arming the bomb with our timer. This won us the game, as then the rest of our team filed in and took positions all around the village, with me and my friend heading back to the same position we took in the morning by the fence, once again locking it down completely. We managed to hold onto the area for the entire game, though the yellows had started to push through to the tower, but they weren't able to push past it and into the church building with our team respawning in and hitting them both from the side me and my friend had set up on, as well as their flank that faced towards our spawn. I think the village needs a little bit of work; some extra barricades on the non-favoured side I think would go a long way, because at the moment it's definitely favouring one side. I was incredibly impressed with the SR-25 as it was shooting accurately out to 60m which was allowing me to get some dirty long range shots through little gaps in the foliage. Plus, with the mods I've done to it, it's incredibly quiet for an AEG, so beyond 15m or so you just don't hear it, and even then it's not the easiest to locate. Also having 5 midcaps at my disposal felt like cheating, since I'm so used to running around with 100 shots total, but today I had 600, plus an Odin speedloader in another pouch. I sat out on the last game as I needed to test my m700 since I had changed hop rubber and chamber and wanted to see how it would perform. When I ran the Action Army hop chamber before, it seemed to overhop absolutely everything, but I saw people on Facebook talking about the Modify X-range rubbers that just seemed to work really well with the m700, so I tried putting the Action Army chamber back in my m700 but this time with a 55 degree Modify X-range and oh my god it hasn't shot this well ever. It's no longer over-hopping, though it doesn't require much hop to be applied to lift .48s so it's absolutely perfect now. I was so happy that this was so successful, so I'll be picking up another rubber and another chamber for my other m700! All in all it was a pretty damn good day today. There were a few rentals who were hilariously bad at hit taking, but other than that I didn't really experience anything bad. Hit taking was generally quite good and didn't see anyone shooting within their MED, which are the two instances of rule breaking I usually see. It was just... really good. Also the weather was almost perfect. It was about 18 - 19c today and mostly sunny, though it was overcast at times. There was a bit of a breeze, but it wasn't too bad. Had to angle some shots, but such is the nature of airsoft. Already looking forward to the next game day. Hopefully my order from Evike Europe will arrive before then (both items were in their US warehouse so I'm having to wait for them) and I'll be able to give one of my m700s a makeover and test a new bolt.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. MrTea

    Gun picture thread

    It's a nice gun...
    2 points
  12. Nice to meet you too, sorry I didn't get to sort you out a go on my '416.... Next time.. When it's hopefully behaving itself! Edit... Mention of fogging... I heard a few people complain of the same thing today. I have to say my ESS goggles were perfect through the whole day (and I worked up a good sweat). I lent my old pair to Dan and he fogged up instantly. So my recommendation counts for nothing, but I love them - for me 😄
    1 point
  13. That reminds me of a chap who used to play at a site in Kent where I marshalled; he would regularly turn up at the chrono with a ridiculous number of guns and a story about why they all needed chronoing. He was a lovely chap; I must try to make contact with him again to see if he is still playing.
    1 point
  14. Nicely put.Yep I would agree. Not in so many words but yeah...😉 Regards
    1 point
  15. Tackle


    @Jedi_Master, can we get a "watch yourself Roger" emoji 😜
    1 point
  16. Yeah agree with @L3wisD. It will be ok and give you a better rof( rate of fire). Regards
    1 point
  17. @Chev Chelios Thank you so much for all the great information and video's mate.. I'll look into all of this and hopefully be able to fix it if it isn't too costly, failing that, I'll probably buy a different one instead of throwing time and money into this one haha. I really appreciate the reply a knowledge mate.. Saved my bacon!
    1 point
  18. The issue is the buffer spring does not have enough power to overcome the hammer so its sticking mid cycle and coursing the valve knock to rest on the valve and vent the gas. 1, Try adding some shims to the spring guide (rubber washers are cheap) see if it helps the issue. 2, Bend the hammer spring so its not so hard for the slide to over come (this could lead to light striking in hot weather) 3, Order a stronger recoil spring 4, Get a bearing for the hammer like these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl3DGEgIGK0&ab_channel=เเจ๊คกี้ ( Its in another language around 3.55 mins) Good vid on disasembaly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX0hCOAjLt8&ab_channel=RogueStudios and in general for glock stuff. (Army is a direct copy of the Tokyo Marui so any info refencing the TM works for the Army.) Hope you get the issues fixed.
    1 point

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Wanted a MP5 with RIS handguard (or is it called KAC M4 handguard)


    Sheffield, South Yorkshire - GB

    1 point
  20. Well, that is a result! We have all done something similar; assuming that the spring guide is a standard one, they are cheap to buy.
    1 point
  21. Colin Allen

    Decent Starter Pew

    I have a Lancer Tactical LT-12, which I bought second hand a couple of years to see if they were as bad as they were supposed to be. The gearbox is standard and actually pretty decent, with a QC spring that can actually be changed without removing the gearbox from the receiver. It has a rotary hop that is not as good as the ZCI version but does the job well enough, especially when paired with a ML Macaron rubber and nub. Except for the outer barrel, the externals are entirely plastic, albeit of decent quality. I would rate it as being somewhat better than a basic G&G Combat Machine at a much better price.
    1 point
  22. The brave warrior fought strongly till the end.. may it's harvested parts live to fight again.
    1 point
  23. EDcase

    Decent Starter Pew

    I've also got one of those and it does perform very well. Definitely a good first pew if he's into the M4 thing. Anything by Specna, CYMA, JG or Double Eagle would be decent performers in the budget price range. Main thing is to clean and test new pews to avoid lemons. Duno about Lancer Tactical. Anyone have any experience with them?
    1 point
  24. "Out with the old, in with the new" 😉😄
    1 point
  25. You have broken the first rule of Airsoft, using the words "too many" when the correct phrasing is "too few" 🥴
    1 point
  26. The lad arrived home last night, having spent two weeks in Scotland doing section, platoon and company attacks interspersed with time on the range (he is now officially a marksman) and other shenanigans. This morning we set off for one of our favourite sites, Tower Airsoft, which normally pulls in about 40-60 players. On arrival, we were surprised to find only a very few people present, with attendance eventually rising to around 24. However, Miguel and Luke dreamed up some excellent games which made the most of the site's features and worked well with that number of players. For us, this was ideal as it provided plentiful opportunities for sneakiness and working our way around flanks. Personal highlights involved some very effective use of "poison gas", working our way around the village to attack the defenders in the rear, being part of an epic defence of the village in the reverse of that game and, in the afternoon, sneaking up behind the opposing team as they assaulted the castle in the last leg of a fallback game. Overall, it was an excellent day, with some great play by both teams. A very young lad on our team was notable for his enthusiasm, ability and brilliant sense of humour. We are planning one of our occasional trips to Dragon's Lair, which is also in Essex, next Sunday. Weapons used: Me: G&P/Hurricane kit SR47 DBoys AKMS Milbro M1911 Classic CO2 The lad: G&G GR4 G26 G&G CM16 SRL (well, it was when it was bought!) ASG Commander XP18 CO2
    1 point
  27. Hammerspace.
    1 point
  28. Tomorrow is a skirmish at Spec Ops, so I spent part of today getting the gnus from the loft and fettling them for a turn on the range... and, if they're very very well-behaved, a bit of proper trigger time on the battlefield The number of gats is getting a bit out of hand when they're viewed as a collection! There are several missing from the pic too - my old M16 (dead motor), my AK47-S (mags need new springs) and my wall-hanger L85.. and 3 other pistols. The F2000 project gun at the bottom of the pic makes me sad. It's got some nice components in there and rips like a beast when it's running, but it's not worked properly long enough to skirmish yet. Tomorrow I'm hoping the SIG, the ICS Scarab (with it's fun RoF) and the Tippmann M4 will get some time to shine on the field. But I'm planning on hauling almost all of them to the range so I can check they're in good nick. Wish me luck
    1 point
  29. * DeltaMike Mini V2 Really pleased with this, been using rental masks til now and this feels another level of comfort. Leaves my massive nose exposed but I’ll take that. * Revision Bullet Ants Bought 2 pairs for me and the boy. I have a feeling these are going to fog up instantly for me but we will see. * Flecktarn/Bulle M4 chest rig I wasn’t planning to spend anything on military wear, but for a shade under £50 this feels so much better than the generic backpack I’ve been using til now. 3rd game this weekend so hopefully I’ll be able to spend even more money once UKARA registered.
    1 point
  30. Rogerborg


    Should I be... cautious, this instant? 🤔 I jest, this catches a lot of people out. It's not hugely obvious that there even is a classifieds here, let alone a wanted section, and the spambot check that stops you getting access to it is also fairly obfuscated. If you're still not able to post there, just have a bit of banter first and you should get access.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Exactly that. Especially when you are fettling in the garden and it flies off into your wifes' bush. He don't want to pull the bloody wall ties out of the wall! 😂😂
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. What are you if you drive a Subaru backwards? U r a bus Why isn’t there a pregnant Barbie doll? Because Ken came in a different box.
    1 point
  35. Shamal

    We smg8 mp7

    Haha. You could of had it just for the haribo but you were just toooo slow 😂 Blast!! It's off on its merry way to a new daddy for a mere 110. He's happy so I'm happy 👍
    1 point
  36. Rogerborg


    I'd ban them, IP ban them, then IP ban their mums too.
    1 point
  37. I did 6 pints yesterday and I got home in a bit of a state. My wife saw what I was like and yelled at me, ”if you can’t do it in moderation you need to stop giving blood.
    1 point
  38. Good afternoon! As noted above, I have created an official UKAPU Press Office account in order to be able to officially communicate out to members here on the AF-UK forum. It will be handed over to the next Press Officer following the AGM (if a hand over is necessary). Over the next week or so my aim is to update and begin reusing the various social media platforms, as these have regrettably stood dormant for a while. Initial drafts of press releases concerning both the AGM and present structure of the committee have been written, and will shortly be reviewed prior to release. I am glad to hear our members and non-members alike are still keen to engage with us, especially with reference to the future of UKAPU and a potential governing body.
    1 point
  39. Brad1834


    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    Ssx303 for sale, with maple leaf 70 deg bucking and h arm v2. With scope and suppressor. Looking for £250 Comes with 2 mags.



    1 point
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