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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/20 in all areas

  1. Visited a new site today. Someone came up and said "15 years ago at Dragon Valley you shot me in the back of the head with an MP5". I feel there should be a statute of limitations on airsoft related injuries I've caused people...
    3 points
  2. As keen as I am for a Mall Mk2 I think we all need to acknowledge that the gaming experience will not be the same in anyway (bar the long briefs ) The site looks really open and will probably require a lot of set dressing to make it into a CQB arena. I imagine in fullness of time it being something akin to some of the American style CQB arenas that are built within a warehouse complex. Will be interesting to see how it develops. I will be waiting out for the reports back.
    2 points
  3. The issue your fighting is this: https://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/cm-028c-cyma Same gun, brand new, and without 2-tone if you have your ukara for £35 less than your asking price (from last i checked just before writing). The general (although not exclusive) rule of thumb is ~60% of retail for a secondhand item. This thread for sure is a strange way of evaluating the classifieds, but it can work well if you take it in the spirit of the same kind of banter youd find in your average airsoft safe zone. You are of course free to ask whatever price you like, and you may be able to sell just fine, but at least now you know what you're competing with.
    1 point
  4. Organised sports events they say are ok. But I reckon even they will get clobbered.
    1 point
  5. The price isn't final - A friend of mine was very kind and shimmed two of my guns since both came from the supplier pretty grindy - but aside from that nothing was done. They do both come with some added externals, but I've adjusted prices to not include the flat shipping fee because now I'll calculate it before I ask for the money/sent the gun. Hurts a bit too have it called out in a meme thread however, a good point was raised - and has helped me adjust. Thank you
    1 point
  6. Another more expensive than new...but it's OK, it's been re-shimmed and got blue bits. Totally worth the £45 more than TaiwanGun. 😉
    1 point
  7. From Negative Airsoft's FB "If you want a £5 discount on a Saturday midday - 6pm game, just email [email protected] with the phrase "Negative Airsoft thinks I'm a cunt" & the Saturday you'd like to attend & we'll sort you out." 😄
    1 point
  8. Ah I'll be bayonet charging in it shan't be an issue for me! 😂 I can't see bugger all without my glasses anyway so usually I have to be within 20m to actually see someone!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. That would be a bit of a jog.
    1 point
  11. If only my VSR-X wasnt so darn chonkers, Id already have Enfield, Kar, and Mosin stocks for it. Unfortunately I just cant see either a G&G or S&T version really being competitive... Sure, if you want to look the part they will probably be Ace, but I also like to be able to tickle people at 120m...
    1 point
  12. Cheers, and I've got one actually, I'm just not quite sure what the correct way to carry it would be. I have a sheith but no idea where to attach it! It's the leather sort but I think it might be designed for para trousers. And I so desperately want a Lee Enfield, so much so my wallet is really going to hurt I suspect when (or if) either G&G or S&T come out with one! And I think Patrol Base had a pretty good deal on the AGM MP40 last I saw? £130ish, don't know if it's still running.
    1 point
  13. Of course I'll be bios. But personally its better then the office block as it had its limitations due to stair cases and floor width. The new site has an amazing layout! I'll share more when we can but we dont want to get the hype train going just yet till we can give game dates. I've taken a few weeks off work to get this going quicker.
    1 point
  14. Looks like the parking situation will hopefully improve at some point
    1 point
  15. I guess I got used to this kind of behaviour so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. I used to really get angry at cheaters and general bad sportsmanship, but now I just shrug it off and try to have fun no point in spoiling your day because you're dealing with manchildren.
    1 point
  16. Surely just park on Cheap Street?.....I'll see myself out.
    1 point
  17. When you watch the spring in your magazine shoot out and now it’s lost forever in the black hole known as the spare room.
    0 points
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