Heard it a hundred times, as I'm sure you could imagine. Fact is there's way too many 'hardcore milsimmers' on the gram talking about taking scalps and doing gangster shit and murdering bad guys out on the ground as part of their Recce team and they can all suck a fat one; barely any of it is tongue in cheek. They drink their own kool aid and sit in echo chambers with other idiots who think talking that way is a good idea. If you don't even have the balls to join the bloody raf and get an operational medal that way (and I barely count mine as eligible, I think there should be combat and non combat variants) you need to pipe the fuck down about being 'an operator'.
This is not a rant at you, but that's my thoughts and I don't censor them to protect the feelings of people who talk like they're triple hard but never served a day.