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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/08/14 in all areas

  1. Playing in the embassy when it was open, four of us stormed into the stateroom area and took out all but one of the enemy team who had hidden himself in a cupboard. We all backed out of the room but kept watch on it and sure enough he peaked out to see if we were there. At this point my mate lobbed a lit pyro at him which landed behind the door. It went off, he crapped himself and smacked his head on the top of the cupboard - breaking his apparently new Emerson clone helmet. We were laughing so much that we forgot we were trying to be quick and quiet, at which point it seemed the entire enemy team turned up and cut us down. He was a good sport about it which was lucky since a lot of people wouldn't have been in the same situation. Apparently from then on he's taken to wearing ear plugs. Also saw a bloke get a dildo kill instead of a knife on my mate Scott who is still ribbed about it to this day haha
    5 points
  2. I got a glm at last Why not hey
    4 points
  3. Tokyo Marui don't do a gas mp5? Do you mean maruzen?
    3 points
  4. Not so much bought, but just traded the WE M4 for this beauty and 4 mags
    3 points
  5. buy some gaffa tape from me - bargain £500 for this special airsoft mag tape tape the mags and they won't fall out ya pocket - just like in COD but works (provided the 2nd mag's catch don't open and you lose all bb's on floor - FAIL) so make sure the door shuts with a little click and not open easily or your cool dual mags perk will be you looking like a right berk instead or if you think 2 x 300 or 2 x 450 mags may not last then sir may I suggest: 5,000 rounds no more mags - available in windup or in posey auto wind model please note your motor/gearbox may blow before you finish the mag but if you REALLY want to lay down covering fire for team - the this will do the job indeed you u18 and some of them pig ugly full face masks might be worth considering if 2 piece googles n lower face guard has any big gaps showing marshals may say nope not good enough if too much skin on display. Also I was glad at a cqb site recently, some guy sprinted up all die hard got to side cover/corner and fired at me - great shot but fvck me right at side of my jaw crack it went - could feel the bb at about 7ft through the mask.... fvck me wot is this $hit about aiming for body first ffs - no $hit - on my kids life yeah that ugly mask saved my handsome mush from a pounding that day right on corner of mask/jaw line - can still hear the crack it made - mad fvcker
    3 points
  6. The anticipation was killing me, it's now over The boxes: And the guns ACR, very nice- quick change barrel is a proper piece of shit though. XM177 M4 And a friends forged receiver set, I'm gonna have to get one of these sets, it's very nice indeed.
    3 points
  7. Just after this photo was taken... ...one of the opposition thought he'd sneaked around to flank us, but had actually rocked up about 10m to the right of the POV of the photographer, or right down the throat of Svetlana my SVD. Being so close I couldn't just drill him so, being ever so careful not to draw attention to myself by moving quickly, I picked up my Skorpion with drum mag fitted which I had laid at my side, also under the sniper veil which had evidently defeated his target recognition skills. Things to know about this JG Vz61 is that I have upgraded it with a PDI 6.01mm TBB, a Gate Pico MOSFET, where possible heavier duty wiring, and a 20C 800mAh LiPo - and I had only recently completed the electrical upgrades so I was quietly chuffed with my little self for turning what had been an ok-at-best sniper backup into something which would do as a primary weapon in a pinch, so as I took aim at our unfortunate protagonist I had great expectations. After chrono I had filled the drum mag as far as sensible, wound it to full tension, and stuffed a piece of foam into the space above the BB's to stop them rattling, which it did brilliantly. Perfect as a sniper backup. I mean, shit, someone had crawled right past me in bright sunlight and not seen me under my homemade veil even though he was being cautious, and I had the tools for the job, all home customised: I was really pretty pleased with myself. I pulled the trigger... "Skrr-du-du-du-du-du!" ...but no fucking BB's. The bloke hadn't noticed though - I banged the drum mag and fired again - same result. He still didn't notice though. Dropped the mag, shook it, tested that it was still fully wound, reinserted and fired again - fucking nooooooooooooooooo! By this time a few of my team who were dead and lurking with a marshal at the back of the game zone were laughing and I had lost all patience - from their POV they could see the rear half of me not under the veil so my intended victim still not seeing me must have seemed even funnier - i finally rolled over, dumped the veil and changed to a stick mag - got him and another bloke who had crept up a bit further away, but then got rinsed by a few enemy coming from the opposite side of the game zone, from the direction the photo was taken. Truth be told, if i had been more patient I could have slunk back a bit, changed to the stick mag under the veil and then regained my uber position under the tree (where it's shadow confused my own shadow making me even more invisible) and gone back to Svetlana for the crew who got me, because they'd never have seen me. But I was very new to camouflage actually working, so I didn't have enough confidence in it. I spose I had just assumed that after 3 bursts of dry fire the bloke must have been moments from spotting me. The pic below is taken from the POV of just off screen to the right of the 1st, ie the direction the victim was in, but closer and also standing. What it doesn't show very well is that the ground sloped away so that my lower half wasn't visible from the height and distance of the victim, or to those who actually shot me once i dumped the veil.
    2 points
  8. Prommy Purple hop rubber Element H nub ZCI 6.02 363mm barrel (Thanks to Pete @ AK2M4)
    2 points
  9. Make love to them.
    2 points
  10. Not really funny but guy is tracking enemy, just as opens fire on auto, into his line of fire comes the head marshal who proceeds to rip the bollox of the poor guy - he was not happy to say the least....... Secretly though inside I was pi$$ing myself but didn't want marshal to notice But then when your mag is empty, you are fully pumped up as enemies are closing in on you, you duck behind cover, slam in another full mag into your M4 jump out coz you are gonna take as many of the bastids with you as possible do: CHECK YOU HAVE THE M4 MAG INSERTED THE RIGHT WAY UP !!!! yup I did wonder wtf I was dry firing with a feckin fresh mag in there - upside down ffs yeah I was calling $HIT $HIT $HIT that time - wot a complete bell-end
    2 points
  11. Brought? Where did you bring them to?
    2 points
  12. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=231017855544&alt=web
    2 points
  13. No way was it ever going to still be available in 2 months time
    2 points
  14. Best comment here!
    2 points
  15. GBBR, wires can fuck off
    2 points
  16. Don't listen to anyone else. The SAS will descend on your house within 24 hours if you don't paint the entire thing fluorescent pink. Also, IIRC, it has to also glow in the dark.
    2 points
  17. Wanted to share this one Entererd a building and saw two members of the other team shot both in the back and one who is probably in his fourties (I'm 29) turns around and starts going mental at me 'What the **** did you shoot me for I'm a Green' 'I'm a red' I reply. He just seemed to lose all interest in me at the point and started to bollock his mate for letting me creep up on them, I had to hold off laughter,
    1 point
  18. lol, I had that idea a while back, but can only imagine how that would play out. Mum can you just put your credit card details on here. Son wtf are you buying, I think we need to sit down and have a talk. My funniest moment would probably be the day after the skirmish cup (a small airsoft competition and a normal walk on the next day where everyone gets pissed and no sleep so in no state for airsoft the next day). I was hiding in a hut with about 7 people all unloading hi cap after hi cap into the hut and into my arse from the ricochets off the wall. Standing outside was one of the hungover marshals who camped. My reign ended in the hut when 3 pyros went under and the marshal was then complaining about his head lol.
    1 point
  19. Some of this...http://www.diy.com/nav/fix/plumbing-central-heating/waste-overflows/traps/FloPlast-21-5mm-PVC-Overflow-Coupling-3Pk-11478427?skuId=11989134 There may be better, a larger diameter would help... But I had all of 5 minutes to design it and buy the bits before the shop shut... So I just grabbed the nearest thing that looked right... Gave me something to test for tomorrow, though...
    1 point
  20. You bought them, not brought...
    1 point
  21. Snuck up on an enemy position, pulled out a pyro, struck it, threw it. It landed all off 18 inches away. Marshals saw the whole thing. I laughed, they laughed, the pyro went off, it was hiiiiiiilarious.
    1 point
  22. You're a cruel man... I'm going to check my size and get a pair Edit: And bought.
    1 point
  23. Bollox, Need to start saving. Again!!!
    1 point
  24. Lozart

    G&G or G&P

    G&P make an enormous range of guns. Well...when I say "guns" I mean M4s. All very slightly different. But only slightly. I would rather like their masterkey though.
    1 point
  25. I think to be fair it is part of a secret initiation thing or something..... You can't say you have say you have experience in buying airsoft stuff until you have been shafted by JBBG..... It is a thing called Wisdom - learning by your mistakes/fvck ups hence the term "wise after the event" Wisdom can ONLY be aquired from fvcking up - or watching others fvcking up so don't feel too bad about it - we all have had to learn some Airsoft Wisdom (yeah that is what I'm now calling being scammed by chubby the liar at JBBG)
    1 point
  26. Teeth generally are either steel/metal or nylon/plastic. You'll find the first tooth generally always metal since this tooth takes most of the strain when pulling back a piston. Full metal are generally a little more expensive but it all comes down to what type of gearbox your going for. Generally for a standard replacement a 1 tooth piston is fine like this one: http://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons-heads/shs-piston-1-tooth You'll definitely need some grease, you can pick up some from general DIY shops or I do sell some in small tubes http://www.ak2m4.co.uk/index.php?route=product/search&search=grease Hope that helps a little....
    1 point
  27. Don't give him ideas..
    1 point
  28. That would be sweet with some of those TAG rounds, firing them into the enemy base
    1 point
  29. CaptainSwoop

    Gun picture thread

    If you are shooting low then the back site is too low not too high.
    1 point
  30. In a word .... Yes. It's about 3cm low at 10m so pretty significant. If I put the magpul front on and leave the A sight down (it's collapsible) they are pretty accurate, but look silly. I'm running a simple red dot now and it's pretty effective, so with the micro dot it should solve both issues.
    1 point
  31. well, the magazine came. Suprised to see 80 pages, 50 of which are adverts, the other 30 being unoficially advertising stuff >.< quite annoyed really. £6 as well
    1 point
  32. I'm not excited for any games for the next two years...I just bought a remastered version of Theme Hospital for Windows 8.
    1 point
  33. If you haven't already, please put a 'how to' guide in the DIY thread. The only thing I would say is that some Krylon on the clips would look excellent and a way of attaching 1/2 of 1 striker strip from a box of Cook's Matches to each, that would allow them to be replaced once no longer 'strikey', would be bloody fantastic!
    1 point
  34. That was the one i bought
    1 point
  35. GiantKiwi


    Picking between Combat Machines and Toptech's is now wholly dependent on aesthetics alone, all CM's as of january this year ship with Top Tech Gearboxes anyway, so that aspect is a moot point.
    1 point
  36. Esoterick

    GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?

    I like AEGs but I am factoring in not being a particularly good shot with rarely seeing a game where at least the odd player doesn't need some encouragement to take hits.
    1 point
  37. You can use circa 100 shots per game day? How the f...? I can make a bag of 2000 shots last me 3 game days, but half that lasting 3 times as long, how?
    1 point
  38. I don't think there's a particular load out for a specific weapon. Load outs are more for where your playing or personal preference. If I am playing indoor CQB I'll wear my black load out. Woodland I'll wear my Atacs FG or MTP, maybe my DPM. The choice is yours dude. Some people just wear jeans and a hoodie and crack on I with their day.
    1 point
  39. Soon as I can go somewhere where I'm allowed to shoot them and take video. Unfortunately the air force brass frowns on folks taking pictures or video on base. Also on popping off airbursting pyrotechnic devices. But yeah, probably going to a skirmish next weekend where I can sort it all out.
    1 point
  40. PLEASE make a video out of these. Id love to see a good review that ain't in Russian
    1 point
  41. Sitting Duck

    Two tone coming off??

    think the orange tip makes it look more masculine - lol
    1 point
  42. They do... But that means clips or velcro and noise and messing about... And in a rush you'd struggle to get one quick seeing as they would rattle about in there unless it was full... These are silent and always in the same place...
    1 point
  43. I would rather buy over the counter anyway and in this case it was the cheaper option. I personally wouldn't have asked for a price promise since it means very little and there could be a fault. Over the counter means you could return it and have a replacement within 24 hours. A few pence or pounds isn't much to pay for peace of mind
    1 point
  44. I still reckon you'll do some damage to your inner barrel with a brass weight. Like Ian says, even small abrasions can have a big effect on small, light projectiles like BBs. Might be better off using hardwood or dense plastic. Anything that's considerably softer than the material the inner barrel's made of, which is probably also brass.
    1 point
  45. Sorry what? You looked at this entire thread and thought you were unlucky?
    1 point
  46. Okay, thanks for the help!
    1 point
  47. TAG 'Starter kit' (one launch shell and 8 Reaper rounds) plus another shell. Fit nicely in my ARES EGLM, just waiting for an opportunity to test fire.
    1 point
  48. This is what I would personally do in your situation, take the rifle apart, take a soldering iron and gently burn/"engrave" following the initial firing marks, done right it could look professional, however practise on other plastic first. And what I would do, buy a new gun.
    1 point
  49. Ian_Gere

    S&T PP19 Bizon

    Yeah, airsoft.tiger111hk.com have the JG for $105.06 and we get a 5% supporters discount from them... tempting at approx £80 - even if hit by customs that'd be only £96. Thing is the 900rnd hicap would have to go - the mechanism itself rattles, even if it successfully stops the BB's from rattling, and besides i've come a cropper by having a hicap in my sniper backup before - wound ready, or so i thought, went for the kill from 10m still unseen by the target... jam! So i'd have to buy a midcap, which is another $19.80 - but redwolf have the S&T for $155 which comes with the midcap so effectively i'd be paying $35 for a steel body... Where have you seen the CYMA for sale?
    1 point
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