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What does everyone really think of kickingmustang

Mk46 Mod0

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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

Oh, he isn't a Walt; he just neglects to mention that he wasn't a regular, which is the impression he gives.

So he's a bloater then 


From what I've read he's also inconsistent with how long he says he was in

Edited by Cannonfodder
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20 minutes ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

The strength of that balcony shows the true quality of British building.   Nearly 8000 men assembled on it during that raid!


If you ever want to thank one of those heroes, go to any pub nestled between a William Hill and a Turkish barber, and you'll find 3 of them, any time day or night.

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11 hours ago, Mk46 Mod0 said:

I know he's banned from most of the sites I play.

The simple fact that he lives in Essex but has to travel to Nottinghamshire to play tells you everything you need to know about how much of a cunt he is

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1 hour ago, Krisz said:

In the airsoft "community" everyone and their mother is ex-military when in reality people are just full of shit. 🤣

I haven't found that to be the case at all; I have met very few players who claim to be ex-military.

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I wonder is he on here, & other forums etc, using nondescript usernames just so he can bathe in the love that's felt for him🤣

Some might say, him included, that he's having the last laugh thanks to revenue generation, thankfully I won't be adding to it, I personally can't watch Airsoft, in much the same way I can't watch the sports that I loved to play, for me it's all about the playing, watching it is quite literally mind numbing (& probably reminds me I need to be playing more lol😢). 

Only time I search Airsoft related on YouTube is comparing reviews before I put my hand in my pocket. 

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7 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

I haven't found that to be the case at all; I have met very few players who claim to be ex-military.

I met people before who claimed be ex-mil (even if it's true they die just as fast as a rental who never played before) but surely it's more prevalent online. It's the same when you watch a youtube video about guns or modern war history and suddenly everyone is expert and served. 🙃

Edited by Krisz
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19 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Only time I search Airsoft related on YouTube is comparing reviews before I put my hand in my pocket. 

I don't even do that, 99% of YouTube "reviews" are complete crap. They're either full of claims about said gun being "BeSt GuN eVaR" but tested on a 3m range (if at all) or a glorified advert from a shop.


9 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

his latest antic being to doxx a female Marshall at one of the First and Only sites. 

Well if he's getting his 12 year old fan bois to harass her he's opening himself up for prosecution under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. 

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Irrelevant to my opinions on Fricking Mustard, I play with a lot of folks both in the service and out of the service. Some are downright excellent players, that I learn new tactics from every time I play with them, and some are vets with PTSD who need a space and a field to decompress. Either way, they all have a very similar numbness to them, and Names Nicco doesn't have a hint of their vibe. He may have technically been a soldier, but he sure ain't one.

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:


Only time I search Airsoft related on YouTube is comparing reviews before I put my hand in my pocket. 

I don't know if it's true but I heard that you had all your pockets surgically removed.😂😂

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I don't even do that, 99% of YouTube "reviews" are complete crap. They're either full of claims about said gun being "BeSt GuN eVaR" but tested on a 3m range (if at all) or a glorified advert from a shop.

Definitely, I tend to cross-reference a selection of vids from a broad spectrum of producers, as well as looking for old skool written reviews, which unfortunately are getting few & far between these days, & finally even the likes of amazon type reviews just to be sure. 

Even then you may end up with a bit of kit that works for someone else but doesn't suit you, but at least you can say you tried, instead of relying on the opinion of a paid tosspot or a 12yo "operator" 🤣

1 hour ago, Krisz said:

I met people before who claimed be ex-mil (even if it's true they die just as fast as a rental who never played before) . 🙃

Ain't that the truth, I was infantry, trained hard like mofo, but did nothing of note outside of the UK & Germany, so you'll never hear me claiming to be a war hero, but first time I attended a paintball event as a civvy didn't stop me feeling slightly superior than my non serving work colleagues, I say that, there was one other guy there who was a former fusilqueer, & his bro in law also ex rgj, so between we thought we were gonna dominate that shit. 

Whistle went & the 3 of us were off like greyhounds intent on seizing the tactical high ground etc.............. 


Yes, it was a very painful life lesson in humility, which we laughed about later, once the dozens of donut shaped welts stopped stinging🤕

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I think alot of the rise of the likes of shitting cumstains is down to sites like lad bible reposting videos with their shitty clickbait headlines. It's what Bodgeups put the sudden rise in popularity of his videos down to

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3 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

Real world drills often fail when faced with a 14 year old with an ARP9 and a drum mag :).

Real world drills fall down when you meet someone who has got more than 30 rds in their mag and a rate of fire slightly higher than a ships phalanx gun 🤣

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14 minutes ago, Mad dog 49 said:

Real world drills fall down when you meet someone who has got more than 30 rds in their mag and a rate of fire slightly higher than a ships phalanx gun 🤣

Exactly; a 14 year old with an ARP and a drum mag.  That is why I prefer sites that are semi only or have an MED for full auto.

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Well, as an ex mil I can safely say I can burn an egg better than any of you wanka's. ACC (TA) 1989-1993, join the army & see the world... furthest I ever got was my basic training at Woolwich (was attached to the RA).

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3 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

Well, as an ex mil I can safely say I can burn an egg better than any of you wanka's. ACC (TA) 1989-1993, join the army & see the world... furthest I ever got was my basic training at Woolwich (was attached to the RA).

You poor sod!  I wouldn't wish Woolwich on my worst enemy.

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7 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

You poor sod!  I wouldn't wish Woolwich on my worst enemy.

It was quite an experience but I'm sure basic training is an experience where ever you're posted.

Most memorable parts wasn't the assault course or the field ex... most memorable for me was doing my BFT on the Saturday in boots then again on the Sunday in trainers coz the 'rules' changed at midnight on the Sat.


Being banned from central London on our day off coz of the Council Tax Demo/riot.

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