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Low power ‘hit’ - bounce or direct hit?


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The side I am mainly playing at as the rule that reflective bounces do not count (e.g. off the floor, walls or trees). 

Identifying a direct hit is normally not a problem as I can feel and hear it. However sometimes I notice something that feels like someone tossed a BB at me, often from the side. So basically no power left. That either means it bounced off something (e.g. trees or floor) or is a direct hit from long distance towards the end of the flight path. 


But how do you tell? If the rule would just be every hit (direct or indirect) counts than it would be easy but how do you tell wether a hardly noticeable ‘hit’ is from a bounce or a long distance direct hit?

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If your not sure, just take it, it's a rare & minor inconvenience, & not worth the aggro when someone is then adamant they hit you. 

Plus I've been hit directly from low power guns, such as a mates old tm mp7 aep, thing was like a laser, amazing range, but it hit like a feather & very easy to dodge if you see them coming, like slo-mo lol. 

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 As said if in doubt take the hit. Only call a ricochet if you are absolutely sure it is. I am pretty damn sure i have taken water drops as hits, as unless your 100% you didn't get hit take the hit.


Edited by BigStew
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9 hours ago, Esoterick said:

One of the most frustrating things is seeing players you have flanked not take hits because they assume they are ricochets. Best to take the hit if you aren't sure.



Even better when they shout "freindly fire" and play on, needless to say continuing to fire on them rarely ends amicably.

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I think my site has the same rule, to stop people spamming the entrances to buildings with fire to just get ricochet kills, but I just play it safe now and unless it's patently obvious I'll take the hit.


In general, I must say coming into airsoft I wasn't prepared for how half your hits would be barely perceptible and easily confused with a falling leaf, drop of rain or a squirrel farting at 25 yards. 


My first games were just utter confusion, wanting to play by the rules but not wanting to rob myself of precious game time or look like an idiot for calling a hit that was never there. 


Adopting the 'if in doubt, take the hit' mantra has ironically made the game easier and more enjoyable as I'm no longer wasting precious cognitive capacity worrying about if something was a hit or not.  I'm sure I can still do better on this front and no doubt still miss things.


Oddly some of my most satisfying moments have been taking a hit I wasn't sure on and then hearing a nearby marshal who had seen it say 'good call'.

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First of all I am ‘not the guy who doesn’t call his hits’. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked the question in the first place. I was trying to understand whether you can reliable feel whether something is a direct hit or not. It seems the answer is no you can’t. 

I think it would be better to drop the ‘bounce rule’ altogether as it just opens up a grey zone.


Edited by ParHunter
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3 hours ago, ParHunter said:

 I think it would be better to drop the ‘bounce rule’ altogether as it just opens up a grey zone.


The rule at Gunman sites is that all hits are hits, ricochets included.  Removes the doubts about what to take. 

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On 07/08/2023 at 23:47, Esoterick said:

One of the most frustrating things is seeing players you have flanked not take hits because they assume they are ricochets. Best to take the hit if you aren't sure.



If people are like that, I usually give them another, then the third is going into the back of their head if they don't take that one too. This happens all the time though and has been a thing since I started playing some 17 years ago.


Also, people not calling their hits if they can't see where it came from. Number of times I have had people not call a hit because they have no idea where I am... though I do find it amusing as they think nobody can see their cheating until I send another one their way as they are looking for the source.

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Imho, if someone is hit, irrespective of the power of the hit, & they then start to analyse it in their head for the possibility of avoiding taking the hit, they're nothing more than a cheating cnut. 

No site should be planting the seed in people's heads "if you think it's a ricochet, you go ahead & ignore it" 

What next, "if your wearing a plate carrier with fake plates fitted & the bb's only hit you in the plates, keep playing cos your feckin invincible". 


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On 08/08/2023 at 19:41, ParHunter said:

First of all I am ‘not the guy who doesn’t call his hits’.

Nobody said you are, although I'm sure that's what someone who doesn't call their hits would say 😁 


As others have posted, if in doubt just call it. You're only going to be out of the game for as long as it takes to walk to respawn. 


Just because a shot feels like it doesn't have much power behind it or comes from an unexpected angle doesn't mean it's a ricochet. A sniper or sneaky player could've gotten into a position where they can put fire down from another angle and you assuming the shot was a ricochet is almost asking to be  shot again, often to a more sensitive bodypart and/or with a longer burst

Edited by Cannonfodder
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On 08/08/2023 at 09:07, Adolf Hamster said:


Even better when they shout "freindly fire" and play on, needless to say continuing to fire on them rarely ends amicably.


One of my mates is a sneaky bugger and has caused a few teams to nearly get into big fights over repeated so called friendly fire. Only for a marshal to intervene and suggest that maybe they clear the area better because that isn't friendly fire...


At least in those cases the players weren't deciding it didn't count, but got salty when they respawned for the 3rd time only to get shot in the back as they pushed up again lol.


I've had to explain a few times to people on my team that the reason I can tell there is an enemy player nearby is because you can clearly hear them shooting. I wouldn't want someone with such dubious awareness to be making judgement calls on whether or not a hit they took was a ricochet.


If you aren't sure if you have been hit, you've been hit.

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12 hours ago, Tackle said:

I've given them an "honesty shot" usually with a pistol from behind in the butt from 40-50ft, & the player rubs where he's been hit but carries on playing.......... 

Well at least until I whisper in his ear to "go take 10 mins in the safe one & think about whether you want to keep playing today"


Genuinely, thank you.  There's far too much "friendly first warning" stuff at sites. Without consequences, the only lesson learned is that there are no consequences.

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A funny one was at a game a while back. I was set up shooting and suddenly I feel a smack in my back. This is accompanied by my mate Robin cackling like a loon from the dead zone. I had called hit and challenged him on it to which he laughed some more. At this point I was miffed and shouted 'I ain't taking a hit from a dead player'. Turned to re-engage in the game and quickly felt another smack iny back. This time accompanied by a 'sorry mark and chuckle'. What I had thought was my mate in the dead box was airsoft camman  laying about 15 metres away much to my mates amusement. Called the hit, took the walk of shame and ended up in one of his short videos as 'this guy thought his mate was shooting him'.

In my defence its exactly what my mate would normally do given half a chance.


I like most of you have called hits in the past from rain drops, twigs and other random none bb related whacks. 

Edited by ghostwalker
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I'm a fat guy, ive got loads of juicy bits to hit. Always play by the idea "if I'm doubt, then I'm out" because a gentle walk back to spawn a sip of water and maybe a breather is what my knees need.


What I seem to see alot lately is people shooting through dense vegetation every round bouncing in every which direction then having the gall to call people cheaters for not calling it.


One kid got the drop on me, unloaded his mag from about 10ft I was more impressed that nothing hit me. Just stood there dumbfounded and asked if his gun worked - gave him the kill because it was a good ambush and he deserved it but it really highlights that we're playing with toys that don't behave like real guns and it seems alot of people are forgetting that lately.

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2 hours ago, BigStew said:

People don't seem to understand you actually have to aim. Keep seeing so many which gun is the most accurate on Reddit groups and keep wanting to type you actually have to learn how to shoot!

I had a pistol shootout with a guy a few months ago, I was just in a fairly open area ambushing people trying to get past a bush, we were maybe 30-40m apart in full view, both firing about 5 rounds each at each other, neither of us actually moved at all, mine happened to hit first. He didn't say much, but there was certainly some muttering of disbelief. And a number of times I've just had shots go everywhere around me but hit me, like a cartoon bullet outline, and I've been on the other side of it. 


You'd be hard pressed to convince me that 90% of players calling cheat have actually landed a single bb on target. 

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3 hours ago, Badgerlicious said:

You'd be hard pressed to convince me that 90% of players calling cheat have actually landed a single bb on target. 


God, seeing people's bbs fall short because you're out of range only to hear them yell "call your hits" 

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It's partly because I'm a little short sighted combined with not being very good at airsoft, but I don't think I've ever been close to certain someone was not calling their hits (personally).


Yet I sit through every single safety brief every single game day and they say "no cheat calling, it's as bad/worse than not hit taking" and at every single skirmish I hear "oiii take yer fuckin 'its maaate".. 🙄  Pathetic, cringe bs.

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