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Willpower, am I weak ?


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Happens from time to time, for the most part I'll only bite if its something that's hard to get hold of in this country (be that because it's no longer produced full stop, or just something you have to order from overseas). I have a list of stuff that I'm after and if it isn't on the list it doesn't get bought, unless I'm confident I could sell it on for what I paid should buyers remorse kick in.


In the past I've definitely fallen into the 'that's a really good deal, and I don't want someone else to have it' trap. Very much the FOMO brand of shit willpower.


Over time I've realised that the moment I'm consciously trying to justify a purchase to just leave it.

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Man.. the Nemesis was ridiculously good.  I think they've long stopped making it which is bonkers because for the money that's honestly a high contender for the best value bit of kit anyone could ever get and it's just the ideal size for skirmishing.  Makes the garand thumb chest rig people jizz their pants over look a bit shit to be honest.


For me, when this comes up (which is obviously not uncommon in online discussions) it's not actually about airsoft or kit or whatever, the question is a bigger one.  If I had kids and a mortgage and bought everything I do then I'd have 0 savings and probably a good bit of debt, and getting debt for tacticool stuff is most definitely stupid.  But that's not the case, I've saved and invested more than I've spent on this malarkey.  Never having any savings and waiting for every pay cheque to come in to then immediately splurge on something you've been eyeing the past 3 weeks since last being paid is an almost sure fire sign you're shit with your money - speaking generally.  Like the financial version of a dog on a leash just absolutely frothing to go chase a rabbit it won't even catch.


I do a very, very similar thing to alxndr, I've got a word doc list I started around 2006 or so where I type in both everything I have bought and the things I'm planning on getting.  Apart from anything I do do quite ambitious builds sometimes and I need to note it all down or I'd forget which parts are compatible with what etc.  But as above, if it's not 'in the plan' I don't generally just buy stuff on a whim that I happen to come across and the aforementioned plan is very long term.  I check the New Products pages at many big retailers frequently, but unless something crops up out of the blue that I've been really wanting for many years (usually 3-4+) then it's not going in the basket if it's not planned.

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Bit of background, so in all the years I've been playing, my load carrying kit has always been either solid black or OD, & in both colours I still own numerous rigs & probably 100+ pouches of various brands & styles, I could probably kit out a section with ease. 

I also own numerous full clothing loadouts, dpm, m81 woodland, OD, black, flecktarn desert, vegetato/tata lol, multicam/mtp, probably more, & have also previously owned flecktarn, wusentarn, choc chop & probably others I've forgotten. 

Now multicam/mtp I've never been that keen on, only ever bought it initially in 2010 for themed games where camo was used for designating teams, & I've probably only worn it 3 times. 

But here's the point I've been getting to....... 

Over on Zin I saw a warrior nemesis rig in mtp come up for £35, I do like warrior kit so I found myself googling a review for the rig & my first click found me directed back here to a necropost from 2014, thanks @TheFull9, & I'm like "Hhmmmmm, that looks good", but then a moment later I'm like "but i rarely wear mtp, & besides, I've got too much shit"

So I scroll on


5 minutes later


"yeah but it's warrior & they do make nice kit" 

But then the other voice is like "ffs Mark, you dont wear that camo & you don't need any more feckin kit" 

& I'm like "yeah but no but" 🤯


Am I the only one ? 



(even looks like me lol) 

I've found that no matter what I wear I still can't hide. I put it down to the big flashing arrow that follows me around above my head saying "Hit Here!"

The least amount of damage I sustained was going directly to a game after work wearing plaster encrusted trousers and t-shirt?


I'll stick with my viper kit though. I think it's amazing for price 👍

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Does it bring you joy?


Will it bankrupt you? 

After my larp soft event I really wanted to start a full Pathfinder Para 2 load out - but the accompanying thought was "yeah, but how many times will you actually use it?"


As such the whole loadout went to the dream list. But I have just been gifted a arktus para style chest rig and I found a dpm holster.....now I am looking at suitable maron berets.....

It's ok, it's not just you

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1 hour ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

Now i am looking at suitable maron berets.....

Ooooh, careful, very specific loadouts involving regimental insignia/berets etc are a massive bone of contention, in many ways rightly so, especially so called "elite" units such as airborne who hold themselves in exceptional high regard, (even if the rest of us think most of them are twats lol😜). 

In layman's terms, the "complete" loadout might not be worth the aggro that goes with it 🤔

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Ooooh, careful, very specific loadouts involving regimental insignia/berets etc are a massive bone of contention, in many ways rightly so, especially so called "elite" units such as airborne who hold themselves in exceptional high regard, (even if the rest of us think most of them are twats lol😜). 

In layman's terms, the "complete" loadout might not be worth the aggro that goes with it 🤔

Considering there are plenty sf impression teams wearing rs helmets, don’t think a beret would be any more “ offensive “..

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I'm definitely guilty of buying kit and guns that I don't need, but I'll always make sure the bills and mortgage are paid first. 


@Tackle  while I can understand you being annoyed by the throbbers described, I'm sure they would've been just as twatish, not matter what they were wearing


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14 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'm definitely guilty of buying kit and guns that I don't need, but I'll always make sure the bills and mortgage are paid first. 


@Tackle  while I can understand you being annoyed by the throbbers described, I'm sure they would've been just as twatish, not matter what they were wearing


Of course they would, but then they could always wear insignia/berets from another nation, something not so close to home that isn't immediately recognised, 99% certain the problem solved. 

Today's a good example, I'm emotional as fuck, it's either :

A. I'm thinking about good friends passed, as well as everyone one else who stepped forward when others were backing away. 


B. I'm on the blob🤣


End of the day, if someone is determined to emulate specific genuine units, they should be prepared for potential criticism, or worse case, someone taking severe umbrage for the reasons I mentioned earlier, all for a bit of kit that will make absolutely no difference in your playing ability. 

Similar but hopefully less emotive scenario, my missus is a mad footy fan, completely obsessed with her team since her dad took her to her first game at 3 years old (she then went on to teach footy at secondary school level), I casually support her teams mortal enemies (we're both from North London, work it out😏), but every time she's wanted to put a sticker or other footy paraphernalia in our vehicles, I've said no way, all it takes is some pleb to take offence & scratch the motor or put a window in, its just not worth the aggro is it. 


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Would you be equally as pissed of if a player was wearing your regiments beret and cap badge, but weren't being a cunt? 

Edited by Cannonfodder
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17 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Would you be equally as pissed of if a player was wearing your regiments beret and cap badge, but weren't being a cunt? 

To be honest, possibly not, after all, generally no one gets pissed off when they see reenactors dressed up in VERY precise & specific regiment kit (those weirdos are proper stitch counters 🥱) as many consider it to be akin to a compliment , I'd definitely feel the need to talk to him, if nothing else but to see if we're brothers from another mother lol. 

I should point out also that while I'm "entitled" to wear my own regimental insignia, I've never bothered or even considered it, & this brings me to another point regarding what I think is a recent thread I glimpsed somewhere ? 

The thread title was something like "Airsoft, sport or cosplay ?) 

I didn't actually read the thread, hence why I'm vague about where or when I saw it, but the title, like many, is kinda clickbait but at the same time self explanatory. 

My assessment, walts are nothing more than cosplayers with small dicks, whereas I do view my playing of Airsoft as a sport, I've previously played sports semi-professionally, which roughly translates to high level but not much money in it (at the time ?), but it's safe to say I'm pretty competitive, so the game of beating your opponent by hitting him with a BB before he can do the same to you definitely ticks my boxes, plus the military theme is definitely reminiscent of an important part of my earlier life that I enjoyed immensely, so it's a win-win for me😁


Anyway its getting late, I'm flagging & pretty sure im not supposed to derail my own thread, that's you feckers jobs😜

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10 hours ago, Tackle said:

It's not the equipment thats the issue, but cap badges & berets have to be "earned", & some are considerably harder to earn than others. 

Plus for many of those who have served there is usually an associated pride in your mother regiment, in its history & achievements, as well as the fact that comrades you have served with may have passed, either in the service of their country, or as we're becoming more aware of nowadays, succumbing to their demons due to the things they have witnessed or done in the name of service☹️

While I can't lay claim to heroic actions whilst serving, but many of my comrades did. 

& then years later, not long after I started airsofting, I witnessed an absolute shitshow of a team, nothing I could say positively about their on site behaviour. Nothing new there you might say, but every one of those twats was wearing (badly) my regimental cap badge & beret, for no other reason than that one of their members had allegedly served in a ta unit & still had backdoor access to some kit cheap😬


I was far from impressed & had to have a word, quite a few actually, some of them you wouldn't repeat to the vicar lol. 


Sorry guys, didn't mean for this to get dark, but it's a genuine consideration that will trigger some players. 


Almost 30 years ago, when I was a year into playing Paintball, I went along dressed up in khakis, dpm & had a Red Beret that I found in one of my fathers bags  that was nestled in the attic

I had the Beret tucked into one of my jackets shoulder epaulettes 

The site owner , who had served gave me a proper screaming match dressing down!

That never saw the light of day again! 😂

To be fair, in my defence I was a 17 year old daft laddie that didn’t understand the error of my ways.


But to get back in topic, I don’t own any Gucci Crye or WAS clobber, but I do understand the appeal of it all.

I have only managed to play 3 times this year, despite being on site approximately 30 times to assist with marshalling.

I have to fight the urges to splurge, and now on a strict “one out for one in” ruling at home 🙄

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21 hours ago, Tackle said:

Bit of background, so in all the years I've been playing, my load carrying kit has always been either solid black or OD, & in both colours I still own numerous rigs & probably 100+ pouches of various brands & styles, I could probably kit out a section with ease. 

I also own numerous full clothing loadouts, dpm, m81 woodland, OD, black, flecktarn desert, vegetato/tata lol, multicam/mtp, probably more, & have also previously owned flecktarn, wusentarn, choc chop & probably others I've forgotten. 

Now multicam/mtp I've never been that keen on, only ever bought it initially in 2010 for themed games where camo was used for designating teams, & I've probably only worn it 3 times. 

But here's the point I've been getting to....... 

Over on Zin I saw a warrior nemesis rig in mtp come up for £35, I do like warrior kit so I found myself googling a review for the rig & my first click found me directed back here to a necropost from 2014, thanks @TheFull9, & I'm like "Hhmmmmm, that looks good", but then a moment later I'm like "but i rarely wear mtp, & besides, I've got too much shit"

So I scroll on


5 minutes later


"yeah but it's warrior & they do make nice kit" 

But then the other voice is like "ffs Mark, you dont wear that camo & you don't need any more feckin kit" 

& I'm like "yeah but no but" 🤯


Am I the only one ? 



(even looks like me lol) 


It's not just you...



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On 13/11/2022 at 14:24, Tackle said:

Am I the only one ? 


Most certainly not! In fact I think you're probably in good company 😂


As @Rogerborg said to me on this very forum "Life's to short to regret the purchases you didn't make", so as long as you're not secretly re-mortgaging the house to fund your kit purchasing habit then who are we to judge. We've all got stuff we've bought and don't use much 'cos we like it/want it.


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6 minutes ago, Madhouse said:


Most certainly not! In fact I think you're probably in good company 😂


As @Rogerborg said to me on this very forum "Life's to short to regret the purchases you didn't make", so as long as you're not secretly re-mortgaging the house to fund your kit purchasing habit then who are we to judge. We've all got stuff we've bought and don't use much 'cos we like it/want it.


LOL, it's more than that, the 10 year old inside me (shut your filthy mouths😜) will probably say "but I really really neeeed it" 

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Thanks to an imminent inheritance I will be able to pay off my mortgage early. Obviously I've made all the right noises about investing the now disposable income wisely but we all know I'll be going through my wants list and ticking them off one by one. 



Will power is overrated.

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On 13/11/2022 at 22:45, Tackle said:

It's not the equipment thats the issue, but cap badges & berets have to be "earned", & some are considerably harder to earn than others. 

Plus for many of those who have served there is usually an associated pride in your mother regiment, in its history & achievements, as well as the fact that comrades you have served with may have passed, either in the service of their country, or as we're becoming more aware of nowadays, succumbing to their demons due to the things they have witnessed or done in the name of service☹️

While I can't lay claim to heroic actions whilst serving, but many of my comrades did. 

& then years later, not long after I started airsofting, I witnessed an absolute shitshow of a team, nothing I could say positively about their on site behaviour. Nothing new there you might say, but every one of those twats was wearing (badly) my regimental cap badge & beret, for no other reason than that one of their members had allegedly served in a ta unit & still had backdoor access to some kit cheap😬


I was far from impressed & had to have a word, quite a few actually, some of them you wouldn't repeat to the vicar lol. 


Sorry guys, didn't mean for this to get dark, but it's a genuine consideration that will trigger some players. 

This is more than fair enough, and I am well aware of the issues that spring from it. Thank you for the poignant comments.


As to badges, well I'd use an old reg that doesn't exist ( Cornwall rifles) anymore, or just not wear a badge. 

This would be for specific games or if a number of us were all at same site. 


It did sure feel great to be stomping through a site with a team in similar/unit kit. It was a larpsoft event, so on the Sunday morning when 4 (older) lads in full late 80's 2para kit with appropriate weaponry Inc support gunner, there were looks from PMC thinking they were going to get a harder day.


My brother did order the wrong green beret...it was mentioned a number of times and he did look very sheepish for it...


Anyway. @Tackle Hope you are having a better day, yesterday sounded like a rough one.



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On 14/11/2022 at 08:54, Enid_Puceflange said:


Almost 30 years ago, when I was a year into playing Paintball, I went along dressed up in khakis, dpm & had a Red Beret that I found in one of my fathers bags  that was nestled in the attic

I had the Beret tucked into one of my jackets shoulder epaulettes 

The site owner , who had served gave me a proper screaming match dressing down!

That never saw the light of day again! 😂

To be fair, in my defence I was a 17 year old daft laddie that didn’t understand the error of my ways.


But to get back in topic, I don’t own any Gucci Crye or WAS clobber, but I do understand the appeal of it all.

I have only managed to play 3 times this year, despite being on site approximately 30 times to assist with marshalling.

I have to fight the urges to splurge, and now on a strict “one out for one in” ruling at home 🙄

I did similar.   I was seven though!

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1 hour ago, Riccxxc7 said:

Inheritance is good, but not everyone is so lucky)

Yeah it's really lucky when you lose a loved one 😕

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