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Helmets - Yay or Nay?


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Hi guys,

so I’ve been playing on and off for the last 14 years now and head protection has varied between baseball caps, boonie hats and just good old fashioned hair but now wanting something to protect my noggin ( both from bbs and solid floors as I tend to play more urban sites these days) 


my question is; are helmets worth it?


are all helmets made equal or do you get what you’re paying for? 

Other than basic styles are there any other features I should be aware of? ( id probably be looking at more of a FAST style) 

is sizing adjustable? I have a bit of a big head ( not as big an old friend of mine who had to have the safety harness thing dismantled when getting off Air at Alton Towers; but still bigger than average)


do they make your head sweat?


and will it interfere with my face protection? Currently run a basic mesh eye pro ( looking at moving to goggles if anyone has any recommendations) and a mesh lower ( because I like having teeth, dislike dentists and hate spending money on anything that isn’t gigs or Airsoft)





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Are they worth it? It depends but I'd say for most people no. Any new player and I'd encourage you don't. You're not new though!


They can and do get sweaty, even if they have vents, they can increase fogging (more moisture = more fogging) and if you don't have the right size then they can cause headaches too. I generally wear a thin headband and replace it periodically with spares that I have in my pocket, as the next one gets wet the old ones dries in my pocket etc. They can also stick out in woodland environments. 


However if you want the protection and the look etc then this could be a price worth paying. 


There are loads of different styles and the quality varies massively. It is often you get what you pay for. 

Most Airsoft ones are clones of opscore. Whether that's the carbon, fast or the maritime. The height of the "cut" can vary for these, if you run sordins or peltors then I'd recommend a high or super high cut (these can be attached to the helmet)


You can get clones of the mtek flux, revision caiman and mich 2000 styles as well.  Then there are ex army ones....wouldn't recommend the older ones but apparently the virtus is good, not sure if you can legally get them though yet. Some people run protec/skate helmets - very black hawk down delta look 


What can vary? The thickness of the shell, the size of the shell, whether they have rails and how it attaches and fits to your head, the quality of the pads and the quality of any NV mounts. I'd recommend seeing any your friends have and trying any you see around your local site (at the start of the day #sweatmess)


If you've got an average size head, up to around 59 cm then most Airsoft helmets will work, above that look at the pts mtek flux or a l/XL ops core fast bump but here you're talking £100 plus and the opscore will be more.  


I've had Emerson, FMA, red dragon and the pts mtek flux (about to list, just got an opscore carbon). Realistically if you actually use it, the pads and retention system fail on Airsoft helmets. The pts mtek flux is by far the highest quality and most comfortable Airsoft helmet I have ever had. It also has the best longevity, but it's for people with larger heads 59+ 


One thing I do really like about the mtek flux is the cut at the back, it's more curved up and makes looking up (or ahead when prone) easier than standard opscore with a dial types.


Depending on what else you use it for, you can obviously run night vision off it, go pro cameras, lights and camo covers etc they can look pretty Gucci.


Regarding eyepro and face protection, I've never had an issue with it affecting eye pro, face protection I actually find it easier with the helmet, generally (especially helmets with a rail) you can attach the face protection to the helmet, so it's more comfortable, you could look at using a ops core mandible (clones available). 


I also find rain can be an issue compared with a baseball cap. It does seem like wearing helmets is becoming cool again.....guess we'll see how long that lasts. 

Edited by Emergencychimps
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Guest Mr. No_Face
  • You get what you pay for when it comes to helmets. So spending a little more for extra safety might benefit you. I have seen cheap helmets split of crack from minor falls and bumps into structures. 


  • I wear a PTS MTEK Flux fast helmet which is very sturdy and unless you have a head like Jason Voorhees you'll be able to get your noggin into one. there are adjustable straps on the sides as well as Velcro padding that can be installed or removed to insure your head is secure.


  • Will you sweat? Personally I've had no real issue with overly sweating but that's also dependant on numerous other factors to do with your own physiology. However your goggles will be prone to fogging forcing you to take excessive anti-fogging measures if you decide to switch from your mesh ones.


  • Will it interfere with face pro? That depends on what kind you wear. Huge, protruding face masks like Dye's and Sly's might not be compatible but there is enough room under "FAST" type helmets to fit numerous goggles and face protection comfortably. My masks fit perfectly.
  • 1854873632_NOFACELOWVIEW.jpg.9c2a305f7052d11a817b4e99a7599cfb.jpg

I honestly don't see a reason not to follow through on this and get one, I'd recommend👍

Edited by Mr. No_Face
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About two months ago my nephew popped up from cover about six or so feet in-front of a team mate who was a sniper, all he had on his head was the hood of his jacket, just as the sniper was firing (a full on VSR-10 with close to 500 FSP, don't know the BB weight). He was hit right on the back of his head and he dropped to the floor like a ton of bricks.


He was in agony, but very brave, with a huge bump on his head and off home once his mum picked him up an hour or so later. First thing next day his mum bought him and his brother FAST helmets with no holes / vents in them.


I love playing airsoft, but don't enjoy the pain, so a helmet for me is essential (also I need something to mount my ExFog on).

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So I'd definitely say its a serious consideration as airsoft sites can be hazardous at the best of times let alone when running about with pews. I have a bald spot on my head where I caught it on a vehicle door frame about 7 years ago and literally peeled a piece of my scalp back. If I had been playing with a helmet that day, I'd have saved myself a trip to an out of hours gp to get stitched up.

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I've only ever worn pith helmets, cheapo Mich 2000 styles and various steel lids for themed events.  


Leaving aside the sun wear and heavy steel, I find that with a willingness to mess about with fit/stitch in extra padding/compress foam carefully, even the sub £20 job is good in the pissing rain, and the webbing/partial padding does let some air circulate.   The ability to sport several different covers is handy too.  You can go from '80s Grenada invasion to 2014 Luhansk separatist headgear in seconds, if that's your thing.  

6 minutes ago, MAX DICKER said:

I have a bald spot on my head where I caught it on a vehicle door frame about 7 years ago 

Since my head now is a bald spot I'm stealing your story.

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If your playing mostly urban/CQB I’d say yes 100% get one , as to how much to spend ? That’s up too you . I’ve got a shit load of helmets(have two sons who also play) some are loadout specific(example , a cheapo plastic PASGT for a Blackhawk down , a MICH for a task force black) plus LOTS of fast helmets ! most of which were around the £20-30 max mark . I do have a couple of ‘high end’ ones that cost well over £70+ but to be honest I find even the cheapest ones work absolutely fine for Airsofting as I’ve just not experiencing a high enough level of risk to warrant a high end or ‘real steel’ helmet , I’ve twat’ed my head on plenty of occasions been shot in the melon loads of times and god knows how many times I've dropped them but me personally I’ve never had any fail on me . I’ve got vented and un-vented fast helmets and I’ve never really noted much of a difference between them for sweating more or less the vented I always have covers on and the un-vented I usually leave ‘naked’ , as too glasses fogging more with a helmet again I’ve never noted an increase when wearing a helmet over a ball cap .

So I’d say look at what’s out there see what you like and just get what you like , I’ll happily say the cheap ones are fine for Airsofting and you don’t need an expensive one , you may WANT the same one used by SEAL Team 6 3/4’s but you don’t ‘need’ it but that’s still fine it’s your money buy what you like just admit it and not try and convince me you “NEED IT !” 😆😆😆👍

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I have numerous lids for myself & if fams turn out, but generally only use them for cqb, for example the ucap tunnels nr Portsmouth are a perfect example where imho helmets are a necessity, curve nissen walls with occasional pipework, all of which is in the dark, for anyone 6ft+ bumps on the head are almost guaranteed. 🤕

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I would definitely say get a helmet. The best feature of any helmet regardless of the style is that you don’t have to wear it if it isn’t appropriate for you at the time. But if you don’t have one then you don’t have the option.


I will always have a helmet in my kit bag and wear it about 80% of the time. Not only is it good at protecting your head, but it’s also a very convenient and stable mount for comms headsets and NVG etc.


On the subject of what to choose, spend enough that it provides reasonable bump protection and has a nice stable fit to support whatever tacticool stuff you want to hang off it. Otherwise you don’t need to spend fortunes. There are loads to choose from.

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Don't wear a steel lid without a cover unless you want to go deaf as they ring like a bell when hit. 


An alternative I've thought about getting is a bump cap as it gives protection against bumps to your noggin but is a lower profile than a brain bucket 

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My top tip for helmets- if like me, your head shape is more akin to Stewie Griffin, get a L/XL size (i went for EXFIL style) and replace the dial system with pads and a MICH chin strap. Gives a lot more space under there

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i used to run with just a cap. But a few too many run ins with low branches and the likes convinced me to get a fma exfil.

In the time since its saved me from a good few bumps and scratches, but also from a trmr through a window and a loose brick falling from a wall. Make of it what you will, i seem to attract random injuries.

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Sure, it's required by the The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.


The lighter and cheaper the better.  I don't even go as fancy as MICH 2000s, the M88 / PASTG toys are good enough for the likes of me.  US $13.70 / £10.29 delivered from Ali Express on my last one.

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I've run a fair few helmets mainly cheap steel surplus helmets and police protective helmets this has primarily been for the 'dress up factor' but there's certainly been occasions where I'm glad I was wearing them. 


For more practical protection mainly at indoor sites where knocks are more common I've personally found bump caps/hard caps to be quite useful, they're lighter and more breathable than a conventional helmet and don't tend to cause as may fogging issues or interfere with other face protection but offer as good if not better protection from hits to the head, especially since most are safety rated to some extent(I do question how much protection the cheap FAST, PASGT, MICH, etc. replica style helmets offer, probably better than nothing but for a fall or hard knock to the head I wouldn't want to rely on one). Main downside is they don't offer as much wrap around protection from bbs particularly at the back. 


If you do go for a more conventional helmet I would say you largely get what you pay for quality wise especially if purchasing brand new, there's also the other perk of mounting systems on helmets if you did ever want to run NVG, ear protection, head mounted flashlights, visors, etc. to consider. 

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1) Helmets look baller!



2) Are only useful if you are playing CQB and have any fear of hitting your head on something. Then they do obviously offer protection for your squishy internals. 



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Anyone used a bump cap insert in a regular cap?  




Looks useful to me, but potentially uncomfortable.

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8 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Sure, it's required by the The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.


The lighter and cheaper the better.  I don't even go as fancy as MICH 2000s, the M88 / PASTG toys are good enough for the likes of me.  US $13.70 / £10.29 delivered from Ali Express on my last one.

Could we perform a science experiment and see if my brain box fits in your helmet next time?



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7 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Anyone used a bump cap insert in a regular cap?  




Looks useful to me, but potentially uncomfortable.

I have one.  It's good.  Tough I don't sweat crazy in helmets I do with this.  So if you get one, I recommend a skull cap like this to go under it



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16 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Sure, it's required by the The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer.


The lighter and cheaper the better.  I don't even go as fancy as MICH 2000s, the M88 / PASTG toys are good enough for the likes of me.  US $13.70 / £10.29 delivered from Ali Express on my last one.

Hahahaha that made me chuckle.

Don't let the commissar find you wanting in your faith or your duties.

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9 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Anyone used a bump cap insert in a regular cap?  




Looks useful to me, but potentially uncomfortable.


I do! Not had any issues, it doesn't feel much different to wearing the baseball cap without. Although, that said, my baseball cap is slightly too tight anyway...

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3 hours ago, kasaran said:

I have one.  It's good.  Tough I don't sweat crazy in helmets I do with this.  So if you get one, I recommend a skull cap like this to go under it




Inserts like that are designed to ideally go into ventilated caps. I have one for work.

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17 hours ago, Groot said:

2) Are only useful if you are playing CQB and have any fear of hitting your head on something....


...says Groot just as he pops his head out of cover, gets hit by a sniper, and Kicking Mustang get a few more thousand views 😉

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