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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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1 hour ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

Good review @TheFull9

£25 and then £8 for lunch?  Ouch.  I'll appreciate the free nosh at Special Ops all the more hearing that.


Losing a gbb mag would be painful, glad you found it.  Please buy me a lottery ticket 😄

But spare a thought... at my last game some poor bugger lost a TM gold match hi capa pistol.

That's an advert for pistol lanyards right there 😑


I'd say under 35 for the day is alright, at least in SE england, I've paid more for CQB with no lunch and that was years ago.  I think The Mall was at least that much before it shut.


I don't like to say it, but unless it's gone down a rabbit hole or lost in the deepest undergrowth then somebody would definitely find an entire pistol so if it wasn't returned.. not great.  I'll say I don't recommend pistol lanyards, 100% totally unnecessary if you just get a decent holster and it's a lot better to buy a decent holster than spend the same on a cheap holster + lanyard combo and drag your pistol through the muck.  Even if it's not damaged, a lot of GBBPs can choke pretty easily if anything gets inside in crucial areas, given the low pressure of the gas and comparatively super low momentum of the slide cycling.


1 hour ago, Jacob Wright said:

Always had fun at Gunman Bravo, and never an issue with the semi-only rule. iirc they still allow full auto with support weapons, and I think the last time I went that’s what I was using. 

Can’t comment on the lunch as it’s new since I last went so will reserve judgement until my next visit!


It's a decent rule overall, I'm still on the fence but a bit about it but certainly one effective method to keep a lid on some issues and super easy to enforce.  As I say my selection of guns just really didn't suit that rule and I'd have picked differently if I'd realised, but only had 4 lock-ups all day max out of my usual 4-500 BBs slung and only when I got spammy.  As long as you have something that's a "real world machine gun" you can flick the switch, but one guy just had an RPK and I don't know where they'd draw the line on ARs with belt fed uppers etc so personally I'd change that one to some kind of weight requirement but again pretty minor issue there were only 2 on site.

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22 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

I was very surprised indeed by the semi only rule throughout the whole site, definitely an interesting approach


My local runs semi-auto only days (with full auto LMGs) and they work pretty well.  I actually prefer them to the usual full auto spamfests, as it's not a huge site.



22 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

it was also the moistest skirmish I've ever done


Sad to report that my day today didn't go, as the full-day raffle-prize game pre-booked out a month ago.  I don't book woodland that far ahead, because... well, we've got torrential rain and 40mph gusts this morning.


Aggravating because I'm pretty sure that half the bookings won't show up, and half of those who do will leave after getting soaked through, or plunging into the Dagobah swamp.

Had it been a walk-on, I might have pulled the MVP DPM on PDQ for PDW play and gone anyway, but we'll never know now.



17 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

That's an advert for pistol lanyards right there 😑


Love 'em, because I can just drop the pistol and fumble with my balls or yank my pin on a whim.

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This might make someone chuckle, it's from my local sites Christmas game back on the 19th December which was a bloody cold day and is out in the country, where I played with my 12 year old son and his two cousins (12 and 14).


The sun had just set at 4 pm and we all played one final game, marshals vs all other players, and the last player standing wins a free game day. Lasted about 20 minutes and the marshals shout "Game Over", so back to the safe zone, and then off to the raffle that had loads of good prizes with each of the four of us having tickets. Half way through the raffle, so about 20 minutes after game over, I notice that my son and his younger cousin still aren't at the raffle so call their phones, no answer, where the hell are they?


The youngest cousin's ticket then wins an £80 Nuprol shotgun, but there's no sign of them, the marshals wait as long as they can but have to re-draw the ticket and give it to someone else. All very odd so a marshal goes off looking for them.


About 40 minutes later they were both found hiding under a bush, freezing cold in the pitch black, thinking the game was still on! 😆

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First game day of 2022 and it was pretty damn good. VSR is now shooting well enough where I can upgrade my claims on it from "it has an effective range of 75m" to "it has an effective range of 85m". Took it to the range when no one was there, deployed the bipod and started plinking to zero the scope for the day. Was hitting the 75m target every time (they're metal and make a very audible dink when hit), so I decided to try for the 85m target. Aimed and fired and there was that satisfying dink. Shot again, another dink. Again? Another dink. Literally hitting the target, which is about half man-size, every single shot without me having to tilt the rifle; just put the crosshair on it, pull the trigger and watch the BB sail towards it. Was so happy and then took it out into the game and got so many kills with it. The ghillie continues to work flawlessly and I'm really loving it. Felt bad because someone crept around the outskirts of the site on a massive flank that took a looooong time, then walked right past me and got mk23'd in the back. He then came back along a path I was watching and was victim to about an 80m shot. Good day for sure!


However, it started absolutely tipping it down after lunch so now I have to dry my ghillie, rifle wrap, take apart my mk23 so it can dry out. I think the VSR is fine as I stopped playing pretty soon after it started raining, but I'll probably stand it up with the bolt open so it can get some air through it anyway. And no, I didn't stop because "oh no, it's raining!" I stopped because my thumb cuticle got caught in the bipod when I was deploying it and it tore away about a 2cm square of skin from my thumb and started bleeding profusely. I stayed where I was for the time being and got a few kills, taking off my fingerless glove and clenching my thumb into it, but as soon as I had to move from my hide I called it a day because I couldn't properly use my rifle one-handed. It's fine when the bipod is deployed and I'm watching an area, but having to move, maybe take a shot or two, re-deploy... Not doing that one-handed. Oh, I also needed to get a plaster on it :P 


Roll on the next game day!

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I'm not getting back on a site until the middle of the month, so my recent airsoft days have been "learning how to (bedroom) tech".  I've been spending quite a lot of the holiday at it, and to be honest it's been time consuming and frustrating in parts, but ultimately very rewarding when it's all come together.

I've now meddled (apparently successfully) with all 4 of my guns...

1) Double Eagle M906C - quick changed the spring, new bucking and nub.  Super easy jobs!  Not even teching, really

2) Classic Army M15A3 - shooting off to the right, spent a while shimming the outer barrel to get it straight.   Fixed full auto feed.

3) Cybergun F2000 (Cyma) - shooting at 270fps out of the box with a rather slow trigger response, so replaced the spring, cylinder and motor

4) TM AK47S - Replaced cracked nozzle


Given the last time I tried to change springs on the AK I ended up giving the gun to a tech to put together, the fact I've got all this done on my own feels great :)


Only thing that's a tiny bit of a pisser is today I found out one of my two Turnigy Nano Cell 11.1v 1200mAH batteries has completely died.


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Not a day , but a few of us have done a couple of sessions at an indoor airsoft place that's close by. It's all target based with electronic targets that can be set in various modes. 4 of us went up there last evening with some of the GBBRs and just did some speed games and some general target shooting , absolute bloody hoot ! 

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Guest Mr. No_Face

A shitload of Christmas noobs showed up, teams were massive and I could already foresee that it was gonna be one of those days....

  • way too many players failing to call hits and ignoring grenades that landed right next to them on both teams. In fact, It got so bad that I had to keep overshooting people until they got pissed off and forced to call their hits. Which eventually led to a complaint to the marshals of overshooting.
  • players and marshals almost getting into a bust up lol. These guys were ready to throw hands.
  • super muddy in some game zones, so much so; that your boot could get stuck in place.
  • Set a new personal best in weapon malfunctions. First time ever experiencing so many malfunctions from my VFC MP7 in one single game. Everything from finicky fire selector, to gears jamming and magazine followers getting stuck on 2 of my mags.

But still a fun day nonetheless. As usual met cool new folks and made cool new friends. Teammate allowed me to run his modded Glock for a game since my MP7 decided to fuck me over.  It felt like I was getting more kills running a pistol in woodland since I was forced to flank and get up close and personal. 

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39 minutes ago, Mr. No_Face said:

Teammate allowed me to run his modded Glock for a game since my MP7 decided to fuck me over.  It felt like I was getting more kills running a pistol in woodland since I was forced to flank and get up close and personal. 


I bet you really enjoyed that :)  some of my pistol shooting moments have been the most memorable

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I hope the players and Marshalls wanting to get physical were suitably dealt with. There's no excuse for threatening physical violence on site

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Guest Mr. No_Face
21 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I hope the players and Marshalls wanting to get physical were suitably dealt with. There's no excuse for threatening physical violence on site


The player was banned not sure if it was permanent, since he was the subject of numerous incidents involving, repeatedly removing eyepro. But nothing physical happened as the lads were on point and separated them as soon as they lunged for each other. Things get a little heated sometimes wouldn't want to see anything happen to either of these fellas over something so minor.


25 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:


I bet you really enjoyed that :)  some of my pistol shooting moments have been the most memorable


hell yeah, especially since I have kinda lost the urge for AEGs now. Things have changed ever since I ran that GHK AKS-74U 3 sessions ago.  :D

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Not sure if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick but it sounds like the marshal was equally up for a fight. If so then I'd hope they were given the boot too

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Guest Mr. No_Face
4 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Not sure if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick but it sounds like the marshal was equally up for a fight. If so then I'd hope they were given the boot too

Well he was. But the guy lunged at him first and his reaction was to protect himself. He didn't take a step back but instead made a lunge too. I'm not gonna judge the marshal for responding that way because, coming from a military, police background myself I probably would have brought the guy to ground as soon as he came into arms reach and held him there until he cooled off. My brother who was also in attendance is a security guard and twice my size would have probably did the same thing although more swiftly. 

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Yep, sometimes the impending threat of violence can only be controlled with measured opposing force, or at the very least, the threat of it. 

Sounds drastic I know but consider that a marshal on an average testosterone fuelled gameday may only know a small percentage of the players, the rest are an unknown element, some with possible anger issues or a propensity for lashing out, even consider that on your average Sunday morning, in amongst the clientele may be some that twelve hours before were off their faces on drink or drugs, all of which could still affect their behaviour the next day. 

No one's condoning a violent or threatening response, but sometimes its almost inevitable unfortunately. 

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And that is why being forced to play in clubs is a massive plus :P

We get to know each other relatively well and we can spot dickheads right away (and handle them properly before they cause any sort of damage).

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Packed my kit for the first skirmish of the year tomorrow! Am I tempting fate by only taking the recoil and no spares? 😂


Decided to pack light so I’ve got the rifle, plate carrier and a rucksack. No pistol as I reckon it’ll be too cold. 

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Yeah take a backup.


Enjoy your game tomorrow dude. Don't know where you are or but hope the weather holds. Its pissing down here in the south.




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26 minutes ago, Shamal said:

s pissing down here in the south.




To quote Sir Ranulph Fiennes "there's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing" 

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Same here, all packed tonight for first game of 22. Running light; M4, couple of hicaps, no secondary or rig/armour/tat etc.


Forecast looks reasonable, 5C, lightish winds, no precip. Happy days.

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1 hour ago, Jacob Wright said:

Packed my kit for the first skirmish of the year tomorrow! Am I tempting fate by only taking the recoil and no spares? 😂


Decided to pack light so I’ve got the rifle, plate carrier and a rucksack. No pistol as I reckon it’ll be too cold. 

So your taking a pc but no backup, that's arse about face mate, if you've got one you always take a spare gat, nothing spoils a gameday than no gun lol. 

Decent clothing to cope with whatever the weather throws at you is the next essential.

As for load carrying equipment, invest in a manbag/grab bag, ideally small one with 3 mag pouches on exterior & room inside for a nalgene bottle (h2o or weak squash), & sugary snack of your choice, you'll find that kinda setup so liberating, I've got a ton of rigs, but Tbh most of the gucciness is totally unnecessary (the gear queers just choked on their tea & biccies😱). 

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To be fair to myself, in the 10 years I’ve played I’ve only once needed a spare gun.. and that was my own fault for taking one which I knew had a habit of not working!


Believe me, I’ve got more than enough kit including a grab bag like the one you’ve mentioned which lives in my car. 

I’m optimistic that nothing will go wrong with the rifle, and if it does then I’ve only myself to blame 😂 they’ll have rentals anyway!

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Guest Mr. No_Face

Another wet muddy and aggressive session. Wasn't too bothered about the rain and mud since I'm used to playing in those conditions. But the second half of the day was brutal.... Started pissing it down and I was forced to bail out on the full day. Still a cool short day of airsoft.



The photo was from a defend the objective game where 3 of us created a hilarious 3 - way trap for the enemy team. We had the objective hidden up a ladder on high platform along with one of the lads right next to it. Another lad hidden under in the darkness behind the ladder and me in the adjacent building  holding a door the shut, shooting. We were racking up kills like crazy and frustrating the enemy team to no end. Was funny hearing them whine about "who's killing us? Where's that coming from" :D.

Was going great until an enemy player managed to flank our defences and peak through the left window, popping me right in the back of the neck at point blank.




What a mess. 

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