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Status Updates posted by Cr0-Magnon

  1. If you're cutting a spring for an AEG, should it be at the guide or piston end?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rogerborg


      I think this deserves an "... and why?"

    3. heroshark


      Just chop it out the middle and you don't have to tidy up the ends.

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      I received a gun from a retailer with a sharp and non-flattened spring in it. I returned it as I found it, but wanted to make sure I wasn't accused of doing some damage etc.

  2. After briefly checking one out in my local shop yesterday, I'm very tempted to get a WE Apache (MP5A4). Any reason not to?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SkyhawkAirsoft


      Definitely VFC over WE, I've been owning both for 5+years, WE became a little wobbly over time while vfc holds it sturdy through out all these years

    3. Krisz


      I'd spend more money on VFC altough they aren't the best either. Marui NGRS MP5 is the closest alternative (probably).

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      I may well just wait to see if another is announced this year. Realistically I'm not desperate for one and none of the current offerings are perfect.

  3. How long should I leave it before I accept that my last Airsoft game, was probably my last Airsoft game? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EDcase


      Never say never 😉

    3. Steveocee


      When I burn out, I go somewhere new on my own for a session. I'll either have a great time and it will re-ignite me or I'll see that what I already have nearby isn't actually as bad so will re-ignite to go back.

      I used to very much identify as an "airsoft sniper" covid did me a solid and I got into Hi Capa builds and it's been an ongoing "ism" since.


      Sadly I too like you am one of the single figure % who play airsoft and aren't autistic though so game days with other airsofters are still challenging, that's why I pick who I go with carefully so I have a relaxed time - not neccessarily then "day to end all days" every time.

    4. Krisz


      I only burnt out (and haven't happened since) when I played way too much and not leaving any gap between two games. Also, it's not really a good thing to rely on only one hobby. Not saying you do but lot of people fail to see that you need other activities which isn't related to airsoft at all.


      Also, it's absolutely crucial to shop around regarding sites and switch it up a bit if you can. Like playing indoor for a while instead of outdoor all year long. I play indoor only but even I have to go around at least between 3-4 sites and I look for new ones all the time.


      Changing guns and changing play style (like using a dmr or a pistol or shotgun instead of an AEG) can actually make a difference because you have to force yourself to adapt either because you have to keep distance or you don't have the luxury of "range". Basically anything to spice it up instead of being stale.

      If you don't enjoy it anymore don't force it though. 💀

  4. Because they found out how much airsofters pay for BB guns made in Taiwan and assume we're gullible for other products too.

  5. I know it's better to be "blind" than blinded, but I'm being quoted North of £250 for glazing my new prescription inserts......gahhh.

    1. Danhc92


      Specsavers do my revision inserts for about £70, £250 sounds incredibly high.

  6. Two different brands, two different prices but I'm struggling to tell the difference in the actual product (even down to the black inner barrel ring) 🤔


    1. Lozart
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      So it would appear!

    3. Lozart


      A lot of this sort of stuff is made by others for ASG. Same way that a lot of Laylax stuff isn't made by them (they're just a bit more open about it).

  7. Airsoft!

    1. Rogerborg
    2. BreadyC


      Swap scuffed TM XDM.45 for that Guarder Glock?


      Counters accepted

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      Haha, blimey...forgot I even posted this. Worrying.

  8. If you want to get more money for the item you're selling, remember to describe it appropriately:


    Clothing - It's not secondhand, it's VINTAGE.


    Airsoft Guns - The paintwork isn't damaged, it's BATTLEWORN.

    1. Skara


      Gun is FUBAR - It's a quick and easy fix, I just don't have the time!

    2. Rogerborg


      Internals more shagged out than Katie Price - Test fired once in garden, never skirmished.

  9. I keep Googling airsoft items/guns I want and my old AFUK classified ads are often one of the top search results. Definitely time to take a step back from the "collecting" side of things...

  10. Anyone got a TM Desert Eagle they want a quick and easy sale on?

  11. Been hearing the term "professional airsofter" too much recently. There's no such thing.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. 1st commando

      1st commando

      My main income for the past 14 years has been Airsoft . It pays all my bills and pays for my holidays . And no I'm most certainly not a youtuber lol. No playing Airsoft isn't the everyday task of my job now although that used to be a larger portion of it once . It is however still a part of my job to attend events as a player . Would I consider it a profession? Probably not but it does fulfill the criteria but to me it's just work and has been for so long that there is nothing special to it now


    3. Albiscuit


      Im with @Cr0-Magnon here, unless you are sponsored or paid to play as a full time airsofter its not a profession, the definitions make sense but being a decent footballer doesnt make you a professional, playing for a team full time does. All non league players have a 'profession' outside of football and want to become a professional baller so its a bit ambiguous. 

      Airsoft youtubers are that, they are professional youtubers/content makers not professional players, hell most players would argue the top youtubers dont really play in the spirit thats intended with the game but thats a whole different convo lol.


      I would be interested to hear what 1st commando does/did. I get being involved in airsoft could be a profession but again being a professional airsoft "player", nah... unless someone can convince me otherwise.

    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      The money for professional boxers, footballers, tennis players etc comes from the audience whether through ticket sales or via TV views/sales.  


      Same with YT airsofters?  No ones paid to play sport, act etc in private.  


  12. Has anyone been to Ace Combat Airsoft in Tunbridge Wells? Worth a visit?

    1. Asomodai
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      That one got a bit spicy, eh.

    3. colinjallen


      If Ace Combat was the only site within travelling distance of me, i would either give up airsoft or move. 

  13. When hop adjustment goes wrong! 😭


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      good nothing went wrong, hard to see in the original pic if you'd peirced the hop or not...


      ct25 is such a fun little gun, i even love the sound of it like popping a champagne cork :P

    3. Druid799
    4. AK47frizzle


      oh where'd you get that? Stopped looking for a while

  14. When it's 30c and the Ladsofter rocks up with a Co2 Das Wesson Revolver....


  15. Nearly binned off Airsoft after my detached retina. Now thinking about where I should play for the third time in a row, this weekend 🤔


    1. Shamal


      Wherever you decide just be careful out there👍



    2. Cr0-Magnon


      Cheers @Shamal.


      Fortunately as the retina is at the back of your eye, the only real chance (or at least I hope) or something happening is if I hit by head massively hard....and no one wants that!

    3. Shamal


      Just stay away from bungy jumping 😉


      Enjoy your game 👍



  16. Percentage of airsofters who bring/buy pyro - 90%

    Percentage of airsoft who can effectively throw pyro - 10%

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lozart


      @Druid799 I remember one game in particular when the dog leg was still there, my buddy Greg had holed up on the upper level behind the lift shaft and "mined" the stairs with two separate sets of remote dets. Many kills were had that day!

    3. Druid799


      My favourite was a team of way too serious types stacked up on the middle double doors of the basement service tunnel , lead chap pulls the door open 2nd lobs a ‘nade around him way too high , hits the door frame bounces back and detonated on top of the lead’s helmet ! 😖

      he goes down like a sack of the brown smelly stuff rest of the team were declared grenade killed by the marshal then we noticed No1 was sat on the floor with the blankest look on his Face i’d ever seen 😵💫 took him a good hr to ‘recompose him self’ shall we say ? And apparently took a couple of days for the ringing in his ears to subside ! 🤣🤣

    4. Impulse


      You're not wrong there. The number of times I see pyro "fails" where they throw it into a tree, or try to post it into a 1st floor window only to miss and have it bounce back, killing them all... Priceless :D


      I can count the amount of pyro I've thrown in this game on one hand, and I've been playing for almost 17 years now. I just don't like it, though if I was going to a more serious event I'd probably just pack lots of smokes. Smokes can be really, really helpful as a sniper for disengaging.

  17. Sods fucking law! Dusting off the DMR that I've setup to use 0.36's and of course I can only find 0.20's, 0.23's, 0.25's, 0.28's, 0.30's, 0.32's, 0.40's & 0.43's 🫤


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      It's fine, I've been gouging the 0.40's with a small screwdriver. It took a while but they're all about 0.36 now #lifehacks

    3. Steveocee


      36's are AR food. DMR's need at least 4's.

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      @Steveocee - Sounds like airsoft "bro science" to me. With hop set for 0.40's, my joule output is actually lower than with 0.36's.

  18. I think I may be all BB gunned out. After spending a King's ransom on my latest Glock build, I've been staring at it thinking "Yeah it looks great but what does it do that my other dozen pistols don't?"


    ....oh and it's not like I even plink with those on a regular basis!

  19. Mokyo Tarui! What are the cool kids doing with their empty boxes these days? 🤔



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamal


      £1.80 for all your boxes mister?

      (Inc p&p of course)




    3. Cr0-Magnon


      @ShamalSome of these have price tags on, so they do need to be disposed of quickly!  I'm tempted 😬

    4. Druid799


      Stick em in the attic so when you come to sell the guns you can say “still in original box” so no matter how bollox’ed they are you can STILL only ask 17p less than the price of a new one !😉


  20. New pistol is here, any guesses?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Cr0-Magnon Yes I have the Gen 2 Guarder kit, so Nylon. You can get them from Rainbow 8. Though only in black. Hopefully Guarder will reissue the other colours at some point as I'd like a full set. 

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      Good shout, I'd found it for 50% more expensive on another site as last I checked Rainbow8 were out of stock. Did you change the outer barrel too?


      Funnily enough I've had a big Rainbow8 order delivered today. I decided to build a "TM" Glock 19 from scratch using 100% Guarder parts, the frame for that is FDE. So I'm fine with all black for the 57.

    4. Asomodai




      I got a Guarder Outer Barrel and made the Hop unit "ear" cuts that Maple Leaf did to theirs to prevent wear. I also drilled out the business end of the outer barrel as it was a little bit too small and caused BB's to hit the edge. 

  21. I like to think this place is owned by someone who's managed to combine their love for Airsoft and beer.


    1. hitmanNo2


      I bet they have a large range of beers that very similar, but ever so slightly different.

    2. Cr0-Magnon


      Well at the end of the day, they all do the same thing!

    3. Druid799


      Plus a good pub and a good airsoft site have another thing in common , they both are frequented by grown arse men who really should know better saying things like “watch this lads !” AND said lads shortly afterwards saying “Oohh that’s gonna leave a mark !” 😖

  22. Patrol Base be like "Non functional, externals extremely damaged. Save £15"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #blackadder


      Their boneyard stuff used to be reasonably priced until about a year ago

    3. Rogerborg


      Sadface, because they can now add "It's that or nothing".

    4. Steveocee


      What about the boneyard stuff?

  23. My new pen pal....


    1. strykerles


      instant subscription to his youtube?

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