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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/07/24 in all areas

  1. JinxDuh

    Novritsch Aug

    Received the A2 today, first impressions are: The body feels absolutely amazing, it feels like it's one solid mass with no creaking at all. Assembly is easy as can be, literally slide in, push a button and done. Admittedly I'm not a fan of the M-Lok handguard but that's just personal preference. What drew me to the SSR over others was the metal upper rail, and the modernisation of the platform. The trigger, oh my, the trigger 😩 It has a very smooth trigger pull, unlike the snow wolf aug I had prior (Although to be fair, may have just been a bad one?) and a very nice break between semi and full auto giving you a subtle indicator that you're about to go into the realm of brrrt. On top of this, the ability to spam the trigger (On a 7.4v, it recommends an 11.1v but I don't have any) on semi is beautiful. The safety bar is also incredibly smooth with a nice "thunk" when you're in safe/not safe. It chrono'd at roughly 242 on .25g BB's with the hop not adjusted at all from factory, didn't have the time to really mess with it too much so I'm assuming the hop may be nearly off. Magazine comparability: Snow Wolf magazines are a bit of a squeeze and need some gentle persuasion to go in, but they do fit and feed fine in the A2. The included mid cap goes in super smooth as expected, however both magazines look to be identical. I don’t have any other brands to test though. I'll be taking it out to a game with me next weekend, but I'm blown away by the absolute beauty and feel of it. I think it may replace my RPK as my go to pew for now... 👀 Edit: I forgot to mention my main gripe with the replica. The battery goes into the rear, like a normal Aug. However the “plate” seems to sit further back than I remember the snow wolf I had did. Making this rather awkward for slightly longer or thicker batteries. Not the end of the world, but worth taking into consideration!
    5 points
  2. Just get an aeg and when you fire it shake your arms. Jobs a good un. 😉 Hope that helps 👍
    4 points
  3. To add to my earlier post, the MP7 could be used in a outdoors game but you would need to adjust your playing style to suit. With a gbb you're carrying less ammo (1 M4 high cap is the equivalent capacity of 6 MP7 mags) so you need to pick your shots and avoid getting bogged down exchanging fire with someone who can just hose the area. The times I've done it I found I was most effective staying away from the main battles and using hit and run tactics to attack from unexpected places
    3 points
  4. Personal preferences aside I'd say it depends on what you're wanting from the rif. Do you want something which will allow you to put loads of plastic down range and go to to toe against other AEGs in a firefight, or something which is more of a fun gun despite it's limitations? If the former then go for the AEG, if the latter then the MP7. Of course this doesn't take into account the sort of site you play at. If you mainly play cqb then I'd definitely go for the MP7 as the lower magazine capacity isn't such an issue and the shorter length makes moving in tight spaces far easier
    3 points
  5. All these backup pews get lonely in the safe zone, so they need friends.
    3 points
  6. Dan Robinson


    Been snowed under with work, covid, and entertaining the boy for the last few weeks/months. The good old double Eagle has been holding the fort while the other pews have been misbehaving. Big Specna needed a rewire, baby Specna was over spinning and not feeding properly. L85's accuracy has slipped a bit too. Until last week when it stopped feeding completely (More on that later). G36 is still at the pleasure of Bespoke and I haven't been in the mood to use the SVU. The boy's L85 has been dropping in fps/ range to. Oh the joys of airsoft 🤣🤣 Two weekends ago we double headered High Wycombe and Ambush near Cobham. That was an Exhausting two days ending in a total mystery.... loading the van on Sunday morning, I put my battery bag in the back. Then I decided to put it somewhere safer. Can i remember where that is? Can I feck. Thankfully, the marshalls at Ambush loaned me a couple of batteries so the day was salvaged.... great venue too. But I spent the day desperately trying to remember where I had put £200 of batteries and usb chargers. Even phoned a neighbour at 9am and got him to walk down the road in case I left it on the roof of the van. Got home in the evening, dead on my feet, and climbed into my loft to scrub through the cctv; only to find that it wasn't on the roof when I drove off. So it looks like senility is setting in already. 🤔 More on the actual gamedays in the respective thread when I get home on Saturday. We're off to AWA on Sunday for the Big Skirm, then Special Ops the week after, with a school friend of the boy who's coming over from the land of the little people. 1 Anyway, nice to see everyone still here.
    3 points
  7. Do you only have 1 gun ? If that's the case, I'd say buy yourself a second gun, maybe consider another aeg that has magazine compatability with your sa-07, that way one can always back up the other. Also, with regards to upgrades, I'm gonna assume that if your sa-07 has been your sole primary for five years, that's it's probably in stock form ?, as generally stock guns have better reliability, often when players start "upgrading" their guns, that's when the problems start.
    2 points
  8. My favourite gun to shoot is my vfc 416 GBBR. My favourite gun to shoot people is my DE 906 AEG So it depends what mood or situation I'm in. If my team is struggling and I need to nail the enemy with accurate weight of fire, the aeg wins every time. But the more 'snipey' and realistic feel of the GBBR is sooooo satisfying. I've just invested in an airtac hpa adapter to see if I can find myself in a good middle ground.
    2 points
  9. Colin Allen

    Novritsch Aug

    Damn you! I really hoped that you were going to say that it was a pile of Austrian Hundehaufen, so I would not feel tempted to get an A1. Oh well, time to start sewing FIDF patches on the DPM.
    2 points
  10. Welcome. Do you know a fellow player who'd let you borrow theirs for a skirmish to decide if the MP7 is for you or not? Whether you should get one is a very personal thing as I know people who love the TM, WE or Umarex MP7 and those who aren't so fond of them.
    2 points
  11. So have just made myself a custom Pelican 1510 loadout to take with me as my MWS brakes down pretty easy and the gun box I bought was way too big for taking on a train. Wondering if anyone else would be interested in something like this can accomidate other boxes I just had a spare 1510 laying around un used.
    2 points
  12. Sewdhull

    ICS L85 fps dropping

    piston o ring, nozzle or hop rubber would be my choices, all can be checked just dropping the gearbox out and checking pressures in a ballparky way
    2 points
  13. Already ahead of you, I just didn't want to take the conversation away from the wheel issue. I'm also looking at making a new POM rotary with slightly better tolerances You're welcome
    2 points
  14. True, but true of most hobby forums too. Any new wunderforum should also welcome retirees as well as starry eyed fantasists, as it's all content to the mill.
    2 points
  15. About a month before he died, my grandfather covered his back full of lard. After that he went downhill very quickly.
    2 points
  16. Airpig41

    Gun picture thread

    My favorite project gun. A TM 1911 MEU in a Guarder FBI kit and Cerakote paint job
    2 points
  17. Dan Robinson

    Tappet Plates.

    Somewhat relieved to discover this afternoon that the sudden and total failure of my ICS L85 was down to the tappet plate snapping. I called @ak2m4who graciously spoke to me out of hours, and had an enlightening conversation and Google session. I ordered the last one that firesupport had in stock, which will hopefully arrive Saturday in time for Big Skirm (somehow I doubt it though). I also found an STL file and ordered some spare scin Nylon 12. So, the big question.... what kind of plastic is typically used on these oem parts and will Nylon 12 be stronger? Also, does anyone know of a way of cnc'ing one or of aluminium from said STL for? Finally, on this topic at least, it's there a better plastic than Nylon 12 that is regularly used in 3D printing for this type of application? As always, tah in advance! P.S. It was a scary moment taking that gearbox apart, but was pleasantly surprised to see how tidy it was in there, ignoring the bits of broken tappet plate. A good amount of decent quality grease, and a good air seal was found.
    1 point
  18. Och, well... remember to list the L85 as 'boneyard' & tag me
    1 point
  19. You'll have to just launch the entire gat right in to the sea at this point mate, sorry!
    1 point
  20. I see plenty of players using the arp9 in woodland games. It's a nasty little beast with a hi rof. You may have to get a little bit closer to the bad guys but it will do the job and less tiring than a bigger gun. Also will be a dream to use in a cqb enviro. 👍
    1 point
  21. It absolutely does, I've been active on forums since 2006 We're literally talking about forums and groups and being online within the community here, regardless of how many games you play 🙄
    1 point
  22. Personally I much prefer Gbbr but you really must know the limitations of running one. Big one is the cost, not only of the rif you are buying but also extra mags, gas etc. Maintenance is another one that’s important. I would say they aren’t as reliable as aegs. There are a few more points but once you’ve accepted the draw backs you will always have a smile on your face.
    1 point
  23. See, that's the thing. I enjoy the "proper" survival shows too, but seeing Terry from Essex who's done a bit of camping and reckons that living off whatever he can find on a tiny island in the middle of typhoon season would be a "piece of piss", fail miserably and potentially lose a finger while trying to chop firewood just ignites something in me. I believe the Germans call it Schadenfreude.
    1 point
  24. Have you got the spring the right way up? The spring as I recall is off centre from its mounting points so has a right way to be fitted.
    1 point
  25. Sewdhull

    Tappet Plates.

    Its hard to get 3d printed things like this to retain the strength of the material you are using without adding more material to the design by way of fillets or larger cross section. Nylons are great materials but you cant clone an injection moulded design by 3d printing it and retain the strength and there's no real affordable alternative. PC and ASA again are great materials but a tappet plate gets lots of shock loading that PC would normally take, but the design of the tappet plate, I think would leave it too weak. So short answer Nylon 6 or 12 are your best reasonable cost materials but altering the tappet plate details would get you more, eg a curve instead of a right angle at the nozzle end ( entirely dependant on the clearances you have in that area and the travel of your nozzle) and the same at the fin. Also print orientation and slicer settings to get the filament direction to follow the stresses. Reducing the clearances ( Print it a little fatter )so the plate is better supported and so twists and flexes less is likely to help. Gcode is CNC language and I think some where like PCB way could use that to CNC you something, or print it in a better material for you.
    1 point
  26. Thanks - some minor differences by the look of it. And I'm very jealous of your quick change spring!
    1 point
  27. Try one and let us know Somebody did make a bit of thread a while back about Specna mag compatibility, the one thing I would bear in mind though is that the Edge and One series had different OEMs so what works in one may not work in the other. My own experience? My SA-A03 One series (from back before they were called One Series because that was the only series they did), works well with Nuprol mags (both metal and plastic ones), PTS EPMs (not the EPM1) but not the Beta Project Pmags.
    1 point
  28. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    flashlight is in great conditions, only have scratches from the holster. The holster is universal so you can almost put any pistol with PL3 in it. Holster comes with a belt mount, also includes a fake QLS mid ride system if you want to lower the holster. Post fee £3.


    1 point
  29. Dan Robinson

    AA G36

    We're at AWA this weekend, Spec Ops next week with a plus 1
    1 point
  30. Duration of membership doesn’t mean anything …….. some may have been on this forum for about a decade without playing a single game of Airsoft
    1 point
  31. Unless it's a rif you spent loads of cash, time & tlc on that you simply couldn't live without my advice would be... Sell them, give them away or leave with a friend then get your UKARA once here & buy new or used. It's probably not worth the hassle, crossing 2 borders with a deagle & a shottie and a load of paperwork that's well out of date.
    1 point
  32. I'm an old raver at heart.
    1 point
  33. Considering you don't know what this platform will offer, whether it's anything different or the same as what's already out there, makes this whole idea look like you don't have a clue about what you' want this new platf, hence the reason you dont have people lining up to pat you on the back and tell you what a great job you're doing. Oh, and loose the passive aggressive attitude. It just makes you come across as a petulant child who can't stand being told no
    1 point
  34. Forums survive for two reasons: Quality content and filtered access to it. You can't have only one of them, there is no quality content without filtered access and vice versa. A simple registration process (provide an email address, a username and a password) is a formidable tool to keep most of the retards away. Look at facebook pages, almost all of them are shitholes where the same questions are asked over and over and over again in a 15 minutes span from one another, where half the comments make you want to commit a genocide and where people mostly parrot whatever the celebrity of the month said. Also as Tackle said, spoon feeding information is wrong... What was the saying? Give a man a fish.....
    1 point
  35. If you're cocking it, pulling the trigger and then cocking it again and a bb comes out then you're loading a second bb into the chamber, pushing the first bb past the hop up where it's free to roll out the muzzle
    1 point
  36. Another one coming up next month.
    1 point
  37. Water bottles and bladders • Metal containers. Some metal containers can be used to heat and boil water in, which is useful. Double walled flasks and closed containers (always remove the stopper) should not be used however. They can go bang shower you with boiling water and potentially metal fragments.☹️ • Plastic containers. The plastic bottles you buy soft drinks in are popular with the ultra light backpacking crowd. Cheap and fairly robust. Clear containers make it easy to see content and how clean they they are. Flexible water bottles, bags and bladders (like Camelbak) can be drunk from using an attached hose or straw. I find these a pain to keep clean but a large flexible bottle or bladder can be easier to pack than some other options. Some more robust plastic bottles can hold hot liquids. Some water bags, often those marked as emergency survival kit or lab use, can be used to boil water over an open flame. • Glass bottles. Heavy, in some regions reusing glass bottles still happens but it’s not uncommon for people to store chemicals or fuel in them before returning. Standard cleaning doesn’t remove all traces of this….. Glass is handy if you are buying neat roadside alcohol though. As this liquid will melt other materials unless you drink it quickly. 😉 • Organic containers. Hollowed out gourds, wooden costels and leather canteens were (and still are) all used to carry liquid. They problem them tend to share is keeping the inside clean compared to modern materials as they offer a nice home for bacteria. Bit if you fancy tabbing along Offa’s dyke in dark age reenactment mode go for it.😁 Features and uses to consider: • Heat resistant containers can be used as a hot water bottle. • Clear bottles are easier to see how clean or full they are. • Flexible carriers might be more convenient to pack. • Wide mouths bottles can be used for water tight storage. • Empty bottles can be used for buoyancy. • Chemical purification tablets are usually calibrated to 1L or 32oz volumes. So bottles in these sizes are more suitable if you carry this, even as a back up. • Old canteens can be reused as cups.
    1 point
  38. I'm still looking for a cure for my sex addiction. I've tried fucking everything.
    1 point
  39. MorganL

    What have you made?

    Quick make for today, custom glock foam for a nuptial case.
    1 point
  40. I took my wife to be tested for Tourette’s Syndrome, but the test came back negative. Turns out I am a cunt and she does want me to fuck off.
    1 point
  41. Mine is still holding on strong 👍
    1 point
  42. Da Fuq ?, so many questions, how'd he get a job as a taxi driver in the first place with so many convictions, aren't taxi companies supposed to screen employees for the protection of their customers. Why such a piss poor sentence, again considering how much previous he's got, yanks would have thrown away the key with him. And finally, how the feck is he 49, I'm 56 & he looks old enough to be me dad, years of drugs I'm guessing ? The whole thing is an epic clusterfuck, as has been pointed out, thank God airsoft didn't get a mention🤞🙏
    1 point
  43. Well it has been 27 years since the Good Friday Agreement so I guess most of the real paramilitaries are either retired or dead. As I understand it many of them simply went into organised crime
    1 point
  44. Cannonfodder

    Ruger Mini 14

    Nice. If there's a way to make the black parts look chromed then I know what loadout I'm doing
    1 point
  45. RostokMcSpoons

    AA G36

    Congrats on your new gat, and welcome to the Gas Blow Back Flexors Club. You'll find your smoking jacket and glass of fine brandy or champagne will be provided by Jeeves very shortly 🥂
    1 point
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