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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/24 in all areas

  1. Here is my AKX as it stands.
    4 points
  2. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, admins if you can put in in the correct place and not delete. Scammer active on another forum so heads up. He goes by Tom Andrews on the forum but emails come from Dean Greenfield. I unfortunately encountered him on Usedairsoft selling 'airsoft joblot' with loads of AEG parts, claiming it was his dead brothers. He's also advertising a 'Airsoft KWA LM4 UKSF L119A2 Build Gas Blow Back Gbbr Package'. Contact was good with emails coming from Dean Greenfield, this should have been my first warning, but then nothing once I had sent payment through PayPal, this was my second warning as the PayPal address was a Michael Thomas. This is where it gets more confusing. Michael Thomas had allowed Tom Andrews to use his PayPal account and transferred the money straight out and into his wife's/girlfriend's account (or so I can figure out), stupid on Michaels side and he also got scammed. After no contact from Tom Andrews/Dean Greenfield after sending payment, I used the contact through PayPal to send him a message, that's when Michael Thomas got in touch and told me about the situation and that there was a third person also been scammed. Conversations have gone back and forth, and to cut a long, confusing story short, Michael Thomas has issued me a PayPal refund and he and his fried are trying to get back their money from Tom Andrews/Dean Greenfield. Michael has reported him to the police and there is an incident number if you feel you have been scammed by him and need it. Here's the info I have on this scammer: Tom Andrews/Dean Greenfield Steyning, West Sussex, GB. 07349041575. [email protected] Yet another bad seed for the airsoft community, but after 20 years of using forums, it doesn't surprise me. Stay safe and always use PayPal but NEVER friend or family!
    3 points
  3. Tokkeitai

    APFG MPX, £400

    Why you got the dawgs out 😂
    2 points
  4. My AK family got a little bigger this week thanks to ARC Fives reposted as I'm a douche & put it in the wrong thread.
    2 points
  5. mightyjebus

    Fogging and glasses

    If you mean me then yeah they work. Did about 40 pairs and some people are buying 2 pairs at a time now. Just in the process of trying out some revision sawflys which will get tested this weekend.
    2 points
  6. Just chucking my own experiences here - UPS have finally delivered to me some EPMs from WGCShop, but the package was previously inexplicably stuck at the Import Scan Castle Donington, United Kingdom stage for ages, just going round and round continually getting import scanned. Turns out I needed to complete the dumb UPS-specific RIF declaration paperwork that has been previously mentioned aplenty in this thread. I believe this was triggered by the words "DESC: Airsoft toy parts" on the parcel label. But I would like to warn that UPS never contacted me about this. I had to go chasing them, which involved ringing them and getting an email address of a "Customs Clearance Advisor", who then forwarded me the paperwork to complete. I received two bits of paperwork: RIF DEC Aug22.doc Request for Clearance Instruction-HV.docx Original (sanitised) files are attached below for your convenience. The "RIF DEC" document I completed coincidentally exactly as @Tommikkasuggested - so this works: The "Request for Clearance Instruction" was asking all sorts of questions that I didn't have a clue about: So I just filled in what I could, which was the "Goods Description (plain language):" question, my typed "signature" (which defaulted to some Disneyesque font (lol)) and the date. For EPM mags, I put "Airsoft plastic magazine (NOT RIF)" as the goods description. I emphasise that I had to contact UPS (and them not contacting me) due to the revelation of this £14.60 daily warehousing fee on this document, which I would've been very cross if I had to pay because of their failure to get in touch. Maybe WGC didn't pass over my details, or maybe this charge is intended for big importers, not private individuals. I have no idea. But I would advise one move quickly to minimise the risk. Hopefully this will help others in the same boat. Request for Clearance Instruction-HV.docx RIF DEC Aug22.doc
    2 points
  7. I've had the same. In my case, it was midcap syndrome - i.e. i was just adding a few BBs into my mag for testing at home (lightly tensioned spring, no midcap syndrome), but loading the full mag up on the game day prior to chrono resulted in the FPS drop on the first few fired through the chrono from the highly tensioned spring in the mag.
    2 points
  8. WW2 Glider pilot regiment at Arnhem
    2 points

    • For sale or swap
    • As new

    WE L85A3 Gbbr by Daves customs airsoft. Cerekoted Tan to match the real thing Any questions feel free to DM Looking to trade for: Gas DMR (nothing specific but feel free to offer) Gas Vector perhaps VFC HK416A5 Any other gas loadout offers drop me a DM no golden eagle rifs though, plz and ty. Cash value Im looking for is £425 Open to offers need this gone Can post or meet Located Inverness


    Conon Bridge - GB

    1 point
  10. Totally freaked out by the feet, tbqh
    1 point
  11. “Gosh, I wonder what Women sat on before juries came along? Bean bags I suppose.” Ah, the oddities of the English language.
    1 point
  12. Neiland82

    APFG MPX, £400

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    APFG MPX. Have a longer barrel in it (may be PDI) but otherwise stock. Suppressor covers the barrel. £400


    1 point
  13. gavinkempsell

    ACU gear

    Majestyk... he's selling uniform too.
    1 point
  14. Enid_Puceflange

    Tracer BB's

    I think you mean Gunbilical 😉😂 My mate did accidental sweary when he tried mine a couple of years ago 😆
    1 point
  15. Yeah ok ish I guess. 😂😂
    1 point
  16. I'm not normally an ak fan, but I can dig that.
    1 point
  17. This is what I started with when I was orginally attempting to adjust the height pre lockup - it was when lowering it the issue happened. Thought it'd be easier to just compile everything into a video. https://streamable.com/z93517 One thing to note is that the motor doesn't want to drop into place/spring freely without the baseplate on which I'm assuming means either the ARL is being a bugger or the gears are that jammed that there's either a piece of gear jamming the action or one of the bushings/bearings has exploded. Come to think of it - when it first happened the fire selector became awfully stiff (spur gear or spur bushing?) Regardless - I've ordered a few parts and I'll crack it open when I've finshed the other pew that's in bits to see what's actually going on. Appreciate all the input
    1 point
  18. Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I wasn't impressed with the RATech casing. The WE one actually seemed better made.
    1 point
  19. Emergencychimps

    Tracer BB's

    Not necessarily true. The bifrosts do the flashing, so when a team mate in the same building as me in at tuddenham was shooting it at night, everyone in the room got briefly lit up/back lit. We got cleared out pretty quick because of it. Non flashing tracers in suppressors only light up the bb, so it's friendlier to your team (by not lighting them up) mates and yourself. Also, when I run a tracer I only have 1 in 3/4 bbs as a tracer(as a ratio, I don't hand load them), the rest are standard bbs so they don't glow as they fly and if you can see the flash from down my suppressor....smile! I also run red tracers as they aren't as bright, but still allow me to track the bbs (just). I can then be sure my bbs are where my red dot is and something funky isn't happening such as a messed up hop, suppressor strikes, shooting the window frame and not through it etc. All that being said, it means you get the benefits of seeing where your bbs are going in the dark, without giving away your location too much.
    1 point
  20. Yeahhhhh, rookie error. If I think I'm hitting someone but I'm actually dropping short, or if I am hitting them and they're blatantly not taking hits, I just... stay quiet and shoot them some more. If it's blatant non-hit taking that I can clearly see, those shots may move up from the torso to the head; you get 3 chances with me! Also, you can definitely get decent range with 0.65J. I know my TM mp7 AEP can do about 45m with a degree of accuracy (the shots hit about as hard as gentle caress at that range though) and that's 0.6J on .25s. It's all in the hop! I've heard about those STG44s from a friend who did a lot of WW2 airsoft. He was not the biggest fan of some of the Axis players showing up with those on full auto because as you said, they're DMRs out of the box. Your experience with them though mirrors what I love about the hobby; some people like speedyboi slick efficient "I want to win" loadouts with lightweight guns, highcap magazines and quick-to-access molle pouches, others like us like a bit of impracticality to use the things that we like
    1 point
  21. Sounds like your motor is too low, so it just barely engages the bevel gear (read it's chewing it away). Whenever you adjust the motor height, you should: a) plug the weakest battery you own to minimize emotional collateral damage; b) start with the motor HIGH, that way should anything happen it'll just stop instead of shredding something. Keep adjusting (read unscrewing) by a quarter turn at the time until the sound is crisp/not as scratchy, if you keep going you'll hear the sound change to a low-ish note of scratching, this means you've gone too far and the motor is now too low. Find the sweet spot in the middle. Cut-off is not near the motor, it's next to the trigger and doesn't affect noise.. You probably meant the anti reversal latch, which engages the bevel gear, but that generally doesn't do anything apart from wearing itself out at a stupid angle. A worn anti reversal is recognizable because every time the gun stops firing you'll hear the gears slowly spin in reverse under tension from the main spring and the next shot will be a double feed.
    1 point
  22. Madhouse

    Tracer BB's

    I believe they're mostly multi-mode and therefore you can turn off the muzzle flash if you want, I certainly can with the bifrost - along with sniper mode that'll also illuminate 1 in 4 shots or something like that. You'll find most of AceTech's stuff revolves around a couple of their tracer units and the real differences are just in the looks, I got mine because I liked the look of it and the muzzle flash is just a bit of fun - sometimes it's on, sometimes it's off. If you want something small I also have a Xcortech XT301 mk2 which I use on my pistol.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. mightyjebus

    Fogging and glasses

    1 point
  25. Not necessarily the voltage; maybe a higher capacity battery with a higher discharge rating.
    1 point
  26. Colin Allen

    Screeching motor....tm

    A video would be useful so that we can listen to the screech. That would be a good starting point.
    1 point
  27. Enid_Puceflange

    Tracer BB's

    Easier to spot a player with a Bifrost than it is to spot the Groom on his stag doo 😂😂
    1 point
  28. It's the same with blood pressure machines. Tried three different BP units at hospital and all three gave different readings and my home BP unit gave another result. The hosp just took an average of the three. Hope that helps....NO!
    1 point
  29. This is why I take my chrono to site to compare it to the site readings.
    1 point
  30. Quality morning at Driver Wood yesterday (Sunday). Numbers were rather lower than normal - something that I put down to a certain football match the night before. Indeed I overheard more than one person at morning Chrono pondering aloud whether they would be able to keep their stomach contents down during the game, and speculating as to the effect of vomiting through a mesh mask. To be honest, at circa 25 per team, rather than the usual 50 or so, I always have a good time -and yesterday was no different. Opting to run the L96 and MK23 during the the first game, my performance was rather lacklustre. Some memorable eliminations dealt out, but being the charitable sort, I provided the opposition with far more golden memories of 'slotting the tall idiot wearing partizan camo'. Second game I took off the viper hood, and picked up the STG44 to give it its first game. Totally stock, except for a deans connector soldered on, and a fake rivet epoxied to the receiver in order to semi lock it (it was shooting at DMR levels out of the box). Absolutely phenomenal game, with much mischief dealt out with the Sturmgewehr - it shot incredibly well on 0.28s- body size accurate at 60m+ (tested on the range). The only price I paid was using the canvas and leather repro ammo pouches - fast mag changes are really a thing of the past. Oh and the fact that the STG44 weighs a fraction more than an early 2000s Nissen Micra. Not that I'd change it for the world - the pleasure of humping that thing around with its meter long banana mags was immense.
    1 point
  31. Evening all, After a suggestion from one of our group, we all decided to give Apocalypse airsoft in Kent a go, having been playing at Airsoft Plantation up to that point. Different is good or so they say and we were looking forward to seeing how another site does things. I had a pre visit sniff about online as you do and consulted the excellent reviews on here for a heads up as to what could be expected. There are, as we know many mixed opinions but we went in with an open mind, it's only fair really. Thanks to traffic for no reason on the beloved national treasure that is the Dartford crossing we slithered in a bit late, having negotiated that poxy hill that everyone on here mentioned - now I get it! It would be nice if that could be rearranged somehow but they're working with what they have I guess. Before we really had a chance to pull our socks up the first difference became apparent, chrono. At AP it's all on you with no queuing up at the start but Apocalypse do do this and again, it was nice to see a different approach to it, you just get the usual cable tie or a sticker on the RIF then you're good to go. I managed to get prepped in record time, mags bombed up and batteries in to stocks for what was a bit of a marathon, this was a flag style game with poles that could be turned with different colours on the ends, I can't say I was fully aware of what was going on but just went with the flow. The next thing that hit me was the quality of the buildings, the Citadel (a giant feck off wooden castle) is great and the Village is alao to a very high standard, AP is good but this place have done well, this Citadel even had trenches underneath making it a nightmare to defend and certainly gets you thinking! The game went on for some time, having started at 9:30 ish, word came around that it would be finishing at 12, longer than I'm used to and I only just had enough ammo to get through, no drama but next time I'll be more prepared. The marshalls all seemed fine, A guy called Dimitri (I think) was the master of ceremonies for most of it, kept control of things well with his louder than average voice, useful as everyone kept yapping during the briefing! I heard the main man is supposed to be Martin but I never managed to work out who he was. Didn't seem to be any issues with hit taking but people did seem to love shooting dead players, which the marshals were on top of straight away again nice to see. Apocalypse of course use the medic rule meaning you stand there after being shot in the hope that a chum is available to 'medic' you back into the game, again not something I'm used to but I learned it as I went. Facilities were decent, the shop is just a massive danger zone where mentally, I spent thousands looking at the RIF's and kit in there. The toilets are basically a pile of stones that you piss into, doesn't smell all that nice but not a deal breaker. I didn't partake in the food but my nose told me it would have been a good shout had I done so. Something else my nose told me was that some people there were on the weed. Now to be clear, I don't give a shit about it all, long as no one else has to suffer it that doesn't want to that is and it was a bit disappointing to have to be exposed to it all at what was supposed to be a public event, full of kids too I might add. Again, not to overstate the point I'm live and let live but it would have been nice to see the staff get a handle on this, but they allowed it to continue which I found a bit poor. The rest of the games were a similar format to the first, same objectives and same locations but being a new site it was still enjoyable. All in all worth going and a useful insight into something a little bit different..........
    1 point
  32. Ucap greenops today. It started out dryish but soon became a very wet slippery site which made the going hard but realistic. We pretended we were in Nam in a monsoon. All that was missing were the crickets and bullfrogs lol. The green ops team have been busy introducing new and exciting props and buildings along with trenches and underground bunkers although nobody was tempted to use them due to the amount of water in them lol. They will be great when the site dries though. Well done marshals and team👍 Game play was very good with no moaning or bitching and no shouts of ' I hit you' 'Oh no you didn't'. I managed seven good kills. Five with the dmr and two with the tm m9 when they came in closer than my med. I was very impressed with the performance of the M9 which was sending 28s down range very nicely. Thanks to @Jez_Armstrongfor the sale 👍 We left the site just after lunch. Wet but happy😊
    1 point
  33. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Right, hopefully it's there now. A few minor tweaks to sort. Cable and ptt for LLM 3d printed and put together. Found the correct LLM ptt rail holder. Unit colour added to LDS. QR codes also added. Still on the look out for the correct sling loop. But I know this is only exclusive to the sa80, so maybe waiting a while. Now to finish my Borneo SAS m16 (colt model 602) with early triangle type charging handle and grooved bolt catch.
    1 point
  34. So yesterdays foray into plastic propulsion wet well. Very well. In fact I had an absolute blast. Fielded the M14 socom, with the boy using his trusty mp5. Chrono was weird though. He was reaching out to 50m+ with the mp5 but the chrono said it was doing 0.65j on .28's. Odd. Still. Everyone took their hits, the only raised voice was from a sniper who couldn't snipe and got lit up when he started shouting about it. Rookie error. 🤣 Much unhealthy food consumed, many pyros lobbed, lots of plastic slung and after a nice spot gathered me 7 in a row, we had one guy left to find to clear the village. Only the sod had got himself inside an upturned barrel and was doing the benny hill hiding thing. Took us AGES to find the bugger!!! Awesome day. I'm knackered now. 🤣🤣
    1 point
  35. Of course it’s two tone …… black & white ‘Very pistol’, not one of those namby pamby ‘slightly pistols’ Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics ……….. Damn you for making me quote that … I work in an area where I keep trying to tell people that we are in the business of high level strategy and shouldn’t get bogged down into the nitty gritty other than to validate data quality as on a valid base. ……. And that we make sure that those along the line don’t try and focus too high on strategy when they need to be ensuring practical realities including the logistics We should inform the high level thinking giving someone a direction, empowering them and trusting them to do so professionally (and that they will push back on us when necessary)
    1 point
  36. Nice, that's pretty committed. Loving the shinobi shoes. Inspires me to get a bayonet or stabber or chainsword.
    1 point
  37. 'Cyber Ninja' loadout complete and tested 😁. It got a bit warm, but folks seemed to enjoy it. I'm glad to report the extra Heroshark eye pro wasn't needed as the mask held up to some intense CQB action. I'm still not gambling, but it was surprising it didn't shatter.
    1 point
  38. The fee is to cover the grant of a license, not the checking of a person's suitability to possess a firearm. The right is a statutory one, the existing fee pays for the actual grant (printing the license, getting it signed, posting it to you). The public safety aspect/home visit, checking medical records etc is already within the standing remit of the police and thus comes from their general funding. That is how the law was framed to fit our long existing constitution. TBH I'm straining memories of a module on policing from the last millennium, however neither the original legislation that introduced licensing or the Bill of Rights 1689 have changed of course. Bill Harriman's book on shooting law gives a full account if one is very interested.
    1 point
  39. Then what incentive is there for them to limit costs? "My department is over-staffed and much of what we do is pointless busywork," said no bureaucrat, ever.
    1 point
  40. Peasant That’s a hunting horn, not a bugle
    1 point
  41. Excellent choice. Love it.
    1 point
  42. Compare your form to the PDF in the first post of this thread For the questions on that form you would put: B RIF / parts = yes C RIF = no and RIf part = yes with your UKARA details inbetween Generally you would not need a defence for parts as it’s not a RIF, but the form could be used in the context of parts to modify an IF to RIF or for multiple imports of separate parts to ‘smuggle’ and manufacture a RIF
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Price Drop - knocked 30 quid off. Tokyo Marui MP7 AEP which has been upgraded with a slightly stronger spring and tight bore inner barrel bringing the FPS up to 310-315 using 0.2g BB's I've modded the AEP to take a Lipo battery (included) which uses a Mini Deans connector. This is reversable if needed. The other advantage of the mod is that the AEP can be powered from a PEQ battery box as an alternative to the internal Lipo. It comes with 8 mags in total, 1 x standard TM mid/low cap, 3 x Well midcaps (100bb's I think), 3 x TM hicaps (190) and 1 Well hicap (190). really nice little AEP to be honest but 2 x TM MP7 GBB's and my VFC MP7 AEG means this is better off with someone else who might actually use it. Price is £230 posted. No swaps.


    1 point
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