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  1. Leave those alone ffs Expensive $hit mags You wanna consider these mofos http://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/armalite-140rd-m4-mid-caps-box-set-10-grey-m16-magazine-10476-p.asp Order a nut or bolt and you get 10% off order plus shipping is free - my favourite
    3 points
  2. Hello, I recently had an issue with a PMAG and a few M4 platforms, and so I decided to make a guide on how I solved it. The problem is that the PMAG doesn't reach far enough into the magwell, and so doesn't lock into place (meaning it will just come out of the gun and not feed). So, you have to modify the mag slightly which takes a few minutes. Of course, this doesn't happen with all PMAGS, but I have seen that a few people had this issue. As you can see below, I have cut the area in the red circle by about half, which allows the PMAG to go deeper into the magwell. The mag now fits perfectly fine inside the magwell (of a G&G CM16 and a King Arms BW15 Carbine - these two have slightly different magwells which are angled, so this modification should work for you) and feeds fine. Do not take any notice of the notch at the top of the mag - that was for an ACR. The electrical tape is optional - it is there to negate any wobble (some guns have wider magwells). Hope this is of some use. I personally love the look of these mags, so it'd be a shame to let them go to waste.
    2 points
  3. haha this guy, mfy first gun was from there, my first bbs were bulldog. I remember people saying dont buy from there, dont use those bbs. im like nah its fine, its a proline gun and these are good bbs, look, its says high quality on the tub. hahaha oh the naivity.
    2 points
  4. Thanks to all for their input and contributions. I really do appreciate you taking the time to reply to my numpty problems. I've been waiting for a few things to arrive - some low resistance cable, and a signal wire for my Gate mosfet, and thought I'd do everything at the same time, but in the event, I got home today and thought, "The hell with it..." and changed the barrel over without drama. The hop unit was quite incredibly robust, and will change the hop rubber over for something at some stage. I don't know whether the barrel will make a whole heap of difference or not. To be honest, the biggest benefit was getting it apart, grubbing around a bit, and then getting it all back together again working. That did wonders for my my knowledge and confidence, which is probably, on balance, a good thing... Cheers all
    2 points
  5. Mike636

    WE Raptor

    I've used MAG 120rds plastic midcaps currently using Socom Tactical Lancer magazines. Try either changing ammo or the stock hop up unit as the feeding tube is slightly shorter the normal.
    2 points
  6. You can only really find out by trying them both side by side, anyone saying one is better than the other having not use them both in anger really shouldn't
    2 points
  7. Not strictly true. In real guns, yes but not in airsoft. Potentially better accuracy but range is more a function of the hop up than the length of the barrel.
    2 points
  8. Just they don't allow 2-tone or clear guns etc.... Which always struck me as a little picky or a way to boost rentals I guess If I wanna turn up with a vivid 2-tone nearly all bright orange and catch my opponents eye then that is down to me if I wish to appear on their visual radar as cannon fodder yup it could give away my teams stealthy assault or attempted flank but I'd never follow a team mate all cammo'd if I was wearing bright vivid colours, shouting loud gobby remarks like "IT'S OK IT LOOKS CLEAR OVER HEAR", with a loud looking gun Any other site, they don't seem to give a crap about 2-tones so it kinda struck me as "wow, ffs chaps it is still a toy gun whatever the colour"
    1 point
  9. To some people it might, to some the draw of airsoft is that it looks realistic so I was just pointing out that the G5 doesn't exist as a real firearm as opposed to say an m4 or g36 that does. The OP said they're new to airsoft so it's something worth pointing out as he may not have been aware. Of course ultimately it doesn't matter but it's something worth knowing nonetheless as it might be a factor in the decision.
    1 point
  10. I have loads of patches on my gear, no particular order. Boston red sox team crest Patriots team crest Howard wolowitz space station patch rockstar energy patch Brotherhood of steel patch Team noble patch Rasta peace patch Amsterdam XXX city flag patch Federation (starship troopers) patch Planet express patch Vans patch Loads more but cant think off top of my head Not a fan of serious patches, wouldnt never have blood group or call sign, i think thats a bit too far but i do have one G&G patch, but other than that i dont have airsoft related.
    1 point
  11. Get the g5, they're epic although not a real gun so could be a turn off.
    1 point
  12. Yeah I thought that the mags would just fit which is why I was a bit confused at first. I thought it was the gun, but it had problems with a very common gun too. Ah well, all done now
    1 point
  13. Ok so after recently watching the new terminator film, I really liked the look of the converted ak47 into the plasma rifle edition, it was a bad ass design and obviously I rushed to the internet to find where I could get such an awesome rifle, however after looking and searching around no one seems to even of thought of building a beta version of the rifle....much to my dismay and horror As I am I'm gonna make my own version of the model and gonna make a beta version first on a cheap ak47 to see whether it can be done. I'm currently looking on ways to create the rifle and keep it as true to the design as possible, however certain key features need to be addressed/found, so I have come to you wonderful people if you could help me out: From where the receiver ends to the end of the barrel is a unique designed barrel and rail system, it is fully cylindrical and is in two parts, one inner tube for the barrel and an outer one for the rail system. As simple it may seem the rail system is fully cylindrical also and only has a rail on top (which needs to be longer than most rail systems and underneath (short rail system). The magazine for the ammo (BB's) is going to have to be converted significantly, I'm hoping to convert a drum mag slightly by either change the casing or encase the magazine. not sure which is best. I've attached a picture of the rifle so you guys can get back to me, cheers
    1 point
  14. Hi If you are only trying to Zero your scope at home prior to going to a field and rather than do it there and dont want to scare neighbours then I can advise you on a Laser Bore Sight, its simply a laser pen fitted with a long rod and then using the right caliber plastic bit you slot it down the barrel, turn it on and zero your sights to the laser. This is a cheapo one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Red-Laser-Bore-sighter-0-177/dp/B00DSKLQFC/ref=pd_cp_200_0 Though you can find more expensive ones like the Bushnell one for £75. I had a VSR-10 and was having issues zeroing the replica scope then remembered i bought one years ago for target shooting with the Air Training Corps (used to be an RCO).
    1 point
  15. Not got one but muchas gracias for taking time and sharing your findings yup careful thought out mag modding for some AK's I have had to do and tape on mag or in magwell - jeez the 416 needed a bit of that stuff for any mag I had to work cheers again for sharing your findings
    1 point
  16. TheGrover

    gearbox lock up

    +1 on the 7.4, unless you're making a bb hose a 7.4 is plenty power
    1 point
  17. And so I found another way in which this problem is actually fixed the problem was that the mag simply isn't going into the magwell enough, and so it isn't catching (that also means the mag won't feed). So here is what I've done: http://imgur.com/qIcHmez I simply cut half of that off, because it was blocking the mag from going further. The mag now locks into both the G&G and my King Arms, and actually feeds now. I put a bit of tape just in case there was any wobble (I always do it). Obviously you don't need to cut it, you can just sand it down or something instead but I worked with what I had at the time Just in case anyone is wondering, the notch at the top of the mag has nothing to do with the modification to fit the M4. That was to fit an ACR which works I will put up a guide in case anyone has this issue in the future.
    1 point
  18. Mike636

    WE Raptor

    If its not feeding like that it might be the mags not being seated high enough to reach the short feed tube. Has he had the spring chopped down at all?
    1 point
  19. Esoterick

    WE Raptor

    He's using the same MAG midcaps but also has the same issue with his G&G ones(also tried the old velcro in the magwell trick). Going to get him to try some King Arms BBs I have knocking about next skirmish, not sure if the hop rubber has been changed but last time a tech looked as it they said it would be a waste of money as it's only skipping the odd shot. Thing for him is he's a sneaky bastard and has had the drop on multiple people only for the gun to not feed several shots in a row.
    1 point
  20. hmm, drill or glue the rails on? As for shorter barrel... just cut it off
    1 point
  21. Esoterick

    WE Raptor

    Which magazines do you use Mike? My mate has a Katana and has had no end of feed issues but various techs have not been able to replicate it.
    1 point
  22. Mike636

    WE Raptor

    I've got one for sale, The only thing I've noticed is you need good magazines that feed well, the usual stock red cylinder chronos about 400 fps with good airseal and you need to keep an eye on the piston. Aside from that its snappy as hell and and a good ROF
    1 point
  23. There's a surprising lack of non-real-steel airsoft guns out there, kudos for making your own! Post pics when you've made some progress be awesome to see it I'm trying to make a star trek phaser rifle, I'd assumed i'd be able to find a toy i could convert but nothing out there, closest is solid resin casts of movie props.
    1 point
  24. Thou not an out-of-the-box DMR from what I hear.. For me the length was well worth it - wouldn't be for any other brand, but this is just such an amazing aeg
    1 point
  25. TacMaster

    £200 to spend on aeg

    G&G Top Tech M4s are pretty nice.
    1 point
  26. Just another update: After the modification, the PMag fits perfectly into the G&G Raider every time without any problems - absolutely no wobble either, which is better than most of my standard mags. As for my Blackwater, I probably have to modify the mag a little bit more (it catches after applying force, so I guess it just needs that extra bit of space to catch normally). But yeah, those three little teeth things and the height of the mag catch hole were the problem.
    1 point
  27. Ummm you're actually better off starting off with an AS VAL looking at the design, because of the silencer-like barrel. Buy the AY version, not the LCT cuz you'd be ruining a great rifle
    1 point
  28. EvilMonkee

    Tokyo Marui MP7A1

    Yeh dont use anything but green in it or you will kill your nozzle sharpish. Just FYI I ran green in mine at -5 and still got 45m and 275 FPS on .25s back in March. Oh and Fire Support have mags in BTW
    1 point
  29. You can do what you like. Are you going for the realistic or fun look ? Definitely green shemagh !
    1 point
  30. Fantastic! I need payday to hurry up...
    1 point
  31. NickM

    National airsoft event

    They don't publish much because there is very little to publish. Most of it is exactly the same as it has always been. I've been twice and it went as follows: Arrive Friday as early as possible ( both times by about 2pm) keep in mind its Friday of the bank holiday and they are based close to the south coast so expect to be in traffic from halfway down the M3 if coming from the M25. The closer you are to the shop/arena entrance the louder it will be, expect some pumping music, war films on big plasmas and projectors competing with pissed up players and bonfires. Further back its more relaxed, no loud music just smaller social gatherings. There is a Friday night game, that I have never bothered to play, starts about 8ish I guess and I can't remember if it might have been a single shot/pistols/shotties only affair. Mostly its only some of the diehard players and kids with energy to burn who play. We are normally getting stuck into the second half of a crate or beer by then, and the spirits flow by about 9. Zero one empty their entire warehouse (and they are one of the largest retailers in the uk so it's a lot of stuff) into a marquee, we tend to have a brief bimble around it on the Friday when we go up for wrist bands, don't forget your traveling beers for that one as its a bit of a trek from where we try to camp. There will be loads of guys selling second hand kit along the main paths and tracks. G&G I think it is have a stand as well and there is a bar and stage. Never seen a single "act" on it though. You get given a pack containing a poor quality map of the site, it marks the main structures and tracks, the dead zones. But for anyone used to serious navigating it's almost as useless as something someone draws from memory (I got a copy of a map Ian_Gere made which is much better in my mind). An outline of the following two days, each team Delta, Bravo and others gets their own set, which should mean you have some objectives in common. So far both years one teams have been given to another team by mistake. Rules etc. We tend to give up following the plan fairly soon and try to put a spanner in the works for Bravo and The others. Both last year and the year before we had the impression that the others and bravo had a sort of truce of sorts and were ignoring each other to hit us repeatedly. But who knows we knew we were the largest single team. Game on is about 10:30 both days. On the first day they run 2 briefings one at 9:30 I think for people that are on time, and 10 for the second batch that miss the briefing. Then its a long trek up to your base. 4:30 to 5 ish is a massive assault on the central village, a 3 way blat fest between about 1500 players. (my advice is full face, helmet, plate carrier and some big balls if you are going to give this a serious go) worth doing once, and I would recommend doing it on Saturday. Sunday as soon as the game ends its a race to get off site. We tend to pack up camp before we head out to play starting a little later than we are supposed to. Then play till we get bored or tired then hit the cars by about 4 ish.
    1 point
  32. My new HK 416 888 with all its extras on
    1 point
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