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  1. jcheeseright

    Gun picture thread

    Now with added gigantio-suppressor! Makes a super cool 'pewwwwwww' noise.
    5 points
  2. Mate Then take a breather play with your boy. Important things sometimes just feels right & when you need "you time" take it. Life's for living mate not routine. Keep smiling mate.
    3 points
  3. Airsofts Dalai lama Ohhmmmmmmmmmmm
    2 points
  4. Sitting Duck

    Not firing......

    if all else fails refit old old outer barrel the new barrel could be pushing the hop unit a smidge further back so that the nozzle doesn't clear the magwell and allow a bb to enter hop unit (even 0.5mm difference will cause feed problems - heck probably 0.25mm would) if old barrel feeds then it might be a case of comparing the two outers and carefully filing the new barrel a slither to get the hop to sit correctly forward and allowing bb's to enter hop To far forward though and you lose a good seal from nozzle to bucking - it is a very fine line sometimes it could be a tiny little burr on the cut-out or grooves for hop unit or it could be a burr or slightly thicker lip or rim of the outer barrel that is throwing out the final position of hop unit end of the day it may probably need to have both outers - side by side and make very very close comparisons and I mean very very very close comparisons - your'e lucky you got only a small concentrated area to diagnose change a few bits at once or build something from scratch and you could be looking at half a dozen headaches coz you can't exactly pinpoint as they didn't all work together ok previously...... Hence now many of us have learnt when changing the smallest part you really really need to examine and compare first AND STILL I GET AEG MIGRANES yes follow Lozart's advice but if all else fails swap back outer barrels n see if she still fires
    2 points
  5. Hi Qlimax I kind of pop on & off forums because too much involvement in any hobby can be oversaturation. Last summer I had a few bad games & then some bad luck that really hit me hard financially and it almost ended my airsoft hobby, I then went to a skirmish & it was an attrocious day (poor turn out, poor games, some of the regulars were being a bit arsey with each other & there was a really bad atmsphere) I just pretty much decided to quit. I really didnt see the point of it all. I have other hobbies that I love so have now gone back into them with more enthusiasm than before. but yet again I feel like going back to airsoft, so made a deal with myself, I will get on with my other persuits (Playing bass guitar & mountain biking) during the spring/summer months & go back to Airsoft in Autumn & Winter. for some reason because I will have a natural break between all the differant hobbies I have it feels as though skirmishing will feel new again when I go back to it. Because I have been away from it all for almost a year now I'm actually excited to go again......I'm riding my bike almost every weekend & playing Bass most nights, I now feel like I have found a balance in my life that wasnt there before. To me being creative is a part of me, feeling freedom & solitude is another.....then adrenline of being in a intense firefight is also a part of me. I found balance & it worked for me.....Maybe it may work for you, i'm not sure but thought I'd share my weird mind drivel with you in hopes that it could help. I hope this makes sense lol When My son was little I did find it hard to be away from him & if I did do anything away from home, I kind of felt guilty about leaving him & I was never that into what I was doing because of that. Now he's older I do most things with him so I kill two birds. All I can say mate, have a break, ask yourself what makes you happy & do that. Life is too short to worry about playing soldiers with others. life is about enjoying whatever your doing, not trying to enjoy it. I know If I wasnt getting a buzz from it, I'd chuck in the towel tomorrow with no regrets & move on with my life. Hope you get sorted mate. All the best & good luck with your decision Fumps
    2 points
  6. He's using a GHK gas conversion kit, he doesn't have a spring.
    2 points
  7. ImTriggerHappy

    How you started

    What a lovely post gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.My boy is pestering me to take him problem is hes only just turned 5.
    2 points
  8. Fumps

    How you started

    I should have put more info on my first post really. look like the first one dancing.......dad dancing anyway. My son who was 11 at the time went to a paintball party, when he was coming back to the safezone he saw the guys coming back from airsoft. he never stopped talking about it and asked for a BB gun for Xmas, I decided to see how responsible he would be with one so I bought him a cheap springer pistol & he was extremely careful & respectful. the following year I decided to get him something with a bit more bite & found this community.....the more I read about it the more I kind of got into it myself. We now go together & use it as our time. fast forward to him turinging 13 this year and we are still loving it. Great people, fantastic community, top fun shooting strangers and laughing about it in the safezone.
    2 points
  9. Colonel Kurtz

    Hi Guys!

    Welcome to the forums, plenty teams out there, sure you'll find one at local skirmish sites! She's right you are a bit sad, but we all are, and we're comfortable with this so keep on shooting each other with toy guns
    2 points
  10. Shamelessly nicked from r/Airsoft
    2 points
  11. A lot of people prefer to shop in the UK though, whether through distrust of shipping/customs/foreign websites or if they actually just want to support the UK economy. I've seen plenty of CYMA M14s second hand priced higher than they are new from TWG, BUT they are the right price for a gun originally bought in the UK. Just because you are happy to buy all the extras from the UK doesn't mean the seller has.
    1 point
  12. Yeah might look to visit at some point. where is it actually located? Also can you tell me about the price and game dates? Thanks
    1 point
  13. Berto

    Non airsoft sales

    Cheers esoterick. No need to be a smart ass airsoft_mr b, I was just asking a question. I see like lots of pictures of people in the field and of loadouts etc so though someone might be interested. A simple no would have done and probably caused less offence.
    1 point
  14. n1ckh

    Not firing......

    Ummmm are you sure it's not the magazine that's playing up & not feeding ?? If it's working upside down then it's possible the mag spring ain't working properly If you've got some silicon oil, put a few drops in a bag with about 50 bb's, shake the bag then load them in your mag for a few minutes then remove them, load your mag again with bb's & see if it works Magazine maintanance is as important as the rifle
    1 point
  15. Esoterick

    Non airsoft sales

    Only airsoft related items: "Second hand airsoft-relevant items only. No selling/swapping of any other items, this includes offering items such as consoles for trade. There are no exceptions to this rule." http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/2-rules/
    1 point
  16. "Mostly from UK sites" That answer howyou got that price, I buy everything from abroad as it's a hell of a lot cheaper. I've not look at uk prices in ages as it always seem way over priced.
    1 point
  17. Muzza

    Not firing......

    Cool, Hoping i can resolve this.... as the silencer looks so much better than the tacky plastic outer.
    1 point
  18. Lozart

    Not firing......

    It's not whether the barrels touch so much as if the hop unit still lines up properly with the nozzle (which you should be able to see if you do number 2 in the list as the nozzle won't cycle in and out of the hop unit properly).
    1 point
  19. Lozart

    Not firing......

    1) try with your hop turned all the way off 2) take the mag out, turn the gun over and look into the hop unit while you try and fire it - does the nozzle go in and out of the hop unit? 3) does the gearbox cycle properly when you pull the trigger? Is the motor getting overly hot? 4) were the inner barrel/hop removed to enable you to change the outer barrel or was it all left in situ and then the outer just slipped on over the top? 5) try taking the silencer off and shooting - is the silencer blocked/misaligned?
    1 point
  20. Someone originally asking £550 for an A&K M249 http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?258424-A-amp-K-m249-well-upgraded-looks-great when for £210 you can get a brand new one from http://www.taiwangun.com/en/pj249-mkii-black-p-j?from=listing&campaign-id=19
    1 point
  21. Fumps

    How you started

    Ghillie him up & give him a M200 Intervention sniper rifle. He will be a scalp collector!!!!! My boy is really short for his age & wears all DPM, on his first skirmish he earned his airsoft nickname of "Ewok" He now has velcro tags that a regular made for him. My only issue is keeping up with him. If I ever loose him I just look for the most viscious & intense fighting & he will be there at the front giving it full welly!!!!!
    1 point
  22. ImTriggerHappy

    Hi all,

    You can get orga widebores from Socom Tactical and quite a few places sell laylax ones. I wouldn't use a widebore in that gun anyway you lose a lot of fps and have work on your box to get it back.I would go for a 6.05 like the one linked below. http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/1340/s/laylax-prometheus-returner-6-05mm-bc-bright-barrel-300mm/
    1 point
  23. Baz JJ

    How you started

    Tried to get others to go with me, but they always had an excuse when it came to booking so just went on my own in the end. Felt a bit weird turning up there on my jack and the site didnt really go out of their way to help beyond the basic rental safety brief, so I asked the organiser if they could introduce me to someone who would show me the ropes for my first game, so they did. Dont think he was overjoyed at having a newbie asking stupid questions of him, but he did help. I found that if you dont put yourself about, people will just cluster in their teams or with their regular game buddies and leave you to your own devices. As said before, if you chat to people, especially other players there on their own, they will open up. Guns and kit always being a conversation opener. Once I persevered and played there two or three times, people started to get more friendly. In hindsight I think they get a lot of one time only rentals looking for a day out, so they dont get too excited until you show some commitment. Also, because Im a mature player, somebody told me later that they thought I was a journalist writing about the evils of airsoft at first so were a bit wary about saying too much until they sussed me out - go figure !
    1 point
  24. The first link is saying it's 9V powered. That means the battery is a 9V battery, the fan itself is a standard 12V one IMO. A 12V fan running on 9V spins slower thus less airflow but less noise too. Does it actually run on 2xAAA? That's only 3V and I would think it doesn't move on that low voltage. If it does it must be very quiet, but that would explain why one fan is not enough for you. Get one or two 12V fans and run it on a 9V battery. That's low noise level with still a decent airflow and the battery is smaller than the AAA packs. As TheGrover said, link the fans in parallel. That way they still need 12V but will drain higher current, meaning the battery will go flat faster. It's generally not a very good idea to link batteries in parallel to get bigger capacity. If they are not the same brand and on the same voltage level, the higher one will try to charge the lower one and batteries don't like that. If you use rechargeable batteries, then that's not a problem. But I think using a 9V battery in your current setup will solve your problem.
    1 point
  25. From my principle understanding of electricity, using a lower voltage source than the component is designed for is safe, but you won't be getting much bang for your buck, one AAA battery only supplies 1.5v, so you've already been running one off 3v. And its best to figure out your series and parallel wiring, if I were you, I'd link all the necessary batteries in series, then link the fans in parallel so they Don't "share voltage", it drains the battery faster, but 1v per fan won't do much good. As long as you keep it simple, forget about the amperage, just make sure that no fan is powered with a greater voltage than its rated for, and you'll be fine
    1 point
  26. I know this is a bit different but, once when we were playing woodland airsoft next to a paintball field a paintballer suddenly got lost and joined our game by accident, which resulted in some people getting covered with paint. He then realised and went back to paintball
    1 point
  27. If you just regular skirmish I think things get stale quite quickly. Maybe try some MIl Sim of different varieties? Something to plan toward and plan your kit etc just builds excitement for the event even if its months away. This is my main way of airsofting now as with child etc I cant get to a local field every week.
    1 point
  28. Ian_Gere

    Ed, Let's play a game

    ^^I'll bet whoever did that thinks it's well cool too. What a bell end!
    1 point
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