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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/08/14 in all areas

  1. part of the reason im attempting to distance myself from the military, im proud of what i did and my service but theres to many C bombs in and ex and makes me embarrassed to be associated some times.
    4 points
  2. Lol well you did stick your duck in a bees nest. May I suggests nipping over to Mumsnet and asking how much can childbirth really hurt? I'm not defending them, but like the aforementioned daily mail comments section ARRSE is reserved for a very select breed of fliptard!
    4 points
  3. Main topic seemed to be what biscuits they're all having. Hardcore.
    3 points
  4. I've just read through all the remarks posted by those plonkers who chances are have never served and/or never seen peacekeeping duties or operations, I have come to the conclusion that because I wear my old combat jacket and my boys wear there's for target practice and training in my back garden, that we are all pathetic, pencil pushing wasters I can garuntee they'd be doing similar if life turned out differently for themselves I doff my hat to you MTP for not rising to there taunts and not displaying the same foul language as them (and I'm far from a saint with my language)
    3 points
  5. Wow, some people are just so narrow minded I'm an ex serviceman and respect what people do for a hobby, I play with rc cars and boats (build a lot myself) but does that mean I can't cause I'm not a racing driver or in the navy ?? no it does not For some, this is the closest to combat they will get (been there, done it and then some) I find it a mark of respect if people are taking our military techniques and applying to civilian life, these people forget who started these hobby's in the 1st place.......ex military personnel Nick
    3 points
  6. Nutster

    Gun picture thread

    New 16" c8 built from spares (plus m727 upper)
    3 points
  7. Mack

    Airsoft Helmets

    Saving for a maratime but here's my repro ops core ballistic
    3 points
  8. Nickona

    Airsoft Helmets

    Here's my South African M87 Kevlar helmet with S2000 cover
    3 points
  9. AirsoftTed

    wow other forums!!!

    It's an Alien world to them, I'm not justifying their actions just trying to explain not to take it in the worst way. Think of this way, you're a squaddie/ex squaddie, you've never played airsoft, all you see and of heard of it are the Walts, you're going to assume its all that way; we just do as humans, its the same way racism and all other descrimination happens, past experiences being associated with all future experiences, like cavemen learning not to eat a certain berry because it gives you the shits. Of course they're not going to understand, we're all men right (for the most part) , we all like guns and action etc. - They get paid to do it and given all the gear to do it with, of course they're going to think hmmpf mugs paying for kit we get for free and running around with toy guns.... It's just a source of banter for them, just like paintballers are for the majority of airsofters! I'll be honest before I got into airsofting, I'd always liked guns, had the odd airsoft gun to twat about with shooting my mates and plinking. I saw scout the doggies videos and thought that "airsofters" were insane paying grands for kit and £300 for toy guns. Then, one day I took the plunge, I got involved after enjoying a game of paintballing but desiring realism. I thought this is a perfect excuse to buy all the cool military stuff I've always put off as a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone is a c*nt for buying loads of expensive gear, I do it myself now, I'm obssessed with accurate kit!
    2 points
  10. Invisiblesight AN/PEQ15, bank manager not happy! the IR laser is like a lightsaber when viewed through NVG though... so it's kinda worth it
    2 points
  11. so hopefully it will show up when i hit the send button..not the best but not bad if given more brain cells i could probably do better helps if i put in the actual gun i was trying to copy
    2 points
  12. Qlimax

    Gun picture thread

    My TR4 CQB. This is my SMP project weapon, I have fitted a DD RIS but not sure about the Eclan. Should be completed by mid September just waiting in Wolverine to supplier the unit
    2 points
  13. Fvck me wot a bunch of cvnts ???? I mean besides replica's n $hit being used for training purposes by police/military why are their heads so far up their own ar$es ??? The UK's largest and busiest UNofficial military website unofficially I think they are wankers but that is just my opinion I mean it was simple question that got nothing but 99% of abuse - ffs what was all that for and as for hexi blox - be careful how far you look down on people think the special forces think they are better than stadard infantry who think they are better than reserves or T/A funny thing one low ranking tosser could be one who saves your so-called specialised ar$e so be careful who you flame but you think that some people would know that oh and before you go on about people doing desk jobs n crap WHO THE F U C K IS PAYING THE ARMY WAGES - BELL END !!!! for the record I do actually respect all our armed forces and even the police (I didn't fancy going out in middle of riots a while back but those sods had to) so sorry if it sounds like I am having a go or disrespecting armed forces - I'm not (well I get the hump with any arrogant ar$eholes whatever their profession is) suppose I get the hump with myself too from time to time peace
    2 points
  14. The arsehurt, it's real. At least I now know that there are people less intelligent than some of the people that comment on Daily mail articles. And you never want to stoop that low.
    2 points
  15. Mack

    wow other forums!!!

    oh oh Airsoft on arsse. Bad idea mate
    2 points
  16. AirsoftTed

    The angry thread!

    When he fires, fire yours, like wolves howling at each other. It probably won't help but it'll make him aware of you - or make him think he has an echo in his garden.
    2 points
  17. South African National Defence Force - Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 2013-2014 - Part of MONUSCO Kit List: (top to bottom) M87 Kevlar Helmet S2000 Helmet Cover S2000 peaked cap Desert scarf S2000 shirt Mechanix Original Gloves M83 Battle Jacket SADF canvas sling S2000 Trousers Lowa Patrol Boots (need changing as not perfect) Weapons: Vektor R4 (ICS) Vektor Z88 (ASG/KWA)
    2 points
  18. http://pimpmygun.doctornoob.com/app.php it aint hard
    2 points
  19. Totally stock TM Series70.
    2 points
  20. Got it today. Not bad at all actually. Well worth £12!
    1 point
  21. jcheeseright

    Gun picture thread

    yeah, bit too much bulk for it to look 'right', I'd go short EOTech (551/XPS) or Aimpoint T1
    1 point
  22. complete ass hats..don't have the mental age to handle a nerf gun much less a real one think they fell off the short bus and took a curb to the head...never seen such stupidity from people who claim to have served
    1 point
  23. What a bunch of twats! Anybody who can't respect others hobbies / opinions and so on needs to grow up and get a life. Hate judgmental and arrogant people like that.
    1 point
  24. I've now come to realise your all commenting on a signature that I can't see on my phone. I thought you were all going mental as I can only see a photo of the m27
    1 point
  25. Leaerning point - have a read around the prospective forum before you start to post... will save you a load of aggro in the long run (and avoid unfortunate experiences like ARRSE). Sadly, there will always be people who think they are better than you... Hopefully the reaction received on that forum will allow anybody with a modicum of intelligence to draw their own conclusions regarding the types of people who spend their time on there.
    1 point
  26. Matt_F

    Using a paintball mask

    I'm not sure Lozart it's the full coverage helmet but think it's just the standard lens. The same company also sells the replacement lenses: yellow, smoked, iridium effect and thermal. I can't comment on the fogging as I haven't skirmished with it yet but it's incredibly comfortable and the volume of ventilation holes and slots would make it very difficult to fog up if think. I would definitely recommend the company I got it from like, they seem quite tricky to get in the uk but Paintball-Land.de had it on my doorstep in a matter of days. Here's the eBay item number if you fancy one; 271518882130 Here's some better pics of it for you:
    1 point
  27. You sure? as I can see that your not banned at all http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/member.php?126513-team-flex
    1 point
  28. cheers mack....i now know why arrse lol
    1 point
  29. Monty

    noob springer owners

    Welcome to the forums! There are no upgrade parts for cheap spring guns, if you managed to extend the inner barrel it wouldn't affect the performance that much.
    1 point
  30. They guy I deal with has swaped the conector for me Its a mini now, but got my first lipo Dont get to field it till sept 14th though
    1 point
  31. My first ever bought airsoft gun was A&K masada which i still have to this day and keep using it every game i go to.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. lol thanks was a first attempt will try improve it and do others for the lols
    1 point
  34. Sorry mate but I have a strict policy of not fiddling or touching with my guns internals cos I know I will mess it up.
    1 point
  35. The foregrip is back to front too.
    1 point
  36. Forest camo ice hockey stick tape for my grips! only £3.50 on Amazon! mmmmmm.......
    1 point
  37. On the pimp my gun image, it's backwards
    1 point
  38. I was gonna say... I got a 6kg bottle from a boot sale for £15, full... Which only leaves refills, which are dead cheap. I don't use any other cans, just throw the tank in the car. For the field, I have a normal store brought can of gas in case I absolutely, positively have to refill it... But I never do. That makes that can .25p per gram, and refills around .35p per gram. At those prices, you save about £8 per tin... You would recoup your tank cost (£55, new) by the time your propane tank was at around 60‰ full... That remaining 60% would save you about £88 by the time it was emptied. The second tank would save you £116.50 by the time you used it... Those 2 savings in real terms... That's £204 saved in 36 cans of store brought green gas.
    1 point
  39. Finius

    The angry thread!

    I don't think it has much to do with the law as such. Z1 were fundamental in putting UKARA together and have always had stakes in it. Based on their performance prior to then (in mine and several acquaintances' experience), if they didn't have to be seen to uphold the core values of their own creation, they'd probably be selling crack to three year olds and using the money to make smoothies out of kittens (really adorable premium kittens too, no gammy street-cats here thank you very much). You can see evidence of what I mean by the way they run their forums, though I shan't go into detail because I don't think it's fair for me, as a mod here, to bash Z-In since it could be taken as biased-BS. Seriously though, they're alright, just I feel nowadays the VCRA has fallen into obscurity with everyone except customs and if UKARA were to stop existing tomorrow, and everyone went back to pre OCT-2007 behavior, I doubt anyone would notice or care. As far as I'm aware, there hasn't even been a single RIF/IF related case yet where it wasn't to do with some nob shooting people with a BB gun in the center of a town or some shite.
    1 point
  40. Lozart

    painted guns

    They're not my guns I hasten to add. Mine would have more skulls. And boobs. I did paint them though. Shotgun extension tube for a Berretta 12 bore and a mock suppressor/barrel shroud on a S&W .223 Good friend of mine does practical shooting competitions and these are his guns.
    1 point
  41. If you just buy the disposable coleman cans then yeah, it's not much cheaper... if however you get a 20Kg cylinder and refill your coleman cans from it the price becomes much more manageable. The initial outlay is larger obviously, but once you're all set you're looking at much less than a penny per gram of propane (typically between 0.2p and 0.3p per gram, depending on where you buy the gas).
    1 point
  42. Completely swapping the receivers over to 762? Sounds like quite a job.
    1 point
  43. Lozart

    The angry thread!

    Insurance and brokerage costs are very much dependent on who the carrier is and what the value of the items in the package are. You'd need to get a shipping quote through Evike if that's where you're buying from. The duty and VAT calculation is a bastard. You have to include the shipping cost and the insurance then calculate the import duty, add it on then calculate the VAT on the whole lot. So you get taxed twice in effect. Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with a bastard filling. This is the calculator I used in the past http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-duty-and-tax-calculation/
    1 point
  44. The flash hider is lovely, yeah.
    1 point
  45. OK not a film, but the "Sharpe" series, specifically the battle scenes, which never seem to feature more than a total of about 20 combatants in what historically were some huge battles. Like Sharpes Waterloo where they defend the farmhouse as its the only bit small enough to get away with so few people! The film Waterloo on the other hand is epic with a cast of thousands and incredible battle field panoramic filming. Apart from the cavalry charge where the officer is obviously riding a rocking horse. . . .
    1 point
  46. Airsoft-Ed

    Best gbbr?

    I did say that I'd fix it up before selling it, if you'd actually read what I said...
    1 point
  47. the french go for full blown realism. they wont turn up if they are expecting the other team to turn up
    1 point
  48. Ian_Gere

    USAF Kit Stolen

    Nah, none of it will go with any of my loadouts
    1 point
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