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What's up with other places such as reddit?


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The advice given on there seems awful. Everyone tells you what to get but not why to get it. Everyone tells you what upgrades to put in your gun but  doesn't consider how much better they really are than the current parts in the gun. Seems like it's lots of people that simply recite things others say despite not having tried these things themselves. That's why I like this place. People actually back up things they do or say with  some form of evidence, whether it's anecdotes or basic physics. At least on here the anecdotes aren't likely to be made up for the purpose of  convincing others to believe the exact same thing that the person sharing them believes.


For example I recently upgraded an AEG and bought a lot of somewhat high end parts for it. Retro arms gearbox. PDI Barrel. ASG Infinity motor. All of these parts I bought because of bullshit I have heard on reddit and a live chat app called discord. Were they necessary to have a nice gun? Probably not, but I can't say they are bad.  I also feel like no one comes to these sorts of places to learn. It's just a place to bullshit and maybe say something that sounds like useful advice. It's just honestly so baffling how these people go around things. It really doesn't seem rational how they can so confidently recommend things  when they haven't tried them or think they are qualified enough to comment on things they have no idea about. Everything is taken out of context. One bad thing said by a certain person or source completely invalidates that source.


Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?

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3 minutes ago, Ragingrental said:

The advice given on there seems awful. Everyone tells you what to get but not why to get it. Everyone tells you what upgrades to put in your gun but  doesn't consider how much better they really are than the current parts in the gun. Seems like it's lots of people that simply recite things others say despite not having tried these things themselves. That's why I like this place. People actually back up things they do or say with  some form of evidence, whether it's anecdotes or basic physics. At least on here the anecdotes aren't likely to be made up for the purpose of  convincing others to believe the exact same thing that the person sharing them believes.


For example I recently upgraded an AEG and bought a lot of somewhat high end parts for it. Retro arms gearbox. PDI Barrel. ASG Infinity motor. All of these parts I bought because of bullshit I have heard on reddit and a live chat app called discord. Were they necessary to have a nice gun? Probably not, but I can't say they are bad.  I also feel like no one comes to these sorts of places to learn. It's just a place to bullshit and maybe say something that sounds like useful advice. It's just honestly so baffling how these people go around things. It really doesn't seem rational how they can so confidently recommend things  when they haven't tried them or think they are qualified enough to comment on things they have no idea about. Everything is taken out of context. One bad thing said by a certain person or source completely invalidates that source.


Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?

Because it is not a proper forum of airsofters, unlike here - we all help and    we have some sort out idea of what we are talking about. I check those forums occasionally and I just laugh at the advice given. 

Stay safe and stay here is my advice! There will always be chumps who give bad advice, We know who they are and in our little way we laugh at them!

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3 minutes ago, Ragingrental said:

The advice given on there seems awful. Everyone tells you what to get but not why to get it. Everyone tells you what upgrades to put in your gun but  doesn't consider how much better they really are than the current parts in the gun. Seems like it's lots of people that simply recite things others say despite not having tried these things themselves. That's why I like this place. People actually back up things they do or say with  some form of evidence, whether it's anecdotes or basic physics. At least on here the anecdotes aren't likely to be made up for the purpose of  convincing others to believe the exact same thing that the person sharing them believes.


Because people on the internet are always right and you shouldn't question them ever. 😐


5 minutes ago, Ragingrental said:

Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?


He says mean words and hurts people's feefees 😭

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8 hours ago, Sneaky said:

Because it is not a proper forum of airsofters, unlike here - we all help and    we have some sort out idea of what we are talking about. I check those forums occasionally and I just laugh at the advice given. 

Stay safe and stay here is my advice! There will always be chumps who give bad advice, We know who they are and in our little way we laugh at them!

That's not very nice. Laughing at people. ☹

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Even with Facebook groups you get people piping up just to say something, even though they have no-idea what they're talking about. I've literally had people saying "I don't know if this is right or not but this must be the cause of the problem..."

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9 hours ago, Ragingrental said:

Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?


Because he mocks them mercilessly and accurately, see his latest Skyler video.


From the little I've seen of Reddit, it isn't a community, it's a cleared space in the forest floor where peacocks strut and display.


On giving advice, I'm actually quite loathe to do it since it would be better for someone like @Sitting Duck to share what he knows versus what worked for me once.  It's a quandary, if people only post when they really, really know what they're talking about, then all forums and groups would be pretty lonely and empty.


Then you can go the other way with Reddit and particularly Facebook when someone ask "wut am bests..." and all you get is a vomitous tide of "WUT I JUTS BORT!!!" assertions without context, nuance, evidence or any real experience with the alternatives.

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26 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Because he mocks them mercilessly and accurately, see his latest Skyler video.


Also seems to be because Luke builds guns for reliability, rather than the 349.9FPS & 60RPS on a hair-trigger that many of the sub-25 year old airsofters are obsessed with.

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23 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:


Also seems to be because Luke builds guns for PLAYERS WHO WANT  reliability, rather than PLAYERS WITH A SMALL WIENER & a hair-trigger that many of the sub-25 year old airsofters are obsessed with.

Fixed that for you 😜

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Fixed that for you 😜


I was talking with Luke at Battle Lakes and he had the DSG MP5 he built himself to prove a point. One pull of the trigger to demonstrate the ROF and somebody immediately sprinted around the corner, asking how much to build one for him.

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13 hours ago, Ragingrental said:


Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?

Because he is a marmite person and the way he is can get under certain peoples skin. Most people with a big personality have as many haters as fans, price of not being totally bland.


3 hours ago, Cr0-Magnon said:


Also seems to be because Luke builds guns for reliability, rather than the 349.9FPS & 60RPS on a hair-trigger that many of the sub-25 year old airsofters are obsessed with.


One doesn't have to be exclusive from the other but they are rare as most airsoft "techs" are dim witted monkeys who try to earn a living from their hobby as they can't make it in a real job. 


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I can't comment on reddit as I don't use it. Although I can confirm airsoft groups on facebook are a hotbed of bullshit and twats trying to become some sort of airsoft celebrity 

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27 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Because he is a marmite person and the way he is can get under certain peoples skin.


Only people who are wrong though. ;) 



27 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

One doesn't have to be exclusive from the other but they are rare as most airsoft "techs" are dim witted monkeys who try to earn a living from their hobby as they can't make it in a real job. 


I was interested to note that Luke has a day job and isn't reliant on running a site or teching to pay the mortgage.  I rather suspect that this is what allows him to be so generous with time and parts.

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4 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Only people who are wrong though. ;) 




I was interested to note that Luke has a day job and isn't reliant on running a site or teching to pay the mortgage.  I rather suspect that this is what allows him to be so generous with time and parts.

I wouldn't say only people who are wrong as that seems a bit of a fanboyish statement.  He is a genuinely decent guy who prefers to get on with people but sometimes offends because he has a busted filter on occasion. Whether that is him or just people being a bit thin skinned is up to individual interpretation.


Correct he has always previously worked outside of airsoft teching but not sure if Negative has gone full time for him now as it has taken off very well. He is generous as you put it because he doesn't try to rip people off, he charges a fair hourly rate and only does what is required rather than adding unnecessary sparkly bits to take advantage of customers. I will always say that while he is a decent tech his best tool is that fact he actually gives a shit about the customer not just the money.

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1 hour ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

I wouldn't say only people who are wrong as that seems a bit of a fanboyish statement. 


Fanboi is a perfectly valid gender, don't be a bigot.


I first realised that I was in love with him and would be his waifu when he disclosed that he puts a piece of misinformation into every video just to mess with people who blindly follow advice. Although that itself is likely to be misinformation.  I suspect that's a shout-out to Meccano, which had a deliberate error in every set of instructions so that you had to work it out for yourself, as is right and proper.

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Reddit's just another social media, it kinda looks more like a forum style at a glance, but the format of comments with multiple branches vs the single line forum thread makes a big difference.  Also it's all about upvote and award farming, just like FB and IG are about react farming.


Both great big seas of essentially faceless and far-more-anonymous people making lots of much shorter and less substantial additions to each given thread.  Also both are much more deeply infected with politics than any forum I've ever been on.  Problem is you can get 'famous' and make money on social media, probably if you're big enough on reddit too (though I'm not on there much other than for stock market stuff) and that's never a good thing.

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I guess americans does explain it well haha. It's just so weird honestly. I don't care that I bought a lot of nice parts. I can maybe get a boneyard VFC or other good M4 in the future and put them in it. It's just that people think you need the best parts to have a nice gun that  bothers me. I also think people spend way too much time discussing about shit than actually playing the actual game like wtf? Sure talking about it's nice but some of these twats have never played airsoft but simply roleplay in their parents basement.


I swear the people you actually meet while playing airsoft are nothing like the WANKERS you encounter on the internet. People often have repro gear or cheap guns but everyone gets out and plays. No elitism and everyone is included just like how they should be.

Edited by Ragingrental
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12 hours ago, Ragingrental said:

I also think people spend way too much time discussing about shit than actually playing the actual game


Wise words indeed.  I vanished from here (and Failbook) during the previous mass-criminalisations because I had no inclination to talk about something that I wasn't actively doing.  It's easy to slip into a fantasy world of misrecollections and imagination if you're not out testing your theories under fire.

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