Oneshotscott Posted November 1, 2021 Share Posted November 1, 2021 First visit to adrenalin in North Yorkshire. The site is very well run and despite the monsoon all were up for what lay ahead. This particular event was a Halloween special battlesim which all proceedings were donated to charity. At chrono they had multiple weight bb's and use whatever they had closest to the weight I used. Then we had a brief under shelter and off to the first game. Quick games, fast changeovers, not a single person being a dick. Lots made a great effort to get dressed up as nuns with chainsaws, fluffy bunny's, zombies and a very mixed array of costumes to have a chuckle at. Later on the zombies had god mode (cannot die) so after almost being stood on by one after clever concealment I had to run. By this point I was on my 3rd 150 rnd mag so the bb's weren't flying down range as normal but the game style was to not be seen and shoot to survive. Now somewhere between my hiding spot and 150m worth of zig-zagging through dense bracken /woodland the rear part of the butt stock fell off, thankfully the battery fell out as I sprinted across the trail as a Marshall found it. So for around and hour I looked but nothing was found. Since I only took the kac sr15 and the mk23 I didn't fancy the rest of the day as the afternoon consists of a huge firefight between both teams. I called it a day after another long search as as it was raining, didn't want to f my sr15 up by being silly in the rain. Thankfully I have these exact spares at home so I don't have to buy the pts eps stock that I really, really want. I only got 3 hrs gameplay but it was more than enough to establish what a great site this is. Thoroughly enjoyed the event. Jaylordofwaargh and Rogerborg 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Popular Post Rogerborg Posted November 1, 2021 Supporters Popular Post Share Posted November 1, 2021 6 hours ago, Oneshotscott said: At chrono they had multiple weight bb's and use whatever they had closest to the weight I used. Pretty good Hallowe'en event at Biohazard, equipping a friend-of-a-friend with loaner gear. He wasn't expecting to be loaded with with M4 and pistol (both with spitfire tracers), and grenades. He had a blast, got right into it and was pushing like a proper speedy boi - sometimes even still with BBs in the mag. Biohazard have the top floor open now, which really increased the length of a whole-site fallback game, and it's got a fair bit of potential for further development, kudos to them for that. We had the usual barely audible briefs in the echoing safe zone (bad), mostly very fair and good natured play (good), and laissez-faire marshalling (good or bad, depending on what you were there to do). Some rental blind firing and trigger spamming was in evidence, and I Had Words with a Sergeant McShouty after an earful too much following a zinger in the face. All hugs and back slaps before the safe zone though. Much amusement from a wee lad who was about 4 foot high and ran around the whole day with a pistol and backhand knife, coming around corners fast, low and stabbing. The costume competition was obviously a fix, being won by shop bought efforts rather than my hand crafted pretend space soldier rig. Granted it was hilarious being shot by knights, bananas, and a squad of Telly-Tubbies, and I don't grudge the winner in his inflatable T-Rex costume, firstly for even getting into the play area, but then for actually playing pretty well - you wouldn't think an 8 foot dinosaur could be sneaky, but he actually managed some great ambushes. Clearly a natural predator. Oneshotscott, Badgerlicious, Eyeanman and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan09 Posted November 3, 2021 Share Posted November 3, 2021 went to apocalypse airsoft in Kent this Sunday. had a great day despite the weather. day started off badly, as i had forgotten about the hill to access the site, so pulling a trolley full of my kit uphill it was reinforced just how out of shape I am. after getting my breath back and signing in I got my kit set up ready for the games. this was my second time at apocalypse, and i had to laugh when one of the marshals approached me and said they recognised me as "the guy with the Tippmann and underslung grenade launcher firing TAG rounds" I expressed surprise and asked if he was sure as it was only my second time at the site. he replied that he was certain as I had left an impact... then he put me on red team because he wanted to "see you blow up blue team" I found out soon after from overhearing one of the other marshals chatting with some other players that one of their site marshals was playing on blue team, so im guessing that was the reason for my assignment to red team XD got chatting to a few players and answered questions about my kit as I was getting ready, mainly from fairly new players. eventually it was time for the safety brief, which was held next to a bonfire so we could all keep warm in the rainy weather. the safety brief was fairly quick, but covered all the required points as was the subsequent game brief. apocalypse was on top of chrono, keeping track of how many people had chronoed relative to how many were booked in, and all guns were tagged to say they had been through chrono. game 1 was destroy the pumpkin. each team had a pumpkin in their base which they had to defend, (red team in the Vietnamese village and blues in the stockade for anyone who has played the site before), they also had to head out into the land between the bases to locate the engineer, escort him into the enemy base, and after shooting the enemy out of their base, the engineer would place remote detonation pyro in the pumpkin to blow it up. i opted to play a defensive game to begin and quickly climbed a sniper tower to try and get a better view of the approaches to the village and was able to get a few kills before getting shot out and heading to respawn pole. after respawning I decided to play a more offensive role and discovered that red team had smashed the blues pumpkin quite quickly, but blues had moved into the village, so our objective changed to clear the village and hold it against enemy attack. there was great communication between players regardless of whether we had met before or not and we were able to organise a good defence of the village. eventually it appeared that blue team were starting to give up or run low on ammo, so the marshals called the game a little early... and just for a laugh, before we headed back to safe zone, the engineer blew up our pumpkin. after a break to rearm, get food and warm up by the fire, it was back out for game 2, area defense. 4 locations across the land that had to be captured and held by teams at the end of the game. spawns were reversed this game, so reds started from the stockade. I was mainly focussed on the bunker and security cabin that were nearest our spawn, using the TAG rounds to good effect to clear out some entrenched defenders, but I also got shot several times by hidden reinforcements as I tried to move in to capture the objectives. eventually red team had secured all objectives and held them for most of the game. at the security cabin, things got pretty static and eventually my team mates decided to make things more interesting by pulling back to let blues capture the cabin and have the marshal advise them to dig in well and, after 15 mins grace period, we would head back and try to capture the cabin again (we actually did this twice in the game, but on one occasion, blues did manage to capture the cabin on their own merits) towards the end of the game, blues did make a very good push, over running the cabin and bunker, pushing right up to our spawn before being asked to pull back slightly so they weren't spawn killing us. at the end of the game I believe we had managed to recapture security cabin and had held the other 2 locations, but blues had captured the bunker (personally I didn't care too much about the score as I was mainly there to have fun) back to safe zone, reload and back out to village for the final game of the day. bomb in the village each team had a "bomb" and had to place it inside a tyre in the centre of the village. the interior of all buildings were out of bounds to make things fairer. lots of good pushes by both teams, and the bombs were switched over a couple of times as both teams made good pushes. over the course of the day I got many admiring glances by other players when they saw the Bifrost in action, lighting up my regular, non-tracer Valkyrie .32g bbs out to approximately 40 to 50m, one player even mentioning that it was sold out everywhere and asked how the hell I managed to get one (simple answer.. I bought it direct from Acetech and had it shipped over) as well as when I fired off tag rounds (one player asked me "did you just fire an actual grenade?" and after I confirmed and showed him what I had fired as I reloaded the launch shell his response was "I think I just jizzed my pants" XD) and in the safe zone I had a few blue players enquiring about the tag rounds and recounting their encounters from the receiving end.. one player stating that after realising that I had a Bifrost as well as TAG rounds, if he saw the Bifrost flashes he knew it was me in that location and he would quickly run the other way.. so the TAGs certainly helped win some battles even when I wasn't using them. of course there were the usual arguments/accusations of non-hit taking levelled against both teams, one incident a blue player managed to get close enough to shoot at several of my team mates in a position near to me, but their gun was audibly running dry, and after getting shot by two guns that were definitely NOT dry, they began accusing everyone of not taking their hits and wouldn't accept the fact that her gun was dry, despite a marshal and three players all saying that there was no bb coming from their gun. personally, I try not to let these arguments ruin my day and try to ignore such accusations as most of the time they are in regard to alleged incidents that I didn't witness. and if I think someone I am shooting at isn't calling their hits, i either keep shooting them, or let a marshal deal with it. only other bad things I experienced was the shit weather (beyond anyone's control) and the long drive for me to reach the site leaving early in the morning (im definitely NOT a morning person..) but aside from that and the aforementioned realisation of my poor fitness level, it was a great day out Rogerborg, gasman, Badgerlicious and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Rogerborg Posted November 3, 2021 Supporters Share Posted November 3, 2021 58 minutes ago, Spartan09 said: Bifrost Those faaaabulous rainbow tracers really do look pretty good, and I particularly like the side visibility on the bright muzzle flash. The bar's just been raised a bit higher there. Just a pity that it doesn't claim to light up red tracers, those are next on my list of wants. Spartan09 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacob Wright Posted November 5, 2021 Share Posted November 5, 2021 Packed my stuff for the teams final outing of the year! UCAP Vendetta tomorrow, been a few years but can’t wait to get back there! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacob Wright Posted November 7, 2021 Share Posted November 7, 2021 Further to my last; ended up in the Regal in Gloucester (Wetherspoons) trying to convince the bouncers to dance. What an evening. strykerles and Paul72 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Nunfa1 Posted November 7, 2021 Popular Post Share Posted November 7, 2021 In a word, great. My Son and I went to Tower Airsoft in Billericay for what was our first outdoor skirmish. There were only 30 players and nearly half of those were one team so it was the rest of us against them. If anyone from Team Sasquatch is reading, thank you. You guys really made the day go well for me and my Son. The games were reasonably brief and a mix of attack and defend. The turnaround time in the morning was a little slow but the pace picked up in the afternoon, and by the finish I was certainly done for the day. Everyone took their hits and spirits were high all day. Marshalling was good, I can see why AP have got the reputation they have. The highlight for me though was the fact that both site owners made a point of seeking out my Son to speak to him and make sure he was enjoying himself. As a parent it always annoys me when people ignore kids and speak to us like they're not there. These guys walked straight past me to speak to him, absolutely brilliant. We shall be back to Tower and will be giving Plantation a go as well. Once I've fully recovered. 😄 Badgerlicious, Jacob Wright, Tactical Pith Helmet and 4 others 6 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Impulse Posted November 7, 2021 Share Posted November 7, 2021 Today was an absolutely fantastic day with many successes at Worthing Airsoft. We played part of the site that is often neglected and it was super fun. I went with the 1.1J spring VSR so I had no MED (I was called out in the safety brief so people wouldn't whine too much when I shot them up close) and it was a really satisfying day. So many great shots and stealthy moments. Our small sniper element of 3 snipers and one AEG guy managed to hold one of the three bases with the help of a group of rental kids who held their ground against large numbers of way more experienced airsofters for the whole game. Never underestimate rental kiddies! Even though we fell at the end because they just overwhelmed us by pushing us with way more people than we could take out, it was an absolutely cracking game. Made me wonder what the rest of our team was doing Not only that, but one of my good friends at the site has recently picked up a TM VSR project gun (it was broken) for himself and got a local gun tech to upgrade and fix it. Took it out last skirmish day and didn't see much success, so he switched back to an AEG. Today he took it out again and asked if he could follow me around the site to learn how to do the sniper role properly and I said of course he could. He said he'd probably just run it in the morning and then switch out to his AEG again at lunch, but as lunch came and went, he took the VSR out for the afternoon as well as he had so much fun with it in the morning. Said that it felt great to play and was super satisfying to use a BASR, despite less "action". The only detractor for the day was that there was absolutely rampant non-hit taking. Marshalls had to pull up a lot of people on it and I had a lot of instances where I hit someone, they react to the shot and then run away or go to ground. I never understand people who get hit by a single BB out of nowhere with no audible sound queue, and then try and brush it off as "nah, that didn't hit me." If that happens, it's probably a sniper who is watching you through a scope and can see their BB bouncing off your love handles. Badgerlicious, Rogerborg and Skara 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Badgerlicious Posted November 7, 2021 Share Posted November 7, 2021 (edited) 2 hours ago, Impulse said: We played part of the site that is often neglected and it was super fun Paradise? I miss paradise 😭 Hopefully they use it in two weeks. Shame about the (non) hit takers, it's such a rarity at worthing. glad the marshals were on top of it for you guys. I guess I sort of had an airsoft day, me and a mate went up to the range at worthing for the afternoon. He's got himself a cyma vsr, changed the hop rubber and barrel, and it's right on the power limits. Though it certainly needs some bedding in and tuning, it's hitting 75m with a 0.4 and some lobbing. So I think he's going to have a good time next game day, or hate sniping, one of those 🤣 Edited November 7, 2021 by Badgerlicious Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Impulse Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 10 hours ago, Badgerlicious said: Paradise? I miss paradise 😭 Hopefully they use it in two weeks. Shame about the (non) hit takers, it's such a rarity at worthing. glad the marshals were on top of it for you guys. I guess I sort of had an airsoft day, me and a mate went up to the range at worthing for the afternoon. He's got himself a cyma vsr, changed the hop rubber and barrel, and it's right on the power limits. Though it certainly needs some bedding in and tuning, it's hitting 75m with a 0.4 and some lobbing. So I think he's going to have a good time next game day, or hate sniping, one of those 🤣 Not that bit. We do play down the bottom by bridge island, yes, but it was nice to finally play 3 base domination down there instead of up by tower. It's usually some sort of rolling assault if we're down that neck of the woods, so it was nice to play something different. I really want us to play more paradise too, but I think it needs a bit of TLC first. Badgerlicious 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacob Wright Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 Been looking forward to getting back to Gloucester Prison for a while having been after they first opened years ago. Really interesting site, great marshalling and no real issues with players. However, we all agreed that it was massively let down by the amount of players. No room in the safe zone so we were set up in a corridor, constant being stuck at choke points and in doorways. I’m working on a more in depth review, but as a team we’ll definitely be sticking to more rural sites in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DrAlexanderTobacco Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 Up to Catterick for my first milsim with Stirling Events - On OPFOR, had a fun time right up until around 7PM when I fell into a foxhole and royally fucked my back Definitely just muscular so I'm not too worried, but very frustrating as I had to sit the rest of the game out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SgtTalbert Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 6 hours ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said: Up to Catterick for my first milsim with Stirling Events - On OPFOR, had a fun time right up until around 7PM when I fell into a foxhole and royally fucked my back Definitely just muscular so I'm not too worried, but very frustrating as I had to sit the rest of the game out. Ouch - sounds painful. 29 or Barn area? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DrAlexanderTobacco Posted November 8, 2021 Share Posted November 8, 2021 2 hours ago, SgtTalbert said: Ouch - sounds painful. 29 or Barn area? Just behind the Citadel, wooded area! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan09 Posted November 9, 2021 Share Posted November 9, 2021 On 03/11/2021 at 12:22, Rogerborg said: Those faaaabulous rainbow tracers really do look pretty good, and I particularly like the side visibility on the bright muzzle flash. The bar's just been raised a bit higher there. Just a pity that it doesn't claim to light up red tracers, those are next on my list of wants. it is a great bit of kit, but the bright muzzle flash does give away your position a bit =P 11 hours ago, Jacob Wright said: Been looking forward to getting back to Gloucester Prison for a while having been after they first opened years ago. Gloucester prison was the site where i played my first ever airsoft game (along with my brother who as been playing for years and finally twisted my arm to give airsoft a try) and got instantly hooked. that was at the beginning of february last year, right before lockdowns kicked in. definately a site i would like to go back to 11 hours ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said: Up to Catterick for my first milsim with Stirling Events - On OPFOR, had a fun time right up until around 7PM when I fell into a foxhole and royally fucked my back Definitely just muscular so I'm not too worried, but very frustrating as I had to sit the rest of the game out. hope you recover soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skara Posted November 9, 2021 Author Share Posted November 9, 2021 Nothing special this Sunday, I shot some people, they shot me back, we were all shooting someone. In one game a lot of friendly fire went on and the attacking team wiped itself off, this happened because I found myself in the middle of said team, shot one person and then remained hidden in my bush. And I finally broke a flash mag the little anti reversal spring that keeps the wheel from unwinding itself snapped in half I have no spares so I need to sacrifice an old high cap to the Airsoft deities. Impulse and Rogerborg 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cr0-Magnon Posted November 13, 2021 Share Posted November 13, 2021 Just went to my local (TWA Croydon) today. A pretty average day in terms of gameplay but I am happy with my new M4 (Modify XTC with Gate Aster) and the 9.9V life batteries which I think I'll replace all my lipos with. Although I did have an amusing thought. Some airsofters get so excited spending half their monthly salary buying a new gun or "upgrading" one they already have. They'll argue with people endlessly about which is the best make, which is the (only) way to do something or even which BB weight to use. Then an hour in to actually playing and they're moping around at the back, looking almost completely disinterested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mr. No_Face Posted November 14, 2021 Share Posted November 14, 2021 (edited) Wet, muddy and lost my flash hider and M9 magazine somehow but alright nonetheless. Had a good workout out too, diving and sliding all over the place. My thighs are killing me right now. Edited November 14, 2021 by Mr. No_Face Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skara Posted November 14, 2021 Author Share Posted November 14, 2021 Not much to say about today's games. It was definitely a lesson for the new members to care after their kit, as 4 magazines and two guns died in the span of 30 minutes. We did end the day earlier because it started pouring, but technical difficulties aside, it was an okay day The weather has been inclement lately so a lot of trees fell and made my usual flanking routes an absolute nightmare to navigate but in the end I still managed to get past some pretty hefty defenses. gasman and Tactical Pith Helmet 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EvilMonkee Posted November 14, 2021 Share Posted November 14, 2021 Not normally one for skirmishes but had a really good day today even as the sole GBBR user on the field. The MWS reminded me why I love it and I consistently outranged everything bar 500 FPS snipers. Had a really fun day. Tactical Pith Helmet 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Badgerlicious Posted November 14, 2021 Share Posted November 14, 2021 (edited) So a friend and I had an impromptu day out at driver wood, as impromptu as you can be with pre-booking anyway. I was trying out my new ghillie cobra hood, new camo clothes, and a new scope. They've got a very fancy staging area, lots of benches for everyone, despite the probably around 200 people there, a cafe, quite nice toilets, and a little area to watch the paint ballers while you eat lunch. We played entirely on the two long roads with 'the maze' in the middle, which might as well be a cqb area with how dense it is. It's a nice area to play in though, there's a few sightlines and vehicles in the middle. First downer was that I forgot my fan goggles, so I had to use my shooting glasses which at least don't blind me, but do fog a bit. This also meant I couldn't run face pro with camo on the front as it would make the fogging even worse. not a super effective ghillie with a big pink face in the middle. Anyway, first game I had a nice spot watching the double decker bus on the road, but about half way through the first game, maybe 30 minutes in, there was a call of 'game over' from a nearby field of paintballers, and I thought it was our game, so I stood up and then got shot in the head, and never managed to push that far in. Kind of a negative imo. Also someone very angry at people not calling hits and being overshot. Actually lots of complains of overshooting. Personally I blame the vegetation for this, I didn't see hit shruggers myself. The veg is just thin enough you can often see movement through it but your bbs will get thrown every which way bar forwards. Still, it's not a pleasant experience to have people yelling at each other nearby. It did seem to get better as the day went on, maybe señor shouty went home or calmed down, idk. There was a pretty cool game mode with where we had to capture some "rogues", players with a 15 sec timeout on hit. We also did some bomb escorts, and some zombies at the end. Although parallel games does have some drawbacks with fields so close, it does mean rentals aren't forced against walk-ons, and while I'm not against that, it means almost every player is playing nice and aggressively, supporting the objectives and so on. It felt very even in the teams, though I have zero idea who won any of the games, lol. Ghillie worked really well, especially in the thick veg of the maze. I had one player only spot me due to the neon green armband I had to wear, and some not see me even when I was just milling about standing up. With my fan goggles, face covering, and the more subdued colour of my local field's arm bands, I have some high hopes. Though I do still need some pictures in the game zone to really judge it. I am 100% shortening the back a little though, I kept stepping on the tail ends that had gotten a bit ripped. Jack pyke digicam. Pricey, fits small so instead of a large I'm a 2xl now, but a really nice soft shell outer layer. I thought it would be a touch rustley but I was able to move silently with it. I was kept dry of all the damp mud I was kneeling in, kept warm though it's not super cold today. Blends well with the ghillie. I like it. Again, would be curious to see some pics of myself in it. I'm really bad at remembering to take pics. Scope was good too, it's a Hawke Vantage. Nice and easy to zero, hasn't moved. Did general scope things well. When I wasn't fogging it was wonderfully clear. Overall a decent day for standard £25 walk on pricing. Edited November 14, 2021 by Badgerlicious i spel gud Impulse, Rogerborg and Tactical Pith Helmet 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tactical Pith Helmet Posted November 15, 2021 Share Posted November 15, 2021 5 hours ago, Skara said: It was definitely a lesson for the new members to care after their kit, as 4 magazines and two guns died in the span of 30 minutes. Pisses me off to have to lend spares to others, especially when loaned equipment is not cared for either. Rogerborg and Jacob Wright 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
concretesnail Posted November 15, 2021 Share Posted November 15, 2021 Sold day at anzio for the battlesim on day. Objectives rolled out and wave reinforcement type spawns worked well. Other than the odd few trying to make up their own rules as they went along, including a bang bang rule, it was great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Rogerborg Posted November 15, 2021 Supporters Share Posted November 15, 2021 15 hours ago, Badgerlicious said: Also someone very angry at people not calling hits and being overshot. The site should have been all over that. Nothing turns a day toxic faster than some bangstick screeching "CHEETAR!", or pissing and moaning loudly, because it's a very audible signal that the site is weakly run, and not enforcing its own rules. Does my head in, the amount of stuff that's said at briefings, then ignored on the field. Don't waste everyone's time declaring that "Cheat calling is as bad as cheating" if you're not going to actually treat it as such. Non-dicks don't need to be lectured, and dicks aren't listening anyway. Less talk, more do. Tackle, Badgerlicious, Tactical Pith Helmet and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Impulse Posted November 15, 2021 Share Posted November 15, 2021 19 hours ago, Badgerlicious said: First downer was that I forgot my fan goggles, so I had to use my shooting glasses which at least don't blind me, but do fog a bit. This also meant I couldn't run face pro with camo on the front as it would make the fogging even worse. not a super effective ghillie with a big pink face in the middle. Get some camo cream. I bought some for when I fully ghillie up as it lets me break up the solid skin-tones while also allowing me to not wear anything on my lower face and steam up my prescription insers, as when I wear lower face, even with my mesh glasses, the inserts always steam up. However, that being said, I'm enjoying specifically not ghillie-ing up and still going invisible. Good practice that 19 hours ago, Badgerlicious said: Anyway, first game I had a nice spot watching the double decker bus on the road, but about half way through the first game, maybe 30 minutes in, there was a call of 'game over' from a nearby field of paintballers, and I thought it was our game, so I stood up and then got shot in the head, and never managed to push that far in. Kind of a negative imo. Also someone very angry at people not calling hits and being overshot. Actually lots of complains of overshooting. Personally I blame the vegetation for this, I didn't see hit shruggers myself. The veg is just thin enough you can often see movement through it but your bbs will get thrown every which way bar forwards. Still, it's not a pleasant experience to have people yelling at each other nearby. I've had people moan at me a lot with the classic "I hit you loads call your hits!!" when they laced up a nearby bush really well, but not a single BB has hit me. As a BASR user, I am painfully familiar with the effects of leaves and twigs on the trajectory of a BB. However, not everyone is as familiar with this and just assume that because they fired a whole high-cap into the bush that one of them would punch through. Totally get that though, angry people throwing tantrums can ruin a day for a lot of people. Rogerborg, Badgerlicious and Tactical Pith Helmet 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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