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Status Updates posted by Skara


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      I know about the original video, it's been posted in here a couple of times already.


      I thought it'd be nice to remind people to NOT act like they're some speshul forces 



    3. Shamal


      I'm speshul needs 🤪

    4. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      Watching somebody watching something.....

      jesus, life’s too short

  2. this is pure gold

    1. Joe9113


      brilliant! ha


    2. Zarrin


      It sounds like a toddler getting a face tattoo...    🤣

    3. Matt89elmo


      Brilliant, that made me laugh



    Lots of drama, I know, but what the fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Shamal


      @clumpyedge.sorry just read your post again.

      I'm not sure about drones but I think you are right on that.

      I'm specifically talking about people with cameras being able to film.



    3. Druid799


      Don’t think anyone is saying you can’t film in a public space , but if someone objects to there child being filmed they could get the police involved and you ‘could’ be on very thin ice if you refused to either stop filming the child or refused to delete the footage .

      Can’t remember the exact name but there is an offence to do with filming or photographing a minor even in a public space without consent  .

    4. Shamal


      In public consent is not needed.in the case of children they can be filmed so long as the footage does not contain any lewd or indecent images of them.

      I typed in 'filming in public' and that's what it says.i know some people get really irate and scream that they dont give their permission to be filmed or that filming them is a breach of gdpr but neither statements are correct.lets face it we are all filmed every day by shops,garages,hospitals,shopping centres.its all around us.🙂👍


  4. There we go, more money down the drain as I NEED to make one of these :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      oh well that is worth a go at that price


      yes they are the cheapo guns that goes a bit tits up

      & if you can find one that needs a bit of TLC

      well then go for it - why not


      brand new they was like about £60 a couple of years back

      but lately seem rather thin on the ground new


      guess with the £63 really cheap CM.5XX Cyma's M4's AK's

      & say £75 - MP5's, the old cheap Galaxy's have lost ground in the brand new gun section/selection


      so 30 notes - is worth a bash

      just thought of spending say £75+ at a UK retailer

      (I know you're in Italy)

      the thought of people rushing out to spend £75+ new

      for a MP5k based on this fortunate install - is a bit risky


      30 notes - yeah fuck it, what ya got to lose


      just remember to order some LUCK

      and when people like Luke are so good

      they make it LOOK easy


      yonks ago somebody said to another person their job is easy

      & their reply was fucking awesome I kept it to hand...


      No boss - I'm so fucking good at what I do...

      I simply MAKE IT LOOK SO EASY


      (fucking love that response)

    3. Skara


      Another option:

      My team tech has an old battered TM mp5k thrown in the bin. Externally it only needs a new mag release paddle.

      I could buy a brand new V3 box (8mm with QC spring), get that TM body for free and then build onto that.


      How about this?

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Free is even better


      Only thing to watch is the bespoke bits on MP5k's...


      Like don't break the selector plate...


      You can get a MP5 v2 selector, but for a v3 they are not so common


      Stuff like that be careful if tearing things apart


      You could also drill the back of a gearbox with say 15mm hole to make your DIY QC box

      (For poops n giggles)


      Coz guns with foldable/removable stock end, with exposed box showing...

      Are screaming for a QC box in them

  5. "Hey is the XXXX still available?"

    "Hey, yes it is, need further information/pictures?"

    Then they disappear...


    What the fuck, why do you even bother asking in the first place? Fucking window licking inbreds.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DestrO


      kasaran that happened with my spare ghk m4 i sold. had it up for a while, few people interested, it sold, then it seems the moment it sold i had 25 people wanting it lol

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      in fairness the whole "completed" thing confused the hell out of me for a while when i joined. most of the places i'm used to topics tend to be edited by their owners to say "sold" etc.

    4. Skara


      Yup, it confuses me as well, and I never look at the classifieds anyway :D


      anyway, 24h have passed, no response :D

  6. > be me

    > have some spare cash

    > have no fucking idea what to get for Christmas



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      Postage will fuck me over though :(




      I am getting more and more intrigued by this review, I think I have read it 6 or 7 times already.

      I think I can get it for relatively cheap, and for sure it'll make for a somewhat nice variation to the standard, boring m4.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      ahh yes, forgot you were in italy.


      that's the same style as my jg, very handy little gun.


      cyma's ak's are good, i certainly wouldnt call it a bad choice (they're the rental gun of choice round here and they seem to hold up to that abuse just fine). of course lct/e&l's exteriors are in a different league but they don't shoot much different.


      i'd say go for it, side rail mount with a simple tube optic and a bit of scrim net taped round the stock for padding it's just grand.

    4. Lozart


      As per my comment on the ATRG review, I had that exact model and it was a beast of a weapon. Needs a few internal bits to improve it but it's built like a tank and is well worth dropping the cash on if it's the kind of thing you're after.


      I only got rid of mine because I preferred my SCAR and M4's.

  7. > southern Europe is under a pretty harsh heatwave with super high temperatures coupled with shrek's swamp levels of humidity

    > there is a tournament on Sunday, in one of the hottest places in my region, fully exposed to the sun from every angle and terrain is quite rough since we're playing on top of a mountain that has no trees, only shrubs.

    > organization has changed the position of a couple of objectives "because they were too close to each other", effectively chancing the whole tournament.

    > 25kms under the sun and 7 objectives, to be completed within 8 hours

    > of course there are no water fountains or streams or anything to collect water from.


    What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

    1. StayOnTarget


      I'm predicting a Laurence of Arabia loadout on the horizon 🖖 

    2. Druid799


      That is fecking ridiculous ! There’s no way on the face of this earth your NOT going to have some serious if not life threatening de-hydration situations there ! Who ever is organising it AND still allowing it to go on should be kicked off this one and permanently banned from ever organising another event of any kind .

      Period . 

    3. Skara


      It's gonna be fun.


      Last tournament the organizing team removed a couple of objectives because they weren't the safest thing considering the weather.


      If they're smart, they'll go back to the original plot and maybe bring some extra water bottles for the participants.

      If not, we'll take out sweet revenge when it'll be our turn to organize 😈

  8. >Chronoes the arp, does 0.5J

    >Opens the gearbox and finds the spring snapped clean in half

    >Puts SP90 (around m100) in, chronoes at 0.7J

    >Puts M110 in



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skara


      Yeah I know.

      But still pisses me off..


      Btw the arp spring guide has a spacer, not a proper thrust bearing but does the same thing.

      Oh well :D at least I got to clean up the mess created by the plastic king arms piston I previously had in the gun.

      There is an air leak around the nozzle, but I'll wait to rebuild the whole box to fix it.

    3. Steveocee


      Beat me to it, was going to suggest of course obligatory broken spring replacement but whack an 0-ring nozzle in there whilst you're at it.
      On my Ares 008 I'm using an M90 with spring and pistonhead bearings with a 128mm 6.01 inner and it sits just about on 1J, really shouldn't need an M110 to get you there.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Piston Spacers...




      15mm O/D

      5mm & 10mm thickness


      Alas the 5mm thick has only a M5 hole

      so you may need to widen it a bit depending on piston head fitment


      a 3mm tooth equates ROUGHLY to M05 or 16.4fps

      so ROUGHLY a 5mm spacer adds up to 27 fps

      & ROUGHLY a 10mm spacer adds up to 54 fps


      Or a 5mm spacer will offset most of power lost from SS 2 teeth

      & a 10mm spacer will offset a smidge more than SS 3 teeth


      APROX - it kinda works but airsoft physics never works out

      exactly in every case - but along those lines somewhat


      One word of caution though...

      If using a 10mm spacer, double check some longer spring guides

      do not bottom out on spacer at full 101% stroke

      it is very rare but one spring guide just kissed the 10mm spacer

      at full retraction

      Not really an issue for me as I SS quite a few boxes

      but on say a full length AK 455mm where you keep full or most of stroke, then it is something to remember if trying to boost power

      (either a m80 spring to get 350fps or a m100 spring for DMR use)

      Then if boosting the spring compression/power with a 10mm spacer

      just see if the guide/spacer come close to bottoming out...


      FUCK IT - pics say a 1,000 words...


      variation in spring guide lengths:




      (no they are spring guides not collection of "other toys")


      and some instances where a longer spring guide might bottom out




      Now admit that is due to the collar from bearings being used...




      but you get the idea of what to watch out for

      (and why you should not push it with longer 15mm or 20mm long spacers inside piston)


      So I use 5mm or 10mm thick 15mm spacers


      and wtf as i revisited my old imgur account

      here is 007's view on which gears to use...



  9. http://www.ebairsoft.com/4x24mm-rifle-scope-p-1340.htmlhttp://www.ebairsoft.com/4x24mm-rifle-scope-p-1340.html

    will this be a decent optic for the price?


    i know it's only €25, but some reviews seem positive about it..

    1. Georgeturner2001


      Yeah will be fine!



    2. Jedi_Master


      Unlikely, too cheap, probably a crap china knock off. Depends what you are using it for, just for the look as accessory or to spot / shoot targets. Would recommend VisionKing scopes. Have a search on forum.

    3. Skara


      mhm, they look nice!

      VisionKing vs Element/AIM-O? talking about quality, since the prices are very similar, around €65 from eBay vs €70ish at the local shop

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Low profile, kinda like it actually like a tactical laptop bag

    2. SgtTalbert


      I wish Helikon would follow suit and make one in their 'adaptive green' so it would match my chest rig from them

    3. Skara


      or an A-Tacs iX one so I can match my TMR ☹️


      Sent Emperion a message, asked if they could show me the pack rigged to a tmr to check if the buckles are compatible.

      I tried strapping my Condor hydration bag to it but for some reason the buckles aren't compatible.

      Condor male buckles fit too tight while the helikon ones don't lock.


      If they are kind enough to answer and they actually fit, i'll order one in either grey or OD and give it a paintjob to match the iX palette

  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalia_Poklonskaya


    I suddenly want to move to Crimea

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Little Miss Gulag-Chan, I guess some people like them strict and unhinged.


      Natalia Poklonskaya - Wikiwand

    3. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      Bit late on this one Skara, her time came and went...but yeah, would bang.


      There's some sexy bikini pics out there of her somewhere.

    4. Skara


      YouTube recommendations, you know..

  11. https://eu.novritsch.com/product/ssx303-stealth-gas-rifle/


    €270 and won't be shipped before April 2021.



    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      @Skara - Yeah I don't really get what the supply chain issue is. Even if you pre-ordered yonks ago you won't have one in your hands for another four months.

    3. Skara


      Speculation in the SniperWorks discord says that this delay is because he's making them on order (from what I've seen they actually machine the uppers in house).

      Although pre-ordering seems to be the standard now for new guns/gear/everything.

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      @Skara - That's one way to ensure healthy cash flow!.....also I may have accidentally ordered one but thinking of cancelling it in hindsight. I've just ordered another SSX23 and that shoots about as far as I would need it to. Plus, really struggling to compute having only 24 rounds in my primary magazine (plus those MK23/SSX23/SSX303 mags are a bitch to load). 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ak2m4


      For 19 euros it's a steal.  I purchased the metal version a while back from AE but it didn't fit on any of the uppers 😞


    3. ziCk_


      I mean go for it but why making ARP9 longer than it has to be? 

      As for delivery, don't worry - pretty much all of my AliExpress orders over last 6 months were delivered within 1 week, bar couple exceptions taking almost three.

    4. Skara


      Because a 5" carbine is called a pistol.

      Also my ARP already has a 9" front end.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Posted screenshots into the blog thread 

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      I don't understand..  guess I'm missing what you're talking about 

    4. Skara



      This thread, I posted the screenshots from that FB link in there if you want to take a look.


      The FB post hasn't been removed though, but it's in a private group you many not be a member of (sniper ops), this would explain why you can't see it.

  12. https://www.instagram.com/greyshopru


    Makes me want to buy all the things they have :(

    1. Zarrin


      Some East-block loadouts look pretty awesome..  might have a little browse of their shop

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      your wallet regretting buying an ak yet? :P

    3. Skara



      I have a SSO Smersh on my way, a Partizan in SS will most likely follow next week.

      Looking at Evolution flash mags and probably a chicom (or some AK pouches to put on my Mini Mav)

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFvMyssgdNI


    Just a reminder that throwing a bunch of cash at a problem won't automatically solve it.

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I think what he's trying to point out is that the titan is a tool designed for a very specific task and it's reliant on the rest of the system performing to a certain standard.


      But if done right it does give you functionality that nothing else does, at least nothing without an air line going into it.

  14. 3SG61V8.png

    My life is complete now :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Well my barrel doesn't want to move even with both grub screws removed :D

      installing the CU chamber was a twat (especially the c-clip, that part was super annoying)..

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i'm sure it was a bastard getting it installed in-situ, much easier if you can remove the outer and drop-in the whole inner assembly.

    4. Skara


      Yup, but it's in there now :D

      i just pray nothing happens to it or the rubber/barrel.

  15. €180 disposable income for airsoft.




    Will also need a couple of glock triggers :(

  16. 0.7J arp9.

    0.28g specna edge BBs.

    Maple Leaf MR hop.

    Easy 60 metres.


    Can't wait to see the results once I fix the air seal.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Skara



      Well, I have tested it in anger on Sunday, although without fixing the air seal.

      Managed to reach people at 60 metres (measured) while pulling a MC Hammer on them.


      Spread seemed almost non existent up to 45/50 metres, but I will have to confirm it with a proper shooting test (might record it and post it somewhere next sunday).


      Feeding is fine, somehow. My ARP never fed flawlessly for some reason.

      Overall impressed so far.

    3. Lozart


      @Skara nice. Omega nub I gues?

    4. Skara


      @Lozart yes, along with a shim between the nub and the arm, because without it (regardless of the rubber and tensioner used), the chamber gives barely enough pressure to lift 0.23s.

      Could be me missing something, as it's a modification I HAVE do to all my guns bar GBBs..

  17. 12:1 installed in the ak.

    Shimming was literally the same, bar a different arrangement on the bevel...


    Also, E&L gears and SHS/Rocket gears are awfully similar ;)


    Now, Perun, hurry the fuck up and release your new V3 mosfet.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sounds like 11.1 is pushing her fast enough that the tappet hasn't the time to close and seal properly before the piston is firing.


      might need a meatier tappet spring.

    3. Skara


      Was thinking of shaving the fin instead, but I might do it at a later date.

      Eeeh, we'll see how she does tomorrow :)

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Yeah likely tappet timing, full fin & a delayer

      especially if a long delayer like this...


      SHS Plastic Sector Clip - Airsoft Shop, Airsoft Guns, Sniper rifles, Airsoft  pistols, parts and bbs by FireSupport


      not as enormous as some sectors like JG one...


      JG G36 V3 Problem!!! - Electric Guns - Airsoft Forums UK


      now that is fucking silly, it is a one piece delayer

      that has a pin cast into delayer that goes through

      both halves of sector gear, so if you remove it

      you need to drift in an old axle from another sector

      to give you a pin to mount a more sensible clip...


      Delayer métal - Atelier Airsoft

      You can just slip on a sleeve from old gears/sector

      to add a whisper more retraction than delay as such

      like what is only option on a DSG...


      Sitting Duck's Content - Page 15 - Airsoft Forums UK


      For the game, run it mostly on 7.4v perhaps

      or 11.1v if running support for example


      Wait until you need to open her up again

      then either:


      remove/change delayer


      trim tappet


      lop a couple of loops off tappet spring


      if you short stroke it at some point

      then you you should trim off about 5mm from fin

      not insane stuff like DSG

      but an inbetween full & DSG fin so to speak


      TBH running it full stroke at 29~30rps at 325fps

      is kinda sailing a bit close to wind for my liking


      so really stick to 7.4v...


      What motor is in there ???

      Think that is a ZCI 22tpa/20~22k rpm as 30k would be like 25rps


      Something like a 25k would have just put you into the 20's

      but tbh you are pretty damn close to what you wanted


      but low current/amp draw, snappy response etc...

      short stroking might not be an option on a 400~450 barrel AK


      So overall you are at what you sought to be

      plus when the v3 Perun arrives you'll have pre-cocking

      so all's well that ends well as they say


      I'd be tempted to look for a slightly quicker motor

      not much quicker, but if you come across a cheap 19tpa

      then that could fit the bill


      but 30rps on full stroke 325fps is getting a little close

      and tbh as it stands atm on 7.4v, touching 20rps

      that's a good rof on a full AK, with snappy response

  18. 13:1 all the things?


    Only the AK is left to do now 😕

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster



      had to laugh when i was looking at them with the elite model "upgrade" over the advanced was just that you get access to the titan world rankings, woop de fucking doo......

    3. Skara


      Well you do get a slider instead of 5 definite steps on the trigger sensitivity tuning and a few other things, but the extra €50 are not justified imo.


      Was comparing my Advanced with my mate's Expert and apart from that (which I solved with a MAXX adjustable trigger because swag and beacuse it's easier to fine tune a screw rather than a slider on a shit smartphone -.-) I haven't found anything worth..

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      The slider is on the advanced? At least i distinctly remember a slider.


      Maybe a beta feature?

  19. 2.56 AM.

    4 hours of sleep.

    4 hours drive to do and 8 hours of tournament.


    Kill me please.

  20. 3 days into the new job.

    Someone broke into the office last night and stole.....




    A plant.


    A fucking plant.


    Nothing else is missing, just a plant.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Albiscuit


      It was clearly a vegan!!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      musta been hungry and fancied a snack.....

    4. Skara


      4th day.

      Someone stole our trash bin.


      This place is turning out to be worse than Mogadishu xD

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