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Status Updates posted by djben9

  1. well missing out on the ICS cheap Mx5 range late last year may work out better after all. 
    ICS are supposed to be releasing a new variant of the 3burst option Mx5 series :)

    just have to wait and see....


  2. After the tragic events yesterday, where 2 innocent people lost their lives, one of them was from my village 

    1. Skara


      Saw it on the news.


      So sad to see stuff like this happen.

  3. is there anything similar in the UK to the SureFire sidekick (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Surefire-Sidekick-Ultra-Compact-Variable-Output-Flashlight/dp/B0177H4S5Q/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=surefire&qid=1575133802&refinements=p_89%3ASurefire&rnid=1632651031&sr=8-16)
    , wife needs a bright but small torch for 'safety' when walking home from work, seems ok, cheaper in US, is it worth ordering from there?, is customs a bitch?....some uk retailers are asking for £100 when US is $20 ish on some sites https://www.surefire.com/sidekick.html............ sorry in a rush as getting moaned at! :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. L3wisD


      Ben, I have one of these on my keyring. Mentally bright. And has red/green light too.




      I can get you one, from work...  Ifyouknowwhatimean *taps nose*

    3. hitmanNo2


      Well this discussion has me wanting one of those Nebo Mycros now.  I have one of their Big Larrys and it's a great light.

  4. that feeling when you 'should' have got the AEG the day before when only 2 were left only to do it today as busy to find they are OOS...!!


    oh well, more annoying but maybe wasnt to be!

    1. djben9


      yeeep!.... hesitant.... thinking 'when would i use it'....tbh i may just get the 'plastic' body one, save a tenner!:lol:

    2. Steveocee


      Lesson to be learned. Don't hesitate. Buy instantly, short period of remorse, long time enjoyment.

  5. ***Email notifications may be working....i just got one!***

  6. when would you use a 'red light' in a tactical situation?, curious after catching up with Chicago PD and saw they used them a few times after entering a building and searching....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. djben9


      ive got some filters for my old surefire 6p, also the 4 colour LED lenser (white/red/green/blue), they all have uses, curious as that was the first time ive seen them 'in use' and was on a few episodes...wasnt sure why it was used n an tactical type way :)

      they use red lights in most aircraft if you look in films.... :)

    3. EvilMonkee


      Yep, same reason to maintain your nightvision when you look outside of cockpits.


      On a different topic, where are you playing these days now Urban is dead and gone?

    4. djben9


      thanks :)

      eeeer no where yet, only played once this year at Tuddenham, and that was a  day my brother hired the site in July....closest ive come was looking for a leak in my TM mag in the garden :lol:

  7. Remember, Halloween is not long ahead, please dont take you RIFS out....we have seen stupid questions asked on here in recent years!:lol::lol:.......:rolleyes:


    image from...



  8. As Sawyers status, beware, Janet's friend is still lurking in the midst trying to scam you out of your goods.........


  9. only Airsoft since July..... shooting the Glock in the back garden towards the shed....still satisfying! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. djben9


      indeed it is....just not had the time to get anywhere
      hoping 6th October at Tuddenham :D

    3. Rogerborg


      Do you have an AEG, or will you be renting one?


      GBB pistols are great fun, and effective in CQB, but not so much cop in woodland.

    4. djben9


      what me.....i have many my friend in the ICS brand, :D

      just not had time this year to play....saw the bag, thought id test the mag and shot off a few rounds at a box in the shed....mag was fine and no leaky gas!:lol:

  10. interesting to see a review about fan googles in AI....they have been out for years, and they do still fog up....ive got ESS and Revision and they are not 100% perfect! :lol:

  11. anyone watch SWAT on sky1 or steam?, just curious as to the eyepro they are wearing??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      cheers, watched a recent one and couldnt quite make out the logo ;) 

    3. Druid799


      Well dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians 😳 I never noticed that before ! AND I wear them my self ! 🤦‍♂️

    4. clumpyedge


      Pretty sure even in some of the flash back episodes they are wearing Wiley's but just a different model.

  12. please beware of


    seems Janet has changed her name :rolleyes:

    1. Rogerborg


      Still graphing those oceans though?

  13. any one know any sites near Palmers Green'. A guy at work mentioned he wanted to have a go at Airsoft but i live in Cambs, so dont know any sites near to where he lives he could visit?...well i had a google and got 'https://www.reforgerairsoft.com/'

    1. Prisce


      Depends how far he wants to Travel. AWA Herts isn’t that far as the crow flies.

    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Could try tech brigade in cuffley

  14. after all those years and getting masks to fit helmet straps.....this! :lol: :lol:
    Link to Amazon

    1. Robert James
    2. Akuma121


      Now find one with the padded cheeks and I might go back to wearing a helmet when I play 😄

    3. Robert James
  15. must resist military 1st discount, must resist military 1st discount..........not sure the loft can cope with more weight!!:lol:

  16. image.png.0f81a2b85cd54704fb28642ad6e17e77.png




    :lol: :lol::lol:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solly4568


      BANG and the spam is gone, in literally under 30 minutes, well-done @L3wisD although leave it a little longer next time I want to buy the cheap untracked, fake cash for less 😂

    3. djben9


      we get notifications but he usually beats me to it by around 5mins as he is already on here!! :lol:

      some of us have to work :rolleyes::lol:

    4. Jedi_Master
  17. @L3wisD always 5mins ahead! :lol::lol::lol:

    1. L3wisD


      Too slow! These spammers are outta here before they can blink 😎😁

  18. trying so hard to keep away from any  black 'day' deals........

    so far under armour from UKT , 50% off then the extra 10%....although will be used for other activities! ;)

  19. Anyone played here.....?




    brother sent me the link....

    not on Facebook so not looked at dates or if it still operates!! :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      Yeah I don’t use FB so had to copy/paste link as well, hyperlink would have been easier....

    3. Albiscuit


      Totally, I dont use it either but logging in on a work PC uses the work FB ;) 


      Site looks interesting and I would like to go, but its too far from me!

    4. djben9


      i may go with my brother, i prefer the urban/CQB stuff.....will keep you posted


  20. all seems clear on the western front tonight..... :)

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Makes a change from all the duff days there have been recently

    2. Jedi_Master
    3. djben9


      meant to say 'quiet'!!...not sure why i said 'clear' :lol::lol:

  21. 'greg' is the new Grey



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Druid799


      NATO standard you say ? 

      Me and Tackle will have that one totally sewed up ! 😉👍

    3. djben9


      Team Green do have a hungry games event on one of their weekends, it’s a great laugh 

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      The yellow duck outfit was OK in the winter when we first played


      But f*ck me playing in spring a bit later wearing that

      I lost half a stone in just two short games - ffs


      I was running like a tap inside

      my goose/duck was already cooked


      but game for a laugh as per usual


      image an older fart trying to run around with this loadout...


      Image result for duck costume for adults

  22. That’s me all ready for a hot day at Tuddenham with Team Green Airsoft:)


     Really considering shorts again!!


    Few female rentals which is good to see playing the sport

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      went on Sunday!!! (did you now see the other posts?)

      prob again in September now, will let you know:)

    3. Markuz


      oh  I see you went on the same day. Didnt see them. Thinking of going to Rift village again soon, had fun there.


      Let me know when going anywhere next I'll tag along : )

    4. djben9
  23. isnt it nice when the forum works together - spammer banned!


    thanks @Duff and @YorkieT17



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Duff


      He most likely thought he'd get some school kids in need of a "UKARA license"



    3. Seany.exe


      Was he at least offering UKARA licenses? :D

    4. Druid799


      I is real speshal farces yous no get these many medals if yous not ! 


  24. found new life for a pair of ESSv12s i had....used with smoked lens instead of sunglasses when cycling to work!.... no fogging either! :lol::lol:


    me 1 wife 0

    1. Jedi_Master


      Keep the air moving to stop fogging.  This could develop into Bicycle Airsoft, the exciting new answer to speedsoft. PvP jousting tournaments even. Now just need to learn to ride the Unicycle. 

    2. djben9


      imagine the carnage..!!


      crye precision Lycra! :lol:

    3. YorkieT17


      Well you can get multicam joggers so why not Lycra? 

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