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Status Updates posted by djben9

  1. it wasnt me!....i said cut the red wire! 

    looks like server related so only the special one can help us here :)

    1. snuff


      Are we using Zero in's old kit...?😩

  2. another idiot in the world sending bomb threats to primary schools! :angry:

  3. how easy is it to hit a fly with a bb ?? as working at home, this ones is worse than the kids fighting!! :lol::lol:



    ps wife isnt here so she wont know ive done it and any damage can be blamed on the kids when home from school!:rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Markuz


      Sometimes they just get stunned and get up again. Fry them like an electric chair!!!  Did one yesterday fir a bit too long.....burning hair smell discusting!!! 

    3. AndyDynamic


      No word of a lie, I've seen this done - in university we had some cheapo BB guns (shooting each other, what else) they were springers with 0.12 yellow BBs. I had an M16, a mate had an SA-80. We were sat watching TV and there was a big bluebottle buzzing around which landed high up on the window - he took aim down the iron sights, about 5 metres away, direct hit. The thing exploded up the window.

    4. djben9


      only have my glock to hand ;)

  4. @Duff for when you take your best friend....


    molle vest



    1. Duff


      Thanks for reminding me I need to get a promotion out this week.

    2. Druid799


      An essential bit of kit when your going for that Gucci look ! 



    3. Duff
  5. cant believe how well Viper did in the AI awards this year against WAS and Helikon.....and i didnt win anything again! haha:lol:

    1. Lozart


      Marketing for the win!

    2. TheFull9


      User vote right?  Cheap gear = more buyers = more votes.

    3. The broadsman

      The broadsman

      See how long it takes for the contracts to land.....


  6. That’s me all ready for a hot day at Tuddenham tomorrow with Team Green Airsoft:)


     Really considering shorts!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      I’ll be in red golf, should be there around 0830

    3. Duff
    4. Markuz


      Hi mate can't make this time but should be OK for next one. Have fun...bbq sounds like a cracking idea!

  7. Just got home to a letter from OFCOM, .....


    Seems ive been given, as others, 4 more frequencies to use :D

    1. Iisjreg


      Not quite yet. It's only at proposal stage but shouldn't be long.

    2. djben9


      Haha yeah you can tell I read it properly!!! :lol:

    1. Jedi_Master


      Bloody Minecraft, is it now a root of evil?  Should play proper computer games. Never hear issues about Grand Theft Auto...

    2. djben9


      i know!!, nothing better to do with their sad little lives!!.....

      not sure why the pic was embedded in the reply (now removed), seems to have issues at moment with work laptop!....it was a screen shot someone sent me! haha

  8. Has the forum updated as seems different on my phone this evening than this morning......

    1. LightningCh


      Yup, it's been updated, I personally don't like the colouring and stuff now. Guess we will get used to it though.

  9. out of curiosity, what ever happened to Airsoft Armoury (think it was called)?...did it close or change name?....used to look on their website around 2001 when i first stumbled on Airsoft :lol::lol: 

    1. Druid799


      I’m pretty sure it became Viking armoury , then went titsup , which was a shame as any Airsoft shop folding is a pity as it leaves more of the market for the big boys to monopolize.

    2. djben9


      cheers, always found it an easy site to use as well, unlike others out there :) 

    3. MZKaleem


      They moved from Little Chalfont to Reading under a new name, A2 Supplies, and are attached to the Mall. Whether its the "same" company now I'm not sure, but the same guys work there. https://a2supplies.co.uk/

  10. anyone still looking at Eye pro and the ratings, check out the current issue of AI....its all in there!........


    1. Sako


      Is AI available online? No retailers I know near me stock it.

    2. djben9


      yep, www.ai-mag.com


  11. Keep looking at MP5s.... now found MP5 mag pouches in atacs AU..... think I might have to consider it..... always been a fan since I stumbled on Airsoft in the late 90s :lol: :lol:

  12. Quick Q,

    anyone have a WAS spec forces DCS plate carrier??


    whats the pouch that comes with it for / go?

    it was attached inside, looks like a large mag pouch but no MOLLE only Velcro backing???

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      Unfortunately I haven't been home yet :( Just a few 417 pouches, utility pouches, I.D pouch, 3L hydration pack, pistol pouches, pistol holster and a PLB belt with drop leg platform. Need to get a couple other bits but I'd like to see how it is for now! I shall see tomorrow :)



      I got to try it out, I absolutely love it! Fits perfectly and feels very comfortable. Best carrier I have used so far. Although I did take the radio pouch out, may try it in a different location. But yeah, excellent so far

    4. djben9


      Excellent!!!!, can’t wait for my next game, hopefully at Tuddenham 

  13. If it works....


    cant make it but wish I could!!



    1. djben9


      doesnt work for me as not on Facebook but Combat Airsoft running a game on 3rd Dec at Pleasure wood hills, seems to be similar to the AI500 event in a theme park ;)

    2. Jedi_Master


      You are having a goldfish day... already a topic in Events


    3. djben9


      Haha just running 24hrs behind!!!....

      lack of sleep :lol:

  14. Popped into Homebase for some tape and noticed they sell mechanix gloves.... mpact nearest to tactical....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robert James
    3. djben9


      not sure but seems RJ has posted a link :)
      The Cambridge store didnt have any i would have worn, the Mpact were OOS :(

    4. snuff


      On Amazon they are well priced...

  15. how long until the topics 'can i take my gun out with me for Halloween' appear!! :lol::lol::rolleyes:

    1. Albiscuit


      do you mean I shouldnt? 

    2. Marc.RG1


      What your telling me I can't take my lever action rifle out? But I've bought a horse and boots and everything :(. Lol

    3. skarra333


      I hadn't thought of that, but now you've planted the idea that's aces... 

  16. had one of the my best airsoft games in my '2 years' yesterday at Tuddenham with Team Green Airsoft..... usually i go home content, its just shooting people and its good to get out and do it but myself and my brother were buzzing when we left 

  17. That's my gear ready for tomorrow's game at Tuddenham with team green Airsoft:lol:


    anyone here attending??? 

  18. Idiot!!!.....drove past the group a few mins before as witness describes, from a certain place that caravans never move from.....might have to check dash cam footage 




    Maybe he was heading to the RIFT Site:lol::lol::lol:


    1. djben9
    2. MZKaleem


      If you do have footage, even if it's not of the incident itself, call 101 and try to talk to the Officer in charge of the case. Might help with the case if the footage puts the defendant at the scene for a few mins before the incident. 

  19. For some reason I fancy an MP5, always liked them for years but not sure I can be bothered with gear change as all my stuff is M4 based!!! LOL!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. padraigthesniper


      Yh a little bit the one i had creaked but still, when it shot it was lovely and the toyish feeling was still nice lol

    3. AshOnSnow


      I think if I were to get a TM, I'd get some metal conversion kits and stuff.

    4. padraigthesniper


      But then you would ruin the tm magic that seems to dissapear as soon as you upgrade one of them. People was upgrading them only to lose performance. Your probably better off getting a src one from what ive heard they are made of steel and they shoot well.

  20. thinking of getting a Chrono, the XCORTECH X3200 (MK3 apparently), are there any others out there worth looking at for similar price approx £60

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc.RG1


      i have the mk1 xcortech x3200, and even that does a good job for me, for all my guns..


      the mk2 is better though, as it has shot count memory..


      check out the xcortech x3500 though, thats the best one they have made.. :)


    3. djben9


      cheers guys, i have the 3300w, but involves removing it from the barrel each time i need to chrono something

      i'll probably forget about it as i still have the spring in the loft ive not fitted yet!....kids get in the way at times....love em though :)

    4. Marc.RG1


      Lol I know that feeling mate..

      Happy shooting.. :)

  21. It's a small world out there!!!

    1. padraigthesniper


      Very small im 2 people away from knowing Dr Dre... Someone on here probably knows someone i know. You can get a plane to america in 9 hours. Its madness lol

  22. So what is a good hosting site now for linking pics here??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink


      Believe they get deleted if not viewed for 3 months on Imgur by the way.

    3. djben9


      cool, just needed to link here.....

      i'll give it a go anyway :)

    4. Marc.RG1


      Since photobucket decided to, stuff people up and start charging for its use, which I'm really disappointed in as its has affected thousands of posts on our forum, I have started using imgur, seems pretty good and easy to use, wish I started using it sooner to be honest..

  23. Playing around with the ASG AEG I won before tomorrow's use, pain to fit battery with Deans converter in but, shooting a plastic milk bottle with Excel 0.25s and they seemed to fragment on impact in the shed (stops bbs going over garden!!!)....my ASGs blaaters didn't .... mmmmmm

  24. Oooops, cleaned my Essv12 clear Lense with Abbey multi cleaner and I think I've removed parts of the coating.......oh well eBay time


    read revision instructions and it doesn't say anything about using or not using cleaners on their products????

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