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Status Updates posted by djben9

  1. Baofeng radios, not sure which one?.... UV5R?, UV5X? UV5R 4 th gen?. UV5RE? UV5RA?

    1. jcheeseright


      they're all largely the same, go for the standard UV5R and you won't go far wrong.

    2. GiantKiwi


      If you go for the older looking type (more typical radio look) you can also get extended batteries which triple the already decent battery life.

  2. ITV Anglia news to have a report on the 'deadly danger' posed by 'IF'.......wonder what it will be all about.......

    1. Hibernator
    2. djben9


      yep that was it, couple of Numpties in Luton walking down street wearing balaclavas and carrying their toys...... #idiots


    3. jcheeseright


      to be fair, there is deadly danger there... to the idiots carrying the imitation guns when the police turn up with their real ones.

  3. lots of sales on the forum and first time posters.....hope people are compliant :)

  4. ooooh a picture of me on the Gunman site gallery....just one luckily haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mos


      Haha awesome.. When my scope arrives. I might be able to go..

    3. Mos


      Sadly my bro (who takes me, as it's like 45 mins away does lots of bikestuff)

    4. Mos


      I'll let you know when my next game day is, summers coming, should be able to skirmish a lot.

  5. research time :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. djben9


      cheers, i'll have a chat with FS and others. Apart from trust on the fire selector, a mosfet of some type would help with that.....still green me when it comes to upgrading and tweaking!

    3. Lozart


      you COULD get a programmable FET that sets the fire mode to semi on both positions BUT if it's convenient to swap for you then it may not be acceptable to a site.

  6. mmmm DMR to add to collection....any ideas as a base, prob shop build though....

    1. SeniorSpaz87
    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      dmr covers a multitude of sins. what is it you actually want ?

  7. anyone off to Gunman Tuddenham tomorrow? (sunday)

  8. Oh well, UKT have 25% off atacs fg now, it would be wrong not to........

  9. still holding off buying....so hard as UKT sent me a 25% off email....gggggrrrrrrrr

    1. Jedi_Master


      I am not buying anything more until Warrior start doing kit in grey.

    2. djben9


      I can wait, already been moaned at as ive bought stuff I don't use (just need it!)....but she has to let me go to games to use it!! haha.....new downstairs toilet should keep her quiet for a bit, also hence no buying irrelevant bits!

  10. only a few more days and ive not bought anything for a month! hahaha

    1. Jedi_Master


      That is impressive, I have yet to manage it. too many websites to seduce the weak. Although now there are fewer but more expensive things on my list to buy.

  11. So far so good, not bought anything..... Yet.....

    1. Randymanpipe


      Not me :( I bought a Mk46 today for £200. With tonnes of extras, was absolute bargain!

    2. Jedi_Master


      Bit the bullet and bought some Mechanix mpact gloves even though my old ones were fine and there was no sale on. I blame the wine.

    3. Randymanpipe


      Haha, that's the spirit Jedi, what's the point in earning all that money if you just squirrel it all away! :P

  12. Power cuts tonight due to wind.....now the wife wonders why I have so many torches!!!

    1. Jedi_Master


      Just tell the family that you are a prepper, and how lucky they are that your foresight has paid off in providing necessary illumination.

    2. djben9


      my son was more excited about the 2 torches that came with a RIF attached!! :)..........funny only candle we had....was scented!

  13. so according to the instructions...ESS V12 goggles are not to be used for airsoft.....does anyone read these things :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hibernator


      They're not specifically designed for airsoft, so they put that in there as a "cover their arses" type statement. There's no worry of a small plastic bb coming your way on deployment in a war zone :) ESS say the same thing about their NVG goggles unless you buy the airsoft version. The only difference being that there's a plastic clip (cortex clip) that covers the air vents to stop a bb getting through!


    3. Josh95


      its just an insurance thing, if some one does lose their eye to a bb they don't wont to be held accountable

    4. djben9


      that's good, I wasn't gonna not use them, been hit twice in the 'lens' and still good! :)

  14. wife is out, kids in bed....what am i doing....'molling' up a chest rig! haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      indeed, now wearing around the house.....gotta adjust the straps....might play dress up! haha :)

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      lol - hmmm but does it go ?

      what does this look like ??

      what about this with those ??

      and we say about women getting ready - ya tart - lol

    4. djben9


      haha, gotta enjoy the me time! :)

  15. uuuurg back to forum and laptop/desktop wont copy paste....any ideas???

  16. SA tax paid, car tax paid.....oooops bought an ICS M4.....

    1. Mos


      Which one? There's a couple of then that are the same-ish. Was the one that we talked about a while ago?

    2. djben9


      not sure, it was the EBB one, ICS-321

  17. sooo...ive actually read the rules on posting clearly......lets hope Dev doesnt catch us!!! :)....bump :)

  18. multitasking....installing traktor on mac, surfing on laptop and football on tv....who said men cant!

  19. ok laptop is buggered, sent ITH a PM and it seems the text didnt go....lost in cyberspace but was there when i clicked send!!....honest#1

  20. well i heard Helikon arent making anything in ATACS any more.....hope what i heard was wrong :(

    1. Adam3088


      Perfect time to convert to Polish Woodland then!

    2. djben9


      I guess....just looking at mil 1st colour charts! haha

  21. never let your 3 yr old daughter pick your next RIF.....Its pink....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djben9


      haha, thought wife may like one, get her involved, get more of what I want...., I just had to keep it on screen!....and not sure Firesupport do any anyway!?....not checked :)

    3. Sitting Duck
    4. djben9


      perfect for her!.....at least i'll know who I shot!.....not that she would take it up and 3yr old is to young!

  22. its a quiet day......

  23. ooooh its so hard to keep off UKT site and get that rig in ATACS FG....so far so good.....

  24. seems to be struggling to find Helikon ATACS FG clothing in my size at a few places.... :(....maybe i should diet and shrink!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. djben9


      yep....maybe we should go into business.....clothing for the odd ones....someone will have a catchy name!

    3. Hudson


      Weebl Warrior Wear.

      Your pants wobble but they don't fall down!

    4. Aengus


      Like that one, have a cookie go on any website you've never been on before to get it ;)

  25. off to Tuddenham tomorrow (28/12) 'Who ate all the pies' run about, wife allowed it!!!....anyone going?, i'll have forum patch on vest....

    1. Randymanpipe


      I'm off to Combat south woodland for the post Christmas blow out. Chance to try the new weaponry out! :P

    2. Mos


      Was going to go, I'm full of cake sadly... Will go in the new year, is this your first time going there? I remember saying you wanted to go. Have you been?

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