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Status Updates posted by djben9

  1. damn work...if i could log in i wouldnt have 139 notifications!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. djben9


      indeed it does, I do read the replies on email via webmail, just annoyed I cant reply until site is disguised as 'fairysoft' not Airsoft or weapons!

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      can't view an old haunt ps3 hax forum on my fone plus others. Then I got some weird hijack pron link on me fone and thought wtf ???

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yeah some filters are crap to say the least

  2. ive done it...i hope....not bought anything over the weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      That is if I can find the f*cker - Mrs Duck was clever and hid my cards saying about more important stuff like food, bills, pressies for others - bah humbug

    3. Jedi_Master


      Still a day to go. I could not stay away from UK Tacical deals (again) so no spend November was a non starter. Have been buying grey clothing frpm 5.11 Tacical's Storm range. Suppose I should do some Xmas shopping but my idea of clothing is a little different from the wife.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      LWA send me reminders, latest one is free shipping to tempt me, but no code or still charged for shipping. Good excuse not to buy yet more crap. Bloody hard to say no though with offers around

  3. win 10 has fixed my quote post problem!

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      think I'll stay on ye old xp & win 7 thanks with my zx speccy in reserve. Just could not get on with win 8 and decided I will stay in the past

    2. djben9


      only the laptop, desktop is staying win 7 :)

  4. i hate the work internet filters....cant view AFUK or Fire support! :(....both classed as weapons!!

  5. a bit windy tonight.....better shoot downwind for those viital metres if your out!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Just had to weight down my bottle recycling box with a large rock to keep it on the driveway. Will have to watch the roads in the dark tomorrow morning for fallen branches.

    3. Esoterick


      Yeah i'd keep an eye out, my Dad was saying he had to take a detour tonight as one was completely blocking the road.

    4. BBrotherwood


      Try walking along the seafront onthe west coast of Wales :3

  6. only shooting i got this weekend was in parents garden with my soon and a polystyrene box!.....shooting better since trip to Firesupport :)

  7. only shooting i got this weekend was in the parents garden with n

  8. had to do it, spent some time with the UK1 on the bed, out the box, little play.....haha.....no game this week :(.....car issues and wife busy....

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Blimey ya wife fixes ya car ?

      Got her very well trained, can't get mine to cook let alone any mechanical work

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      actually not even much housework come to that, think I might get her a Haynes Manual for chrimbo and see if she takes the hint - or puts it over my head most likely

    3. djben9


      haha, I wish, kids all da, football training, parties and Tesco shop why she gets her hair done, tomorrow she has lessons to prepare for....not sure I can get a game in this side of xmas now :(

  9. staying away from FS website before another trip saturday afternoon....tbh not sure what i want next, son coming again so maybe the SAW......haha

  10. Trying....trying....trying not to buy anything.....on iPad which is good as it keeps crashing out!!!

    1. Jedi_Master


      November is a month of restraint, nothing I actually need just things I like the look of. Hopefully I will resist until the new year and refine my next shopping list.

  11. Got my UKARA number today......better hide the credit card!,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      Just go for it! aha. If your going to by one at some point... no time like the present....

    3. djben9


      Indeed, better take a few closer looks and pop into fire support

    4. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      Thats the spirit

  12. counting down the hours!!!

    1. Jedi_Master


      Remember that every day you are breathing is a bonus. And one more day closer to retirement.

    2. djben9


      ok 12 hrs it will be in my hands!.....then i'll come down to earth...

      not sure whether to rate it ahead of son and daughter?!! ............haha

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Depends on which gives you the most $hit n grief.

      Yes you are excited, probably more than kids on Christmas morning after Santa has been......

  13. most of the stuff i buy is 75% cheaper than what we know if anyone asks!!......whats that dear, a new hoover....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lozart


      My deliveries all come to work.....


      This isn't my first rodeo.

    3. Jedi_Master


      Just imagine buying cheap kit from eBay and finding out that it is your wife who has just sold your own stuff back to you.

    4. djben9


      Haha yeah that wouldnt be good, funny though

      Yep, work will be my new destination for parcels. How do RIFs get delivered?

  14. 6 days to go, roll on the 17th....my new baby gets picked up at UA :)

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      ya never forget ya 1st RIF

      yup I remember the anticipation, the waiting n stuff.

      Rihanna, my sexy little black FireHawk

    2. djben9


      haha, juat gotta remember to remind them to charge the batteries up....or i'll be throwing them!.......i do have li-pos and charger that also fits in car....

  15. ok that's the sling ordered!....just need my weapon now!....im like a fat ninja with foam swords....look the part but cant hurt anyone!

    1. Jedi_Master


      Then you get gun and realise that some of the kit is not quite right, then see some other bits you like the look of, want to tweak your loadout, see a discount code...lol

    2. djben9


      haha yep, like the recent warrior one i used!


      i need a bigger hiding place!

  16. if anyone asks i spent £3.82 at Firesupport......

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      This is where it gets interesting

      You search for some storage or hiding places for your stuff only to find $hit loads of the other half's shoes/handbags you never knew about

    2. djben9


      haha, I know!....I have some top wardrobe space where my £15 WAS vest currently sits...... might use the loft

  17. went to Fire Support with son....bad idea he wants me to get a support weapon or a Garand!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      No need to be running with a SAW, find a comfortable position and let the other team 'get some'. Could be expensive refilling the box mag.

    3. Hudson


      Tell him you'll get it if he can hold it over his head for thirty minutes straight.

    4. djben9


      Haha, the way he has been behaving that's not a bad idea!!

  18. recent spending is the fault of Jedi_Master & Lozart!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      What did they advise you to buy then?

    3. Jedi_Master


      I just used the Force and Jedi mind tricks.

    4. djben9


      FMA helmet!.....haha.....Jedi master for the site, i kinda got some extras while on there!

  19. anyone going to Urban Assault tomorrow....i have a target to pin to my chest/back!

    1. Mos


      Probably would have gone, though, waiting for gun to arrive

  20. Sep 19th game at Urban Assault booked...AI500 may mean a quieter day!...i mean i get shot less!

  21. i may ask some silly questions....but it helps others, that's my excuse :) haha

    1. CES_williamson
    2. Jedi_Master


      Yep, I do it on behalf of my idiot friend too ;)

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Better to ask silly questions than give silly answers....

      Oh no wait, that may apply to me depending on what mood I am in, ignore that.

  22. come on September!!!

  23. right time to browse and buy.....

  24. roll on the weekend!

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