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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/03/24 in all areas

  1. My son wanted to play this thing ‘Airsoft’ that I never heard of before. He told me that I have to play 3 times and then gift him a RIF. At first I was against it but he convinced me to try it out. I’ve enjoyed it and we’ve been going every month since. My relationship with my son has improved dramatically. Before we didn’t have much in common and now we talk Airsoft, equipment all the time (much to my wife’s annoyance 😉 So I would try to approach your dad from that angle. As Dan already said there are lots of Dad&Son combos on the field. I thought I would be far too old for this but I’ve seen lots of grey middle aged (and older) men out there.
    5 points
  2. As a father to a teenager I second that - the boy and I have our own distinct loadouts. Looking forward to him coming home in June so I can shoot the crap out of him again: We have (I like to think) a pretty solid relationship as a result of spending Airsoft days together. I certainly know him better than he thinks I do. The boy also has some school friends who's mum was into Airsoft - her and her partner's loadout's were pretty awesome. We had some fun gameday's as a group. However, your dad may have genuine reasons for being apprehensive - I was at first TBH. It's not just the financial cost of owning a gun. My brother and his missus are completely against guns of any kind for example so my nephew would have had no chance if he wanted Airsoft as a hobby. It's part of what sucks to be a kid. You have to respect the boundaries your parents put in place. Of course I am giving the OP the benefit of the doubt that this isn't a wind up thread.
    5 points
  3. Can do 😉 Here's my Hi-Power Unfortunately I had to go over the crappy scratching done before so its a bit messy but it does look better in person.
    5 points
  4. We all did it My dads stock answer was “go and ask your mum” 😂
    4 points
  5. Sadly..... You're still a "a little bittle kid" in the eyes of the law even though you likely have some fluff on your top lip now. Also a point to consider - if you live in your dads house, you need to live by his rules, he may have his own prejudices against it regardless to the legalities. Take him to a skirmish for the day, bit of bonding, you never know he may get the bug and then you'll have all the guns you want.
    4 points
  6. Hopefully, as you have your parents permission for this account they will also read what's on here. I'd really recommend to your dad (or mum) to go along with you, it's fantastic father and child bonding time. I've seen several father son/daughter duos in my time it always fantastic to see. They communicate, have fun, run around being silly, playing army soldiers etc. the bond I've seen in these situations has always been strong. It's hard to find bonding time with teenagers, especially with how prevalent screen time is. It may not be their idea of fun, but trying it might change their mind, it also gives them an insight to you they won't have had before, it can be relatively cheap days entertainment (you can do it a cheaply or as expensively as per budgets). And even if it doesn't become their new favourite hobby. They have had a day with you running about.
    4 points
  7. ....aaaand the Browning BAR
    4 points
  8. NEVER look through a scope that you cannot afford. Always take enough loo roll on milsims. Always sneak a hipflask into milsims - those nights can get cold. If your rif doesn't work, 95% of the time you should undo whatever the hell you last did when you 'upgraded/improved' it. Buy an anchor magnet and keep it in your vehicle (as per Strykerles!) Have a choice of food when playing over the weekend, its far nicer than eating something you really don't fancy. Take a basic toolkit and a spare gun and boots. Drink more water than you think you need to. Remember that you are there to have fun, and so is everyone else. It's a game, and sportsmanship is more important than your ego.
    3 points
  9. NEVER look in the classifieds 🤔
    3 points
  10. Just a couple of years to wait
    3 points
  11. On Easter holidays early ? (regulars will get that) But seeing as you clearly haven’t googled it, but your father may well have Here you go….. https://www.abbeysupply.com/resources/how-old-do-you-have-to-be-to-play-airsoft#:~:text=This means that anyone under,over the age of 18.
    3 points
  12. Update: Just got the machine and this is my first test
    3 points
  13. DaktariT

    Gun picture thread

    Haven't posted in a while but here's my Ares Striker. Two more months before I can field due to a knee replacement. Big change from fielding pistols to sniping.
    2 points
  14. As others have posted, its sales to under 18s which is legal not owning one, however as you're living with your parents then it's their house so their rules Also as you posted you've asked "more than a million times" but won't accept his answer so started this thread suggests to me you're not as mature as you think
    2 points
  15. That Abbey link is poorly worded. It is illegal to sell an airsoft gun to anyone under 18 But it is not illegal to own - it can be irresponsible to supply one to a person under 18 If the father was confident in their child being responsible enough then the father could legally buy an airsoft gun and gift it (with no exchange of money or other service) Unless the father is an airsofter then they would not be able to purchase a RIF, therefore could only buy and gift a brightly coloured IF There is seperate legislation for the storage of air weapons that if minors have access to the property the owners must secure air weapons. The police recommend a gun cabinet - but that is not the legal requirement, and subsequently seperate firearms legislation exempts (compliant) airsoft guns from firearms/weapon definitions (which can depend on different parts of legislation) Therefore it’s not illegal for the OP to own an airsoft gun, but it’s up to the adult responsible for that child
    2 points
  16. 1. Hoover your mancave on a more regular basis than once every 3 months (or so). 2. Don't bother checking the floor for teeny tiny airsoft bits (if you didn't know they were there then you didn't need them anyway) 3. your turn... On an unrelated note, approx 1000 .2's .25's .3's bb's for sale, only used once & fully upgraded with fluff & dog hair. (yeah, it was minging)
    2 points
  17. Keep an eye on those teeny tiny springs that will inevitably fly off into the ether never to be seen again Also magnets.....
    2 points
  18. Keep radio antennas out of harms way. My baofeng was clipped to my pc shoulder strap with it's antenna sticking up. I jumped into a ditch and somehow the Ariel went up my nose causing a nose bleed which caused quite a lot of concern! I've since changed to a stubby antenna 🙂
    2 points
  19. Scran What to eat and drink? Instant soup and drink mixers are the simplest and quickest. They are warming and provide energy. Screach can be consumed hot but it doesn’t isn’t any better. Although the sugar rush is as addictive. I tend not to brew up using tea bags. They just bring back too many bad memories… especially in the woods at night. In most situations snacks can be stored in spare corners of your kit. The traditional military biscuit will also help you by avoid the need to go to the toilet for then next day or too. 😉 A good filling and light weight option is instant porridge. If you are an athlete then performance gels might be your thing. If you do want something more filling then the options can be summarised as: 1a) Self heating meals (as CannonFodder mentions). You can sometimes find inexpensive ones in the supermarket. The are quite a few adventure travel ones, bit pricier. 1b) Or the military MRE heaters but I find them a faff as they don’t really work for a hot drink so you might as well use a stove. They are a lightweight back up if you carry ration packs. The above are flame less so some situations they maybe useful. However if you are carrying a canteen cup and stove might as well use it. 2) “Dry” dehydrated meals. These are very light. And could be anything from a pot noodle 😱 to a mountain meal. Generally just add hot/boiling water and eat from bag. 3) “Wet” meal ration packs and boil in the bag. Heavier but pre-cooked so they can be rated cold if needed. If cost is a factor just make bolognaise and put it in freezer bags, ones you can cook in are available. Cooking time generally 8-10 minutes. 4) Cooking direct in cup. Certainly do able but then you need preparation time and clean space. People may get upset at you catching and gutting the local coneys however. Options 3 & 4 are more suitable for use with a mess tins. But if you are in a team at a base camp you can more readily cook for the group in one go.
    2 points
  20. Water Most sites should be able to provide potable drinking water. If not there is the option to treat it yourself. But this is really outside the ideal of what we want for a game. If there is no supply on-site get a big bottle to keep in the car. For those considering some sort of Bambi goes Rambo themed survival game here is a summary of options: • Bringing water to the boil will kill bugs. Ideally with pre-filtering (with a millbank bag* for example) but this takes times. • You can mechanically filter. But takes time and filters are pricey. • Chemical treat in a canteen. Pop in tablet and go and play. Most water purification tablets were calibrated for military canteen volumes. Again ideally pre-filtered, which is time consuming. There can be health issues with using chemical tablets over time but a weekend shouldn’t be an issue. * Surplus millbank filters may have been used for liquids other than water and contain contamination. New ones can be had cheap these days.
    2 points
  21. Time for pyromania! The real reason anyone goes airsofting…. You’ve got your stove but now need to light it. Left to right: • Magnesium block and striker. Takes quite a while to get a decent number of shavings, best dropped on to duct tape to avoid them blowing away. 👎 • Fire steel/ferro rod. Pretty unbreakable but work best with processed tinder. Readily light gas and alcohol but easy to knock over the stove with cold hands. 👎 • Bic lighter with o-ring or cable tie to stop gas leaking. Handy for various jobs and pyro. 👍 • Windproof matches. Very useful as they can be inserted into most stoves without burning your fingers. Especially the UCO hurricane matches, bigger am better… 👍👍 The latter two are simple. But do practice stetting up and using your stove before trying it out and about. Solid fuel blocks such as Esbit can take a bit to get going so a flame held under them usually get the best result. One reason matches get issued in kits, plus they are light cheap and store for ages. Alcohol fuel blocks will light from a spark even when completely soaked, just tip water out and they will go. Other methods. • Wire wool plus battery. Just take a lighter. • Fire by friction. Good luck with that Bear Argyll’s. 😁 https://www.facebook.com/share/v/SzRzbCJEGo6DxwoP/?mibextid=KsPBc6
    2 points
  22. For cheapness option 2. The very robust solid fuel “Tommy” cooker style stove and cup. The hardware in this is £20-30 including enough fuel for half a dozen brews. • BCB Metal Crusader mug. • Highlander army stove. • Fuel tabs. • Windproof matches. • Soldering mat to protect the grass • Long spoon, for eating directly from food packets. • Plastic fold-a-cup. Nicer to drink from and you can make a brew/soup in this while still cooking in the metal cup. • Gloves. The metal mug handles get very very hot when the fuel initially flares up. This set up is very simple and very robust. Even if you some how broke the stove you could still run it. Alternatively just use 3-4 big nails jammed in the ground or rocks as a stove. The old issue stoves with a holder for the Crusader mug are a bit more stable. Heximine and Esbit are a bit toxic and leave a residue on the outside of your pot. Rubbing them in the soil or sand is enough to get this off. If you are using alcohol based fuel blocks or gel, then a bit of foil folded to make a tray or stove specific works better. The fire dragon stoves are also cheap. The fuel is a bit pricier than hexi, but legal for sale! Supposedly non-toxic and less odour. As it’s alcohol based the flame is clearer so it’s difficult to see it’s lit in daylight. It leaves less sticky residue on your pot, just soot. The stove tray will get a crust in it, but this doesn’t effect function. Extra kit may be a: • pot scourer or tissues to clean up. • Pot/mug lid, metal ones are best or tin foil. Retains some heat and keeps out bugs. • Heavy foil wind shield. But this is then an extra faff to set up. These types of stoves are usually cool to the touch by the time you have had your brew. As a side note round pots are a bit more fuel efficient and boil quicker due to better heat distribution, or something. So if you don’t need a metal mug to stack with an issue canteen they are a good alternative. They can be a little less convenient for boil in the bag though. There is no issue with using aluminium cook ware, steel is obviously very strong. Titanium is lightest but most expensive and if actually cooking can burn things more easily. However my focus for this cheap. 😉
    2 points
  23. Speedbird_666


    What a spectacular crock of horseshit from HOLUBs site. One example - Krydex Tactical chest rig: £69.99 on HOLUB, same rig £59.28 shipped with VAT/Fees paid from Aliexpress - In fact the non-MC versions of the same rig are cheaper still. I'm sure there's more - but this is literally the first item I looked at. May as well order direct from Aliexpress - I've never had a problem, and their shipping has been fairly quick (7-10 days lately).
    2 points
  24. I can smell this comment
    2 points
  25. The brew kit Many militaries issue some system to let individual soldiers make hot drinks and heat up rations in the field. Few airsoft events involve living in the wilderness for any length of time but being able to get a hot drink is very useful for morale and we are here to enjoy ourselves, allegedly. For the more involved events you may be expected to provide your own catering, so a little more capacity to cook is useful. Some brew kit options: 1) Hot drink in an insulated container. Possible but it’s limited how long it will stay warm. Maybe useful for winter day game but bulky. Immediately ready to use. 2) Gas canister stoves and Jetboils. Jetboil & Fire Maple type flux ring heating systems are fast and originally intended to fit in an issue utility pouch. Great for boiling drinking water. Expensive and some breakable parts. Compact canister stoves are cheaper and can be very compact. Like jet boils there are parts that can break. Also light & fast. All gas stoves can be noisy and it is possible to mishandle and ignite the can if you are a knob head. 3) Military style solid fuel coolers. The old “Hexi TV”. In the UK HEXAMINE is now band and like US trioxane not healthy to breath the fumes in an enclosed spaces. Esbit also smells a bit. BCB fire dragon gel/blocks is a bit more eco and lights very easily. Solid fuel stoves are very cheap and robust but can take a while to get a full boil depending on conditions. Quiet and May or May not smell. 4) Liquid fuel cooking systems. Pressurised systems like the MSR whisperlite light take time to set up an prime. Are often expensive and commonly flare up more than other devices on ignition. Often sound like a rocket launch when running. As quick as gas once going, breakable and the most complex to operate. Traditional systems like the Trangia are very robust but you need to take care with loose liquid fuel. Take a few minutes to prime but very hot once running. Quiet when running and usually not smells. 5) Wood burners. Good luck with this, way too much work. Options 2 & 3 are popular with soldiers for a reason. Either speed (2) or simplicity (3) and possibly the hexi fumes.
    2 points
  26. Doc94

    VFC Glock 45

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    VFC Glock 45 with the VFC Fowler Industries Steel Slide kit. Comes with the Holy Warrior Trijicon RMR, the Mafio Tritium night sights with the correct Trijicon markings and also the 5KU Micro compensator. This thing feels amazing in the hand. Have never used it so can’t speak for how it’ll perform in game, but it is a VFC Glock so I imagine very well. Will also include the original VFC G45 aluminium slide. It is Roland special sized so will fit any Glock 34 holster. NOTE: the Surefire light is not included, only pictured to illustrate length. All in, with shipping and customs from Asia, this thing cost me just over £500. I’m asking £400


    - GB

    1 point
  27. General

    Asg raffica n 2 mags

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Asg raffica n 2 green gas tight mags Full n semi auto Retail £200 with 1 mag Gone hpa just sitting in the box £90 ono all in posted


    - GB

    1 point
  28. It's a great video, really got me wanting one. And great to see Ollie being himself, in spite of everything
    1 point
  29. Its much cheaper and safer to buy from Asia than US. Most Airsoft stuff is made in Asia anyway
    1 point
  30. You'll get a QR code with your npas & the link will show you how to fit it. Plenty video's on YT too.
    1 point
  31. Ahoy and welcome. The actual legal risk isn't purchase or ownership, but being tempted to take it out in public to show off to your mates, or even just being seen through a window. So how about suggesting that your dad owns it and keeps it securely locked up, and that you only get your hands on it while at site.
    1 point
  32. Kelly kettle, now that is decadent sir! Get the tiffin tins and it’s four course meal time. 😁 I’m going to discuss a couple of shelters setups. Starting with British Army Standard Hotel Accomodation. For skirmishes there’s basically two (non emergency) uses. 1) Weather protection at some sort of harbour area. and/or 2) Concealment for an observation post. I’m a bit wary of tarping over location that will definitely get bumped. Just because I like pyro a lot… ACF YouTube video about the basics. For our purposes quick and easy is what we want. I am not a big fan of bungies however. Mostly because when they go ping they are bound to hit you in the face or nuts. But your mileage may vary! Centre ridgeline basha General use shelter. The setup below is a variation of the basha with the cordage and ridge line already in place. If tying between two trees it uses minimal hardware. Avantage of pre-rigging is that is very quick to pitch. Disadvantage is that you’ve lost some flexibility so as you have to take stuff off to change the set up. Bundled up. Main ridge line is just wrapped around the whole thing. Partly unrolled. You can set this up by tie one end to a tree and unroll it as you go and then trying off the free end. The basha Will the just hang from the line. The line is pretty thick and it easier to work with than paracord. But that works just fine too. The ridge line is pre rigged run through the centre loops on the basha. The knots on the two one loops are PRUSSIK’s. These self lock under load. This means you can tension the basha separately along the ridge line and move it along to where you want it. Staking straight to the ground is the most weatherproof. Using the guy lines gives more clearance. These I quite long as as I often pitch it above a hammock. If I intended to use this for concealment I’d rig the ridgeline along one edge. There are a lot of ways to set up tarps and the Aussie hootch/basha has a variety of eyelets and studs so you can button it into a tube or join them together.
    1 point
  33. Johnhaw


    Quick update I texted Holub, who advised my order will be with me by 4th April, the odd thing is I wasn’t asked for any order details. How would they know which order, I was speaking about. so PayPal dispute opened and will definitely be avoiding
    1 point
  34. I'm not "getting off" on anything, just saying how the OP comes across to me. Imo repetitively asking after being told no is hardly a sign of maturity
    1 point
  35. DanBow

    What are you driving?

    My ex wife around rhe bend, mostly.
    1 point
  36. Buying and selling under 18 = illegal Owning and playing under 18 = legal Gifting or being gifted under 18 = legal So the solution is ask your dad to buy it, then gift it to you, as a gift, buy he will only be able to buy an IF (two-tone) without a UKARA so that is what you can get for now When you are 18 and get your own UKARA you can buy anything you want
    1 point
  37. Deja vu is strong with this one! Accidentally replaced my halogen bulbs with hallucinogen bulbs. Now the circuit breakers are tripping and my electric bill is really high.
    1 point
  38. Great stuff. Loved the tip for not letting your Bic lighter lose gas. Defo second foil backed double skin tarps for shelter. I'd add hobo cooker and Snugpak Jungle Blanket, as well as Kelly Kettle and cook kit as options too. They are the more feral ends of this type of thing though tbh.
    1 point
  39. Over friendly roe deer. He said he call me too…… 😭
    1 point
  40. If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat, don't open it. It's spam.
    1 point
  41. Shelters No not that kind. These: For bulk comparison compared to a 1 quart sized canteen. • Far left is the issue Aussie Hootch, maybe the king of bashas. • Top centre is a foil lined heavy tarp. • Top right is a silnylon “ultra light” tarp. • Botton left is a coy of the USGI poncho. I’ll go through each of these below with plus’s and minuses. As well as some set ups. I’ve deliberately omitted period military shelters and tents. They can have there place at events but I’m concentrating on what can be carried as part of a webbing set and used in the game. At a big event and even if sleeping in a building these can often be a barn or large disused building. For these situations a cheap single skin or pop up tent could be useful. It gives some privacy and an admin area where you can just dump kit without it getting lost.
    1 point
  42. Mazda CX5 but looking to change it for either a Mazda CX30 or a Dacia Duster Prestige. Huge difference but buying the duster will free quite up a few £££'s every month & allow me to get a newer car.
    1 point
  43. This is still good info for those who play at sites where lunch isn't provided or is frankly a bit shit as on a cold day a hot meal or drink can really boost morale. In these situations I've often taken a flask of tea (you really should avoid coffee as caffeine dehydrates you) and a small gas stove with a camping meal along with a set of mess tins. Alternatively there's the self heating MRE style meals. These are more expensive but are great if space is an issue as you only need to add some water in the outer bag and a chemical reaction produces heat to warm the food pouch.
    1 point
  44. That last bit: Cosplayer World Ltd "I don’t have any more time to waste with you on this as you obviously seem to be bored and just want an argument. The VCRA section is an addition to the base policy INDIVIDUAL cosplayer cover. The same as the cinema ADDITION for groups that I already clearly explained. The VCRA section is just there, you don’t have to use it. It’s part of the whole package that we provide you for a measly £20 a year. If you have car or home insurance, you don’t have to, nor are you expected to have a fire, flood, theft or accident at once. It’s also part of the whole insurance package, for your own peace of mind. I’m refunding and cancelling your policy as I personally consider your lack of basic understanding to be an additional risk in itself. Goodbye and good luck." They (he) knows they've been rumbled & trying to get out while blaming @Tommikka for being too stupid to understand their bullshit (obviously he's a paintballer so not the full ticket🤪). definitely a scam of sorts, although those who have used it to bypass the vcra may argue otherwise. Shame on the retailers that accept it alongside ukara, their greed also puts the game at risk, the people behind ukara should withdraw it from the retailers that accept cos-play.
    1 point
  45. Rogerborg


    That's surprisingly honest, but I suspect this is effectively buying random tat from AliExpress (which is itself a middleman) via another middleman. You'd be better off going straight to AliExpress as you'll have better comms, tracking, compensation and refund options. Holub doesn't appear to be a company, and they use multiple 3rd party email addresses. [email protected] appears to be the one for refunds (and cancellations). I'll apply my usual observation: initiating a chargeback with your payment provider tends to result in getting a response. However, never cancel a chargeback on a mere promise once you've initiated it, only when you receive the goods. Better to have the goods and your money than neither.
    1 point
  46. Just add a can of monster and a Dye mask for the perfect no girl will ever touch my pee pee loadout
    1 point
  47. I almost fell of my chair. I guess people have different tastes which is great but you couldn’t pay me 750 to carry that thing around.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Last time I was in Egypt, I was offered a real one for less than that lol
    1 point
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