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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/24 in all areas

  1. I think I managed to grab the last one available, I searched everywhere 😂
    4 points
  2. GenuineGerman

    Hello Again

    So after a fairly long hiatus due to having more kids (Clearly can’t keep it in my pants). I finally have the time and more importantly money to get back into the hobby. All I need to do now is restock all my stuff. if I don’t tell the missus how much it was she won’t mind haha 😂 But I’m a few years older definitely not wiser and can’t wait to get started again.
    3 points
  3. I carry them in their quake. If I need to chuck a grenade more than 7 times in a game, I'm in the wrong game. The refills stay in the safe zone.
    3 points
  4. What do you get if you cross human DNA with goat DNA? Banned from the petting zoo
    3 points
  5. A very busy and stressful time at work sent me looking for retail therapy, so decided to venture back into the realms of a plate carrier for CQB and games where I don't need to carry as much kit. Picked up a Ferro Slickster and triple 5.56 insert, arrived the next day and really happy with it. It seems comfortable and light, and should be exactly what I'm after Pics to follow once I've had a chance to try it out.
    2 points
  6. I saw a man going up a hill with a trolley full of horseshoes, four-leaf clovers and rabbits' feet. He was pushing his luck!
    2 points
  7. Not a new pew but it was away getting sorted by our local tech for a while, got it back a few weeks ago (shoots like a dream now), thot I'd try an LLm01 on it purely for the looks.
    2 points
  8. n00b1982

    Gun picture thread

    Not posted in a while and not great with pics 😂 GHK Mk12 Mod1 Forged Edition, kitted out to look like the Line Survivor build used by Marcus Lattrell. Hogue Grip M3 Scope Replica KAC rail covers KAC Style Vert grip Somogear PEQ2a VFC KAC Style Bipod Mount Harris 9-13” bipod Zparts Muzzle break with Zparts Suppressor Nearest clone ARMS scope rings I could find
    2 points
  9. They will strike from underneath given enough of a whack, or a direct strike to the base of the anvil. You really want the base of the primer (bit with the hole) covered as that's where the brisant material will explode from. Look at a fired cartridge that has been hit by a firing pin that is too long. The pin will pierce the striker and the metal of the pin will be burnt to such an extent that the hardening goes and it becomes pitted and brittle. The pierced metal face of the primer will be burned black as it has been exposed to such high temps. Now imagine that amount of heated material hitting human skin. If a primer goes off in your hand for example, it will likely leave a disabling amount of damage. I know I'm harping on, but I've worked in this field years ago.
    1 point
  10. Finally bought a TM MTR16 G edition, been after one for ages …. I even have almost all its upgrades waiting (hop arm, hop rubber, buffer, rocket valve, nozzle spring etc) …. Just waiting for the inner barrel, foregrip and short dot to arrive 🤣🤣🤣🤣 if anyone asks, at the time of purchase, I was unsupervised 😉😉
    1 point
  11. What are you trying to say? Huh? 😇😂
    1 point
  12. Boomarms mos plate on its way, along with a cutey ikle Trij Sro clone Also just received a Kydex Customs Pro series holster, as the bare bones that I had was exactly that, and wouldn’t accept my qls attachment so as I could easily swap holsters over from my Hi Capa if I felt the need
    1 point
  13. Yeah there's definitely some merit to that point. I can certainly leave my spares in a toolbox and refill between rounds if I have to
    1 point
  14. ak2m4


    that's wonderful news. The flat little boxes are a godsend. 90% of the orders I have can fit into a Large Letter box, this allows me to keep the fee for Tracked 24 to just £3.30 (Royal Mail price rise imminent) plus you don't need to be in when the post arrives. I could save a buck or 2 by going down the jiffy bag route like most other retailers but nah keep it boxed....
    1 point
  15. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    Oh well you can't be lucky all the time😉 It'll probably do until a nice M9 comes along.🤭
    1 point
  16. Being my day off I've popped a couple of canisters & several bb's through it and I can rest easy, it's a respectable 1.66j but a little hot on 2.5's at 377.6fps for my local site.
    1 point
  17. Few things scream "clown" louder than.. "6 x 3500 bottles of bbs mixed .2s .25’s .28’s" What? You've mixed weights together? I also particularly like the "must have a valid UKARA"....how is he going to check it's live?
    1 point
  18. I've been using a 5.56 strip clip that I bent a bit smaller (narrower) with some pliers. Makes the strikey side of the primer covered in metal and with a hole drilled in one end, it's tied onto a pouch it's stored in. As they are quite firmly in place, makes it easy to just take one when needed and I top it up between game days, it can take around 12 at a time
    1 point
  19. Got snapped last game day (which was a narrative storyline event), which is a rarity! I'm really liking the kit setup at the moment, the belt kit has enough space for me to carry 4 spare rifle mags, 4 spare pistol mags, spare gas and BBs too, and I way prefer cape ghillies to these over-engineered bush suits. It was not a good day to run the gas m700 on green gas and I'll have co2 mags for next winter for sure! Seeing these makes me remember I still have a lot of weight to lose (though I'm about 8kg down so far this year!). Photos by M. Matthews Photography Also, our resident youtuber was playing the role of press at the event and said he was looking for me to interview during the game and couldn't find me. He pointed the camera straight at me while interviewing another lad and had no idea, even though I move my leg during the shot. Full video is here and I recommend checking it out as it's a good laugh from a great event
    1 point
  20. I have to post the video of sunday, recorded by our local youtuber Stingray Airsoft. I was one of three PMC's and it was very fun dipping into some roleplay and messing with both sides. It's a long one but it's excellent. Well worth a watch.
    1 point
  21. OK, so having searched on this forum and found countless threads that havent been completed or had some sort of closure on it, i'll end this with my conclusions... They are not as scary as you make them out to be in your head. The Hype is real but at the end of the day, its just a badass motor. Get the proper thread lock. download the manual from the website as the BASE motor doesn't come with any. Fit it carefully and like everyone says, "if it just goes click, disconnect it and check it". I left the heatshrink on the motor terminals as I'm a Muppet and i didn't want to reverse polarity kill it. adjust. enjoy. Can honestly say, its a hoot. not the cheapest mod you can do but for pure perverse enjoyment of those small balls travelling, its worth it. Spent all day skirmishing with the Aug and not once did i regret it. If you're on the fence. DO IT. This has been an AUG public service announcement.
    1 point
  22. emilianoksa

    UPS Castle Donington?

    Oh dear. My commiserations. I can't think of any good reason why they should be allowed to get away with what they did to your gun. What gives the government the right to damage your property without apologising or paying compensation? What a crappy country we have become. Thanks for letting me know. I won't hold my breath.
    1 point
  23. Does anyone know how long it takes to fix a hearing aid? I dropped mine off two weeks ago and I've heard nothing since!
    1 point
  24. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    "It's been proven that 9 out of 10 women who sit at home and have conversations with their cats are really odd." My dog's full of useful information like that.
    1 point
  25. Bought from off here . . . Quick release mag pouches, 4 x M4, 8 x double stack pistol. I've no actual idea what I'm going to do with them though!
    1 point
  26. I talk to my plants and they grow better. I talk to my cows and they produce more milk. It's in one ear and out the udder!
    1 point
  27. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    That actually works quite well 😄
    1 point
  28. EDcase

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Was it in front or behind you? 🤣
    1 point
  29. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I went for a run yesterday.I didn't intend to but the fucking ice cream van wouldn't stop!
    1 point
  30. DanBow

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Another man threw sodium chloride on her. That's assault!
    1 point
  31. A man has thrown milk over Greta Thunberg. How dairy!?
    1 point
  32. Spent rather too much on this WE M14 but its a beauty (Top image is darker as it shows the 'before' process of weathering) I have modded the trigger group with JB Weld to make it stronger
    1 point
  33. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Cooking advice. Can anyone help me, I put vegetables in my multi cooker and selected the cake option. When it was done, they were still vegetables. So what am I doing wrong?
    1 point
  34. See also: Jargon: a man from Norfolk running down the road in a tracksuit.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Propaganda. Is that a good look for Londoners?
    1 point
  37. Is it all the TLA's?
    1 point
  38. Apologies if this is boring-as-shit, but I feel I have to document this as I seem to be very good at learning stuff about this gun, going a few months without touching it, forgetting some of that information, and having to start (effectively) from scratch. So, having said that - good news... I meddled with the RoF valve and the power output valve, and by hook / crook / sheer luck the darned thing started to fire better on semi AND full auto. I took it along to the skirmish on Saturday really actually hoping to use it 'in anger' for the very first time. (People have told me that Tippmann's are finicky to set up, it looks like you need to balance the valve settings for them to work together properly) Well, the hop up just still wouldn't play ball, so it got left on the bench. The best I got it was that out of 10 BB's fired, 5 or 6 would hit the sky, 1 or 2 would fly flat, and the rest would arc towards the ground. But I've now made some more progress. I've tweaked the RoF and power even further so it's now spitting out 0.28's at 290fps, showing a great deal more consistency. And the RoF has bumped to (guesstimate) 15rps. I took the hop cylinder out z and looking closely at it I realized it has, I think, a custom nub. Instead of the 'pencil eraser' lump ,shown on the photo of the stock unit above, it's got a shape rather like a horse's saddle with a shallower 'ramp' on one side than the other. It's like an even fancier version of an Omega nub. I think I've now oriented it correctly (it rotates freely on the unit, so there's every chance it wasn't straight-on originally). The TDC adjustment screw now works smoothly and with a consistent resistance when adjusting it, because I also oriented the cylinder to ensure the grub screw engages with a recess within the groove (not shown in pic, unfortunately), so there's no longer any chance the unit will be rotated instead of increasing or decreasing the height of the nub. Annoyingly I won't have the option of checking the true accuracy of the gat at skirmish range until next year, but I guess if I get all the BB's hitting within a few inches at 15m then it'll prove the hop is properly engaged... tomorrow will be the first chance to have a try at that. I'm really excited because, damn it, this thing is really fun to shoot Edit: Fecklity-feck, it really seems to be working! I can now adjust hop successfully - it'll over-hop 0.28's visibly at 15m, and I can dial it all out or even - get this - set it correctly. So it groups! I have a usable Tippmann at last. Yay! My joy is unconfined!
    1 point
  39. I have had another go at fettling my Tippmann sort-of-recently, and it's still not right. 1) The TDC hop is ... Yes. Proper. It's spinning right round like a record, baby. Not engaging with a thread to actually apply any downward pressure. Either the thread the hop screw has stripped, or it's gone walkies altogether... I'm sure it used to be fine, but it ain't now! Edit: Oh dear, I think I was being a noob. I just found a video explaining how the TDC hop works. I may have a loose grub screw preventing it from working properly. I'll go check! 2) The Rate Of Fire is a bit pants. It must be chugging along at 10-12rps or something. I've seen videos of Tippmanns ripping along very nicely at above 15rps. Maybe I need a different bolt or recoil spring to achieve that, but I suspect it's more the set up or a problem...? 3) Semi Auto doesn't work properly. If I have the full auto working, then the semi auto tends to occasionally spit out 2 or 3 BBs. If I turn the RoF down to the point that semi is reliable, then I basically end up with full auto also working as semi! I have already contacted Dave Sutton at Kore Outdoor UK, who I believe are the UK distributor for Tippmann parts? He suggested some lubrication which I did already... so looking for any other hints or tips!
    1 point
  40. Pissed off big time! Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and cleaning barrels ready for Saturday's game at z mart Newbury. Damnit very nearly had it all ready by front door! Just got email from ukapu that z mart,for reasons unknown as yet,are unable to cater for us.☹️ I was really looking forward to going. I'm so pissed off that I'm considering going out and buying a cat so I can kick it! ☹️☹️☹️
    0 points
  41. This G36KA4 build is going to be the death of me. Parts held at customs and incurred charges. The hop up I managed to get fitted has fell apart. The K length inner barrel has put the fps to 360 and the selector plate has failed. All a few days before I’m going to a game 🤬
    0 points
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