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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/20 in all areas

  1. You have to promise to stay away from Hatton Garden.
    2 points
  2. Chev Chelios

    Older People

    They have options, air weapons are much better for plinking with the only requirement to purchase being over 18 (until you start getting higher on the power lvls) they tend to be cheaper to. Have a search for "M4 style air gun" and that should put you onto a few sites.
    2 points
  3. Eh, my personal preference/thoughts is drum mags only look right on specific RIFs... often, but not limited to, ‘support weapons’. But I don’t tend to try pushing my opinions on others. Irrelevant of how folks get enjoyment out of what they use and how they use it, I’d rather have folks to play with/against than not. I’ve said it before, but people spend far too much time worry about what other people are doing/using. Often to the detriment of their own enjoyment. I swear airsoft is a secondary hobby to some, with the primary hobby being ‘moaning about airsoft’.
    2 points
  4. Finally an up-to-date armoury picture
    2 points
  5. proffrink

    System: New Members

    Important stuff in bold. Message and content allowances for new accounts Following a large recent spam wave (where numerous bot accounts circumvented our captcha and anti-flood restrictions by posting as legitimate sign-ups), steps need to be taken to limit the amount of spam that a single account can conduct before being found and closed down. Currently there are few restrictions on how many messages you can send as a new member. As a new member, you can have up to 250 total conversations with 8 total recipients in each. Meaning that - with the right script - you could send as many as 2,000 notifications every 15 minutes to users of the forums. This happened last night with approximately 50 new accounts, so you can imagine it was putting quite a strain on the webserver (not to mention the illicit spam being sent out to legitimate forum users). As of last night (06/12/20): when signing up you will only be able to have a total of 10 conversations with up to 4 recipients in each as well as only being able to make 10 posts or comments a day. After one week this restriction will automatically lift. If you are reading this post as an existing member who signed up before last night, your account will not be affected by this change (even if you only signed up two days ago). We do not wish to discourage new sign-ups by not allowing them to communicate with sellers on the Classifieds (our main source of new members) or preventing them from participating in discourse at all. This restriction is only present to restrict the amount of spam that might flood the website at one time so that moderators have a chance to react and shut it down. Increased bot protection A simple tweak to our 'security level' in Cloudflare* means that you may be presented with an access challenge (basically another captcha) to check that you aren't a bot. Although we already use invisible reCAPTCHA on our sign-up form, don't be surprised to see this new Cloudflare captcha for a few days as it learns to 'trust' your device/browser (for most of you, you'll see nothing). Thanks. *a service that this website uses to mitigate Denial of Service attacks and to save data by caching certain forum pages
    1 point

    Afuk Meet up 3.0

    Hi @Robert James! 👋 Ok, shoul be able to do it, will check with my friend @Sneaky and get back to you ASAP? 🔫🤞 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  7. Shamal

    Older People

    Ah yes but injuries aren't just confined to airsoft sites I was stalking a squirrel in garden with mk23. Weapon in ready up and extended position giving it my best man from uncle style. Squirrel ran off laughing as I fell over a two ton concrete frog that has been on patio for ten years! Cut knee and sprained wrist. Saved gun though.🤭👍 Regards
    1 point
  8. Adolf Hamster

    Older People

    Its worth pointing out that you dont have to be running about all the time when playing airsoft, you can play at your own pace. One of the best counters to a player charging round the sides is an old bugger quietly parked in a hedge like a sentient landmine and there absolutely is value in having a couple of players in a team doing that.
    1 point
  9. Put some upgrades in my new Marui Mk23. Sadly the barrel I was advised to get is not compatible (Nineball Deagle barrel for sale!) But installed ML Autobot 50, Hadron H Arm, Hadron twin screw TDC. It shoots so straight and far! It's incredible. Over hopping .4's with ease. Cant wait to try .48's. Just need that tightbore barrel to get more FPS out of it for the BB speed. It's annoying how much farther and straighter it shoots then my upgraded SRS and VSR!
    1 point
  10. I will quite happily shoot all sorts of Airsoft players, I’m not fussy. Sometimes shoot my own team when they can’t see me and I hear them being unreasonably rude (take your effing hits etc) just for the fun of it as cheat calling is so tiresome when it’s obviously out of range etc. I appreciate that will offend some but I can only apologise and shoot you anyway. 😄
    1 point
  11. Steveocee

    Afuk Meet up 3.0

    @Robert James I am defo up for coming down to this. Let me check/confirm with a buddy who may be interested as well and will PM you 👍
    1 point
  12. Shamal


    Haha well look at picasso,messy painter or what.then of course the cubism and pop art crowd! Paint everywhere lol. Put up some pics👍🙂 Regards
    1 point
  13. Robert James

    Afuk Meet up 3.0

    No problem. Ive got until start of Feb for everyone to pay up.
    1 point
  14. wait, there's more to airsoft than moaning about how other people play airsoft!?!?
    1 point
  15. GAMBLE


    Hi, ALL! 👋 Decided to make this video for beginners? Those of you that have been playing for longer, feel free to have a browse and see what you think? Enjoy it for what it is!🤔👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  16. heroshark

    Gun picture thread

    My stainless tm spingers.
    1 point
  17. Skara

    Gun picture thread

    can we ban him? @admin!!!!
    1 point
  18. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Looks good, but have to say it
    1 point
  19. i'm not sure how i feel about this project. the last thing we want is for people to see a novritsch logo on a gun that actually works
    1 point
  20. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Yet another ‘itch’ that needed scratching , had a side folder ; TM AK74su and a fixed stock ; Cyma cm522 with ‘extras’ swapped and changed so decided I needed an under folder as well . So Cyma cm028s with yet more bits swapped out for and changed !
    1 point
  21. enzo47

    Gun picture thread

    semi_full auto m9 . Bulid inspired by movie léon: the professional Aps shell ejecting shotgun.....work in progress
    1 point
  22. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    Finally finished my dream 105... dream AEG inside and out - primary forever! All that metal 🥰 Well, it looks the tits 👍
    1 point
  23. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Shhh, learn to love it. AK’s love M4 stocks
    0 points
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