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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/08/20 in all areas

  1. Currently defending the honour of AFUK in the gulag at Red Alert in Newbury
    4 points
  2. @Daver - This thread exists to generate awareness within the AF-UK community regarding the price attached to certain adverts. On the whole AF-UK tends to have a lot of banter and at times it can have a very dry sense of humour, however, if an advert ends up in this thread usually it is warranted and how you choose to respond is up to you. At the moment your initial response was fairly reasonable, if somewhat final, which is perfectly fine but the follow up is typical of many responses we see from those who are either new to the forum or who take offence at the mere mention of the name here. A significant number of people who are mentioned in this thread fail to engage with it and that is entirely up to them. The two other types of people who tend to respond typically respond in one of two ways. The first way is to become defensive and, usually, abusive to some degree. The second type will either qualify their asking price (which you're by no means required to do) and/or seek feedback as to why their advert ended up being highlighted. One thing to bear in mind is that Hitman was not offensive towards you nor did he direct any criticism towards you beyond viewing your advert as "a little on the high side" which is perfectly understandable when you consider the asking price. This isn't to say that the asking price isn't justified, especially taking into consideration the Plano case costing around Β£140 by itself in the UK, but bear in mind that the general rule for airsoft guns and accessories tends to be 60% - 70% of retail, typically based on cheapest reputable retailer. Availability being the obvious caveat as a further consideration point. Finally, I'd recommend removing the batteries from the bundle and making them an optional extra. I'd also suggest doing the same for the optic and pouch. You may also want to fill in some details such as the manufacturer and model of the scope along with the manufacturer of the pouch.
    4 points
  3. Hi, ALL! πŸ‘‹ Had a Great time at High Wycombe Airsoft today, one of my first sites I started out, under new banner! πŸ€ͺ Great catching up with my friend β€œKronkyβ€œ, making new friends! πŸ‘ Also meeting @EDcase @Smiling-Dutchman and anyone else that was there apologies if not mentioned! πŸ”«πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ Look forward to going back when I next can? πŸ€” πŸ’·GAMBLEπŸ’·
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Had been considering a thermal scope for a while but ended up going for NV when an ex demo came up for sale.
    2 points
  6. MandalShArK

    Gun picture thread

    My Marui USP 9. As close as I can get it for Australian Commando spec. Detonator metal barrel. Repro surefire x300. Element repro surefire light mount. Sadly you can't fit a Jet Funnel magwell to a marui gun.
    1 point
  7. well chaps, after todays game day, i can conclude the tm mp7 gbb is a "lovelybitofkit" and "shootslikealaser", and im not 100% sold on the DMFP. also i said to myself 10 mins b4 packing up, wow ive managed to do a game day without something breaking. 10 mins later, i managed to somehow snap the little c clip that holds the mic to the headphones.
    1 point
  8. leadly

    My Vsr G-spec Build

    Had my first match at Matlock combat games yesterday. I had a really good time and I must say, my VSR and MK23 performed perfectly! Got some decent ranged kills with both. It was nice to be called over to a position to help get rid of enemy snipers who had people pinned down. Everyone was friendly and the day was well organised. Over 70 people turned up so they are going booking only from now on to keep it to 50 ish. Time to spend a few more quid on a harness for my battle belt. Although not a lot of weight on it, it was niggling my lower back a little, but that's the joys of having a slipped disc. Also purchased a cheap Β£35 shotgun for when I goto Leicester Gaol. So I'm hunting for a scabbard. Should be it kit wise for a while!
    1 point
  9. solid advice there the mistake you're making is trying to sell everything as a single package. you're selling a vector, meaning your prospective buyer is probably going to be more interested in it as a cqb gun, therefore a magnified optic like that is worthless to them. same applies for the drum mag, some folk just dont like marracca's hanging off their gun so for those people a drum is just going to be something that's either not going to get used or is hassle for them to sell on. as freefrag correctly points out if a manufacturer isn't specified and it can't be easily identified from the photos then people reasonably have to assume the worst when estimating value. for example if i were in the market for a vector and saw that ad what i'd see is a gun, some midcaps, couple of batteries in unknown condition and a bunch of stuff that will either need to be sold on again or end up permanent residents in various boxes of random airsoft bits. now you could strike lucky and find someone who just happens to want, whilst simultaneously not currently having, exactly the combination of bits your selling. but that's really narrowing your market.
    1 point
  10. It will depemd what torch. I picked up an FMA G17L holster and will be trying it out this weekend. I use a we glock 17 and have fitted a surefire x300 replica.
    1 point
  11. Tackle


    Apparently he's after an SA58, which is obviously nothing like an ak74 😜
    1 point
  12. Dear Mods, Please get rid of the search function, its clearly not used and the space on the top of the page could be better used with just a link to google.
    1 point
  13. Scutchy1984

    Gun picture thread

    My we scar L gbbr bullpup conversion. this is a Sr union scar h Bullpup kit modified to fit the L
    1 point
  14. shogunate


    Lct ak74un any good to you
    0 points
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