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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/08/14 in all areas

  1. ronin677

    Gun picture thread

    Getting there just a bi-pod now and a little cam
    5 points
  2. Take your hits and don't be a dick.
    5 points
  3. TacMaster

    Best looking gun

    Hate to be THAT guy, but the P08 was around before the Nazi party was
    4 points
  4. two_zero

    Gun picture thread

    Mags! :D just the right amount as well! enough lowcaps to fill my rig, enough mids to last a game, a few highs and 3 svd mids (lucky fit into the box as well!)
    4 points
  5. With the amount it'd cost to take your dad to civil court and sue him for the value of the guns it'd be cheaper to go to three skirmishes and buy new ones.
    4 points
  6. Russe11

    Best looking gun

    Don't rush into it. Takes a bit of work to get it working correctly, I have fixed the leaks on the mag, adjusted the firing pin spring tension to get more consistent shooting and just need to get the fill valve working better. Soo much fun to shoot though and the 15" bayonet I have for it raises a few eyebrows. I have skirmished it once, comments from my team indicate that when I did a bayonet charge, it scared the crap out of them (the actual comment was, 'we actually thought you were going to kill someone'). Still at £245 delivered, including tax and customs fees its a real bargain.
    3 points
  7. Solidfox copy of the Crye CPC for £168 shipped
    3 points
  8. Ian_Gere

    Best looking gun

    Real Sword SVD Plain wood & steel weathered for the 'trusty veteran' look. Because it has all the 'people's gun' cool of an AK but stretched out and a sniper rifle should be looooong! For pistols I'm in love with H&K P.45 Match and one of these days I will buy one, but also... Yarygin MP-443 "Grach" It's like a P226 for people with big hands
    2 points
  9. such sniper! much cosplay! wow!! edit: should have put the krink as 2nd.. oh well.. next time!
    2 points
  10. At 290FPS you should use 0.2g BB's. Basically 0.25's don't give you any advantage until around 345FPS-ish (with 0.2's) - heavier than that should be left for DMR's and BASR's (Bolt Action Sniper Rifles).
    2 points
  11. Ian_Gere


    The thing about buying 'pre-upgraded' guns is, are they the upgrades you would choose? Admittedly I've been out of the loop for a while, but a couple of months ago G&G MOSFET's still had a major question mark hanging over them, as in they were burning out. IIRC they couldn't handle LiPo's over 20C. Now for sure an average 11.1V 20C LiPo is better than even a VP Racing 1600mAh 9.6V NiMh, but a Turnigy Nano Tech LiPo isn't significantly more expensive than an average LiPo and delivers far more power faster... and cooks G&G MOSFET's... And that's just the most obvious issue. You need to decide if what you get for the extra you are paying is worth it compared to what you could fit to a wombat machine for the same money. But don't forget to factor in the value of hassle... both in learning to gun tech vs sending a gun to someone else and down time due to unforeseen fuck ups.
    2 points
  12. We had one of those. I didn't like it because we don't single people out when all they're trying to do is learn, because that isn't fair. Now we don't have that thread any more. We were all new to airsoft once, we all wanted to know everything right away, and I welcome anyone who is so enthusiastic that their thirst for knowledge is literally bursting out and they're owning up to their ignorance and asking questions instead of just bumbling along, people like that are the future of our sport and often turn out to be formidable opponents. To stop being classed as a noob, you have to show respect to other noobs who are trying to learn the things you probably didn't know yourself once upon a time, and you have to accept that when someone is asking their quick questions and is looking for simple answers, in my Quick Questions & Simple Answers thread, they have every right to do so, only then, grasshopper, are no longer a noob. Thread cleaned.
    2 points
  13. Monty

    Gun picture thread

    I've got 18 M4 mags, but my rig only holds 12 mags.. liek dis if u cri evr tim
    2 points
  14. A hundred quid? Are you using faberge eggs as grenades?
    2 points
  15. Yet another mag for my ASG MK23 Socom @ £26.99 with free postage. I swear this thing is turning into my primary weapon since I use it so much. Since the fixed hop is great for .3g BBs, I may look at putting in a new inner barrel, adding a scope rail and turning it into a Designated Marksman Pistol like I saw someone do on a different forum haha
    2 points
  16. don't take the game too serious - it is just that a game very likely you will go negative K/D - big deal, I'd rather go neg & have fun than go pos & be unhappy coz 1 guy never took his hit or 8itch about unfair decision or lost round - ffs it is just a game of pretend soldiers really call your hits - if people don't play fair or at least try to play fair the whole thing falls apart, somtimes rebounds or ricochets can count as hits - so ensure you listen to the briefing in the morning from main marshals. Also pay attention when they explain rules/objectives of each game often things change eg: this round you can use full auto but only if xx ft from enemy - you miss this and you get bollocked or get owned coz you was still on semi when you could of been on auto etc..... so listen to marshals - and ya team too safety - do take seriously - your own & other players safety is paramount unless you can afford to lose teeth/eye etc.... cqb is very different to woodland and they know you are coming so will be dug in expect to get shot a number of times as you/team try to breach - check corners taking nothing for granted - when you look - peek quickly with as little possible exposed - watch the reg/pro's - talk to them, and listen to them..... above all have fun & stay safe, don't get stressed - even if some bell end winds you up, it is just a GAME so enjoy yourself
    2 points
  17. I bought a kriss vector because I'm besotted with the look of them. The mechanics of the recoil system in the real gun is what grabbed me, the first I'd seen and whilst researching I came across an airsoft KWA version. This is how I found out about airsoft. From that moment on I wanted to try airsoft and all I wanted was a vector. Now i skirmish regular with my vector causing absolute mayhem with it.
    2 points
  18. Thealebear

    Best looking gun

    I know you all think that like your wife/girlfriend your gun is the best looking.So you can pick any gun you want and also any different camo also if you want. Structure it like this: The gun model name Any camo or not Reason Mine would be G&G F200 Tan I generally like bulpups and the f2000 is different and also has a awesome handle
    1 point
  19. It sounds quite loud actually. I've had ppl whom I couldn't see put their hands up and come out from behind bushes when I fired a couple of probing shots towards them... I can only guess they shat themselves and didn't want to risk being hit by it lol! I use any old 12g bulbs (most of mine are either Crossman or Umarex, but a few have no markings on them) - 3 times i've spotted deals too good to miss and i got about 15 when I bought some Thunder B grenades 2nd hand also. Just bear in mind that brand new they fire at around 370FPS or just over 1st shot and drop a few each time in successive shots down to about 355 which is the minimum you get until the bulb needs changing, so even if a site allows CO2 guns, these will be too hot for most. It only took a few months of plinking before the 1st shot was consistently under 370FPS though, so I could use it @Skirmish Mansfield as a sidearm. There are a few woodland sites which allow up to 370 and some, like GZ, which allow any semi-auto gun to fire up to 425 without a MED. Oh yeah, if you fire say 5 shots, it's not long before the 1st of another volley will be back at 370+FPS - less than 5mins.
    1 point
  20. team flex


    I do have a crappy chinese one, but I don't use it for skirmishing. I use mesh goggles and a half face mask, but I am going to upgrade to ESS advance V12 I reckon. Not sure as I have never seen them but maybe this would work with your boogie regulators http://ant-supplies.co.uk/Pages/FullFaceMeshAirsoftMasks.aspx I have no real clue on battle belts so you should probably ask someone else
    1 point
  21. They are more accurate, because it takes more wind to deflect them from their trajectory, but as you rightly said, if your target can see them coming and step out of the way, it doesn't matter how accurate they are. BTW, "FPS isn't everything" is a saying you will see a lot. Well, trust me on this, when it comes to getting hits in the field, FPS may not be everything, but it is far more important than most other gun-related factors. Of course you also need a decent hop up set up, but we do not live in some kind of nightmare scenario where you must choose between good hop or good FPS - your aim should be to have both. If your hop unit gives good accuracy and range at 290FPS, you will keep the accuracy and get better range at 330FPS, and more still at 345FPS.
    1 point
  22. Something I learned to do is to turn the hop off completely before changing inner barrels. The nub can be displaced by the hop window's edge as it pulls along it.
    1 point
  23. 1x clone G&G HI CAP 450 rds. 1x 3000 .25 bbs devil blasters. 1x fosco 400ml flat black paint. Hopefully tomorrow a tactical vest, I'm excited. around £70 spent, which is a bit of what I was saving up back to square one
    1 point
  24. BrightCandle


    All that says is that G&G has quality control issues and someone could still get a good gun or a bad one. That in itself is one of the major complaints people throw at WE so its not like its OK that I have received two lemons, it just goes to show G&G has problems still.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. team flex

    Questions about the law

    and why would you sue your dad. I kinda hope you were joking, I would look at it like he as doing you a favour, you were probably never going to get them back, its the police for gods sake they can pretty much do as they please (and cover it up if they have to, although I doubt anything like that would happen in the scenario)
    1 point
  27. 2nd Hand Motorola XTR446
    1 point
  28. team flex


    This would be my loadout if I were in your position Primary: t4-18 gen 2 seondary- depends, if you have money maybe a WE glock or a TM of some sort, but leave this till last. Gear: issue multicam/woodland kit inc top, trousers. Buy boots off of cadette direct or some place like that. RIG/PC: TMC/EMERSON JPC, and buy a few mag pouches, and maybe a bigger pouch for other things to carry around. Accesories: Plenty of heavier bbs, maybe a red dot, probably some mid caps, ( i think you get 1hi cap, that will be fine with some mid caps, will last you to lunch) say the mid caps are 150 rounds, then 3 of them means you have 900 rounds fully loaded and only need 1 mag pouch when you load the gun with a mag. SPEND A DECENT AMOUNT ON GOOD FACE PROTECTION, you can't replace your eyes £30+^^^ If you decide you want to play indoors maybe a torch/flashlight ? that would be what I would do, I have probably forgotten something, so I will edit it in if I have
    1 point
  29. two_zero

    Gun picture thread

    go mp5. my vest was designed for m4 I think.. held 18 mp5 mags eh......
    1 point
  30. chrisbirley


    i was in the same boat as you, looking round and deciding what i wanted. in my case i did my 3 times in 2 months, and then purchased once my UKARA had come through. i had the same dilemma with regards to guns - should i buy a cheaper gun to start with and then look at upgrading when i got confident/ wanted a higher spec gun. the problem that i can foresee with the CMs is that they are not metal bodies - i know this is not a major point for everyone, and some poeple will say that metal bodies arent always as strong and are heavier etc, but to each their own. the other decision was that Top Tech machines have upgrades already done to them - tight bore barrel, high torque motors, enhanced wiring and some have mosfets fitted to allow for 11.1V lipo. all of these were things that i would have looked at doing at some point during my ownership, if not almost immediately, so i figured that i would just go for the TR4-18 gen3 straight off. im still yet to properly play with mine having had a few issues, but G&G have been excellent, and i should be putting a few thousand BBs through it shortly getting it going. the biggest problem that i have found so far, is that once you have got your gun, you start looking on the forum classifieds for extras that you can add to your gun or your kit - ive already started looking at an under slung grenade launcher, as well as scopes, helmets etc etc - trying to curb the spending is a struggle
    1 point
  31. You can use it as a pistol because it's that light weight, lol. You'll be fine.
    1 point
  32. Either way it's a brilliant bit of kit feels good shoots like a dream and damn accurate!
    1 point
  33. Aks74u With a rail, em the ones which use the libra mount, and a cmore Plain wood and metal. Absolute tank That's all
    1 point
  34. Another one for you
    1 point
  35. 25 flash bangs 15 high emission smokes 15 mk3 remote dets 12 thunder b trip mine shells Element scout torch Contour lens protector NATO patches First aid packs 16gb micro SD card (for contour)
    1 point
  36. A combat machine is a great way to start and me also being a newbie am going to get as my first gun. CM16 raider (tan) Also another gun that alot of new people use is the G36C which is a good looking and robust gun model which is in your budget.And as already said dont get a £20 gun which feeds from the scope. Because you will get oblitterated at skirmishs!
    1 point
  37. Ian_Gere

    First Aid

    My mum taught me to do sutures by practising on orange peel (she was a senior nurse before she retired)!
    1 point
  38. Ambient Temp dependent. A Colemans Propane Bottle will do roughly - 30 on GHK G5 Mags 35 on Prowin V2's 20-30 on WE M4 Mags 35-40 on WE SMG8 Mags 30-40 on G&P PMags 20-25 KWA Vector Mags A WE Green Gas will do roughly - 15 - G5 15-20 - Prowin 10-15 WE M4 Mags 15 - SMG8 Mags 20 - PMags ~10 - Vectors These are all taken from practice, Propane, even with colemans tanks works out a helluva lot cheaper. However, quite a few sites near me for example, have blanket bans on Propane for BS reasons (basically to sell their own stock at exorbitant prices) The other thing you've got to factor in, with mags with exceptionally long gas times (cough, vector) the WE Green fill tip actually freezes shut, rendering the can unusable, where as using the AI propane adapter, negates the problem as its made from polymer rather than metal. Oh and the Madbull adapter, steer well clear of, its junk.
    1 point
  39. the lee enfield is by far the prettiest rifle out there. my founding regiment were the first to use it in british services and the "15" bayonet" is refered to as a sword
    1 point
  40. No they're hosting the bingo world championship next April
    1 point
  41. Are North Korea starting a bowls team or something?
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. two_zero

    Best looking gun

    AIMS AMD 65
    1 point
  44. DEDSEC

    Best looking gun

    The PKM, pure Russian 7.62mm glory.
    1 point
  45. Happy

    Best looking gun

    Any metal/wood AK47 Classic metal/wood Because it's just sexy, especially when the wood has been well oiled/maintained. I'm guessing this is based on looks?
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Wouldn't recommend you buy anything from a bbguns website! It's literally like the first thing everyone will tell you. I wouldn't trust what they write about the guns either, for example justbbguns said that a gun had a metal gearbox but it literally had one metal gear and everything else in it was cheap, bad quality plastic (UnrustleThineJimmies did a review of it I believe). I don't know how good HFC are. I have heard bad things about Crosman because a lot of their cheap guns are sold in the US at places like Walmart. Probably wouldn't last too long. Some of SRCs guns are good (heard the G36s are) but a lot of them are bad so I would not recommend their pistols. I suppose if you're only wanting something to mess around with in the garden, the 'bbguns' stores would be okay. Since a lot of the proper airsoft retailers don't stock those guns. I would not buy anything else from them though as it is usually overpriced and the customer service is bad and so on. That said I would recommend you saved up and invested in a rifle like the G&G Combat Machine because they can last you a long time (even stock / out of the box the quality is very good for a cheaper airsoft gun) and you can upgrade them externally as well as internally if you want to upgrade performance or fix anything in the future. Available from Pro Airsoft Supplies with a transparent stock and receiver (so it's VCRA-compliant, no defence needed + looks much better than a bright colour) for £100. Add £20-£40 max for battery and charger. If you wanted to go to a skirmish at some point, the pistols wouldn't really cut it and you'd find yourself at a disadvantage with less range / accuracy / ammo capacity and so on. TaiwanGun and Gunfire (both Polish) are great (I used TaiwanGun myself) but unfortunately no they won't two-tone your guns. Finally, C02 is more expensive and more powerful (so it may shoot too hot -over 350FPS- and not be allowed at a skirmish site) but the advantages are that it is affected less by the cold compared to green gas. Hope this has helped and welcome to the forum!
    1 point
  48. Nutster

    Gun picture thread

    New 16" c8 built from spares (plus m727 upper)
    1 point
  49. Yes, you do hate him.
    1 point
  50. jcheeseright

    Gun picture thread

    so what you're saying is that if someone draws an anime poster of a character holding a particular type of gun... you'll be more inclined to want to buy it? DO NOT EVER GO TO JAPAN, YOU WILL SPEND ALL THE MONEY YOU HAVE EVER HAD AND EVER WILL HAVE ON RUBBISH.
    1 point
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