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Questionable politics and airsofters


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also @Ebeneezer Goode
its good to know your family history.   i am still trying to research my family history beyond WW2,  and i regret not beginning my research earlier, before my grandfather began to suffer from dementia.

my great uncle was one of the troops who came across Belsen at the end of the war, and my great grandfather was on submarines in the Mediterranean.  in fact the wreck of his submarine was just discovered this week off the coast of greece,  so i would have a valid reason to be offended by ww2 german uniforms,  but as long as you arent spouting lines, i have no issue with them

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5 minutes ago, Spartan09 said:

its good to know your family history.


We have my nan's life recorded in pretty good detail - including some grim stories from when she was an ARP warden.  My Uncle was a Pathfinder, and another Uncle was nominated in dispatches for an expedition in Burma.  I'm embarrassed that I don't know more details.  I do remember seeing a picture of him in the field and thinking "I wouldn't fuck with that guy".  I'm going to get the links my dad found on it.

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2 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

Frankly I'm more worried about stolen valour than I am offending various political sympathies.  I might draw the line at SS and Nazi stuff, but I am not aware enough of the various military insignia to notice or be otherwise informed enough to be offended.



agreed.  but as long as you dont go all walter mitty, then i dont see an issue with accurate patches

i have got replica unit insignia on my WW1 loadout simply to make it a bit different than a plain tunic and trousers,  and my regular modern UBACS has royal marine patches on the sleeve (they were on the shirt when i bought it) but i would never dare claim to be part of those units. 

and while i have no issue with anyone else wearing ww2 german kit of any flavour, i personally would never wear such kit myself

1 minute ago, Dan Robinson said:

I'm going to get the links my dad found on it.

sounds good,  though maybe we should create a seperate chat to discuss, so as not to derail this chat too much


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13 minutes ago, Spartan09 said:

sounds good,  though maybe we should create a seperate chat to discuss, so as not to derail this chat too much

Agreed 👍


\was watching some videos this afternoon of some veterans visiting old battlefields and saying we should remember those that fell over those that lived.



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1 hour ago, Pupa2794 said:



It's not that far fetched an idea, they've run stories at events moaning people were dressed as terrorists. That's people in jeans, a shirt and a shemagh with an ak. 



I’ve not seen stories just referring to ‘dressing as terrorists’


I have seen stories of terrorists that have played airsoft / paintball and the slant has been that it was ‘terrorist training/practice’ 


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1 hour ago, Tommikka said:

I’ve not seen stories just referring to ‘dressing as terrorists

A few years ago there was a site which was using shemaghs for team ID and one of the the shitrag papers (either the scum or the daily heil)got hold of photos. They claimed that players were cosplaying terrorists. I'll post links if I can find them

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51 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

You called?


I have an absolute raft of Russian gear, ranging from Soviet M68 to Afghan all the way through to modern Russian stuff.  I was also in a Modern Russian Airsoft team 'The Bolsheviks' - this was all pre Ukraine mind.  Not one bit of it has seen the light of day since the invasion.  The people that wear this sort of stuff in times like this are deserving of every bit of derision.  


Though equally, when do we draw the line? I saw someone in a 1980s RUC kit on the internet, which personally as an Irishman I find kind edgy.  I wouldn't even dream of wearing anything Nazi related not similarly would I turn up in a camo jacket, armalite and balaclava pretending to be in the IRA....its about respect at the end of the day.


Historically themed kit should, in my opinion be the preserve of historically themed games, where it can be taken in its proper context.....now wheres me petrol bomb?

Plus this country now has a sizeable Eastern European/Ukrainian presence which would find it distasteful...don't be a cunt at the end of the day...

Now that would be almost funny, swaggering cuntchops turns up at his local site sporting his controversial patches, coupla visiting Ukrainians give him a "lesson" in humility🤣

I'm usually the kinda guy that intervenes when shit kicks off, but I think that would definitely be a "stand back & eat popcorn" moment lol😏

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39 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Now that would be almost funny, swaggering cuntchops turns up at his local site sporting his controversial patches, coupla visiting Ukrainians give him a "lesson" in humility🤣

I'm usually the kinda guy that intervenes when shit kicks off, but I think that would definitely be a "stand back & eat popcorn" moment lol😏


I am definitely on the side of personal choice, wear what you like taking into account your feelings and personal opinions...


But people making those choices have to personally take responsibility for their actions, own it and face any potential consequences. 


Also it makes it far easier to work out who the steaming piles of excrement are if they are public about it.

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Everyone at airsoft is usually a bit weird in one way or the other. I wouldn't ever take anything they say serious and I don't think sites should ever get involved in banning people for being stupid as long as they don't harass or threaten anyone. Wearing a Z patch anywhere in the UK is asking for trouble asking for a beating really. Its all our jobs to be mature adults and resolve disagreements through talking and with words. You can tell the type of people who spend too much time on the internet and probably have a mental disability and obviously we should try to not get too angry at them for being stupid AF. Airsoft is a cool sport and a lot of edgy internet individuals think its real war and have strong beliefs on issues they don't even understand. If I saw a guy wearing a Z patch I would probably ask him why he is wearing it, explain how insensitive that is to wear considering current events and then walk away. Its just as stupid as when you see grown adults getting angry at kids for not taking their hits and screaming, or people arguing over the game. Play the game, have fun and if you don't like something you see have a polite conversation and if its a real issue speak to a marshal.


The German uniform crowd are usually internet edgelords who root for the bad guys because they thinks its cool. Not as bad as wearing a Z patch but still very weird. Airsoft is full of weirdos I can be weird sometimes too lol.

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1 hour ago, Asomodai said:


I am definitely on the side of personal choice, wear what you like taking into account your feelings and personal opinions...


But people making those choices have to personally take responsibility for their actions, own it and face any potential consequences. 


Also it makes it far easier to work out who the steaming piles of excrement are if they are public about it.

Definitely, within reason, but for example, & mention this as I know of your previous connections to northern Cyprus, in the south Airsoft is technically illegal, games are usually arranged on private forums & at private property via invite only, & the plod turn a blind eye unless they receive complaints, which is rare. 

Anyway, imagine turning up at your first game invite in full Turkish army loadout, given the islands history you'd probably be swinging from an olive tree by lunchtime. 

That's not to say the Greek Cypriot guys are overly aggressive or patriotic, but some things wouldn't be ignored. 

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All this talk of ww2 german uniforms has reminded me of something I overheard at a game last month. There was a someone playing in a vague attempt at a ww2 German loadout with a swastika on his helmet and double lightning bolt patches on his collar. While I thought it was a a bit silly, its what some other kid said that made me think WTF? While stood around waiting for the game briefing he called it a loadout of the bad guys from Call of Duty*. All I could think what are kids being taught in schools these days that they don't recognise symbols of a regime guilty of one of the worst acts of genocide in the past 100 years?


*I'm paraphrasing here as he sounded like someone had ordered Ali G from wish.com

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My take is that the generic uniform (German WWII, EMR generic Russian, PLA, etc) is totally OK and sometimes even neat to see. Its a nice break from the horde of Multicam. More specialist kit - SS WWII for instance - may be in a bit of bad taste in a random weekend skirmish-type game. Reenacting specific groups/units (Wagner, SS, Unit 731 (yes, I've seen 731 patches worn by one guy before)) should absolutely not come into play at all outside of maybe *very specific* events. Is it a WWII event? Then maybe. Are we specifically at a NATO vs WARSAW? Then maybe. But I also find people to hate on others simply because of the base uniform they're wearing to be very poor taste as well. I have a bit of a habit of collecting different camo patterns and kits. Of the "bad guy" kits I have I can do a pretty decent SA guerrilla, ME insurgent, Soviet, 90s, and 2010s Russian kits, 2021 PLA, Mexican cartel, and I can probably mix and match different pieces to match a few other seen "bad guy" guerrilla forces should the desire arise. Now I admittedly dont wear most of them out unless its for a themed MilSim (where the insurgent and cartel kits came from), and ive only worn the PLA kit once since its pretty new, but I find the idea of specifically "hunting" people who are dressing up (purely dressing up - if theyre spouting off antisemitic lines or whatever then treat them like the dicks they are) in something other than the local flavor of tree to be a dick move as well.

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Whilst I dont care what patches someone wears, again I'd apply good taste and considering what's going on right now, having Zs on your shoulders or brain bucket is probably not the cleverest thing to do is it.


As for spreading as the title puts it "questionable politics", I.e. the complete and utter spanner referenced in @Rogerborg's post above, I think we'd all agree that we want none of that shit anywhere near Airsoft.


Eezer G

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1 hour ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

We did have to have a chat with a lad that turned up to play in a Celtic Football Club tracksuit once.


Er, why?

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5 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

It was supposed to be a funny 😁


Well, there goes my "Why you take footie so seriously, bro?" rant. :P 

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51 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

I was brought up on his humour.

Met him once when he was filming a scene for a film he was doing in the late 90’s

”The Debt Collector”

He was in character, and was incredibly intimidating at the time, then after I got a chat with him for a few seconds. A naturally funny man, with incredible charisma!

He was told by one of my Gaffers that he couldn’t smoke his cigar in the building, so he chucked it out the door to the car park, as soon as the coast was clear I rescued it and gave it to my dad, who then whittled a little stand for it and put it on display in his living room cabinet 🙄 

My dad is a massive fan of Billy’s

Anyway, sorry to threadjack

Im away back to scouring the classifieds 

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