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NAF 22

Merchant Lord

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NAF 22 is now only a stone throw away. We are very excited about this year the numbers are incredible (3000+).

I know the gameplay can be a bit nutty but come on 3000 players for a weekend of tearing up the battlefield. What better way to spend a weekend then with likeminded individuals in a field surrounded by weapons, Alcohol and FOOD. Sounds a little like heaven to me but everyone to themselves.

Myself and co-captain will be representing our squad over the weekend (Heavy Herb Hitters) keep an eye out for our flag or patches!

We love to socialise and play so please approach us for a drink or smoke over the weekend.

If you are wanting to attend this year but you are struggling to get a team together or you are a solo player looking for a safe space to enjoy your weekend please don't hesitate in dropping me a mail we would be honoured to have you with us.

Team Delta


Is anybody else attending?

If so what teams are you on?

How do you rate the venue?

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I'll be there. Hope to get a spot in the loud area along the main drag into the game zone, so I should hopefully be easy to find for everybody. See you there 🙂.

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I'll be there as part of the mighty team Saustrich with our fearsome arsenal of all things 10/22. We're on Delta, what are you guys booked onto?



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Remember it being about 4000 one year that was a bit much glad they capped it. I haven't played the last couple of times I attended but will be this time, 3000 should be ok. Always others.

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15 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:


I'm sure you just go for the velcro patches....😜

Well funny you should say that cause zero one always have loads of help yourself baskets with patches and other tat. Lol 

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3 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:

3000 players at GZ? Yeh...nope.


That is just going to be a shit show.


I would rather a play a day with 30 honest, decent, objective-playing people with a decent scenario than 3000 half-pissed (and some half-stoned) folk lighting up anything that moves on the Somerley Estate.


Quantity =/= Quality

My thoughts exactly!


Busiest day I've had at GZ was just over 200 players and it was pump. Give me a day of limited numbers, with no drum mag, 50 rd a second dickheads who've grandslammed themselves from the night before, and I'd be there. As it is, I'll give it a swerve.


Having said all that, I do get the social aspect and have chatted to quite a few players over the years who have ventured into Ringwood for a beer. 

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4 minutes ago, C-Diddy said:

Busiest day I've had at GZ was just over 200 players and it was pump.


TBH I don't think I'll ever play at GZ again. Nothing against the staff/management - I just don't like playing it as a venue anymore now I've sampled some of UCAP's offerings, along with the likes of Ironsight and Spec Ops Blox all within an hours drive.




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54 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:


TBH I don't think I'll ever play at GZ again. Nothing against the staff/management - I just don't like playing it as a venue anymore now I've sampled some of UCAP's offerings, along with the likes of Ironsight and Spec Ops Blox all within an hours drive.




I'll go occasionally as it's literally a five minute drive. However, as I now have more opportunity to play, going further afield for a better experience is definitely on the agenda, so any recommendations gratefully received. 

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Giving it a miss this year, gone fore the past 4 years and last year was possibly the worst sportsmanship I've ever seen. My theory is that its all the Deltas moving onto Others because we keep kicking their ass and sucking the fun out of it :P Will probably be back next year, maybe. Its just starting to feel not fun, spending half an hour lost in the woods, only for some HPA drum mag to arc 200bbs onto you from the bush theyve been lying in waiting for someone to walk past.

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15 hours ago, Alimcd said:

I'll be there as part of the mighty team Saustrich with our fearsome arsenal of all things 10/22. We're on Delta, what are you guys booked onto?



Good to hear we are also Delta! HeroShark we will keep an eye out for you!

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I get/understand the Negative feedback from NAF as it is certainly a reoccurring theme. To be fair we don't go for a serious Skirmish we do that every other week at various sites around the South. Its an Airsoft Festival and that's the mentality we try to adapt for it. So good times, Brotherhood, Meeting new people, occasional drinking game and untold amount of Red Meat. But i fully understand the frustration of Bottlenecks and occasional carnage idiots.

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13 minutes ago, Merchant Lord said:

I get/understand the Negative feedback from NAF as it is certainly a reoccurring theme. To be fair we don't go for a serious Skirmish we do that every other week at various sites around the South. Its an Airsoft Festival and that's the mentality we try to adapt for it. So good times, Brotherhood, Meeting new people, occasional drinking game and untold amount of Red Meat. But i fully understand the frustration of Bottlenecks and occasional carnage idiots.


That's the problem for me. I don't want to socialise. I don't want to hear some half-cut kiddies Airsoft 'war' story or be lectured on the why their gun/equipment/upgrade is 'am bestest eva' over a camp fire.


I don't drink, so watching other people getting shitfaced doesn't appeal. And I would bet money that some cockwomble will be letting pyro off at some point in the early hours for shits and giggles.


So for me it would be all about actually playing, which frankly is a bit shit on a good day at GZ.


But if it's your thing - cool beans. Have a great time.

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7 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:


That's the problem for me. I don't want to socialise. I don't want to hear some half-cut kiddies Airsoft 'war' story or be lectured on the why their gun/equipment/upgrade is 'am bestest eva' over a camp fire.


I don't drink, so watching other people getting shitfaced doesn't appeal. And I would bet money that some cockwomble will be letting pyro off at some point in the early hours for shits and giggles.


So for me it would be all about actually playing, which frankly is a bit shit on a good day at GZ.


But if it's your thing - cool beans. Have a great time.

That is almost exactly the same as my rationale for not going; to be honest, I can think of few things worse, except any festival involving hippies.

Which is worrying as I am doing projections and lights at one in September that my band is playing at.

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8 hours ago, clumpyedge said:

I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than go to NAE ever again 😂

Couldn't have put it better myself. 

Over £100 for mediocre at best games with fuck loads of cheating,  combined with a large number of dickhead kids in the safezone (which didn't seem that safe to me) means I won't be going back

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8 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:


That's the problem for me. I don't want to socialise. I don't want to hear some half-cut kiddies Airsoft 'war' story or be lectured on the why their gun/equipment/upgrade is 'am bestest eva' over a camp fire.


I don't drink, so watching other people getting shitfaced doesn't appeal. And I would bet money that some cockwomble will be letting pyro off at some point in the early hours for shits and giggles.


So for me it would be all about actually playing, which frankly is a bit shit on a good day at GZ.


But if it's your thing - cool beans. Have a great time.

WoW and I thought I was the grumpy my fellow man hating one ? 😉 😂😂

I do see where your coming from , I’ve always gone with my best mate and others have come and gone as well , we go just to try and decompress a bit as we both Have very high stress jobs . We make a point too keep away from the ‘ninja warriors , Gods of war and the crotch goblins with their “my bbgunzuk gun am bestest !” or trying(and failing)to regale me with their exploits of daring do that day but I do enjoy a beer or two and a general chat with the players I can see are on the same wavelength as us .
I always head for the back of the ‘quiet’ field my self , far too old for all that noise ! 😱 but no we’re not going this year , I think 3000 too many plus I’m still a bit cautious around very large gatherings due to the Covid risk .

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12 hours ago, Speedbird_666 said:


So for me it would be all about actually playing, which frankly is a bit shit on a good day at GZ.

Amen 100%, I've camped, done 72hr pure milsims, various other crap, often in the worst conditions, all on the understanding that the gameplay & organisation will be top notch, anything less & I'm not interested. 

Hence why in all the years I've been playing, never even considered doing the naf, it's reputation precedes it, bit like most AI500's lol. 

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It's the old marmite debate in a different format. I like both. 🙂

I didn't know that about the player pack. 👍




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16 hours ago, colinjallen said:

any festival involving hippies


On 16/08/2022 at 14:31, Merchant Lord said:

Heavy Herb Hitters


Yeah, but no.  I have no moral axe to grind, I'd just prefer that you took up fishing or rambling if you're predominantly interested in finding somewhere to spliff up.


Interesting that NAF make no mention of playing under the influence (of anything), or make any pretence that it's a legal-substances-only event.  Actually a smart move from a duty-of-care point of view.  It does amuse me when sites declare a "zero tolerance policy", then exhibit zero ability to smell what's wafting in from the car park.

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