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2 hours ago, clumpyedge said:

Me personally - I don't have any issues with people filming whatever they want (providing its within the limits of the site - MOD rules etc) however when it comes to editing videos to make people out to be something they're not that's when I have an issue. Its quite easy to put hit markers over videos where you cant quite make out (because of various factors) if someone has been hit or not and then calling that person a cheater is bullshit. Secondly mocking some poor person by absolutely pulverizing them all for the internet kudos and laughs (AIRSOFT PRO ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS KID WITH BRIGHT GREEN GUN) is also bullshit and in my opinion and not only shows people the wrong way to play (and then encouraging others to play that way) but also shows absolute lack of moral compass


This. 100%.



and all for what, being famous on the webs for playing airsoft?


Nope, for money. Views = ad revenue. Licking Wankstain did a livestream interview where he was quite open about why he makes his videos the way he does and purely and simply it's because they make him more money that way. He's not there because he likes airsoft, he's there because he like the notoriety and because it makes him money. At least, until the videos get demonetised.

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40 minutes ago, Lozart said:

Nope, for money. Views = ad revenue. Licking Wankstain did a livestream interview where he was quite open about why he makes his videos the way he does and purely and simply it's because they make him more money that way. He's not there because he likes airsoft, he's there because he like the notoriety and because it makes him money. At least, until the videos get demonetised.


Money yes, but there is still a massive amount of narcissism mixed in for good measure. That and a combination of what @Rogerborg mentioned as well.

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36 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:


Money yes, but there is still a massive amount of narcissism mixed in for good measure. That and a combination of what @Rogerborg mentioned as well.


I'm pretty sure he started his channel for the narcissism aspect along with all his peers like THG, Names Nicco etc but he definitely caught on to the style of videos that people were engaging with and saw a revenue stream from it. Everything I've seen from him does seem to mark him out as a massive wankspangle though.

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Just now, Lozart said:


I'm pretty sure he started his channel for the narcissism aspect along with all his peers like THG, Names Nicco etc but he definitely caught on to the style of videos that people were engaging with and saw a revenue stream from it. Everything I've seen from him does seem to mark him out as a massive wankspangle though.


i dunno, his earlier videos aren't particularly egregious, but you can very definately see the transition as the first natural cheater encounter goes viral and moving further down the rabbit hole of keeping up the clickbait.


needless to say there's not enough natural drama in many places so he ends up having to manufacture his own, which is where the site bans start.

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6 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


i dunno, his earlier videos aren't particularly egregious, but you can very definately see the transition as the first natural cheater encounter goes viral and moving further down the rabbit hole of keeping up the clickbait.


needless to say there's not enough natural drama in many places so he ends up having to manufacture his own, which is where the site bans start.


From what I gather, sites are also banning if they are of the same company or they are on friendly terms with another site (I do know for a fact that a small number of sites speak to each other about various issues, and why not they are all in the same business and working together does have its advantages in some aspects). Not really all that different from my time working in pubs, if one local banned someone chances are the rest would ban you based on the behavior in previous pubs even before you've set foot through the door. I guess the onus then lays with that site in particular who are well within their rights to refuse service to any potential customer on whatever grounds they see fit.

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17 hours ago, Unreal Warfare said:

Outdoor. It was the first time I’d gone and they’d openly stated it during the rules brief mind. They’d never stated it the times I’d gone before.


Also depends on who is marshalling on the day. There is one guy I can think of who'd see you had a camera and purposefully chirp a rule about not recording, there's another - maybe 2 who would ask the group as a whole.

I play a lot at the indoor and have never been asked and it's never been mentioned, in fact I get asked to try and catch their own players lol

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16 hours ago, Steveocee said:


Also depends on who is marshalling on the day. There is one guy I can think of who'd see you had a camera and purposefully chirp a rule about not recording, there's another - maybe 2 who would ask the group as a whole.

I play a lot at the indoor and have never been asked and it's never been mentioned, in fact I get asked to try and catch their own players lol

Always been the same marshal giving the rules brief. Don’t know his name though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Early KM videos were okay, but as its gone along, he's become obsessed with being a bit of a drama queen and trying to create issues. I've not yet met him at Phoenix, but I think from playing there a few times, I can gather why he goes there.

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12 hours ago, Mad dog 49 said:

I've not yet met him at Phoenix, but I think from playing there a few times, I can gather why he goes there

Why's that? If the site allow or encourage his type of bullshit then it sounds like one to avoid

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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoy his videos!


I'm probably creating a rod for my own back being new here and hearing the general opinion of him but each to their own.


Perhaps my opinion will change as I get more personal experience or if I take a hit from him some day but I doubt it.


It's YouTube, pinch of salt, purely entertainment, looks like loads of drama but it's edited from many hours of footage and everyone can follow who they want and receive similar suggestions from the algorithms.


I bet some of the people who hate him are actively paying him by watching his videos so let that be an incentive to tune out and pay him no mind and you'll likely forget about him till you come across him in the field. Bad press is good press, stop feeding your monsters.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


It's real life for his victims.


and those of the folk who follow his example


which imo is the bigger issue, setting a bad precedent for folk who otherwise have no reference frame for how to approach the sport.

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On 19/08/2022 at 09:56, Cannonfodder said:

Why's that? If the site allow or encourage his type of bullshit then it sounds like one to avoid

Phoenix Airsoft is a fucking shit site anyway with a decidely shit player base (went once never again) and given KM lives in Essex and its outside Nottingham shows you how far he has to travel now to play

3 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:

I enjoy his videos!


I'm probably creating a rod for my own back being new here and hearing the general opinion of him but each to their own.


Perhaps my opinion will change as I get more personal experience or if I take a hit from him some day but I doubt it.


It's YouTube, pinch of salt, purely entertainment, looks like loads of drama but it's edited from many hours of footage and everyone can follow who they want and receive similar suggestions from the algorithms.


I bet some of the people who hate him are actively paying him by watching his videos so let that be an incentive to tune out and pay him no mind and you'll likely forget about him till you come across him in the field. Bad press is good press, stop feeding your monsters.

Nevermind his airsoft cheating and antics, go look up the row over his rather racist views he published on Twitter.  Utterly odious little man

Edited by EvilMonkee
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2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

and no I don't watch anything of his

I'm sure if you did watch it you would still form the same opinion however not having watched how does one come to form an opinion of their own?


2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


It's real life for his victims.


Agreed but when I watch his vids I see many people taking their hits like any other hit from anyone else and their hardware, I see some people complaining and I see others not taking their hits and willing to take five or six more before they acknowledge them so it's hard to say whether the complainers are just complaining or whether their gripe is legit since so many others just crack on with the game sometimes even with compliments.


54 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


and those of the folk who follow his example


which imo is the bigger issue, setting a bad precedent for folk who otherwise have no reference frame for how to approach the sport.


I see your point, at the same time though we are all responsible for ourselves and generally have a moral compass there's good people and idiots in all circles (suppose people are generally sheep though), I'm not on his chode, there's a couple vids where I differ from him in opinion like when he gets team killed and he rants a little about it, I think he should take them on the chin as he's in a ghillie and difficult to confirm team status but he always takes the hit just with a little pointless rant although seems more disappointed than angry. I'm sure there's plenty of people to guide newbies not to mention the site leaders and refs and briefings etc which should all steer them right.


1 hour ago, EvilMonkee said:

Nevermind his airsoft cheating and antics, go look up the row over his rather racist views he published on Twitter.  Utterly odious little man


Literally had to look this up, I'm in two minds on it, not dug too deep with it so don't know the timeline of it all, if you know how long ago his comments were made let me know, I like to think we are all capable of change/growth/maturity and I don't take others opinions to heart unless they intend to act on them in a violent manner.


In regards to the BLM George Floyd stuff I myself have no sympathy for George Floyd he was an animal with a massive list of criminal offences from drug dealing charges to robbery, one in particular he and his goons broke into a pregnant woman's home and robbed her, I believe she got pistol whipped and George held a gun point blank on her baby bump. Also he swallowed a load of fentanyl to try avoid another drug charge so I'm sure he didn't help himself on that day neither, if a policeman tells you to do something while he has grounds for arrest then you comply instantly.

BLM as a statement I believe in it BLM as a movement was probably a justified social movement (in America and not because of Floyd) but now the organisation is borderline terrorist and calls for a lot of crap I don't agree with personally, they are still entitled to their opinion as I am to mine though.


The Islamaphobic stuff doesn't much bother me neither, I don't agree with it (I am Muslim) but it's kinda time dependant again I guess as since 9/11 the whole world was kinda conditioned to hate us or at least be suspicious of us. The clothing stuff is nothing I haven't heard from many many comedians (Russel Howards stuff cracks me up but he does it in a respectful way kind of) and even prime ministers 😂

The nuke them comment is bad but again I've heard that shit from a lot of westerners during the war on terror, heard soldiers say the same thing, nuke the rag heads etc again it's an opinion and they been fighting against so called Muslims and losing friends to them and such so again I don't lame them or begrudge them, just is what it is.

I guess my point is people are entitled to think what they think based on their own life experiences or small mindedness whatever it is, I'm big enough to not let it affect me and pride myself on not melting every time someone differs with my opinion. I don't agree with everything with everyone including my family and friends and if I cancelled everyone who doesn't completely agree with me on all things I'd be solo in all things and a very very bitter person.


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27 minutes ago, BigBell1987 said:

Agreed but when I watch his vids I see many people taking their hits like any other hit from anyone else and their hardware, I see some people complaining and I see others not taking their hits and willing to take five or six more before they acknowledge them so it's hard to say whether the complainers are just complaining or whether their gripe is legit since so many others just crack on with the game sometimes even with compliments


even if we discount the amount of editing in the videos, there's going to be varying levels of response to a given hit from different players.


different pain responses (eg if someone's used to paintball), different experience (eg a newer player who doesn't know how much a given bb hit should or should not sting) and different encounters (eg if they mistake it for a much closer player, although in fairness that argument applies to any sniper)


31 minutes ago, BigBell1987 said:

I see your point, at the same time though we are all responsible for ourselves and generally have a moral compass there's good people and idiots in all circles (suppose people are generally sheep though), I'm not on his chode, there's a couple vids where I differ from him in opinion like when he gets team killed and he rants a little about it, I think he should take them on the chin as he's in a ghillie and difficult to confirm team status but he always takes the hit just with a little pointless rant although seems more disappointed than angry. I'm sure there's plenty of people to guide newbies not to mention the site leaders and refs and briefings etc which should all steer them right.


it is true that a-holes gonna a-hole, but we could do without our *shudder* "ambassadors" *shudder* painting a picture of airsoft as a sport that encourages some of the stuff he does.


as always we must factor in every denominator; sure if you're an experienced player with an established sense of sportsmanship then yes you could watch hyped up clickbait knowing full well it's not representative of the reality of the game, but imagine little timmy asks his mum if he can go airsofting, who then goes on the facetubes to see what the deal is only to presented with "airsoft cheetar shot in the balls with 500fps sniper rifle [super painful][instant karma] [he regretted it]"?


to put it another way, enough people are influenced by this sort of thing to keep the classifieds well stocked with whatever novritches latest product is, and those cost actual money......

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2 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

as always we must factor in every denominator; sure if you're an experienced player with an established sense of sportsmanship then yes you could watch hyped up clickbait knowing full well it's not representative of the reality of the game, but imagine little timmy asks his mum if he can go airsofting, who then goes on the facetubes to see what the deal is only to presented with "airsoft cheetar shot in the balls with 500fps sniper rifle [super painful][instant karma] [he regretted it]"?


to put it another way, enough people are influenced by this sort of thing to keep the classifieds well stocked with whatever novritches latest product is, and those cost actual money......

Ok I see your point.


Perhaps in the interest of equal representation and such their could be different teams/fields/games etc for different player types.

For example child friendly fields with super strict rules, intermediate for the sort of standard rule sets and then like Hardcore ones for people like Mustang.

Perhaps call them differently like literally separate them and have Airsoft and Airhard or hardcore Airsoft or something and make it a requirement that they label their content as such.

I don't know just trying to brain-fart solutions as I'm sure there's plenty of people who would sign a bigger waiver to play Airhardcore or whatever is settled on.

Does this sport have councils and such who can discuss and rule on things like this as oppose to all the mobrule and divisional arguments?

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The last time I was talking about this Hazel Blears was trying to steal my toys so I might be a little fuzzy but I don't think you can give consent to be shot with a firearm. 

15 minutes ago, BigBell1987 said:

Perhaps call them differently like literally separate them and have Airsoft and Airhard or hardcore Airsoft or something and make it a requirement that they label their content as such.


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9 minutes ago, Chev Chelios said:

The last time I was talking about this Hazel Blears was trying to steal my toys so I might be a little fuzzy but I don't think you can give consent to be shot with a firearm. 


Not sure I've understood you correctly but I'll reply as though I have which I may have...


I may be a little fuzzy but I didn't see the news about mass body counts from real firearm shootings at Airsoft fields and Kicking Mustang on any wanted lists. How many did he kill so far?

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Definition of a "firearm" pertaining to Airsoft https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/57A . Its all hearsay to me but from what I have read KM has shot someone multiple times with the definition of firearm according to the above legislation. I don't think we can legally play "hardball" as I said "I don't think you can consent to being shot with a firearm". 


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2 hours ago, BigBell1987 said:

I see others not taking their hits


You see him adding hit markers.  Much of the time, you can see his BBs curving off into the distance as he snarls and swears about cheaters.  This is one of the reasons why so many sites have banned him: he deliberately gives a false impression about the amount of cheating that goes on.



1 hour ago, BigBell1987 said:

Perhaps in the interest of equal representation and such their could be different teams/fields/games etc for different player types.


There are, since every site has different attitudes to marshalling, chronoing[*], head shots, power-play, overkill and such.


It's only an issue if sites aren't honest about what to expect, or when Phoenix attitudes are taken to other sites.


[*] Ouch, Phoenix allow auto fire at 1.3J, tested on 0.2g.  I guess their insurers don't know about Joule creep.

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@BigBell1987 welcome mate, but NO NO NO, no offence but it seem like every noob seems to want to reinvent the wheel (or circumnavigate the law), on paper Airsoft is almost perfect, almost, the issues/changes that need fixing are cheating in its various forms, & sites with shit staff that can't organise a piss up in a brewery, & ideally understand the physics HPA etc. 

It's not a lot to ask really, I've always said that organisers could make their own lives easier & their sites more successful if they copied the best aspects of what are considered the best sites, literally what works best. 

Everyone's a winner surely🤔

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